Exercise Number 6-3

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Long ago, the Greek writer Plato wrote 1) ….

an island that disappeared into the sea. No one has
found Atlantis, 2) … there are many stories about it.
3) …. the stories, the Atlanteian people were very
wealthy, bur also very greedy - they wanted too much,
so they lost everything.
Most people have heard the story 4) …. the lost island
of Atlantis. But is any part of the story true? The Greek
writer Plato wrote 5) …. Atlantis was an island in the
Atlantic Ocean. The island's wealthy people designed
many great buildings and canals. At the center of the
island they built a beautiful golden temple. But the
Atlanteians became greedy they had everything, but
they still wanted more. 6) … gods became angry, 7) ….
the island was hit by earthquakes and great waves.
Finally, the whole of Atlantis sank 8) … the sea.
Throughout history, explorers have reported finding
Atlantis. In 2004, 9) …. explorer Robert Sarmast
reported finding the island's remains4 on 10)…
undersea mountain near Cyprus. However, Sarmast
and other scientists later found 11)… these findings
were natural, not man-made. Many people think
Atlantis is simply a story. 12) …. purpose of the story
was to reach people about the evils of greed. Richard
Ellis published a book on Atlantis in 1999. He says
"there is not a piece of solid evidence for a real Atlantis.
So was the island real or not? Only one thing is certain:
the mystery of Atlantis will be with us for a long time.

1. A) About B) of C) for D) however

2. A) about B) but C) for D) that
3. A) but B) or C) in D) and
4. A) or B) and C) for D) of
5. A) which B) whose C) that D) the
6. A) the B) an C) ----- D) a
7. A) or B) and C) but D) or
8. A) in B) on C) out D) into
9. A) a B) the C) ---- D) an
10. A) an B) a C) --- D) the
11. A) down B) up C) out D) into
12. A) an B) the C) a D) that

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