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Inglés a Distancia – Nivel Medio – Texto 4

Robinson, Ken (2010) Changing Education Paradigms. RSA Animate.

Would you like to do something different?

Follow these steps:

1. Go to YouTube and search for Ken Robinson Rsa animate (11:41’) or
or you can also click on the link in the campus.

There, you´ll find a presentation called Changing Education Paradigms delivered by

Sir Ken Robinson (1950-2020). He challenges the way we're educating our children.
He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and
acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.

2. Listen to the presentation and watch the graphic facilitation performed at the same
time. You can watch it as many times as you like, and you´ll realize how much more
you can understand every time you listen to it.

Don´t worry if the listening is difficult, the drawing/graphics will help you
understand the most important concepts. You may also turn on the English
subtitles (CC), if you need them.

3. Finally, write the MAIN IDEA of his presentation in ONLY ONE well-
written sentence. (CONSIGNA PARA ENTREGAR)
Don’t forget to include: Problemática de la educación pública actual/
Consecuencias /Nuevo paradigma/Propuesta del autor

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