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Ethan Geology

Maxwell Keedouche

Chapter 4 Project

What Time You Eat vs. What Time You Go To Bed

Our data for the Statistics chapter 4 project was collected by interviewing people from

the stats class, 6th hour library class and 6th hour shop class. The data we collected

was based on What time someone eats dinner and what time someone goes to bed.

Then we found our explanatory and response variable by looking at what we were

taking data from and dinner time is the explanatory variable, and bedtime is the

response variable. The scatter plot was then made on google sheets, we put the dinner

time on the x-axis and the bed time on the y-axis. Our data had positive correlation but
the correlation was very weak. What you can draw from our data is that people who ate

dinner at a later time typically went to bed at a later time than\ students who ate dinner

earlier. The correlation coefficient (r), was found to be 0.709 this was found by entering

all the data into the calculator, this shows how close the data is to the regression line.

We then found the 𝑥, which is the average of the x variables in all the points and the 𝑦

is the average of the y variables of each point. The significance of (𝑥,𝑦) is that it always

lies on the regression line. The marginal change in our data was not changing, all the

data was too close together to make a change. The most influential points in the data is

(7,14) they change the data by raising the regression line higher. 𝑟 is .503 and

represents how well the regression line fits the data. 50% of our data is explained and

50% is unexplained; this tells us that our regression line doesn’t explain the data very

well, if we had a higher 𝑟 value then our equation could more accurately predict what

time someone goes to bed based on the time they eat dinner. There may be a lurking

variable in our data. It might be if some of the people ate dinner late but they had an

early bedtime so they couldn’t go to bed any later. Another lurking variable could be if

some ate dinner with their family at a certain time and went to bed whenever they

wanted. Interpolation would be estimating the time that a student would go to bed based

on the time that they eat dinner using the regression line. Extrapolation would be like if

you estimated the time that a student eats dinner based on the time they go to bed at.

We found that our data was different for every student but there was a correlation

between the data.

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