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11, NOVEMBER 2011 5263

FPGA-Based Online Detection of Multiple

Combined Faults in Induction Motors Through
Information Entropy and Fuzzy Inference
Rene J. Romero-Troncoso, Member, IEEE, Ricardo Saucedo-Gallaga, Member, IEEE,
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez, Member, IEEE, Arturo Garcia-Perez, Member, IEEE,
Roque A. Osornio-Rios, Member, IEEE, Ricardo Alvarez-Salas, Member, IEEE,
Homero Miranda-Vidales, Member, IEEE, and Nicolas Huber

Abstract—The development of monitoring systems for rotating I. I NTRODUCTION

machines is the ability to accurately detect different faults in an
incipient state. The most popular rotating machine in industry is
the squirrel-cage induction motor, and the failure on such motors
may have severe consequences in costs, product quality, and safety.
N OWADAYS, the relevance in the development of mon-
itoring systems for rotating machines is the ability to
accurately detect different faults in an incipient state. The
Most of the condition-monitoring techniques for induction motors earlier the failure is detected, the easier is the repairing process,
focus on a single specific fault. The identification of two or more
combined faults has been rarely considered, in spite of being a benefiting the industry as far as cost and maintenance time.
very usual situation in real rotary machines. On the other hand, Squirrel-cage induction motors are the most popular motors
information entropy is a signal processing technique that has used in industry due to their robust structure and easy design,
recently proved its suitability for fault detection on induction and they consume around 85% of the electric power in the
motors, and fuzzy logic analysis has extensively been used in
world [1]. An induction motor failure may produce unexpected
combination with several processing techniques in improving the
diagnosis of a single isolated fault. The contribution of this paper interruptions on production lines, with severe consequences in
is a novel methodology that is suitable for hardware implementa- costs, product quality, and safety. For this reason, early fault
tion, which merges information entropy analysis with fuzzy logic detection on induction motors has attracted the interest of many
inference to identify faults like bearing defects, unbalance, broken research works in recent years [2]–[4]. Most of the induction
rotor bars, and combinations of faults by analyzing one phase
of the induction motor steady-state current signal. The proposed motor condition-monitoring techniques focus on detecting a
methodology shows satisfactory results that prove its suitability single specific fault in one of the three main components: the
for online detection of single and multiple combined faults in an stator, the rotor, and the bearings. Several approaches have been
automatic way through its hardware implementation in a field proposed; unfortunately, most of them focus on single (i.e.,
programmable gate array device. isolated fault) and multiple fault (i.e., different faults treated
Index Terms—Combined fault diagnosis, field programmable in an isolated way) detections. Around 50% of the faults in
gate arrays (FPGAs), fuzzy logic, induction motors, information rotating machines are bearing related, 10% are rotor faults, and
entropy. unbalance is inside the 12% of other faults [5]. Moreover, in
a real rotary machine, two or more faults can be present at
Manuscript received September 8, 2010; revised January 3, 2011; accepted the same time so that one faulty condition could interfere the
February 19, 2011. Date of publication March 7, 2011; date of current version detection of another one, leading to a wrong decision about
September 7, 2011. This work was supported in part by the Mexican Depart-
ment of Education (SEP, PROMEP) under Grant UGTO-PTC-172 and in part the operational condition of the motor. The identification of
by the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT), Mexico, multiple combined faults on induction motors still represents
under Scholarship 226886. a big challenge for condition monitoring, but it has been rarely
R. J. Romero-Troncoso, R. Saucedo-Gallaga, E. Cabal-Yepez, and
A. Garcia-Perez are with HSPdigital—CA Telematica/Procesamiento considered even if it can be a very usual situation because a
Digital de Senales, Division de Ingenierias, Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, reliable identification of faulty conditions under the presence of
Universidad de Guanajuato, 36700 Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico (e-mail:,;;
two or more simultaneous faults is really difficult [6]–[8]. A number of conventional vibration and current analysis
R. A. Osornio-Rios is with HSPdigital—CA Mecatronica, Facultad de Inge- techniques exist by which certain faults in rotating machinery
nieria, Campus San Juan del Rio, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, 76807
San Juan del Rio, Queretaro, Mexico (e-mail:
can be identified and repaired before catastrophic failures in
R. Alvarez-Salas and H. Miranda-Vidales are with CA Electronica de a component occur. Unfortunately, most of them focus on
Potencia y Control, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis detecting a single specific fault, such as broken rotor bars [9]–
Potosi, 78290 San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico (e-mail:;
[12], bearing faults [13]–[15], or unbalance [16]–[18]. Broken
N. Huber is with the School of Engineering and Design, University of rotor bars are one of the most difficult to detect faulty conditions
Sussex, BN1 9QT Brighton, U.K. (e-mail: because the induction motor keeps working without any per-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at ceivable change. For instance, in [9], one broken bar is detected
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2011.2123858 by computing the wavelet coefficients of the induction motor

