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1. The purpose of this ad is to appeal to people to protect wildlife and boycott

wildlife products.
2. The type of this ad is adcocacy. There are words at the bottom of the poster, STOP
ONE,STOP THEM ALL. The purpose is to promote the concept of animal protection
rather than selling products to the public.
3. The scene of this ad is set on the African prairie, where the vision is wide and the
plants are rare. The main elements occupying the poster is land and sky.
4. There are ten people in the poster, which are arranged into four layers in the form
of a pyramid. At the bottom are poachers. The woman on the third floor identify
rhinoceros horn, and man is grinding rhinoceros horn into powder. The man in the
middle holds rhinoceros horn, as if to sell them. The people standing on the second
floor are appraisers and merchants, who auction these handicrafts at high prices. At
the top of the pyramid are consumers.
5. The objects in the picture include a female rhinoceros and her cubs, both of which
were killed by shotguns and their horns were cut off. The eyes of the female
rhinoceros shed tears. In addition, there are various weapons, processing tools and
rhinoceros horn handicrafts in the picture.
6. After the rhinoceros is killed by poachers, the rhinoceros horn is cut off and then
sent to the craftsman to be carved into ornaments or ground into powder by
researchers. The finished handicrafts enter the market, are identified and auctioned.
Finally, the rhinoceros horn will go to consumers who do not care for wild animals.
7. The picture does not provide a text description, but this advertisement details the
origin of a rhinoceros horn product industry chain.

1. The target audience of this ad is all people, especially those who may consume
wildlife products. Because the most prominent part of this advertisement is the top
consumer, which also symbolizes everyone else who likes to buy wildlife products.
2. The message of ad is to hope that everyone will consciously not to consume all
wildlife products and dissuade people around him from buying them.

1. The huge industry chain of wildlife trafficking is condensed into a pyramid with
only ten people, improving the visual impact, and quickly understanding the whole
process from rhinoceros to rhinoceros crafts; The body at the bottom is in sharp
contrast to the glamorous people in the section, which is ironic. These composition
techniques let the audience intuitively feel the cruelty of the source of wildlife
2. This ad uses pathos. The straightforward pictures and words aroused people's
sympathy in their hearts, and no longer had the heart to hurt them.
3. The words and pictures in the ad are concise and clear. Pictures are responsible for
affecting the audience's feelings and let them have empathy. The sentence serves as a
summary and guidance: everyone should consciously resist the sale of wildlife

1. The reason why I chose this advertisement is that it is very ingenious. The designer
folds people into a pyramid. I have never seen such a composition in other
2. As a teenager, I don't have enough financial strength to buy these products, but I am
also impressed by this advertisement. What I can do is to dissuade adults around me
from buying them.

1. This video ad is promoting Colgate Total Diligence toothpaste and mouthwash to
the audience.
2. The type of this ad is brand ad, because it indicates that it is Colgate's product from
the very beginning.
3. The location of this video is in an ordinary house. The room is very clean and tidy.
A man stands in front of the mirror. The bathroom is mainly red and white.
4. The only character in the ad is a young man wearing white clothes. His teeth are
clean and white, and his face is smooth. He is brushing his teeth carefully. The other
character is a voice-over who doesn't show up. It is a female voice which talks with
the man.
5. In addition to the common bathroom items in the background, the items in the
video are mainly toothbrush, toothpaste and teeth. The other is a 3D modeled oral
cavity, which is a standard oral cavity model.
6. In the ad, the man was seriously brushing his front teeth, but a voice over called
out to him, telling him that 80% of the bacteria in his mouth were on the tongue, the
jaw, not on the teeth. The voice shows the overall impact of Colgate toothpaste in
detail. At the end of the ad, it returned to Colgate toothpaste products, accompanied
by Colgate mouthwash, and recommended the audience to buy.
7. The healthy brushing frequency is twice a day, but 80% of bacteria still attach to
other parts of the mouth except for teeth. The antibacterial protection of Colgate
mouthwash can eliminate the surface bacteria of teeth, tongue, cheek and gums, and
protect the oral cavity 100%.

