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Regular Board Meeting
Monday, February 13, 2023
MCTEA Room 110 – 5:30 P.M.


I. Opening
A. Call Meeting to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Roll Call: Aslesen, Christiansen, Flood, Olson, Ruml
D. Determination of Quorum
E. Approval of Agenda:
Motion to Amend:
Motion to Approve:
II. Consent Agenda:
B. Claims
C. Personnel
D. Open Enrollment
E. Conflicts of Interest


IV. Chamber of Commerce Report- Geri Beck, Director BOARD INFOMATION

V. Board Consideration to Approve Membership Agreement in Eastern South MOTION TO APPROVE

Dakota Food Buying Group—Year 6

VI. Board Consideration to Purchase Lot for MTC Student Built House #111 MOTION TO APPROVE

VII. Board Consideration to Declare MTC Site House Surplus in Order that it may MOTION TO APPROVE
be sold by Sealed Bid Sale.

VIII. Board Consideration to approve quit claim deed on property no longer being MOTION TO APPROVE
used by the School District as a School House.

IX. Board Consideration to approve signing a petition to vacate alley on south end MOTION TO APPROVE
of Lot X.

X. Board Consideration to Approve the 2023-2024 K-12 School Calendar MOTION TO APPROVE

XI. Board Consideration to approve bid for Welding Equipment MOTION TO APPROVE

XII. Board discussion regarding the idea of holding a bond issue for the completion BOARD INFORMATION
of the Mitchell High School construction project.


XIV. Superintendent Report BOARD INFORMATION

XV. Board Consideration to Enter into Executive Session for the Purpose of MOTION TO APPROVE
“Discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness
Of any Public officer or employee or prospective public officer of Employee.”
SDCL 1-25-2.(1)

XVI. Adjourn
School Board Meeting
Agenda Item
For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Approve Consent Agenda

From: Joseph Graves, Superintendent

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☒
Board Information ☐
Scheduled report ☐

A. Board Minutes
B. Claims
C. Personnel
D. Open Enrollments
E. Conflicts of interest

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name:_____________________________________ Date:2/13/2023

January 9, 2023

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Deb Olson at
5:30 PM at the Mitchell Career Technical Education Academy 921 North Capital Street, Mitchell
South Dakota, Davison County.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll call of members present: Deb Olson, Matthew Christiansen, Shawn Ruml, Terry Aslesen and
Brittni Flood. Absent: None. Others present: Dr. Joseph Graves Superintendent, Steve
Culhane, Business Manager, and Student representative Claire Hegg.
Motion #355208
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Ruml to amend the agenda by removing Personnel from the
consent agenda and moving it to item 9A after coming out of executive session and adding a
tour of the West Hallway of MCTEA at the end of the meeting. Motion carried.
Motion #355209
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Flood to approve the amended agenda as now presented.
Motion carried.
Motion #355210
Motion by Flood, seconded by Ruml to approve the consent agenda items of the claims and the
minutes of the December 12, 2022 board meeting. These minutes had been sent to the Daily
Republic in unapproved form all in accordance as per SDCL 13-8-35. Motion carried.
Motion #355211
Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Ruml to the addition to the Mitchell Technical College
Faculty and Staff Handbooks. For snow removal outside of the regular school day when in
session, MTC employees will be paid $40 per hour. MTC Students who are employed by MTC
will be compensated at $25 per hour. Motion carried.
Motion #355212
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Flood to approve the date of June 6, 2023 for the joint
City/School Election. Board member Christiansen’s seat is up for election this year. Motion
carried with all members voting yes and member Christiansen abstaining.
At this time, Board President Olson appointed members Christiansen, Aslesen and Flood as
Legislative Action Network Representatives.
School Board members reported on the meetings they had attended since the last meeting.
Dr. Graves informed the school board that due to the 4 days of school that have to be made up, school
will be in session as of now through May 25, 2023. The last day to make up will be Friday May 26th. Any
other snow days will not be added to the calendar, but will be done through other means.
Motion #355213
Motion by Flood, seconded by Aslesen to move into executive session at 5:50 pm for the purpose of
discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public officer or
employee or prospective public officer of employee as per SDCL 1-25-2. (1) Motion carried.
The school board moved out of executive session at 6:40 pm and back into the regular portion of the

Motion #355214
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Christiansen to approve all of the personnel items.
New Administration Hire: Theresa Kriese, Business Manager, $130,000, effective July 1, 2023.
New Certified Hires: Cassey VerHey, Head 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, $2,122, effective 2022-23
school year. Christina Siemsen, Sophomore Girls Basketball Coach, $3,470, effective 2022-23 school
year. New Classified Hires: Katelyn Albertz, ParaEducator/LBW, $15.00/hr., effective December 19,
2022. Gabrielle Poling, ParaEducator/MS, $15.00, effective January 11, 2023. Amelia Rew, Assistant
Gymnastics Coach, $3,684, effective 2022-23 school year. Resignation/Retirements: Joseph Graves,
Superintendent, effective January 31, 2023. Steve Culhane, Business Manager, effective June 30, 2023.
Cathy Horan, Business Office/Accounts Receivable, effective June 30, 2023. Resignations: Danielle
Schoenefeld, Begindergarten/GBR, effective end of 2022-23 school year. Laura Baus, ParaEducator/LO,
effective November 18, 2022. Amanda Klein, ParaEducator/MS, effective January 3, 2023. Bob Lemon,
Head Girls Soccer Coach, effective end of 2022-23 school year. Transfer: Charlene Hilkemeier,
ParaEducator/LBW, 7 hrs., to ParaEducator/LO, 7 hrs., effective pending suitable replacement at LBW.
MTC New Hires: Daryl Bird, Student Success Coach, $24,205, effective January 3, 2023. Fred Flannagan,
MTC Maintenance, $24,435.48, effective January 9, 2023. Robyn Henglefelt, $18.18/hr., effective
January 9, 2023. Parker Johnson, MTC Student Worker, $13.50/hr., effective January 9, 2023. Elizabeth
A. Luczak, Adjunct Registered Nursing (RN), Clinical Instructor, $5,950, effective January 5, 2023. Janet
Nicolaus, Adjunct Administrative Office Specialist (AOS), Digital Media Concepts, $2,250, effective
January 9, 2023. Abbie Reynen, Adjunct Registered Nursing (RN), Microbiology, $3,000, effective
January 9, 2023. MTC Spring Additional Courses: Sarah Ellis, Fundamentals of Speech, $2,250. Tyler
Hockett, Managerial Accounting, $2,250. Annika Russell-Manke, Federal Taxation, $2,250. Ryan Van
Zee, Intro to Human Resource Management, $2,250. Contract Revision: Seth Hastings, MTC
Maintenance, $26,500, effective January 1, 2023. MTC Resignations: Sara Raml, Adjunct Registered
Nursing (RN) Clinical Instructor, effective December 16, 2022. Lisa Larson, Instruction Support Specialist,
effective January 10, 2023. Motion carried.
Motion #35515
Motion by Flood, seconded by Christiansen to start the process of hiring an interim Superintendent and
set up interviews for the possibility of using a search firm for the help in hiring a Superintendent starting
in July of 2023. Motion carried.
At this time, the Board toured the West Hallway of MCTEA.
Board President Olson declared the meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm.

