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Islamic studies Assignment # 2

Submitted to:
Ma’am Rabbia Murtaza

Submitted by:
Muhammad Ali Gul Khan

Roll no:


Submission Date:

Undoubted faith as a trait of successful people

Faith is firm believe in something. In Islam there is no place for second thought
about faith. The main belief according to Surah Bakra are:
 Keeping up the prayers
 Giving charity from what Allah (SWT) has given
 Belief in revelation
 Belief in unseen
 Belief in the day of judgement

Types of faith:
1. Ilm ul yaqeen (faith gained by knowledge of something)
2. Ain ul yaqeen (faith gained by seeing something)
3. Haq ul yaqeen (faith gained by experience of something)
The Muslim experience ilm ul yaqeen and ain ul yaqeen in the form of Quran and
Ahadees, we will get Haq ul yaqeen on day of resurrection.
The reward for the people who have firm faith in all above mentioned types of faith
is success in this life and life in hereafter. According to Islam, successful people are
those who live their life in accordance to Islamic principles. We cannot judge them
on basis of their condition in this world, because Allah promised them high ranks in
life hereafter.
“Whosoever acts righteously - whether a man or a woman - and embraces belief,
we will surely grant him a good life; and will surely grant such persons their
reward according to the best of their deeds” (16:97)
If we want to become successful in front of Allah (SWT) we have attain these

Explanation of five characteristic:

1. Keeping up the Salah:
The Salah is a way of worshiping Allah (SWT). In the Salah, we prostrate in front of
Allah (SWT). We accept that we are nothing but just a creation of Allah (SWT). By
prostrating in front of Allah (SWT) we show that Allah (SWT) is one, and that He
(SWT) is only worthy of being prostrated. The word Salah is mentioned 700 times in
the Quran. It shows the worth.

When muezzin calls for prayer he says:

Hayya alal falah
“rush toward success”
It means Salah is termed as success. If we want to be successful we have to
establish prayer.
In the Quran it is said:

“Recites what has been revealed to you of the book, and perform Salah. Verily,
the Salah prevents indecency and wickedness” (29-45)

It is proof that the Salah keeps us away from bad deeds. That is helpful in becoming

2. Giving charity:
Giving charity is a form of worship. By doing this we believe that Allah (SWT) is our
sole provider. We have to give other human beings from what Allah (SWT) has given

In the Quran it is mentioned:

“ those who spend their wealth in Allah (SWT)’s cause are like corn which produce
seven ears, each bearing a hundred grain” (2;261”)

“It (charity) will be multiplied for them (givers), and they will have a noble reward”
(57; 18)

In the Ahaadees it is mentioned:

“Charity extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes a fire” (ibn majah)

Above mentioned ayahs and hadith tells us about the importance of charity, and
how it helps a man to be successful.

3. Believing in unseen:
Believing in what is just being told is called believing in unseen. When Hazrat
Muhammad (SAWW) told people that Allah (SWT) exists many people refused but
only some of them accepted at first and said the Prophet (SAWW) is speaking the
truth. They got rewards that are unmatched. It is because of their belief in the
revelation of Allah (SWT). Believing in the unseen encourages us to do good deeds.
Because has promised us to give rewards in hereafter if we stay on the right path in
this life
4. Belief in revelations:
All the revelations were made us human being to be in the right oath. It includes
believing in the unseen. Quran is a thing that was unknown to us. It is ilm e ghaib
for us but it is a blessing of Allah (SWT) that he bestowed this upon us. If we believe
that the Quran is revelation from Allah Almighty (SWT), we should follow the things
in Quran with firm faith and believe.

5. Believing in day of resurrection:

Faith in day of resurrection helps us to be a good Muslim. When we believe that we
will be held accountable we will strive to do good deeds. Example of this is every
Muslim who lives life according to Islam. The one who is mature understands what
will happen if on the day of resurrection, they hear that “you failed”. How they will
face Allah (SWT)? How will they face Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) who bore many
difficulties for them, who used to weep for their forgiveness?

The life of our beloved Prophet (SAWW), Ahl e Bait (AS), Sahaba (RA) and Auliya
Allah (RA) are best of people who achieve success by having undoubted faith. For a
person to be successful, he should have firm faith in all these things. Because our
real aim of life is to be successful in life hereafter. This world is just a place of
temporary stay. This is a place of test for us. We should prioritize will of Allah
always. If we try to please Allah (SWT) in this life. Allah (SWT) will surely show
mercy on us on the day of resurrection.

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