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


startup current and their absolute mean square and variability A few works consider the diagnosis and identification of
and by utilizing a weighting function for classifying the motor multiple combined faults. In [6], combined faults (broken rotor
condition. In a different case, in [19], up to half of a broken bars, mixed eccentricities, and stator short circuits) are detected
bar is detected by computing the spectrum of the current and by utilizing the WT on the startup current. In [7], stator in-
vibration signals, their correlation, and a postprocessing tech- terturn isolation and bearing wear faults are detected through
nique consisting of a decision tree of five levels of comparison a neuro-fuzzy analysis of motor intake current, rotor speed,
plus conditional logic. This shows that partially broken bars stator winding temperature, bearing temperature, and noise of
should be considered as a separate case from broken bars the motor. In [8], the combination of faults in outer race and
since the produced effects are different for both cases. For rolling element of bearings is detected through the fusion of
that reason, partially broken bar detection requires specialized the dual-tree complex WT, kurtosis, and NeighCoeff method.
computing-intensive approaches in achieving this task. There These methods are characterized by qualitative results that must
are some other approaches that guarantee the identification be interpreted by an expert offline from the analysis of several
of different faults by extracting multiple parameters from the parameters.
induction motor. For instance, in [20], stator winding faults The contribution of this research work is a novel method-
and broken rotor bars are identified by measuring the stator ology that combines information entropy analysis with fuzzy
currents and by computing their eigenvectors and eigenvalues. logic inference, and it is able to make an accurate and reliable
In [21], broken rotor bars and shorted turns are detected by online assessment of specific faulty conditions in an induction
computing the short-time Fourier transform of the three-phase motor with single or multiple combined faults present by just
stator currents, the energy of the wavelet-decomposition coef- analyzing one phase of its steady-state current. In the proposed
ficients, and the power spectral density of the wavelet details. methodology, information entropy provides a quantitative ref-
In [22], a decision-making system with multiple classifiers in erence of the information content in the steady-state current.
diagnosing 12-broken rotor bars, bowed rotor, faulty bearing, Then, a fuzzy algorithm is applied to each entropy value for
unbalance, eccentricity, and phase unbalance through a statis- accurate identification of single or combined faulty condition.
tical analysis of current and vibration signals is proposed. In In this research work, for simplicity of implementation, three
[23], power supply and motor faults are detected from electri- of the most common faulty conditions in induction motors
cal measurements through a membership function based on a are investigated in an experimental way: bearings, unbalance,
pattern recognition approach. The advancement on the subject and broken rotor bars [5], [37], although it can be extended
has propitiated the use of many signal processing techniques. to other faults by carrying out the corresponding adjustments
The most popular analyses that have proven their efficacy on in the fuzzy inference stage. The results show the potential of
induction motor fault detection are the wavelet transform (WT) the proposed methodology as an online deterministic technique
[9], [24], as it is able to extract time-frequency information from that is suited for real-time identification of single or multiple
nonstationary signals; the Fourier transform [25]–[27], which combined faults in very early stages through a hardware imple-
is considered as a very good tool in the analysis of stationary mentation in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) device.
signals; and the Hilbert and Hilbert–Huang transforms [28],
[29], which are suitable for nonlinear and nonstationary data II. T HEORETICAL BACKGROUND
analysis. Other approaches make use of fuzzy logic and neural
network processing in order to improve the single fault diagno- A. Information Entropy
sis. For instance, in [30], artificial neural networks and Weibull Entropy in information theory describes the amount of infor-
hazard rates are used in determining the remaining useful life mation provided by a signal or event. It relates the uncertainty
of bearings. In [31], WT and neuro-fuzzy classifications are of an event associated with a given probability distribution.
used in detecting normal bearings, bearings with inner race Shannon [38] defined entropy as a measure of the average infor-
faults, and ball faults. In [32], rotor bar breakage is detected mation content associated with a random outcome. Considering
through wavelet package decomposition and neural networks. random event X with n possible outcomes x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn
Finally, in [33], fuzzy logic and a genetic algorithm are used and every xi with probability p(xi ), then information entropy
in identifying the load level of the system and the severity of H(X) of random event X is given as in
the broken rotor bars. On the other hand, information entropy n

