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Name of Applicant: Taylor Bright

District/School: Hall County School District/ World Language Academy

Date: 5/1/2022

Total Cost of Project: 8,425

Title of Project: Lets get Active

To what organization will you submit this grant application in the future?: Lemelson-MIT Program
InvenTeam Grants

I. Why is this project important (In 2-3 paragraphs, describe the need for the project and
its relevance to the shared vision for instructional technology)?

The shared vision at WLA is to continue to increase our percentage of research based technology being
used around the school. We want to engage students in their learning with the use of technology and to
push teachers to use cutting edge technology. With the use of the Active Floor students will get more
movement throughout the school in a technology-rich way. With the mobile Active Floor teachers all
over the school have the ability to turn their classroom floors into an interactive space. The Active Floor
comes preloaded with games in the areas of math, language arts and science. Students will have a fun
and interactive way to practice many of the skills learned in class.

“Movement helps learning for a lot of different reasons, because I think kids are excited to move
and they feel good about moving and because their brains are stimulated and that helps their
learning and just that they have positive attitudes towards doing anything besides just sitting in
their desks.” (Sarah Benes, Finn, Sullivan and Yon, 2016)

As a dual immersion program WLA has a shared vision to create bilingual students and encourage
collaboration and communication in English and Spanish.. The Active Floor has several games that
group students into teams and they are required to use their communication skills to win the game. In the
Spanish classroom students can communicate in Spanish versus in the English class. This encourages
students to use their listening and speaking skills in an engaging way.

II. What would you like to accomplish (In 1-2 paragraphs, describe the overall project
goals and then list the instructional objectives/project outcomes.)?

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The overall goal to to encourage teachers to use cutting edge technology. Teachers may be
uncomfortable at first but when targeted professional learning and training teachers will become more
comfortable with the device. The other goal is to walk into the Spanish classrooms and hear students
using their acquired language in a way that they have to communicate with others to achieve a common
Project outcome:
○ Teachers will plan at least one Active Floor integrated lesson during the week their grade
level is assigned the Active Floor.
○ Students will use technology to increase listening and speaking skills.
○ Students will practice their communication skills in Spanish and English.
○ Students will interact with technology to build various skills in math, ELA and science.

III. In what ways is this project an example of exemplary technology integration (In 2-3
paragraphs discuss your project regarding one or more of the following: LoTi, SAMR,
TPACK, TIM, etc.)?

The integration of the Active Floor will guide us in the direction of the TPACK framework. In this
framework, taking pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge and technology content and making sure
all three are being addressed at the same time. The Active Floor allows the use of all learning types to
allow all learners to be successful. This allows for the teacher to use her best pedagogical knowledge.
The Active Floor also provides a technology-rich environment that enhances the learning environment
by covering content standards in math, ELA and science.

The Active Floor also lends itself to higher LoTi levels. Many of the games require students to use their
knowledge to problem solve and communicate with their peers. This level of engagement would be
considered a LoTi level 3 possibility or even a Loti 4.

IV. How will you complete the work? (Describe how the project will be completed.)

A. Describe how the instructional objectives/project outcomes will be met (In 2-3
paragraphs, describe what students will do to demonstrate mastery of the

Teachers will have to include an Active Floor integration into one of their lessons during the week their
grade level is assigned the lesson. This outcome will be assessed by administration coming into to
observe the lesson. Other project outcomes are for students to increase their listening and speaking skills
in the English and Spanish classrooms. Teachers will conduct formative assessments as students are
interacting with their peers during the use of the Active Floor. One last project outcome will be for
students to build various skills in math, ELA and science. Teachers will also conduct formative
assessments at the end of each of the Active Floor lessons to check for student understanding of the
content taught.

B. Describe the time involved (Describe the project length including amount of time each
day/week; include a timeline for planning and implementation).

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The project will take place over the course of 8 weeks. The first 2 weeks will be time for professional
learning and training. Trainers from Active Floor will come to the school and provide demonstrations
and walk teachers through how to use the Active Floor. During these 2 weeks teachers will be able to
use the Active Floor themselves and explore the various games available to assist during planning. Then
over the next 6 weeks each grade level will get the Active Floor for one week. During that week each
teacher must incorporate the Active Floor into their lesson.

C. Describe the people involved (To show impact, describe the grade level/subject & # of
students, teachers and/or staff, other stakeholders).