Cash Balance as of December 31, 2023

Beginning Balance, $25,707,108

General Fund Balance $9,159,270 Capital Outlay Balance $5,777,477, Special Education
Balance $1,563,544, Mitchell Tech Balance $5,137,700, Food Service Balance $1,477,562,
Driver’s Ed Balance ($-2,180), T/A Balance $3,123,122, James Valley Coop Balance $27,486,
Capital Projects Fund Balance ($-556,873)
Total Revenue, $3,296,261
General Fund $1,574,486, Capital Outlay $238,091, Special Education $303,289, Mitchell Tech
$881,396, Food Service $157,363, Driver’s Ed $-0-, T/A $86,513, James Valley Coop $55,123,
Capital Projects Fund $-0-
Total Expenditures, $6,442,302
General Fund $2,101,512, Capital Outlay $573,253, Special Education $578,337, Mitchell Tech
$1,436,452, Food Service $141,458, Driver’s Ed $-0-, T/A $521,473, James Valley Coop
$46,974, Capital Projects Fund $1,042,843
Ending Balance, $22,561,067
General Fund $8,632,244, Capital Outlay $5,442,315, Special Education $1,288,496, Mitchell
Tech $4,582,644, Food Service $1,493,467, Driver’s Ed $(2,180), T/A $2,688,162, James Valley
Coop $35,635, Capital Projects Fund $(1,599,716)

January 12, 2023

The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Deb Olson at
5:30 PM at the Mitchell Career Technical Education Academy at 821 North Capital Street in
Mitchell South Dakota, Davison County.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll call of members present: Deb Olson, Brittni Flood, Matthew Christiansen, Terry Aslesen,
and Shawn Ruml. Absent: None. Others present: Steve Culhane, Business Manager.
Motion #355216
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Christiansen to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
Motion #355217
Motion by Flood, seconded by Ruml to move into executive session at 5:32 pm for the purpose
of Discussing the qualifications, competence, performance, character or fitness of any public
officer or employee or prospective public officer of employee as per SDCL 1-25-2.(1). Motion
President Olson declared that executive session was over and the board was back in open
session at 8:00 PM. At this time the School Board conducted formal interviews of the Search
Firms that will assist the School Board in the hiring of a permanent Superintendent for a start
date of July 1, 2023. The Board heard from Dakota Education Consulting Services out of Sioux
Falls and Grundmeyer Leader Services out of Des Moines, IA.
After the conclusion of the interviews,
Motion #355218
Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Flood to approve the hiring of Joe Childs as the Interim
Superintendent of Schools, starting January 17th thru June 30th. Annual salary will be at
$140,000 and will be pro-rated for this time frame. Motion carried.
Motion #355219
Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Ruml to enter into a contract with Dakota Education
Consulting out of Sioux Falls, SD for their assistance in the search for a Superintendent to start
on July 1, 2023. The Fee will be set at $9,995.00 and other costs for copies, mileage and AASA
advertising not to exceed an additional $1,000. Motion carried.
There being no further business, President Olson adjourned the meeting at 9:18 PM.

January 31, 2023

The special meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Deb Olson at
5:30 PM at the Mitchell Career Technical Education Academy at 821 North Capital Street in
Mitchell South Dakota, Davison County.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll call of members present: Deb Olson, Brittni Flood, Matthew Christiansen, Terry Aslesen,
and Shawn Ruml. Absent: None. Others present: Dr. Joseph Graves, Superintendent, Steve
Culhane, Business Manager.
Motion #355220
Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Flood to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
At this time members of Puetz Design + Build and Schemmer Architect firm went over the bids
received for the HS Construction project. Each of the 34 bid packages were looked at and
discussed. The cost of the Base bid which is the building of the new High School is at
$45,618,901.28. This cost does include Alternate #9 which was a deduct for Made in America
option and Alternate #10 which was a deduct for waiving the cost of a Performance Bond.
There were 5 bid packages whereby the low bidder was not awarded the bid as their bid did not
meet the specifications called for in the documents. Each of the successful bidders will be
entering into a contract with Puetz Design + Build as Puetz Design is the Construction Manager
at Risk for the project. As discussion ended, a motion was made by Member Aslesen to reject
all bids at this time and look for additional cost savings in design and rebid the project at a later
date. This motion died for a lack of a second motion. Discussion was heard with regard to the
total cost of the project and the need to look at asking the voters of Mitchell to pass a bond
issue to complete the athletic portion of the High School. At this time, Board member Aslesen
made the motion to defer the bids until the next regular scheduled board meeting and to have
the Senior High Staff surveyed on what they want moving forward with the project and those
results brought to the meeting. This motion died for a lack of a second motion.
Motion #355221
Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Ruml to approve the Base bid, which included Alternate 9
& 10 for a cost of $45,618,901. Members voting yes are; Christiansen, Ruml, Flood, and Olson.
Members voting no are; Aslesen. Motion passes 4 votes to 1.
At the next meeting, discussion will be on to proceed with a Bond issue and to make a decision
on Alternates 1 through 8 that were submitted as well.
Motion #355222
There being no further business, motion by Flood, seconded by Christiansen to adjourn the
meeting at 7:01 pm. Motion carried.