is a well-known signal processing technique that has been H(X) = − p(xi ) log2 [p(xi )] . (1)
mainly used on data compression and codification, and recently, i=1
it has proved its suitability for fault detection on induction
motors. For instance, in [34], broken rotor bars are detected If the total number of outcomes in random event X is N ,
by applying information entropy straightforward on vibration probability p(xi ) is given by
signals. In [35], the utility of multiscale entropy in diagnosing ri
p(xi ) = (2)
faulty bearings in a rotating machine is investigated. Finally, N
in [36], wavelet packet decomposition, information entropy, where ri represents the incidence rate of each possible outcome
energy eigenvalues, and power spectral density are used in xi , and the total number of outcomes N is given as in
detecting broken rotor bars in induction motors. Unfortunately, n

information entropy has been limited to single isolated fault N= ri . (3)
identification because of its statistical nature. i=1

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the entropy estimation algorithm.

Rewriting (1), entropy H(X) of random event X can be

computed by
H(X) = log2 (N ) − ri log2 (ri ). (4)
N i=1 Fig. 2. Fuzzy set grouping and membership function design.

The entropy definition in (4) gives a simplified mathematical considered in creating the membership functions. Fig. 2 shows
expression suitable for hardware implementation. Since base-2 the grouping and membership function design for fuzzy sets
logarithm computation is a fundamental operation during en- A, B, C, and D containing entropy values H of independent
tropy calculation, the algorithm of Mitchell [39] for base-2 events (motor conditions) M1 and M2 .
logarithm estimation is considered in this paper because of its The core of each membership function in Fig. 2 is determined
advantages during hardware implementation. Fig. 1 shows the either by the mean of the fuzzy set, if the standard deviation
block diagram of the structure for entropy estimation according and cardinality condition are met, or by a single event in any
to (4). In this structure, ri represents the incidence rate of different case. The fine granularity in the design of the member-
each possible outcome xi produced by random event X in N ship functions allows the conception of simple if . . . then . . .
trials, where the incidence rate histogram block is in charge of rules that specify the motor condition identifying the type
generating a statistical record of incidence rate ri for all of the of fault or faults affecting the machine. The consequent of
possible elements in the steady-state current signal. each membership function in the fuzzy system is determined
The hardware implementation of the entropy algorithm can by a Mamdani-style inference utilizing the largest of maxima
be simplified by considering data sets with fixed power-of-2 defuzzyfication algorithm [40]–[42], which was selected be-
number of elements (for the case treated here, N = 4096 = cause of its advantages during hardware implementation. The
212 ). if . . . then . . . rules are reduced by grouping the consequent of
the membership functions that correspond to the same event in
a similar way to the one described in [33] and [40]–[43]
B. Fuzzy System Design
The main reason for using fuzzy inference is because of the µA∪C (H) = µA (H) ∨ µC (H)
inherent difficulty and uncertainty on the detection of multiple µB∪D (H) = µB (H) ∨ µD (H). (6)
combined faults in induction motors utilizing a single parameter
[6]–[8]. In a classic fuzzy system, there is an antecedent (input),
which is assessed through a membership function in order III. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
to determine its degree of association to a specific fuzzy-
event set. A conclusion can be worked out by estimating the The steady-state current signal is used to find the multiple
consequent (output) of the fuzzy system through a series of combined faults and to classify the conditions since this signal
logical operations (fuzzy rules). describes the dynamic characteristics of the induction motor.
The antecedent for the fuzzy system proposed in this paper Fig. 3(a) shows the experimental setup where different 1-hp
is the information contents in the steady-state current of the three-phase induction motors (model WEG 00136APE48T) are
induction motor. Membership function µA (H) of fuzzy set A, used to test the performance of the proposed methodology
which contains entropy values H(X) from a specific event identifying the single and multiple combined fault conditions
(motor condition), is defined by the relationship degree of treated in this paper. The tested motors have 2 poles and 28
the entropy value with the specific event, where fuzzy set A bars and receive a power supply of 220 V ac at 60 Hz. The
is formed by considering certain grouping constraints. The applied mechanical load is that of an ordinary alternator, which
grouping of the entropy values into fuzzy set A is dictated represents a quarter of load for the motor. One phase of the
by cardinality C(A) and standard deviation σ(A) of the set. current signal is acquired using an ac current clamp model
The goal is to obtain fuzzy sets with maximum cardinality but i200s from Fluke, as shown in Fig. 3(a). A 16-b serial-output
minimum standard deviation for each single event analog-to-digital converter ADS7809 from Texas Instruments
Incorporated [44] is used in the data acquisition system (DAS).
max [C(A)] > 1 min [σ(A)] > 0. (5) The instrumentation system uses a sampling frequency f0 of
1.5 kHz, obtaining 4096 samples during the induction motor
If the fuzzy set standard deviation is greater than the minimal steady state and acquiring up to the tenth harmonic of the
for the corresponding event, then single entropy values are fundamental frequency and beyond. Fig. 3(b) shows the

