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Non-Parametric Testing

1. Did swimmers tend to improve between their first and last recorded time in the 50-meter

Test Statisticsa
50 Freestyle 2 -
50 Freestyle 1
Z -4.205b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on positive ranks.

The swimmers tend to improve between their first and last recorded time in the 50-meter
freestyle. The test is significant.

2. Looking only at second race data, do those who compete in both events swim faster in the
50-meter freestyle than they do in the 50-meter backstroke?
In both events, swimmers swim more quickly in the 50-meter freestyle than in the 50-meter
3. Does the reported number of automobile accidents vary according to students’ ratings of
their own driving ability?
N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
How do you rate your Negative Ranks 14a 69.39 971.50
driving? - Number of auto Positive Ranks 185b 102.32 18928.50
accidents in past 2 years Ties 18c
Total 217
a. How do you rate your driving? < Number of auto accidents in past 2 years
b. How do you rate your driving? > Number of auto accidents in past 2 years
c. How do you rate your driving? = Number of auto accidents in past 2 years
Test Statisticsa
How do you rate
your driving? -
Number of auto
accidents in past
2 years
Z -11.208b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on negative ranks.

The number of auto accidents during the last two years varies depending on how well each
student thinks they can drive. The test is significant.

4. Do smokers tend to drink more beer than nonsmokers?

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
Smoked a cigarette in past Negative Ranks 127a 90.26 11462.50
month? - Number of beers Positive Ranks 27b 17.50 472.50
consumed on Labor Day Ties 62c
Total 216
a. Smoked a cigarette in past month? < Number of beers consumed on Labor Day
b. Smoked a cigarette in past month? > Number of beers consumed on Labor Day
c. Smoked a cigarette in past month? = Number of beers consumed on Labor Day

Test Statisticsa
Smoked a
cigarette in past
month? -
Number of beers
consumed on
Labor Day
Z -9.929b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on positive ranks.

Compared to non-smokers, smokers typically consume more beer. The test is significant.
5. One variable in the file groups respondents into one of four age categories. Does the
mean number of hours of television vary by age group?

6. Does the amount of television viewing vary by a respondent’s subjectively identified

social class?
The amount of television a respondent watches varies according to their subjectively
assigned social class. The test is significant. More people from the lower classes than
from the working, middle and upper classes watch TV.

This data file contains information about safety performance for airlines around the world.
7. Is there a significant difference among geographic regions in crash rates per million flight
miles? Comment on what you find and offer some explanations as to what you conclude
about airlines from different geographic regions.
There is a significant difference among geographic regions in crash rates per million flight miles
The test is significant. In Europe and America, there are more crashes where as in Africa, crash
rates are lower.

This file contains Nielsen television ratings for the top 20 programs during a randomly selected
8. Does the rating variable vary significantly by television network?

Rating variable vary significantly by television and the test is insignificant.

9. Does the rank variable vary significantly by television network?

Rank variable vary significantly by television and the test is insignificant.

10. Compare the results you obtained in the previous two questions, and comment on the
comparison. What can explain the differences between the results?

Both the test is insignificant as the p value is greater than 0.05.

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