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 1
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 10 General Fund
4 Imprint Post It Notes 254.85
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Cobot Equipment/Grant 230,227.24
A T & T Mobility/First Net Cell Phone Usage 1,775.83
Aatsp National Office Membership Fee 65.00
Abbott House Inc November Tuition 8,039.14
Andersen, Maddie Debate Judge 150.00
Arctic Refrigeration, Inc. Equipment Repairs 2,770.42
Augustana University Entry Fee 825.00
Bartscher, Debra Library Supplies 55.08
Bates, Trish Gymnastics Worker 320.00
Baysinger, Denise Cleaner 5.31
Beers, Jerry Bb Official 565.20
Berg, Darin Bb Official 138.64
Berg, Thomas Fuel 27.09
Bialas, Myles Wrestling Official 347.95
Big E Auto Service Vehicle Service 2,238.44
Biggerstaff, Stacie Program Supplies 39.25
Bishop Heelan Vocal Music Entry Fee 500.00
Borch's Sporting Goods Inc Athletic Supplies 7,735.00
Brad's Instrument Repair Instrument Maintenance 154.00
Break Time Portables #1 Portable Toilet Rental 225.00
Brookings Optimist Jazz Fest Entry Fee 400.00
C & B Operations Equipment Repairs 1,052.05
Cadwell, Matt Bb Official 397.88
Carquest Auto Parts Auto Supplies 69.94
Chada, Dodie Gymnastics Judge 126.92
Cherrybee's Flowers 32.48
Christian, Jenny Gymnastics Judge 0.00
Christopherson, Ryleigh Debate Judge 50.00
City Of Mitchell Water, Sewer 3 Months 17,429.41
City Of Mitchell Landfill Fees 35.52
Ck Bicycles & Locks Llc Key Blanks 37.00
Climate Systems Service Call/Gbr 120.00
Colliers Securities Disclosure Services 700.00
County Fair, Inc Food Supplies 461.90
Cubby's Inc Fuel 1,673.68
Dacotah Prairie Museum Registration Fee 75.00
Dakota Education Consulting Consulting Fees 5,000.00
Dakota Potters Supply Llc Kiln Repair 1,069.50
Dakota Pump Inc. Service Calls 1,227.86
Darrington Water Conditioning Water Conditioning 111.50
Daylight Donuts Baked Goods 538.48
De Jong, Chad Bb Official 131.36
Decker Equipment O/M Supplies 109.35
Demco Inc Library Supplies 116.60
Desmond, Erin Piano Accompanist 150.00
Division Of Motor Vehicles License Plate Fees 24.20
Domino's/Mitchell Pizza 176.89
Dramatic Publishing Script 128.89
E Rate And Ed Services Llc Professional Services 4,531.52
Ed's Pet World Program Supplies 27.96
Ehlke, Courtney Gift Card 185.52
Ehs Show Choir Registration Fee/Ms 700.00
Einstein's Costumes Costumes 873.00
Erdmann, Danielle Gift Cards 30.00
Farmers Alliance Fuel 1,031.59

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 2
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
First Nat'l Bank Omaha Travel,Program Supplies 6,108.39
Flinn Scientific Classroom Supplies 404.34
Foreman Student Transportation 51,248.84
Forsstrom, Daniel Bb Official 138.64
Fowkes, Erin Gift Cards 100.00
Gerlach, Tarilynn Books 78.21
Gerry, Brian Bb Official 170.38
Grady, Jeremy Bb Official 238.08
Grainger O/M Supplies 3,219.92
Grocott, Eric Bb Official 248.16
Gross, Andrew Bb Official 277.28
Gubbrud, Chris Office Supplies 239.83
Haenfler, Jeff Bb Official 152.02
Hall, Le Ann Bb Official 157.12
Harve's Sport Shop Athletics Supplies 1,357.88
Haskamp, Jim Bb Official 114.28
Heeren, Anna Food Supplies 129.34
Hill, Jason Wrestling Official 452.50
Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 11,215.89
Honeywell Inc Automation Service 9,795.67
Innovative Office Solutions Program & Office Supplies 1,404.50
Interstate All Battery Center Batteries 108.40
Janisch, Chris Bb Official 170.38
Jastram, Terry Bb Official 138.64
Jaymar Business Forms W-2 Mailers,1099 Forms 630.21
Jira, Jacey Leap Supplies 20.26
Johnson Controls Service Calls/Ms 8,002.91
Johnson, Lee Bb Official 151.00
Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 2,975.74
Jorgensen, Stephanie Gymnastics Judge 147.32
Kayser, Donnie Bb Official 107.84
Keith, Rusty Bb Official 177.52
Kone Chicago Elevator Maintenance 2,405.04
Kono, Jason Bb Official 419.84
Korzan, Mathias Debate Judge 100.00
Krause, Pat Wrestling Official 395.00
Krohmer Plumbing Repairs,New Piping/Mhs Water Heater 9,446.50
Larry's I-90 Service Plow Supplies 473.18
Larson, Chad Course Fee 35.00
Leonard's Custom Sharpening Chains, Sharpening 271.26
Life Church Shure Wireless Transmitter 200.00
Logan Luxury Theatres Corp Gift Cards 170.00
Loudenburg, Luke Wrestling Official 235.00
Lynch, Amanda Classroom Supplies 171.97
Macgill & Co Nurses' Supplies 40.31
Malloy, Bob Bb Official 112.32
Mark's Photographic Images Sales Tax Deducted 97.80
Matthiesen, Keith Bb Official 262.72
Mc Cook Central/Montrose 10/30 Wrestling Entry Fees 75.00
Mcleods Office Supply Printed Material & Supplies 632.60
Menards O/M,Program Supplies 14.99
Mettler, Zach Wrestling Official 197.12
Mid Dakota Equipment Washer Repair 738.76
Midco Business Long Distance Service 2,136.85
Miller, Madison-Ainsley Postage 46.13
Mitchell Concrete Inc Gravel 911.00
Mitchell Iron & Supply Inc O/M Supplies,Repairs 236.62