Fig. 5. Combinations for the analysis of the multiple combined faults.

the center of mass out of the motor shaft. To test this condition,
an 8-mm hole is drilled in one of the pulley arms, where a two-
sided screw is inserted and fixed with female screws on each
side of the pulley arm, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The added mass
(i.e., the screw and female screws) generates the unbalance
The broken rotor bar (BRB) condition is produced artifi-
cially by drilling one hole with 7.938 mm of diameter without
harming the rotor shaft. Fig. 4(c) shows the rotor with one
broken bar utilized during experimentation.

B. Multiple Combined Faults

The possible multiple combined faulty conditions for the
Fig. 3. (a) Test bench used during the experiment. (b) Block diagram of the induction motor were obtained by mixing each single fault with
proposed multiple combined fault diagnosis system for induction motors. one or two of the remaining faults. Fig. 5 shows the different
arrangements for the multiple combined faults, where seven
possible combinations were obtained with the treated faults.

To test the performance of the proposed methodology,
30 trials were carried out under each motor condition shown in
Fig. 5, plus the healthy condition (HT L) as reference pattern.
Sets of 15 tests were used as benchmark sets in designing the
membership functions of the fuzzy system, and 15 more tests
Fig. 4. Artificially generated faults. (a) Outer race FBD. (b) Unbalanced
pulley (UNB). (c) One broken bar (BRB). for each motor condition were carried out online in validating
the proposed methodology.
proposed multiple combined fault diagnosis system for induc-
tion motors. The steady-state current signal is acquired by the A. Fuzzy Inference Results
current clamp. The acquired signal is conditioned and analog-
to-digital (A/D) converted in the DAS. The resulting digital Utilizing the fuzzy system design formerly described, a total
information is processed by the information entropy unit and of 40 membership functions were obtained from the test bench
fuzzy rules implemented in the FPGA device that provides the sets. The analyzed faults and their combinations map into the
induction motor condition. rage from 0 to 16 of the entropy axis, as shown in Fig. 6, since
binary information entropy (i.e., the precise number of bits
required in representing the analyzed discrete information) is
A. Single-Fault Conditions considered [34]. Table I shows the location of the left and right
To carry out the faulty bearing defect (F BD) test, the boundaries and the core for the different membership func-
bearing is artificially damaged by drilling a hole with 1.191 mm tions that define each motor condition. Following the grouping
of diameter on its outer race using a tungsten drill bit. Fig. 4(a) scheme described in (6), only eight fuzzy rules were inferred
shows the artificially damaged bearing model 6203-2ZNR used (one for each motor condition), and they can be expressed in
in this paper. the following linguistic form.
The unbalance condition (U N B) is present when the induc- 1) If H(X) is µHLT 1 OR µHLT 2 then Motor Condition is
tion motor mechanical load is not uniformly distributed, taking HLT .

