TUGAS NE Nurul Apriliana

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Nama : Nurul Apriliana Hasanah

NPM : 1814201110051

Semester / Kelas : IV / B

MK : Nursing English I

Dialogue 1
a. Timing
Answer : How long have you been feeling unwell?
b. Pain Location
Answer : -
c. Pain Scale
Answer : How are you feeling right now?
d. Medication
Answer : Did you take any medicine?

Dialogue 2
a. Timing
Answer : How long have you had these symptoms?
b. Pain Location
Answer : What seems to be problem?
c. Pain Scale
Answer : -
d. Medication
Answer : I’ll forward the information to the nurse. So, you can get a further

Dialogue 3
a. Timing
Answer : How long have you been having the pain?
b. Pain Location
Answer : Can you point to the area where you are having pain?
c. Pain Scale
Answer : Does this hurt? How about this?
d. Medication
Answer : Please bring this medical admission to the doctor.

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