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 3
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Mitchell Music Boosters Palace City Jazz Fest 750.00
Mitchell Republic Minutes, Advertising 232.83
Mitchell Republic Subscriptions 66.00
Mitchell School District Petty Cash 97.87
Mitchell Tech Corp Ed A D Meeting 10.00
Morgan, Teresa Subscription 96.00
Morris, Max Bb Official 206.08
Murphy, Kathryn Classroom Supplies 37.27
Musser, Jeff Program Supplies 29.78
Muth Electric Inc Electrical Service,Supplies 8,706.08
Neises, Bailey Wrestling Official 371.92
Nepstads Flower Shop Flowers 158.00
Northeast Area Jazz Ensemble Jazz Festival Entry Fee 300.00
Nsu Jazz Festival Entry Fee 350.00
Odp Business Solutions Program Supplies 227.01
Office Advantage, The Staples 1,676.90
Office Of Weights & Measures Inspection 28.00
On Sight Llc Key Fobs 210.00
Ortmeier, Adam Debate Judge 250.00
Paulson Air O/M Supplies 131.25
Pepper Music 763.00
Performance Foodservice Ffvp 4,759.54
Perma - Bound Library Books 2,407.21
Petersen, Angela Mileage/Colony 12.24
Plaza Cleaners Dry Cleaning 104.37
Poppema, Mike Bb Official 170.38
Popplers Music Store Music Supplies 412.05
Premier Pest Control Pest Control 675.00
Prewett, Evelyn Debate Judge 100.00
Pudwill, Noah Weightlifting Attendance Award 50.00
Qualified Presort Service Llc Postage 954.65
Rapid City Central Hs 12/9-10 Wrestling Tourney 500.00
Region Iii Fccla Registrations 169.40
Reisdorfer, Jason Bb Official 170.38
Riverside Technologies Managed Services 205.00
Rook, Brian Bb Official 170.12
Roudabush, Karen Lodging 75.00
Ruth, Mike Bb Official 149.18
Sanchez, Caleigh Debate Judge 200.00
Sasd Becky Roth Naesp Membership 347.00
Schelske, Presten Weightlifting Attendance Award 50.00
Scholastic Inc Books 224.72
Schroeder, Lisa Gymnastics Judge 95.30
Scott Supply Co Inc Repair Parts 704.03
Sdaccc Teacher Career Fair 300.00
Sdctm/Sdsta Jpdc Registrations 340.00
Sdmea All State Band 45.00
Selchert, Jason Bb Official 190.78
Sherwin Williams Paint Supplies 613.08
Sioux Falls Lincoln High Debate Lincoln Silver Bowl Debate 118.00
Sioux Falls Washington Hs 2022 Warrior Wrestling 75.00
Snoozy, Marlett In District Mileage 72.42
Sonne, Scott Bb Official 124.48
Spectrum Techniques Science Supplies 288.00
State Supply Co Inc O/M Supplies 123.01
Stemper, Sid Professional Service 475.00

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 4
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Sun Gold Sports Llc Program Supplies 2,124.25
Taylor, Lee Bb Official 170.38
Tessier's Inc Service Call/Mctea 3,377.96
Tessman Company, The Grounds Supplies 1,800.00
Thunes True Value O/M Supplies 409.87
Triotel Communications Inc Telephone/Colonies 87.09
United Parcel Service Shipping 400.00
Usborne Books Library Books 366.93
Vanoverschelde, Kelsey 21st Century Supplies 37.01
Vatter-Miller, Melissa Play Scripts 19.50
Vex Robotics Robotics Equipment/Perkins Grant 2,371.39
Voneye, Emily Gift Cards 30.00
Vossekuil, Chad Bb Official 140.88
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc Fuel 868.09
Walmart Program Supplies 20.73
Wards Science Classroom Supplies 690.73
Warne, Lori Gymnastics Judge 98.48
Washington H S Chorus Registrations/Ms 400.00
Whetham, Brian Bb Official 179.56
Wilson, Traci Cookies 85.46
Yourmembership.Com Inc Job Posting 559.00
Fund Number 10 459,396.58
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 21 Capital Outlay
Direct Digital Controls Inc Smoke Damper Upgrade/Lbw 6,950.00
Innovative Office Solutions Benches 1,900.02
Interstate All Battery Center Batteries 420.00
Nasco Art Supplies/Curriculum 74.36
Office Advantage, The Printing Contract 1,618.26
Us Bank St Paul Debt Service 662,406.89
Fund Number 21 673,369.53
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 22 Special Education
Abbott House Inc November Tuition 855.00
Sped Recipient Mileage 146.88
Career Connections Contracted Services 808.35
Children's Care Hospital Tuition 22,100.00
Collaborative Solutions Llc Professional Services 1,687.50
Crisis Prevention Institute Membership Dues 400.00
First Nat'l Bank Omaha Prgram Supplies 145.00
Innovative Office Solutions Program & Office Supplies 428.04
Isi Llc Interpreter Services 6,875.40
Life Quest Tuition 3,600.00
Pearson Education Test Materials 453.75
Sd Dept Of Human Services Tuition 30,416.92
Western Psychological Services Test Materials 58.30
Fund Number 22 67,975.14
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 23 Post Secondary
44 Interactive, Inc. Advertsing 33,400.00
A & G Diesel Inc 2012 Ptrbelt Repairs 3,123.69
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Accumove Controller 5,744.42
Abe Of Mitchell Llc Paint Touchups Tc105/107 102.04
Advance Auto Parts Powersports - Button Plug 45.85
Al's Engraving Name Badge/ Name Plate 17.15
American Garage Door Maintenance Shop Door 574.10
Aramark Rugs - Campus Center 538.71
Audio Video Integrations Fixed Volume 2,075.44
Auto Body Specialties Powersports - Mark Remover, 58.87