Fig. 6. Obtained membership functions for the identification of the isolated and multiple combined faults treated in this paper.


4) If H(X) is µBRB1 OR µBRB2 OR µBRB3 OR µBRB4

then Motor Condition is BRB.
5) If H(X) is µF BD&U N B1 OR µF BD&U N B2 then Motor
Condition is F BD&U N B.
6) If H(X) is µU N B&BRB1 OR µU N B&BRB2 OR
µU N B&BRB9 then Motor Condition is U N B&BRB.
7) If H(X) is µBRB&F BD1 OR µBRB&F BD2 OR
µBRB&F BD3 OR µBRB&F BD4 then Motor Condition is
8) If H(X) is µF BD&U N B&BRB1 OR µF BD&U N B&BRB2
OR µF BD&U N B&BRB3 OR µF BD&U N B&BRB4 then
Motor Condition is F BD&U N B&BRB.
The proposed methodology was applied online through its
hardware implementation in an FPGA device. Table II displays
the effectiveness of the proposed methodology during the in-
duction motor condition identification. The results show the
probability of identifying isolated fault conditions and their
multiple combinations. They depict the effectiveness of the
proposed online methodology in carrying out induction motor
condition monitoring.

B. Hardware Implementation
Table III summarizes the hardware implementation fig-
2) If H(X) is µF BD1 OR µF BD2 OR µF BD3 then Motor ures of the proposed entropy and fuzzy inference processor
Condition is F BD. for multiple combined fault identification implemented in an
3) If H(X) is µU N B1 OR µU N B2 OR µU N B3 OR µU N B4 FPGA Cyclone-II EP2C35F672C6 from Altera [45]. This table
OR µU N B5 OR µU N B6 OR µU N B7 OR µU N B8 OR presents the resource utilization from the available resources in
µU N B9 OR µU N B10 then Motor Condition is U N B. the device, as well as the maximum operation frequency.

TABLE III A significant characteristic of the proposed entropy and fuzzy

inference processor is the real-time identification of single
isolated faults or multiple combined faults in an automatic
fashion, which is different from the cited literature for multiple
combined fault detection where results have to be interpreted
by the user from current or vibration signatures.