1. At the beginning of the ad, the voice over mentioned people who brush their teeth
twice a day, so the ad is aimed at people who brush their teeth in this way, reminding
them to pay attention to improving their brushing methods, because it may be
ineffective. So the audience of the ad is people who pay attention to appearance or
oral health.
2. Only by using Colgate products can effectively make up for the shortcomings of
your brushing methods and strengthen the protection of your mouth.

1. The ad uses the technique of listing data, such as brushing teeth twice a day,there
are 32 normal teeth, and 80% bacteria attach to other parts of the mouth. By listing
data, the credibility of ad is enhanced. The ad also uses the method of comparison,
comparing mouthwashes and toothpastes with antibacterial effects with products of
other brands without antibacterial effects, highlighting the excellence of their
2. This ad type is Logos. Because the ad reminds the audience that their tooth
brushing methods need to be improved. Only Colgate toothpaste can provide
comprehensive protection, and urge everyone to buy it. Advertising content is in
logical order, so the type should be Logos.
3. Audience shocked by the previous wrong way of brushing teeth, the audience had
a desire to buy new products. The red and white background wall is the representative
color of Colgate, and it also creates a clean and healthy atmosphere.

1. Because the ad gives enough data and the content is simple, it is a good
2. As teenagers, we pay more attention to their appearance than adults. The actors in
the ad are also young people with beautiful appearance, which will attract more
teenagers. Therefore, compared with adults, this ad can make teenagers have a sense
of identity.

1. This ad sells all vegetables to the audience and advises people to eat more
2. The type of this ad is generic, because there is no specific brand in the ad, only
common vegetables, so it is a general ad.
3. This ad has many scenes. The first scene is in the vegetable garden. The second
scene is the city. The city is in chaos because of the battle between human and
vegetables. It is in a mess everywhere, and buildings are destroyed. The third scene is
the restaurant at home, where a lot of fresh vegetables are placed.
4. The people who appear in the ad are residents living in the city, including men and
women of all ages. The main characters are a group of children about ten years old.
5. In addition to displaying various things in the city, such as houses and vehicles, ad
also show various vegetables.
6. Vegetables become stronger and stronger. Then vegetables collectively attack
humans and the city becomes a mess. The crowd is busy using various weapons to
fight. The scene turns into several children, who cut vegetables or eat them directly.
They appeal to all children that it is time to eat vegetables and join the war between
human beings and vegetables.
7. The fact in the advertisement is that the growth of vegetables can not be achieved
without soil, light and rain. Vegetables fight with people in the city. Children can fight
against them by eating vegetables.

1. Children are the main target audience of this ad, because the word KIDS is clearly
mentioned in the headline, which is to attract the attention of children in front of the
2. The message of ad is that in the war between human beings and vegetables,
children's participation is very important. Children should fight against vegetables by
eating vegetables.
3. The ad uses anthropomorphic technology to make vegetables move. Because they
are more similar to human beings, children can better understand why they eat
vegetables and make the story told in the ad more reasonable.

1. The type of this ad is ethos, because it creates an atmosphere of opposition and

arouses the audience's feelings, thus playing the role of advocating to eat more
2. The exaggerated and chaotic pictures in the ad make the audience nervous and
convey the message of fighting against vegetables. The words of the children in the ad
are also short and powerful, making the audience more sure that EAT THEM TO
DEFEAT THEM is correct

1. The reason why I choose this ad is that it is contrary to the same type of ad. If other
ads urging children to eat vegetables list the nutrition of vegetables, this adt is to
stimulate children's desire to eat vegetables .
2. As a teenager, I will be interested in more cool and eye-catching ads. The special
effects in the ad impressed me deeply. Although it is an ad for children, I will also
increase the intake of vegetables in my life.

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