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 5
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Automatic Building Controls Annual Checkout Of Fire Alarms 5,653.00
Avera Queen Of Peace Tubersol 168.08
Bailey Metal Fabricators Inc Welding - Full Bars, Rolled, Round 896.62
Balfour Diploma Covers 2,916.61
Bank Of North Dakota Return Loan 1,266.00
Barney,Carson 6,995.50
Basin Electric Power Coop Monthly Lease,Charges 8,070.32
Big E Auto Service 2016 F450 Super Duty 518.43
Borns Group Inc Postcards 2,838.10
Brookings Area Cpr Ctc Cpr Cards 130.00
Brooks Oil Company Inc Propane - Cdl Training Center 4,284.32
Buhl's Drycleaning Foundation Donor Reception 488.20
Butler Machinery Co. Oil Filler Cap Return 522.79
C & B Operations Llc Salt Spreader Harness 2,514.36
Carquest Auto Parts Program Supplies 1,534.92
Charlie's Shoe Repair Added Groments To End 17.50
Cherrybee's Donor Reception Pointsettias 538.00
City Of Mitchell Water, Sewer 3 Months 2,968.44
City Of Mitchell Muni Solid Waste 121.92
Ck Bicycles & Locks Llc Keys 152.00
Cole Papers Inc Aquamizer Blades 271.86
College Avenue Student Loans Return Loan - Sierra Fox 5,800.00
Concordance Health Solutions Med Assist - Electrode, Gloves 85.20
Core Laboratory Supplies Inc Diluent 236.08
County Fair, Inc Exploration Day 746.87
Crazy Lady Consuling, Llc Additional Work Above Contract 4,910.00
Dakota Horsepower Powersports - Water Pump Rebuild 45.50
Dakota Pro Striping Llc Snow Removal 7,850.01
Dakota Supply Group Inc Sheetmetal 128.56
Darrington Water Conditioning Salt 52.75
Degen, Chris Harley Davidson Trip 114.00
Domino's/Mitchell Exploration Day 463.48
Drifters Bar & Grille Mtc Share - Reception 666.50
Elite Unmanned Llc Uas Day Training 425.00
Elo Prof Llc Foundation Qbo Fees 138.00
Experian Credit Bureau Services 22.00
Farmers Alliance Forklift Fuel 874.41
Foreman Animal Science To Convention Ctr 2,625.00
Freeman, Paula Clincial Visit - Iowa 80.00
Frontier Precision Precision Ag Subscription 1,650.00
Fs3, Inc Cpe Money 71.49
Golden West Technologies Inc Tele Answering Services 25.00
Graham Tire Company Tire & Battery Repair 30.19
Grode-Hanks, Carol Hlc Trip - Self And Marla 345.60
Gruenstein, Logan Note Taking For Student 42.00
Guindon, Rayne Lund Boat Tour 71.00
Hart-Schutte, Julie Pierre Career Fair 32.00
Hi Media Advertising 1,667.00

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 6
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 2,554.70
Hometown Plumbing & Heating Repaired Leak In Kitchen 3,466.04
Innovative Nonprofit Llc Consulting Services 6,250.00
Innovative Office Solutions Tech Center Lounge Furniture 33,056.72
Interstate Glass & Door Fire Lite Installed - Wifi 21,502.00
Interstate Tire & Auto Ctr Tire Repair 185.95
Isi Llc Interpreter - Campus Visit 120.00
J H Larson Light Bulbs 652.50
Jarding, Carena Pierre & Sturgis Career Fair 64.00
Jimmy Johns - 2399 Sd Leadership Academy 2.8.23 202.30
Johnson Controls Repaird Vfd And Rtu 43,756.40
Johnstone Supply Trainer & Supplies 450.68
Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 1,507.56
Jrcert Substantive Change Request 250.00
Lamar Companies Advertising 550.00
Make It Mine Design Sd/Mtc Decals 247.17
Mckesson Medical-Surgical Inc. Plain Slides 2,819.99
Mcleods Office Supply Notecards Env 269.80
Menards Hct - Candy - Career Fair 2,019.35
Midwest Fire & Safety First Aid Restock 1,623.31
Miedema Sanitation Inc Trash Removal 923.00
Mirion Technologies Inc Rad Therapy - Instadose, Badge 5,668.85
Mitchell Kiwanis Club Theatre Production Sponsorship 500.00
Muth Electric Inc Replaced Switches 4,997.10
Nedved Media Advertising 4,263.64
Nelson,Brandon Note Taking For Student 84.00
Norfolk Daily News Advertising 514.00
Office Advantage, The Printing Contract 1,290.89
Otis Elevator Company Fuel Fee 125.00
Petrik Sanitation Cardboard Service 120.00
Plooster, Michael Tf Riggs Career Fair 32.00
Plumbing And Heating Wholesale Tech Center Maintenance 172.72
Ponderosa Rentals Storage Unit Rent - February 160.00
Postmaster 2023 Brm Permit Fee #8000 290.00
Premier Pest Control Pest Control 675.00
Pro Contracting 3rd Party Testing 1,440.00
Proctorfree, Inc. Hosting Fee Monthly/Proctored Exams 327.00
Prostrollo Motor Sales Fbm Impala - Headlamp 172.77
Puetz Design + Build Diesel Architecture Fees 79,472.00
Qualified Presort Service Llc Postage 3,475.24
Riverside Technologies Instructor Laptop 645.00
Runnings Supply, Inc. Hardware 2,794.70
Russell-Manke, Annika Pierre Career Fair 32.00
S & M Printing Banners 252.00
Saga Communications Sd Advertising 583.00
Schoenfelder Portables Portable Toilets 220.00
Scott Supply Co Inc Glass, Edge Cut 745.00
Sd Board Of Nursing Refund Scholarships 800.00
Sd Fccla Fccla College Fair Booth 100.00
Sdhsra National Sponsor 1,000.00

