FYGSreen Map Maker User Manual

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FYGSreen Map Maker Software

Method of making map
The map for the 2D GCS need to use the FYGScreen software to grab the Google earth picture then
switch to the map file format which the GCS can support. We recommend that use the Google earth Verson4.3,
because it’s compatibility of the system is better.

Request the following software:

1:Google Earth V4.3(or the older version )

Run the Google earth, you need to set some parameters, select Tool—Option. In the 3D view options
menu bar and click "DirectX" and "safe mode":

Guilin feiyu electronic technology co.,ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn Email: service@feiyu-tech.com


After set the Application setting and confirm, please exit Google earth, and rerun it.
Open the map and select the area you want to make the map file, the best visual range is as big as the
flying area, too big range is not necessary. Cancel entirely the left side of "the main database" , do not close
the left sidebar, and does not need the full screen:

Guilin feiyu electronic technology co.,ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn Email: service@feiyu-tech.com


Run the FYGScreen.exe, click “Open GEarth”, then it will auto load the current map which display in the
Google Earth window.

Click on the "select region" then drag the mouse to select the region, the software will automatically
adjust map north towards:
After you selected the area, please click the “Screen shot” to grab the map. Screenshots are highly
recommended for 0.5 - 5 km, according to the size of the region and the desired picture definition. The larger
area, the lower height, then the picture size is larger, and the map loading is more slower.

Guilin feiyu electronic technology co.,ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn Email: service@feiyu-tech.com

In the pop-up dialog box to choose the save the file path, you can change the file name ,but please don’t
change the file format. It will generate 3 format files with the same name, respectively “.GST”, “.Tab”, “.Jpg”
files. After the calculation by the FYGScreen.exe, will pop up a confirmation dialog, select "OK", then the
steps for grabbing the Google Earth picture is completed.

The Generating “.GST” file is the map file format that the GCS can support, after loading it you can do
the route planning. The following is sample:
Running GCS4.0 software, choose the "Open ", in the pop-up dialog box to select the “.GST ”file which
was saved by before step:

Guilin feiyu electronic technology co.,ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn Email: service@feiyu-tech.com


After you open the map then the map have been loaded. In the GCS you can drag the map by clicking the
right button of the mouse in the map.

After load map completely, you can plan the route in the GCS now.
If the map cannot cover fully of the GCS map window, and if appear vague after amplify the map, then
you can adjust the altitude of screen shot when you use the FYGScreen making the map to get a better map.
Lower altitude can get a higher resolution map, and also you can amplify larger multiples via the GCS to make
the map cover the whole window, which is more convenient for the route planning.

Note: We reserve the right to change this manual at any time! And the newest edition will be shown on our

Guilin feiyu electronic technology co.,ltd http://www.feiyudz.cn Email: service@feiyu-tech.com

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