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-Hello, I'm finally at home, because of these tests I'm so tired, but I passed the test

in English at the university with excellent marks, now I can rest. Hey, are you
listening to me? I'm here!
-Oh Lera, hello, sorry, I didn’t hear you come, you said something, can you run
that past me again, please.
-It doesn't matter, we have to go to the library today and... Do you follow me!?
- Yes, I'm sorry, do you see, today is the Football World Cup final, let's talk later,
it's a very stressful moment.
-Are you interested in football? Nothing is clear here at all. I didn't even know that
the World Cup was going on now.
- What is not clear here? Football is a ball game in which field players can touch
the ball with all parts of the body, except for the hands. The goal of the game is to
score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal. A football match always
consists of 2 halves of 45 minutes each with a break of 15 minutes. Is that clear?
- Of course I know this, but it seems to me that the players run around the field
absolutely chaotically, only the goalkeeper is always in one place and also this
referee who shows cards of different colors and the players swear because of this
and go to sit on the bench, it's so confusing!
-In football, players on the field each have their own roles, coaches develop
strategies so that each player is as useful as possible in his place. To be more
specific, teams even buy players with specific roles they need. Do you follow me?
Are you staring at football?
- No, I just... Yes, and about these cards in the hands of the referee, it's like a
system of punishments for violations of the rules of the game, right?
- Yes, and the players change on the field due to these penalties or the decisions of
the coach.
- Tell me something about the football World Cup, I don't know anything about it
at all.
- The FIFA World Cup, often also referred to as the FIFA World Cup, is the
premier international football competition. The World Cup is held by the
governing body of world football - FIFA, and men's national teams of FIFA
member countries from all continents can participate in it.
- I wonder how often it is held and why it is always in different places?
- The final tournaments of the world championships are held every four years, like
the Olympic Games. Final tournament, takes place every four years for about a
month in a pre-selected host country of the championship. Is that clear?
- Yes, we have to admit there is something in this, maybe we'll go to the library
later, and now we'll look a little more, well, so that I understand even better.
- Yes, come on, I promise it's more interesting than you thought.

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