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Celebrations in November

Lesson 3 – Writing: Descriptive (event)


* I can produce complex texts using different text types (description of an event.)
* I can make use of a range of punctuation and sentence demarcation which allow for clear

Activity 1. Look at Paragraph 1 from the text ‘The Tar Barrels of Ottery St Mary and Bonfire Night’.
Some details have been left out. Write the missing details and put a mark on the text where it
should be inserted.

Missing details: _____________________________________________________________________


Activity 2. Look at the next two paragraphs about the Tar Barrels. Can you bring out the
structure/plan by highlighting phrases and sentences and labelling them using the following

date/time name/type of activity place reason for celebrating

preparations for the event some other details the event itself

Activity 3. Use of sophisticated adjectives or adverbs when describing events makes the
description more vivid. Read the short extracts and make use of the words in the list below to
replace the words in bold.
a. handsomely exhilarating picturesque gleaming

The San Fermin is a/an 1) nice July festival held in Pamplona, Navarra. On the first day young men,

2) well dressed in 3) bright white and scarlet bandanas and sashes, are

chased through the 4) nice medieval streets by fierce bulls.

b. blissful striking quaint romantic gifted radiant

Marie and Victor’s wedding reception was held at a/n 1) old-fashioned but pretty restaurant. Marie

was in her 2) nice wedding dress and looked 3) good. After the meal the

4) happy newly-weds led their guests in dancing accompanied by a large

group of 5) good musicians playing 6) nice waltzes and jazz numbers.

Soon everyone was on the dance floor.

c. delicious gorgeously heartily fantastic rousing huge bizarre

In my hometown, the carnival is celebrated in a 1) nice way. People dress up in 2) strange costumes

and pull 3) nicely decorated floats through the streets while bands

play 4) nice music and people dance and sing 5) happily. It all ends

with a 6) big bonfire, followed by an outdoor feast with 7) nice food.

(from Successful Writing, Express Publishing 2002)

Activity 4. These are two examples of descriptive writings, both describing events. What
differences can you find between them? Use the following words

Informal/semi-formal/formal personal/impersonal past/present tenses feelings

Model A

Model B
Activity 5. Read the rest of the writings and give the paragraph plan of each. The first one has been
done for you.

Paragraph 1

Name of event


Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 6
Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 5

(from Successful Writing, Express Publishing 2002)

Write a page for your Local Council’s website where you describe an event in your town or your
country and give your views about it.

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