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 7
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Sdsrt Sdsrt Instructor Membership 40.00
Sdvma 2023 Vet Medical Assoc Dues 150.00
Service First Fire Sprinkler Fire Pump Replacement 7,418.41
Shi International Corp Az Backup 1,396.07
Simmermon, Nichole Pierre Career Fair 32.00
Sisson Printing Inc Business Cards - Daryl Bird 2,183.68
Small Town Tire & Repair Welding - 1 3/8" X 4' - 304l 500.00
Snap-On Industrial Maintenance - Multimeter 259.84
South Dakota Magazine Advertising 895.00
South Dakota Newspaper Assn Ent, Leadership Advertisment 6,700.00
Stan Houston Equipment Inc Laser Repairs 380.00
State Steel Of South Dakota Welding, House 109 Supplies 511.87
Sturdevant's Auto Parts Blk Nyln Push Retain 6.49
Sutton Rodeo Table At College Fair 50.00
Swanny's Engines & Machine Powersports - Bore 1 Cylinder Engine 45.00
Swenson Bros. Marine 2023 Lund 1775 Impact Xs 39,730.00
Trajecsys Corporation Slpa Reporting System 225.00
Unisa, Inc. Payment Center/Perkins Loan 466.90
United Laboratories Black Knight Dry Moly 1,188.12
Us Bank Operations Center January Facility Fees 503,645.69
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc Fuel 2,436.79
Walmart Program Supplies 72.68
Wheelco Truck & Trailer Parts Wiper Blades 164.21
Wholesale Electronics Inc Welding - Fuses 15.10
Fund Number 23 942,176.91
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 26 Mtc Enterprise Fund
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Culinary - Nitrogen 57.81
Aramark Culinary Uniforms 1,126.20
Buhl's Drycleaning Linens 58.60
Builder's Millwork & Window House 109 - Millwork 14,743.15
Builders First Source House 110 - Gyp Reg, Mill Prest 42,685.26
Cash-Wa Distributing Cafe Return 6,141.69
Chesterman Company Cafe Return 1,689.12
County Fair, Inc Oak Room Supplies 476.49
Dakota Supply Group Inc House 110 - Heating/Cooling 1,263.77
Duane's Carpet Outlet Inc House 109 - Carpet/Tile 3,620.00
Jd Concrete Products Llc House 109 - Footing,Foundation 382.50
Johnson Hardwood Company House 109 - Poplar Fif 1,100.00
Johnstone Supply House 109 - Gas Piping 304.93
Jones Supplies Cafe Supplies 911.96
Karl's House 109 - Vent A Hood 944.96
Menards House 109 - Electrical 10,251.77
Miedema Sanitation Inc Trash Removal 210.00
Morgan Theeler Llp Lot For House 111 48,918.39
Northwestern Energy House 109 309.09
Oh My Carpet House 109 - Tile 1,423.75
Performance Foodservice Cafe/Oak Room Supplies 7,990.51
Plambeck Painting House 109 - Sand, Stain 5,705.16
Schoenfelder Portables Portable Toilets 220.00

Mitchell School District Board Report-10009 Page: 8
02/09/2023 02:49 Pm February 13, 2023 Board Bills Forum User Id: Dmo
Vendor Name Invoice Description Amount
Sherwin Williams House 109 - Paint 3,304.31
State Steel Of South Dakota Welding, House 109 Supplies 39.05
Superior Spray Foam Insulation House 109 - Spray Foam House 3,000.00
Fund Number 26 156,878.47
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 27 Mti - Cte Academy
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Welding Supplies 944.47
Builders First Source Program Supplies 756.21
First Nat'l Bank Omaha Travel,Program Supplies 74.20
Lincoln Electric Co, The Welding Supplies 481.16
Menards O/M,Program Supplies 273.30
Napa Central Program,O/M Supplies 59.57
Sturdevant's Auto Parts Program Supplies 8.99
Fund Number 27 2,597.90
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 29 Mtc Corporate Training
A Ox Welding Supply Inc Corp Ed - Industry Training 13.27
County Fair, Inc Corp Ed - Sasd Event 62.30
Domino's/Mitchell Corp Ed - Welding Poet Training 33.45
Elo Prof Llc Corp Ed Qbo Fees 75.00
Jimmy Johns - 2399 Corp Ed - Poet Training 102.40
Pac Software, Inc. Workshop Wizard Software – Sdsu Ext 1,800.00
Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 297.64
State Steel Of South Dakota Welding, House 109 Supplies 102.38
Voyager Fleet Systems Inc Fuel 47.26
Fund Number 29 2,533.70
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 41 Capital Projects-New Senior
High School
Schemmer Associates Professional Services 273,139.51
Fund Number 41 273,139.51
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 51 Food Service
Aramark Laundry Service 1,265.66
Carmody, Leann Mileage 76.50
Chesterman Company Food Supplies 645.46
Cubby's Inc Fuel/Program Supplies 78.29
Darrington Water Conditioning Water Conditioning 294.25
East Side Jersey Dairy Inc Food Supplies 11,443.42
Hobart Sales And Service Dishwasher Repair 1,070.38
Mitchell School District Petty Cash 21.30
Pepsi Mitchell Food Supplies 865.93
Performance Foodservice Food Supplies 43,670.71
Fund Number 51 59,431.90
Checking Account Id 1 Fund Number 52 Mtc Campus Store Fund
Akademos, Inc. Books 44,482.22
Ascendant Electronic Controls Temp 651.79
Buckingham Mfg. 5 Pocket Pouch - Black 60.59
Dell Marketing L P Student Laptops 3,436.92
Innovative Office Solutions Pencils, Calculators, Pens 599.05
Mv Sport Campus Store Spirit Items 625.50
Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 359.81
Stitch-N-Time Ag Program Shirts 273.00
Sun Gold Sports Llc Welding Polo 149.00
United Parcel Service Freight 659.98
Walmart Program Supplies 51.80
Fund Number 52 51,349.66

Personnel Items/Regular Board Meeting– February 13, 2023
A. New Classified Hire:
Scott Mullenmeister Head Girls Soccer Coach
Compensation- $3,494.00
Effective- 2023-24 School year

B. Transfers:
Kim Brenden- 5th Grade Teacher @ LBW to 3rd/4th Teacher @ LBW
Effective- 2023-24 School year

Susan Dodd- Kindergarten/1st Grade Looping Classroom @ GBR to Begindergarten/Title @ GBR

