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Hello everyone. Today I will talk about the British Heart Foundation.

Do you have people in your

life that you care about? Do you have people in your life that care about you? Of course you do.
That can be your parents, family or friends.

Now, imagine if someone that you care about, was taken away from you without any warning.
There isn't a chance to say goodbye. There isn't a chance to hug them one more time. There is
no chance to say I love you. Does this sound unfair? Even if you have been a good person your
whole life, you are still in danger, in danger of heart disease.

Heart disease could kill you and that unfortunately is what happens to most victims of it.
Everyday people lose family or friends without warning because of heart disease. Everyday
brings a new tragedy. That is why today I am raising money on behalf of the British Heart
Foundation. The British Heart Foundation is an organization that supports research to prevent
the tragedy of heart disease. To come up with new ways of curing heart disease more research
has to be put into it. However this research costs money.

I would like to summarize why you should spend your money on an important charity such as
the British Heart Foundation. I have seen how heart disease has affected my grandmother, as
well as countless other people. Heart disease can give you pain in the chests, shortness of
breath, and even a heart attack. The British Heart Foundation is one way to try and end the
tragedy of heart disease. It does important work and funds research for cures for the disease.
Remember that your own loved ones might be affected by heart disease. If so then the British
Heart Foundation might be just what comes up with the cure for your case. It is easy for you to
get involved and show your support to the charity.. You can support them by donating money or
spreading awareness. Every dollar helps!

Thank you for listening. Are there any questions?

I am reaching out to you hoping that you have realized your wrongdoings. I hope you realize
that the words you pin to a specific person affect them. I hope you understand that the way you
mock people does not go unnoticed, but is seen by everyone. I hope you understand that the
way you treat others is not a reflection of them, it is a reflection of you.

I am writing this letter more for your victims than for yourself. When your words get into your
victims head, it may affect them negatively even if you find it as more of a joke. I do not think
you are a bad person, I do not believe a person can be all bad, maybe you aren’t realizing it but
people are starting to label you as a bully.

I guess this letter is about letting you know that you are turning into somewhat of a bully. Maybe
you just need to understand that even though the things you said about John were heard and
seen by others, no one found it “cool” or funny.
I hope that your attitude will change because of this message. I want you to know that, despite
the mean and hurtful things you have done to people, they can still forgive you. I hope that you
find out there are other ways to be funny and get attention without spreading jokes that hurt the
person being laughed at.

Have a nice day,


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