The contribution of this paper is an online methodology
for the identification of multiple combined faults in induction
motors through information entropy and fuzzy logic inference,
which is suitable for its hardware implementation in an FPGA
device. The fusion of these techniques allows satisfactory re-
sults for this difficult task in an automatic way by analyzing one
phase of the steady-state current signal from the rotating ma-
chine. The fine granularity of the membership function design,
dictated by the standard deviation condition, determines the
effectiveness on the identification of the motor condition, which
could be increased by considering more membership functions
(finer granularity) for each event (motor condition) without
increasing the number of rules in the fuzzy inference. The
Fig. 7. Snapshot of the proposed methodology hardware implementation in
an Altera Cyclone-II device during the bearing defect fault identification. simplicity on the if . . . then . . . inference rules makes possible
their hardware implementation in an FPGA device utilizing
The FPGA implementation of the proposed methodology minimum resources and performing online real-time diagnoses
takes 684 clock cycles in estimating the induction motor condi- of motor conditions that outperform the software counterpart of
tion, which is equivalent to 22 µs in an Altera Cyclone-II device the algorithm by one order of magnitude. The obtained results
running at 31 MHz. Hardware implementation outperforms prove the suitability of the proposed methodology in identifying
by one order of magnitude the software counterpart of the online single isolated faults like outer race bearing defect,
algorithm, which takes 338 µs in estimating the motor condition unbalance, broken rotor bars, and combinations on induction
on a 2.8-GHz Intel Pentium Dual Core processor. Fig. 7 shows motors in real time and in an automatic way. The certainty of
the FPGA implementation of the proposed entropy and fuzzy the proposed system and the number of treated faults could
inference processor in an Altera Cyclone-II device where a be incremented by considering high levels of granularity in
bearing defect condition is detected. A liquid crystal display the membership function definitions; however, this has direct
is used as an interface to show the operational condition of the effects on hardware implementation since more membership
induction motor to the user. functions have to be defined for every case, and the system
complexity is tremendously increased. Further work comprises
the combination of treated faults with other mechanical and
C. Discussion electrical faults, utilizing different signal processing techniques
The results show that the proposed methodology hardware and inference methods.
implementation has 100% effectiveness in detecting the healthy
condition or the three combined fault condition. For all other R EFERENCES
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channel vibration analyzer for industrial applications in induction motor motor faults in inverter drives using inverter input current analysis,” IEEE
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Jan. 2010. [38] C. E. Shannon, “A mathematical theory of communication,” Bell Syst.
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pp. 2236–2252, Oct. 2009. arithms,” IRE Trans. Electron. Comput., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 512–517,
[18] L. M. Rabelo-Baccarini, B. Rodrigues-Menezes, and Aug. 1962.
W. Matos-Caminhas, “Fault induction dynamic model, suitable for [40] Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2 User’s Guide, MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA,
computer simulation: Simulation results and experimental validation,” 1995–2010.
Mech. Syst. Signal Process., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 300–311, Jan. 2010. [41] L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets and Applications: Selected Papers by L. A. Zadeh.
[19] J. J. Rangel-Magdaleno, R. J. Romero-Troncoso, R. A. Osornio-Rios, Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 1987.
E. Cabal-Yepez, and L. M. Contreras-Medina, “Novel methodology for [42] T. J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic With Engineering Applications. Chichester,
online half-broken-bar detection on induction motors,” IEEE Trans. In- U.K.: Wiley, 2004, pp. 24–43.
strum. Meas., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 1690–1698, May 2009. [43] B.-F. Wu, C.-T. Lin, and Y.-L. Chen, “Dynamic calibration and occlu-
[20] V. F. Pires, J. F. Martins, and A. J. Pires, “Eigenvector/eigenvalue analysis sion handling algorithms for lane tracking,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,
of a 3D current referential fault detection and diagnosis of an induction vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1757–1773, May 2009.
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[21] J. Cusido, L. Romeral, J. A. Ortega, J. A. Rosero, and A. Garcia-Espinosa, corporated, 2004.
“Fault detection in induction machines using power spectral density [45] Altera Data Sheet Cyclone-II Device Family, Altera Corp., San Jose, CA,
in wavelet decomposition,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, 2007.
pp. 633–643, Feb. 2008.
[22] G. Niu, T. Han, B.-S. Yang, and A. C. C. Tan, “Multi-agent decision fusion
for motor fault diagnosis,” Mech. Syst. Signal Process., vol. 21, no. 3,
pp. 1285–1299, Apr. 2007. Rene J. Romero-Troncoso (M’07) received the B.E.
[23] O. Ondel, G. Clerc, E. Boutleux, and E. Blanco, “Fault detection and and M.E. degrees in electronics from the Universidad
diagnosis in a set inverter-induction machine through multidimensional de Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico, and the Ph.D.
membership function and pattern recognition,” IEEE Trans. Energy Con- degree in mechatronics from the Universidad Au-
vers., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 431–441, Jun. 2009. tonoma de Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico.
[24] S. H. Kia, H. Henao, and G.-A. Capolino, “Diagnosis of broken-bar He is currently a Head Professor with the Uni-
fault in induction machines using discrete wavelet transform without versidad de Guanajuato and an Invited Researcher
slip estimation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1395–1404, with the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro. He
Jul./Aug. 2009. is a National Researcher with the Consejo Nacional
[25] M. Pineda-Sanchez, M. Riera-Guasp, J. A. Antonino-Daviu, J. Roger- de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico. He has been the
Folch, J. Perez-Cruz, and R. Puche-Panadero, “Diagnosis of induction adviser of over 150 theses, the author of two books
motor faults in the fractional Fourier domain,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. on digital systems (in Spanish), and the coauthor of over 40 technical papers in
Meas., vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 2065–2075, Aug. 2010. international journals and conferences. His fields of interest include hardware
[26] Y. Liu, L. Guo, Q. Wang, G. An, M. Guo, and H. Lian, “Application to signal processing and mechatronics.
induction motor faults diagnosis of the amplitude recovery method com- Dr. Romero-Troncoso is the recipient of the “2004 ADIAT National Award
bined with FFT,” Mech. Syst. Signal Process., vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 2961– on Innovation” for his works in applied mechatronics and the “2005 IEEE
2971, Nov. 2010. ReConFig’05” award for his works in digital systems.