Effective- 2023-24 School year

Katelynn Clement- 2nd Grade Teacher @ GBR to K/1st Teacher @ GBR

Effective- 2023-2022 School year

C. Resignation/Retirement:
Stacey Morgan- 3rd/4th Teacher @ LBW
Effective- End of 2022-23 School year

Donna Ellingson- Administrative Assistant @ MHS

Effective- August 1, 2023

Mary Pranger- Special Education Paraeducator @ LBW

Effective- May 2023

D. Resignation:
Tom Berg- Robotics Advisor
Effective- End of 2022-23 School year

Sherri Becker- Curriculum Director

Effective- June 7, 2023

E. MTC New Hire:

Jerry Brink- Adjunct Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Instuctor
Compensation- $35/hr.
Effective- January 9, 2023

F. MTC Resignation:
Joe Brtna- Diesel Power Technology Instructor
Effective- May 30, 2023

Carmen Neugebauer- Financial Aid Assistant Director

Effective- June 30, 2023
School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Public Commentary

From: General Public

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☐
Board Information ☒
Scheduled report ☐

This item is included on the agenda to provide the public an opportunity to address the board
on topics which are not a part of the board agenda. Any topic or issue presented will not
receive action at the meeting by the Board, but will be given further study. Please also note
that individuals who have concerns about district employees or who wish to discuss
individual students should do so through other processes, such as the complaint procedure.
Such issues cannot be addressed in open session.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Date: 2/12/23

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Chamber of Commerce Report – Geri Beck, Director

From: Joe Childs, interim superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action
Board Information X
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

In order to enhance awareness of their efforts in our community and region and build a spirit
of cooperation and collaboration, the Mitchell Chamber of Commerce began reporting such
to various public boards earlier this year, including to the school board on November 14,
2022. Geri Beck, Director of our Chamber of Commerce, will provide an updated report to
the Board at this meeting.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Joe Childs, interim superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, interim superintendent Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Approve Membership Agreement in Eastern South Dakota

Food Buying Group—Year 6

From: Joe Childs, interim superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

Food Service Director Leann Carmody has recommended to me that we once again join the
Eastern South Dakota Food Buying Group, made up of Brandon Valley, Brookings, Yankton,
and Mitchell. The intent here is to continue to pool our purchasing and thereby reduce the
costs of food purchases while also maintaining the quality and selection of food available to
us and our students. Like any number of the other changes Mrs. Carmody has made, this
has been another positive step towards providing excellent meals to our students while
efficiently managing the costs of doing so. In years 1-6 of this food buying group, we were
able to garner significant savings in food costs with no compromising of food quality or
variety. There is even some evidence that the group arrangement has helped with supply
chain issues. Given these successes of this program, we would like to continue our
membership in the group. The membership agreement is included here (behind this cover
sheet) as supporting documentation.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Leann Carmody, Food Service Director

Steve Culhane, Business Manager
Joe Childs, interim superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, interim superintendent Date: 2/13/2023

Membership Agreement for Eastern South Dakota Food Buying Group
This membership agreement, made and entered into this _____ day of _________________, 2023, by and
between the Brandon Valley School District, Brookings School District, Mitchell School District and the Yankton
School District, hereinafter referred to as “Districts”;
Whereas, there are mutual benefits from pooling purchasing power for food served in school Child Nutrition
Programs which include lower cost, better quality and better service, and
Whereas, the Brandon Valley School District, Brookings School District, Mitchell School District and Yankton
School District all share similar purchasing requirements for food products,
Therefore, the districts mutually establish the Eastern South Dakota Food Buying Group (ESDFBG).
The purpose of the ESDFBG is to reduce overall costs for food products through volume buying of agreed upon
food categories while maintaining a high level of quality in products and supplier service through pooling
quantities into one Request for Proposals (RFP) to vendors/distributors.
All federal and state procurement regulations will be followed. The member school districts will annually agree
to the terms of this agreement. The Coordinating School District will coordinate the activities of the ESDFBG
and will serve as the contact for vendor, press or other public forum communications for the ESDFBG. A RFP
process will be utilized and will be available to all qualified distribution centers wishing to submit proposals.
The ESDFBG will select the winning distributor for the group based on criteria established in the RFP.
The group selects a market basket mix of items along with Net off Invoice (NOI) items to be quoted through
the RFP process. Member districts individually calculate their volume/usage for the next school year. Once a
vendor/distributor is awarded a contract through the RFP process or a rollover agreement (up to four years),
each member district is committed to and shall purchase its share of the volume included in the RFP. Each
member district shall follow through on its individual purchasing commitment. This is done to ensure the
integrity of the RFP with the brokers and manufacturers.
The ESDFBG will conduct usage reviews a minimum of two times per year to ensure that members are
purchasing the items as specified in the RFP and are on target to meet their purchasing commitments.
A member district failing to fulfill its purchasing commitment is individually responsible for costs associated
with that failure and that member district may lose its membership status in the ESDFBG by a majority vote of
the other voting members.
RFP Process:
Each spring the members will evaluate and update the RFP to define the market basket and NOI items to be
included. Proposals to add new items will be discussed among the members and if the majority of voting
members agree, those items will be added to the new RFP.
The RFP will state the terms and conditions for deliveries and the ordering procedures.

Members/Participants Roles:
The Coordinating School District shall coordinate the activities of the ESDFBG and will serve as the contact for
vendor, press or other public forum communications for the ESDFBG. Brookings School District will serve as
the Coordinating School District. The Coordinating School District may be changed by a majority vote of the
Voting members will be school districts of enrollments of 2000 students or more. Each member District shall
be entitled to one vote and will be expected to be active in the decision making process, attend group
meetings, and help with special projects. In the event of any tie vote within the membership of ESDFBG,
district seniority combined with individual director seniority as a member of ESDFBG, with consecutive years
of membership considered only, will take precedence followed by the district enrollment.
There may also be non-voting buying participants within the ESDFBG admitted by a majority vote of the
member districts. Each buying participant must commit to purchasing its identified quantity of food. A buying
participant failing to fulfill its purchasing commitment is individually responsible for costs associated with its
failure and may lose its participant status in the ESDFBG by a majority vote of the member districts.
A member or participating district wishing to exit the group agrees to fulfill its current school year obligation
and notify the Coordinating School District by February 1st of its intent not to participate for the following
school year.
The voting members reserve the right to deny, for any reason, participation to any applicant to become a
buying participant.
Each member District shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the other member Districts, from and against
any and all claims, actions, suits, liabilities, judgments, losses, damages, costs, charges, attorney fees and
other expenses incurred or suffered by said member District arising out of member District’s failure to comply
with its obligations under this agreement.
By signing below, I agree to abide by all membership requirements of the Eastern South Dakota Food Buying
Group. Furthermore, I understand that although the buying group negotiates price with vendors, all business
transactions occur between the Vendors and individual school districts in the buying group.