This project will take place school-wide. Teachers, students and administration will all take part in this
project. Spanish teachers will design lessons in math while English teachers will design lessons in ELA.

D. Describe any professional development that you or others will complete prior to
implementing the grant. (This is optional, but will help reviewers know that you are
well prepared to carry out the grant implementation.)

As the school’s technology coach I will attend a virtual training of Active Floor to get an overview of
the product and to be able to troubleshoot and assist teachers in the building. I will also have an
additional session with the Active Floor representative to address any additional needs. These
professional learnings will take place afterschool during the first two weeks. The first day will be with
the Active Floor tainer and all teachers will attend. Then the other days will be led by me and one grade
level will come each day.

E. Describe the materials needed for the project (Provide links to relevant websites;
include a written description of how the technology/ies will benefit students).

The technology devices needed for this project is an Active Floor mobile. The reasoning behind
choosing the mobile over the permanent one is allowing teachers the freedom to bring the device into
their classroom as opposed to having it in one location. This technology will benefit our students in
various ways. The main way is to bring kinesthetic learning and get students moving during the learning
process. Another way is for students to increase their math, ELA and science skills in a more engaging

V. How will you assess accomplishments and objectives/project outcomes (In 2-3 paragraphs,
describe the timeline for assessing, the program evaluation procedure, and how success
of the grant project will be determined.)?

Each week one grade level will be assigned to the Active Floor. In the week teachers will need to design
at least one lesson with the integration of the Active Floor. Teachers will then send the plans and
schedule to administration to review. Administration will then go into each lesson and observe. On

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Friday I will meet with the specified grade level along with administration to determine the success of
the device. Teachers will discuss the engagement level of the students as well as how students used their
communication skills. During this time we will also discuss the formative assessments they gave at the
end of the lesson and determine if they believed the integration of the Active Floor was beneficial.

Students will also be sent a survey on how they feel the Active Floor helped them. They will be able to
discuss how the Active Floor was used in their classroom and if they found it to be helpful. Students will
also discuss how they communicated with their peers while using the Active Floor.

VI. How will the students be impacted by the project (In 1-2 paragraphs, describe how the
impact on students will be assessed and reported to students, parents, teachers, and
Students will benefit from this project by bringing together all three learning styles. Audio, visual and
kinesthetic learners will have the opportunity to be successful. Shina (2014) states “No matter how much
we memorize, recite, and study, our muscle memory seems to trump our brains alone.” Adding
kinesthetic learning along with audio and visual has shown to increase student performance. The hope
with this project is to get students engaged in the activity using the gaming aspect but then have them
want to continue learning because they feel they are retaining the information.

The impact will be assessed using the formative assessments but also summative assessments in the
class. Teachers will create lessons from content they have previously taught. Teacher will have given a
pretest before the integration of the Active Floor. After the Active Floor lesson, teachers will give a post
test to determine if students retained the information more after using the Active Floor. Parents will also
receive this information in a letter that details how the Active Floor is being used.

VII. What is the proposed budget? Include information on the following:

A. Materials/supplies
No additional supplies will be needed other than the Active Floor.

B. Equipment-
Mobile Active Floor unit.

C. Total Cost of Proposed Project (include a line item for any required professional
The quote I was given was $8,425. This included one free training session with an Active Floor

D. Additional Funding Sources

If additional training sessions are needed then the PTO and professional learning funds will go
towards that cost.

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VIII. List your supporting references.

Benes, S., Finn, K. E., Sullivan, E. C., & Yan, Z. (2016). Teachers’ Perceptions of Using

Movement in the Classroom. The Physical Educator, 73(1), 26.


Shinha, K. (2014, July 24). Kinesthetic Learning: Moving Toward a New Model for Education.



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Total Points (out of 300): __________

1. Impacts a variety of skill levels and/or learning styles or impacts an important target population.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

2. Clearly identifies standards and learning objectives/project outcomes being addressed.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

3. Pedagogically sound, based on research and/or best practices.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

4. Clear plan for assessment of project and goals with examples of implementation methods.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

5. Impacts large number of students and/or can be recycled/reused.

Possible number of points: 60 __________

General Comments:

NOTE: This scoring rubric, while different than your typical KSU rubric, may be similar to what an
organization will use to score grant application submissions.

Adapted from: The Education Foundation of Oconee County, Inc.

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