Yash (Chetan) - MP212 Financial Accounting and Reporting Homework 1 Discussion 1 Discussion 2 Discussion 3

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MP212 Financial accounting and reporting:

Homework 1/Discussion 1/Discussion 2/Discussion 3

Table of Contents

Discussion 1...............................................................................................................................3

Discussion 2...............................................................................................................................3

Discussion 3...............................................................................................................................3


Discussion 1

The Conceptual Framework (or “Concepts Statements”) could be a body of interrelated

targets and basics. The targets recognize the objectives and purposes of monetary announcing
and the essentials are the fundamental concepts that offer assistance accomplish those goals.

Usefulness of conceptual framework

The primary reasons for making a concurred conceptual organization is that it gives: a system
for set accounting procedures; a premise for settling bookkeeping discussion; vital standards
which at that fact don't must be repeated in bookkeeping strategies.

The primary reasons for creating a agreed conceptual framework are that it provides a system
for locating bookkeeping benchmarks, a premise for locating bookkeeping discussion, crucial
values which at that point do not must be rehashed in accounting measures (Ivey, 2015).

Discussion 2

Recognize the client contract. Recognize the commitments within the client contract.
Distribute the exchange cost agreeing to the execution commitments within the contract.
Recognize income when the execution commitments are met.

The revenue recognition principle, a include of gathering accounting, requires that incomes
are recognized on the salary articulation within the period when realized and earned—not
fundamentally when cash is gotten. Earned income accounts for products or administrations
that have been given or performed, separately.

Revenue recognition may be a for the most part recognized bookkeeping guideline (GAAP)
that specifies how and when revenue is to be documented. The revenue recognition standard
applying accrual accounting needs that profits are familiar when understood and earned–not
when money is gotten (Davern, 2019).

This principle states income exists when two criteria are met: Realized / Realizable: items,
stock or administrations are traded for cash or claims to cash (realized) or when a resource
gotten is promptly changed over into cash (realizable).

Before revenue is recognized, the taking after criteria must be met: powerful prove of an
course of action must exist; conveyance must have happened or administrations been
rendered; the seller's cost to the buyer must be settled or definable; and collectability must be
sensibly guaranteed.

Discussion 3

AASB 116 Properties, Plant and Equipment

The aim of this Standard is to endorse the bookkeeping action for property, plant 7 equipment
therefore that clients of the monetary explanations can observe data approximately an object's
speculation in its property, plant &equipment and the variations in such venture or

Such things of property, plant, & equipment succeed for acknowledgment as resources, since
they empower an substance to infer future financial benefits or benefit potential from related
resources in abundance of what can be determined had those things not been procured.

Things inside a course of property, plant & equipment are revalued at the same time to
maintain a strategic distance from particular revaluation of resources and the detailing of
sums within the monetary explanations that are a blend of costs and values as at distinctive

The revaluation surplus included in value in regard of an thing of property, plant and
equipment may be exchanged specifically to held profit when the resource is derecognised.
This may include exchanging the total of the overflow when the resource is resigned or
arranged of (AASB, 2015).


AASB, C. A. S. (2015). Property, Plant and Equipment.

Davern, M., Gyles, N., Potter, B., & Yang, V. (2019). Implementing AASB 15 revenue from
contracts with customers: the preparer perspective. Accounting Research Journal.

Ivey, J. (2015). How important is a conceptual framework?. Pediatric nursing, 41(3), 145-


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