Ricardo Saucedo-Gallaga (M’06) received the Ricardo Alvarez-Salas (M’04) received the B.S.
B.Eng. degree (with honors) from the Universidad degree in electronics engineering from the Universi-
Panamericana Campus Bonaterra, Aguascalientes, dad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi,
Mexico, and the M.Eng. degree (with honors) from Mexico, the M.S. degree in electronics engineering
the Department of Engineering, Campus Irapuato- from the Scientific Research and Graduated Studies
Salamanca, Universidad de Guanajuato, Salamanca, Center of Ensenada, Ensenada, Mexico, in 1996,
Mexico, where he did a research work with the and the D.E.A. and Ph.D. degrees in automatic con-
HSPdigital group. trol from the Polytechnical Institute of Grenoble,
His research interest includes hardware signal Grenoble, France, in 1998 and 2002, respectively.
processing on field programmable gate array for Since 2002, he has been with the Electrical Engi-
applications on mechatronics. neering Department, Universidad Autonoma de San
Luis Potosi. His research interests include control and diagnostic techniques for
electrical machines and power converters.
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez (M’09) received the B.Eng. Dr. Alvarez-Salas is a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technol-
and M.Eng. degrees from the Facultad de Ingenieria ogy, U.K., and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Mecanica, Electrica y Electronica (FIMEE), Uni-
versidad de Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico, and
the D.Phil. degree from the University of Sussex,
Brighton, U.K.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the
Department of Engineering, Universidad de Gua-
najuato, doing research work with the HSPdigital
group, which is focused on hardware signal process-
ing on field programmable gate arrays for applica- Homero Miranda-Vidales (M’03) received the
tions in mechatronics. He is a National Researcher with the Consejo Nacional B.Eng. degree in electronics engineering from the
de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico. Technological Institute of San Luis Potosi, San Luis
Potosi, Mexico, in 2000 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering (with emphasis on
Arturo Garcia-Perez (M’10) received the B.E. and automatic control and power electronics) from the
M.E. degrees in electronics from the Universidad Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis
de Guanajuato, Salamanca, Mexico, in 1994 and Potosi, in 2003 and 2007 respectively.
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the He is a Professor with the Engineering Depart-
University of Texas, Dallas, in 2005. ment, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi,
He is currently an Associate Professor with the where he is engaged in teaching and research areas
Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad of power electronics and automatic control. His areas of interests are power
de Guanajuato. He has been the adviser of over 40 quality, active power filters, multilevel converters, and pulsewidth modulation
theses. His field of interest includes digital signal techniques.
processing for applications in mechatronics.

Roque A. Osornio-Rios (M’10) received the B.E.

degree from the Instituto Tecnologico de Queretaro,
Queretaro, Mexico, and the M.E. and Ph.D. de-
grees from the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro,
Queretaro. Nicolas Huber received the B.Eng. degree and the
He is a National Researcher with the Consejo M.Eng. degree in electronic engineering from the
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Mexico. He is University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K., in 2001 and
currently a Head Professor with the Universidad 2002, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the
Autonoma de Queretaro, San Juan del Rio, Mexico. Sussex Space Center, Brighton, in 2007, focusing on
He has been the adviser of over 20 theses and the the Sussex Correlating Spectrograph (CORES).
coauthor of over 23 technical papers in international He is a Research Fellow with the Sussex Bio-
journals and conferences. His fields of interest include hardware signal process- medical Engineering Group, Brighton. His research
ing and mechatronics. interests include biomedical instrumentation, em-
Dr. Osornio-Rios is the recipient of the 2004 ADIAT National Award on bedded systems, reconfigurable computing, and
Innovation for his works in applied mechatronics. adapting mathematical algorithms to hardware.

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