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No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Dimension Employee Contract Rules Guide to Management Behavior referent Dimension Managerial Key Relations Initiations Speed of Decision Management Role Communication Prized Management Skills Selection

PM Careful delineation of written contract Important of devising clear rules Procedures Norms / customs and practices Monitoring Labor Management Piecemeal Slow Transactional Indirect Negotiation Separate Marginal Task

HRM Aim to go beyond contract. Can do outlook. Impatience with rule Business need Values, mission Nurturing Customer Integrated Fast Transformational Leadership Direct Facilitation Integrated Key Task 2


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13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Pay Conditions Labor Management Job Categories and Grades Job Design Conflict handling T&D Focus of Attention for interventions Respect for employee

Job Evaluation (fixed grades) Separately Negotiated Collective Bargaining Contracts Many Division of Labor Reach Temporary Traduce Controlled across to courses Personnel Procedures

Performance related Harmonization Individual Contracts Few Team Work Manage climate and culture Learning Companies Wide ranging cultural, structural and personal strategies People are treated to be assets to be used for the benefit of an organization its employees and the society as whole. Mutuality of the interests Latest in the evolution of subjects

Personnel Management Concept

Role Function H.R. Manpower Planning Structure I.R./E.R. Statutory Compliance Welfare Canteen Administration Transport Establishment Housing Colony/School Security Miscellaneous


Labor is treated as tools which is expendable & reachable

Hospital/First Aid Compensation Relationship with Union/Employees/ Transport Package Govt./Local Bodies Scheme Training Negotiation Appraisal O.D. Personal Records Labour Law Implementation Court Proceeds Discipline Time Officer Worker Schools etc. Functions in Organisation

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Shared interests Evolution

Interests of the organization are uppermost Precedes HRM


Definitions of Personnel Management

Definitions of Personnel Management

Edwin Flippo:
Planning , organising, directing, controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of personnel of organization for the purpose of contributing towards the accomplishments of the organizational objectives

Prof. Michael Jueins:

Is that field of management which has to do with planning, organizing and controlling various operative functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labor force in such a way that Objectives of company are attained economically and effectively. Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree. Objectives of the community are duly considered and served

Paul Pigore & Charles Myres:

Is the line responsibility & staff functions, assisting managers in providing advise, counsel, service and various types of controls to secure uniform administrations of personnel policies designed to achieve organizations objective.


Nature of Personnel Management

Pervasive in Nature Action Oriented : focus on action rather than record keeping People oriented: Development oriented: develop the full potential of employees Integrating mechanism: build and maintain cordial relations between people at various levels.

Comprehensive function: concerned with any organizational decision which has an impact on the workforce Interdisciplinary function: utilizes knowledge from psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics etc., Continuous function

Scope of Personnel Management

Indian institute of Personnel Management: (i) labour requirement, selection , test and their best utilisation. (ii) conditions of working, remuneration system, management of working condition and labour services and convenience (iii) amicable settlement of the industrial disputes and maintenance of good industrial relations.

Others: Procurement Training and development Job analysis and description Remuneration Personnel records Welfare and industrial relations

Objectives of personnel

General objectives:
Maximum Individual development Defining relationship of employer and employees Efficient moulding of human resources

Specific objectives:
Selection as per requirement Proper orientation of new employees to their jobs. Organisation of suitable training facilities for better job performance


Provision of better working conditions Provision of sound and effective wage and salary administration and other incentives Giving full and fair consideration to an employee whose services are terminated or he retires. Maintain good relations with representatives of trade unions



Role and Objectives of Personnel Management

Role and Objectives of Personnel Management

Build up Culture, Philosophy & Leadership Style. Approach, Openness & Participation. Deal with human relations at work. Understand and resolve Inter-Personal problems. Identify job hazards and evolve conducive working conditions. Design organization structure and personnel policies. Evolve compensation package. Plan Recruit, Retain, Separation of employee. Maintain co-ordial & productive industrial relations vis--vis public relations.

