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Finish the Background section + Organize the

31/01/2023 Tuesday observation sheet according to L plan (search

info about L plan).
01/02/2023 Wednesday Finish writing the objectives + Significance
Chapter 1: the context of observation
02/02/2023 Thursday
(Academy + Directorate)
Chapter 1: the context of observation (Sector +
03/02/2023 Friday
Classes + Host teacher)
Chapter 1: Ss + Chapter 2: Methodology (C
04/02/2023 Saturday
Observation form + Interviews)
Chapter 2: Methodology (data collection
procedures {2 to 3 paragraphs}) + Chapter 3:
05/02/2023 Sunday
Results: teaching language skills (3 to 4
Chapter 3: use of instructional Ms (one
06/02/2023 Monday
paragraph) + C.M skills (2 to 3 paragraphs)
Chapter 3: Error correction and feedback (one
07/02/2023 Tuesday
paragraph) + T and Ss’ roles (two paragraphs)
Chapter 4: General evaluation if the C
08/02/2023 Wednesday observation form (two paragraphs) + Benefits
(one paragraphs)
Chapter 4: Challenges (one paragraph) &
09/02/2023 Thursday
Suggestions (one to two paragraphs)
Conclusion: Summary of the main contents
10/02/2023 Friday
( four to five paragraphs)
Acknowledgement + Dedication + organize the
11/02/2023 Saturday
report in general
12/02/2023 Sunday

Observational Report:

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