ISAK - Constitution

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Constitution of Indian Students Association in Kaiserslautern (ISAK) Submitted on: 15/Aug/2011 Reviewed and Approved by: ISAK Executive


Indian Students Association in Kaiserslautern (ISAK)

By the authority granted by Technical University Kaiserslautern, the Indian Students Association in Kaiserslautern (ISAK) establishes this constitution. All actions of the association shall abide by the provisions of this constitution.

We, the students of TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, associate ourselves to Indian Students Association in Kaiserslautern (ISAK). As a member, we pledge to promote cultural and social understanding among the Indians and fellow students of other nationalities. We also pledge to provide general help to incoming new Indian students. I solemnly affirm on 15/Aug/2011, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.

Article I: Motive Section 1: This organization shall be known as Indian Students Association in Kaiserslautern. Here in after referred to as the ISAK in this constitution and its By-Laws. Section 2: The ISAK shall be a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization. No discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, sex or race shall be made. Its formation is to carry out its purpose as listed in Article II of this Constitution. Article II: Purpose Section 1: The purpose of the ISAK shall be as follows: (a) To bring together and integrate individuals who share an interest in various aspects of Indian culture. (b) To promote an awareness of Indian culture, traditions and festivals among the international community by organizing Indian festivals in traditional way. (c) To promote better relations and understanding among the various communities in the University and nearby areas. (d) To provide general help to incoming new Indian students. Article III: Membership Section 1: Membership is open to any Indian who shares the goals listed in Article II of this constitution subject to following conditions: (a) To become a member, the application is liable to pay Euros 5 as membership fees.

Article IV: The Executive Committee Section 1: The ISAK shall be governed by a committee, hereinafter referred to as The Executive Committee in this Constitution and its By-Laws. Section 2: The Executive Committee shall be composed of, in total 10 persons, one (1) President, nine (9) other Executive members. All the executive members share same powers and are at par with each other. In the process of decision making, if a tie happens, final decision shall be taken by the President. Section 3: The new members of Executive committee can only be appointed with 75% majority of the then existing Executive committee. A prospective applicant/candidate can only be considered to become member of Executive committee on the following conditions: (a) The candidate must be a member of ISAK. (b) The candidate should be left with at least one calendar year of studentship in TU Kaiserslautern. (c) The candidate should have good track record in terms of active participation in organizing cultural activities in TU Kaiserslautern. Section 4: The president of the Executive committee can only be an Indian from teaching/academic staff of TU Kaiserslautern. Section 5: If a member of Executive committee resigns, the new member shall be appointed within next 30 days.

Article V: Dismissal of the Committee Members Section 1: If the Faculty Advisor determines that the Executive Committee has violated one or more of the procedures set forth in this Constitution and its By-Laws or that the Executive Committee has been acting against the interests of the ISAK, he/she may choose to initiate dismissal procedures against one (1) or more of the members of the Executive Committee. Article VI: Amendments Section 1: This Constitution may be amended at any Executive committee Meeting by two thirds (2/3) vote of the members attending.

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