Appraisal, Needs Analysis Training & Counseling. Develop & respect human being at work (process of HRD). Develop system of evaluation reward suggestion to improve production productivity and gain employee commitment. Discipline, Welfare and Administration. Career and growth planning of employee. Ensure service to community, shareholders, customers, public and creditors creating best image to organizations. Handling of 3Ps (People, Productivity & Profitability) is an art which decides survival and growth of company in competitive world.

Composition of HR / Personnel Department

Director HRM

Principles of personnel administration



Manager- Administration


Manager- IR


T & D

Principle of Maximum Individual Development: Recognise the potential characteristics of each individual and provide the opportunities to develop those characteristics to the best use of the organisation. Principle of Scientific Selection:
Right candidates for right position







HRP Hiring Grievance Handling Compensation



3. Principle of High Morale: A few monetary and non-monetary incentives, such as introduction of an ideal wage system, provision of bonus, gratuity, better working conditions, facilities of training, labour welfare and social security schemes which help motivating the personnel. 4. Principle of effective Communication: Develop an effective system of communication upwards and downwards

5. Principle of Dignity of Labour: treat every job and jobholder with dignity and respect. 6. Principle of Team-Spirit: educate the workers so that they may extend their co-operation to the organisation. 7. Principle of Fair Reward: to arrange for the fair wages to the workers so that their needs may be satisfied and they may work efficiently




8. Principle of participation: workers are given a due participation in the management of the enterprise so that they may realize that they are partners n the prosperity of the organisation 9. Principle of Effective Utilization of Human Resources: utilise the available human resources in the best manger possible so as to achieve the organisation objectives effectively
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Recruitment, Selection Placement, Orientation

Importance of personnel management


Training, Performance Appraisal, Career planning & Development, Org. Change & Development

Social significance:
Maintaining balance between jobs available and job seekers. Providing employment that brings psychological satisfaction. Maximum utilization of resources and reasonable compensation Eliminating waste or improper use of human resource.


Operative Functions Compensation Job evaluation, remuneration policy, Incentive plans, Bonus

Good industrial relations

Motivation, Morale, Job satisfaction, communication, Grievance and disciplinary procedures, Quality of work life

Professional significance:
Maintaining dignity of employees . Providing maximum opportunities for personal development. Providing healthy relationship between different work groups Improving employees working skills and capacity. Proper allocation of work.

organizational significance:
Creating right attitude through motivation. Utilizing resources effectively Securing willing cooperation of employees for achieving goals.





Globalization Technological changes Political and legal factors Social factors Trends in nature of work Lean and mean organizations. Workforce diversity:
Composition Women at work Changes in employee values Level of education

Difference between personnel admin and management

Personnel administration is that part of administration which is concerned with people at work and with their relationships within an organisation. It refers to the entire spectrum of an organisation's interaction with its human resources from recruitment activity to retirement process.



According to Thomas G. Spates,

It involves personnel planning and forecasting, appraising human performance, selection and staffing, training and development and maintenance and improvement of performance and productivity. Personnel administration is closely related to an organisation's overall effectiveness.

"personnel administration is a code of the ways of organising and treating individuals at work so that they will each get the greatest possible realisation of their intrinsic abilities, thus attaining maximum efficiency for themselves and their group and thereby giving to the enterprise of which they are a part, its determining competitive advantage and optimum results."


Personnel administration aims at: Effective utilisation uf human resources Desirable working relations among all members of the organisation Maximum development ' Meeting the organisation's social and legal responsibilities.

According to Michael J. Jucius, personnel management should aim at: a) attaining economically and effectively the organisational goals; b) serving to the highest possible degree the individual goals and c) preserving and advancing the general welfare of the community

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personnel management is concerned with the development of policies governing : Manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement and termination Education and training, career development Terms of employment, methods and standards of remuneration Working conditions and employees' services Formal and informal communication and consultation both through the representatives of employers and employees and at all levels throughout the organisation Negotiation and application of agreements on wages and working conditions, procedures for the avoidance and settlement of disputes.

Personnel management is also, concerned with the "human and social implications of change in internal organisation and methods of working and of economic and social changes in the community:'


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