_________________________________ _______________________
Board President (Print) Date
_________________________________ _______________________
Board President (Sign) Date

_________________________________ _______________________
Superintendent (Print) Date
_________________________________ _______________________
Superintendent (Sign) Date

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Purchase Lot for MTC Student Built House #111

From: Joe Childs, interim superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

Based upon a request from MTC President Mark Wilson, I am recommending that the Board
approve the purchase, of Lot 12 Tract 1, for the future location of MTC House. This House
will be constructed inside the Mitchell Tech indoor lab. MTC House construction will begin
during the Fall 2023. House will be moved onto the described lot during the Spring of 2024.
MTC Plans for the Sale of this House during the Spring of 2025.

Legal Description: Lot 12 Tract 1, Wild Oak Golf Club Addition to the City of
Mitchell, Davison County, South Dakota

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Jared Hofer, Chief Financial Officer, Mitchell Technical College

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, interim superintendent Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to Declare MTC Site House Surplus in Order that it may be
Sold by Sealed Bid Sale

From: Joe Childs, interim superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

Based upon a request from MTC President Mark Wilson, I am recommending that the Board
declare the following to be surplus property:

2022-2023 ADBC Mitchell Tech Student Built House #109 located at 405 Doris Drive,
Mitchell, SD

Legal Description: Lot 13 Tract 1 Wild Oak Golf Club Addition to the City of Mitchell, Davison
County, South Dakota

Assuming that an acceptable bid is received for House #109, we would present a
recommendation to sell, by sealed bids, in April 2023

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Jared Hofer, Chief Financial Officer, Mitchell Technical College

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, interim superintendent Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board consideration to approve quit claim deed on property no longer being used
by the School District as a School House.

From: Steve Culhane, Business Manager

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

Back in 1887, a small parcel of land was given to the Mitchell School District for the sole
purpose of accommodating a future school house, however, once that land ceased to be
utilized for that purpose, it was stated that the title would revert to the parties of their heirs,
assigns, or successors in interest.
The Mitchell School Board will need to approve the ‘quit claim deed’ as we are no longer
using the property, in that manner, so the land may revert back to the grantee.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item: Steve Culhane

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Steve Culhane Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board consideration to approve signing a petition to vacate alley on south end
of Lot X.

From: Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

This matter is concerning the alley shared by Mitchell School District and William Wittstruck,
the owner of Lots 3 and 4 of the Weaver’s Squares Addition. Since the alley is a dead end
on the south of Lot X and the passage has not been used nor maintained by the City for
several years, the board should consider signing a petition to vacate the alley. In addition,
the school board should consider making a $200 contribution toward the legal expenses
incurred by our neighbor, William Wittstruck.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item: Joe Childs

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board consideration to Approve the 2023-2024 K-12 School Calendar

From: Joe Childs, interim superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

The MSD calendar committee met on Thursday, January 26 and, using the draft of the
current school calendar, made recommendations for next year. As well, the committee
considered the data from its 2019 parent survey and was quickly able to reach an agreeable
recommendation for the ’23-’24 school year.

That calendar is included, immediately following this cover sheet.

I will recommend approval at this time.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Joe Childs, interim superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, interim superintendent Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Consideration to approve bid for Welding Equipment

From: Steve Culhane Business Manager

Nature of action requested:

Board Action X
Board Information
Scheduled report

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

We opened a bid from A-Ox Welding from Mitchell SD for 2 Lincoln Welders. Their bid was
the only one received but the bid came in at the expected amount of $92,500 each. We are
asking for your approval tonight of this bid for $185,000. The funds are provided by a SD
Workforce grant that was approved for the Mitchell School District in the amount of $232,868.

lndividual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Steve Culhane, Business Manager

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Dr. Childs , Superintendent Date: 2/13/23

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board discussion regarding the idea of holding a bond issue for the completion of
the Mitchell High School construction project.

From: Joe Childs, interim superintendent

Nature of action requested:

Board Action
Board Information
Scheduled report X

Description of the item (including nature of the problem, program covered, impact, board
action desired, etc.)

At this time, I will ask that board members provide any feedback they have on the idea of
holding a bond issue for the completion of the Mitchell High School project. Topics of
discussion could include:

Scheduling of vote soon or as part of the June regular election

Amount of bond issue—full cost to complete the project or something less

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:

Joe Childs, interim superintendent

I will be able to review the item further at the school board meeting, if requested:

Name: Joe Childs, interim superintendent Date: 2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Board Member Reports/ Commentary

From: Board Members

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☐
Board Information ☐
Scheduled report ☒

Board members will report on meetings attended since our last regular board meeting.

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name:_____________________________________ Date:2/13/2023

School Board Meeting
Agenda Item

For presentation at the February 13, 2023 meeting of the school board.

Subject: Superintendent’s Report From: Joe Childs, Superintendent

Nature of action requested from the Board:

Board Action ☐
Board Information ☐
Scheduled report ☒

This time will be devoted to the Superintendent’s Office sharing information with the Board
that doesn’t require board action and may not necessarily fall into the category of a report. It
might include curricular developments, professional development possibilities, possible
legislative issues, issues that other schools, particularly those among the Large Schools Group,
are facing and other items that would be of interest to the Board and the public.

Superintendent Report

Individual(s) who will attend the board meeting and speak to the item:
Joe Childs, Superintendent
I will be able to review the item further as the school board meeting, if requested:

Name:_____________________________________ Date:2/13/2023

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