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Inglés a Distancia – Nivel Medio – Guía texto 2

Texto 2
Aliakbari, Mohammad (2002). Linguistic Imperialism, linguistic democracy and English
language teaching. Ilam University. (accessed from


1. Check bibliography and anticipate a general reading hypothesis.

2. Read the introduction and think about the difference between Core and periphery

3. What do the 10 subtitles between the Introduction and the Discussion sections
represent/explain? The answer to this question is in the Introduction, DO NOT read
the whole the text to answer this question.

4. Anticipate ONE specific hypothesis.


1. Read the INTRODUCTION in detail and find pseudonegatives, that is, words that carry
a negative connotation. Quote them and explain why the author uses them in this
section. E.g. POWERLESSNESS (there are 6/7 more) (If you don’t remember, check
the Diccionario de Gramática Funcional)

2. Read the INTRODUCTION and explain Phillipson’s position.

3. Choose 3 of the problems and explain them USING NOUN PHRASES. Pay attention to
the example provided:
e.g. CONCEPTUAL AMBIGUITY (primer problema): Dificultad para definir de manera
precisa el concepto de hablante nativo, debido a la diversidad de los mismos.

4. Explain Aliakbari´s stance about “linguistic imperialism”.

Inglés a Distancia – Nivel Medio – Guía texto 2


Write the MAIN IDEA of the text in ONE well-written sentence.

The main idea must include all the relevant concepts and sub-concepts that are
developed in the text as well as the comparisons, contrasts or restrictions that are
expressed by the authors/s. Do not write a linear summary. Organize the concepts
and sub-concepts hierarchically. Remember to use connectors when you write your
main idea. It can be from 5 to 10 lines long. (CONSIGNA PARA ENTREGAR)

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