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Assignment no.

Key Issues in a Globalizing World


1. Look for reading materials about the global challenges that, if to be addressed, require
cooperation among people and nations. Discuss the following issues in a globalizing

Climate Change

The operating principles of the earth's climate system are fundamental. The earth starts to cool
when solar energy is deflected onto it and back towards space (primarily by clouds and ice) or when
energy is released from the atmosphere. The world warms when the earth absorbs the sun's
radiation or when gases cause the heat emitted by the earth to be unable to radiate into space (the
greenhouse effect). The earth's climate system can be influenced by a wide range of natural and
human influences. Long before humans existed, there were heating and cooling cycles on earth. The
force of the sun, volcanic eruptions, and variations in the amounts of naturally existing greenhouse
gases are all factors that can affect climate change. However, data show that the current rate of
rising temperatures—which has occurred since the middle of the 20th century—is substantially
quicker than ever before, and it cannot be explained by purely natural factors. These natural factors
are still at work now, but they have too little of an impact or develop too slowly to account for the
fast warming observed in recent decades, according to NASA. The World Economic Forum's Global
Risks Report 2021 finds that communities around the world face "the most devastating" threat from
failure to control and address climate change, surpassing even the threat posed by WMDs and water
shortages. Blame climate change for its severe effects, which affect everything, including the places
we inhabit, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Climate change is changing the world's
ecosystems. The Paris Agreement, advancements in renewable energy technologies, and climate
action at home can help us alleviate the effects of global warming and contribute to its haltinguds
and ice) or when energy is released from the atmosphere. The world warms when the earth absorbs
the sun's radiation or when gases cause the heat emitted by the earth to be unable to radiate into
space (the greenhouse effect). The earth's climate system can be influenced by a wide range of
natural and human influences. Long before humans existed, there were heating and cooling cycles
on earth. The force of the sun, volcanic eruptions, and variations in the amounts of naturally existing
greenhouse gases are all factors that can affect climate change. However, data show that the current
rate of rising temperatures—which has occurred since the middle of the 20th century—is
substantially quicker than ever before, and it cannot be explained by purely natural factors. These
natural factors are still at work now, but they have too little of an impact or develop too slowly to
account for the fast warming observed in recent decades, according to NASA. The World Economic
Forum's Global Risks Report 2021 finds that communities around the world face "the most
devastating" threat from failure to control and address climate change, surpassing even the threat
posed by WMDs and water shortages. Blame climate change for its severe effects, which affect
everything, including the places we inhabit, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Climate
change is changing the world's ecosystems. The Paris Agreement, advancements in renewable
energy technologies, and climate action at home can help us alleviate the effects of global warming
and contribute to its halting. But in order to do that, the pollution brought on by the use of fossil
fuels must be addressed.
The Encyclopaedia of Psychology defines violence as “an extreme form of aggression, such as
assault, rape or murder.”
Factors that Causes of Violence:
● Access to weapons
● Influence of one’s peers
● Having low self-worth
● Experiencing abuse or neglect
● Witnessing violence at home, community and environment
Seeking expert help is crucial if you or someone you know is in danger or acting violently. The right
people should be contacted, such as your neighbourhood police or a hotline for abuse, to get advice
on how to handle the circumstance. Since every instance of potential or actual violence is different,
many solutions may be necessary to resolve the problem. And finally, talking to a skilled therapist
can help with further emotional support and advice for handling hostility or violence, directly or

Security and Well Being

The definition of security at its most fundamental level is independence from danger. Well-being is
defined as a feeling of health and vitality that results from your ideas, feelings, behaviors, and
experiences health and vitality that results from your ideas, feelings, behaviors, and experiences.
When we are in a state of well-being, we frequently feel joyful, healthy, socially connected, and

Regarding safety and security, there are people who experience hardships, tiredness, stress, and
burnout as a result of threats to their safety and security. Such an event forces us to reflect more
deeply on the subject of self-care and human rights advocates. The field of human rights must
redefine security to encompass everything from the physical, digital, and monetary security of
human rights organizations to the mental and emotional health of a single defender. Funders and
human rights organizations must keep in mind that putting defenders' safety and health first,
avoiding burnout, and addressing trauma are not selfish pursuits. They are best practices instead.
The attitudes and practices of both individuals and organizations must change. This calls for
integrating security into business cultures and a shift toward a mindset that views self-care as
essential to success. The adage "toughen up or leave" is no longer relevant.

The term "unemployment" describes those who are looking for work but are unable to find one
while being employable. Additionally, those who lack suitable jobs are those in the labor force or
pool of workers who are available. Unemployment is one of the key measures of the state of an
economy and is typically expressed as the unemployment rate, which is arrived at by dividing the
total workforce by the number of jobless people. There are four types of unemployment. (1)
demand deficient, (2) frictional, (3) structural, and (4) voluntary unemployment.

Demand deficient unemployment is the main reason for unemployment, particularly when a
recession is present. It is crucial to have a diverse staff within the firm because it will likely reduce
production when demand for the company's goods or services declines. In reality, employees are let
Frictional unemployment is used to describe employees who are between employment. An
illustration would be a worker who recently quit their job or was fired and is looking for jobs in a
healthy economy. Because it is typically brought on by employees looking for a position that best
utilizes their skills, it is not a bad thing.Structural unemployment occurs when a person's skill set
does not match the requirements of the jobs that are open or when the worker cannot travel to the
location of a job. An illustration is a teaching position that necessitates transfer to Canada but for
which the employee is unable to obtain a work visa due to certain visa constraints. It might also
occur if there is a technology advancement within the company, such workflow
automation.Voluntary unemployment happens when a worker decides to leave a job because it is
no longer financially fulfilling. An example is a worker whose take-home pay is less than his or her
cost of living.

Causes of unemployment:
Numerous factors, including those from the supply side (workers) and the demand side
(employers), result in unemployment. On the demand side, the financial crisis, the global recession,
and rising borrowing rates could be to blame. Frictional unemployment and structural employment
are major factors on the supply side.
The effects of unemployment can be felt by both the workforce and the national economy, and they
can have a drastic impact. It puts employees under financial strain, which could cause emotional
devastation. When it occurs, consumer spending, one of an economy's main drivers of growth,
declines, which, if left ignored, can result in a recession or even a depression. Additionally, it leads to
lower purchasing power, which lowers firm earnings and prompts budget cuts and employee
layoffs. It starts a never-ending loop. In the end, everybody loses.

All aspects of life are impacted by unemployment, which is a serious social and economic issue that
is generally ignored. A more robust method of evaluating the unemployed needs to be established in
order to pinpoint its causes and effectively solve them.

Malnourishment & Hunger

Hunger - the discomfort, weakness, or pan caused by a prolonged lack of food. It leads to
destitution, child labour, trafficking, war, illness, and death.
Malnutrition- inadequate nutrition resulting from lack of food or failure of the body to absorb or
assimilate nutrients properly. It affects people's lifelong ability to learn, work, and support
themselves. It increases the risk of chronic disease, and premature death.

We are aware that we have the knowledge and means to put an end to hunger and
undernourishment. It is a matter of political fidelity. Governments in some countries are putting
effective measures in place to address hunger and malnutrition. Now that we can all see which
governments are committed and which are not, we can identify those that are not. The hunger and
nutrition commitment index highlights the actions or inactions of governments in three key areas:
public funding, legislation, and policies. These crucial facts are now accessible to communities and


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