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Workbook Answer Key

5 1 underpaid 4 codesigned 3 Accept all logical answers.

2 misbehaving 5 overcrowded Possible answers:
3 megastorm 6 reread 1 move 7 eyes
2 room 8 beautiful
Page 36
3 flood 9 water
Check Your Progress 4 phone 10 dress
1 1 I get my message across 5 old 11 golden
2 has gone missing 6 problems
3 doesn t have a sense of belonging at this school 4 1 fell in love 6 close friends
4 got the dessert free of charge 2 engaged 7 get along
5 paid a fine of €100 for speeding 3 took it for granted 8 value
2 1 upgradè 4 attend 4 break up 9 growing apart
2 allow 5 operate 5 damage
3 avoid Page 38

3 1 giant Grammar
2 commute
3 notice
1 1 weren t, would make
2 will go, finish
4 gets the message across
3 invites, won t attend
5 set foot
4 happens, plays / wouldn t happen, didn t play
6 social media
5 enter, turn
7 posted
8 free of charge 2 1 hadn t gone to different schools, they wouldn t
have grown apart
4 1 decided, had already left, shouldn t have waited
2 hadn t ignored her boyfriend s text messages, he
2 is going to announce, have been waiting, must / wouldn t have got angry with her
have to travel, will enjoy
3 would have recognised Pam if she hadn t cut her
3 may / might appear, must / need to / have to pass, hair very short
will be practising
4 hadn t hidden my valuable possessions very well,
4 didn t enjoy, was ignoring / ignored, wouldn t have the thieves would have found them
gone, insisted, won t listen
5 would have been able to stay with my relatives if
5 1 You must not use a mobile phone here. they hadn t been out of the country
2 While Mark was trying to upgrade his computer, 3 1 I would rent it if I had enough money.
he deleted all his files. / Mark deleted all his files
2 She won t get in touch until she finishes her trek in
while he was trying to upgrade his computer.
3 They have been skiing for 10 years.
3 If you go onto Facebook, you will find them.
4 I no longer live in Miami, where I was born.
4 We would have slept better if we hadn t had a
5 I won t have arrived by nine o clock. room facing the street.
6 Your dog may / might have run away. 5 A plane ticket costs less if you don t travel during
the tourist season.
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Possible answers: 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
1 should have left home earlier
Page 39
2 we will be on holiday
3 she saw his new film 5 1 If Tanya doesn t work harder, her boss might fire
4 watch TV
2 If they hadn t slept late, they wouldn t have missed
5 who lie
the train.
3 If Lucas didn t work most evenings, I d get together
Unit 5 with him.
Page 37 4 As soon as my parents are / get home, we can tell
them the news.
Vocabulary 5 He won t buy a car until he saves enough money.
1 1 b 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 e 6 d 6 If I were you, I wouldn t date him.

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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Workbook Answer Key

6 1 I ll never forgive you if you lie to me one day. 2 1 His son helped him record his story for StoryCorps.
2 If I were you, I wouldn t ignore your boyfriend. 2 He was terrified of how she would react.
3 I always feel better when someone hugs me. 3 Because Linsk broke the glasses in the playground,
4 Your boyfriend would make a better impression if he stole from Pearl.
he were wearing smarter clothes. 4 He probably felt guilty.
5 We wouldn t have become close friends if we hadn t 5 Yes. He probably felt relieved after he shared it.
met at school 10 years ago.
3 1 without a second thought 4 tracking down
7 1 Si mi hermano y yo nos lleváramos bien, no 2 settling 5 holding onto
discutiríamos tan a menudo.
3 hard to come by
2 No sabrás si te gusta Sean a no ser que salgas con él.
3 Yo, en tu lugar, pasaría página. Page 42
4 Te enamorarás de Susan cuando la conozcas mejor. Writing
5 No nos habríamos distanciado si Maggie no se
hubiera mudado a Boston. 1 1 At first, I didn t / couldn t admit the truth.
2 As soon as I saw her, I fell in love.
8 1 heard 6 couldn t drive
3 They studied together for a few weeks. Eventually,
2 who / that 7 could have asked he asked her to go out.
3 found out 8 left 4 While we were swimming in the sea, somebody
4 hadn t spoken 9 can t drive shouted for help.
5 which 10 could have appeared 5 I fell asleep after I heard he had arrived safely.
Page 40 2 Possible answers:
Speaking 1 When 5 Then
2 eventually 6 during
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 Finally 7 before
Possible answers: 4 First
1 talk to him about it
2 keep raising your hand 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 break up with him 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 go anyway
5 I should just tell him
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

6 ask him nicely to stop Page 43

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Vocabulary Focus

4 1 climb 4 know 1 1 a description of him
2 weight 5 muscles 2 your generosity
3 discipline 6 exhausted 3 friendship is valuable to me
4 you always disapproving of my friends
5 A: My parents are so strict. 1 I feel like I ve got no
freedom. I have to tell them where I am all the time. 5 proud of our company
B: 2
If I were you, I d try to discuss your feelings with 6 many possessions
them. 3 It could be that they re just very worried
about you.
2 1 store 5 sofa
2 shopping centre 6 garden
A: Perhaps, but I think it s 4 a matter of trust. They
don t like my friends. They think they re a bad 3 lift 7 package
influence on me. 4 apartment 8 saleswoman
B: Well, 5 you should find out what they don t like Accept all logical and grammatically correct
about them. 6 Maybe if you talk it over, the continuations.
situation will improve.
3 1 for 3 in 5 of 7 about
Page 41
2 on 4 on 6 in 8 in
Reading Accept all logical and grammatically correct
1 1 d 2 b 3 b 4 c

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Workbook Answer Key

4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Unit 6

Possible answers: Page 45
1 a He s abroad.
b He had an accident. Vocabulary
c He s a young actor. 1 1 afford, split the cost
2 a She was looking for me. 2 borrow, pay them back
b You have the same eyes. 3 expenses, short of
3 a I m nervous about it. 4 salary, savings account
b It s for raising money for the poor. 5 lent, owe
4 a It s not my fault. 6 pocket money, note
b Take some responsibility.
5 a You didn t hurt my feelings.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Possible answers:
b You were right to go first.
1 I made a profit.
Page 44 2 I always wait for a discount.
Check Your Progress 3 I m on a budget.
4 It only accepts cash.
1 1 doesn t treat me well
5 I m going to purchase them.
2 must stand still
3 is the length of this river 3 1 That dress suits Anna.
4 got any income 2 There s an extra fee for their services.
5 is user-friendly 3 There s a long queue.
6 accepted their dinner invitation 4 I was charged £20 for this shirt.
7 share this car 5 Lisa requests my help / that I help her.
6 We made the best of the situation.
2 1 pavement 6 isolation
2 express their feelings 7 talking something over 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 delighted 8 support Possible answers:
4 tears 9 attempt 1 he s new here
5 living through 2 they couldn t afford to buy one
3 you spend all your money on clothes
3 1 heard 7 can cause
4 hanging pictures
2 will be working 8 broke up
5 the floor
3 will give 9 had been studying
4 were 10 believes 5 1 discount 7 requested
5 who / that 11 should discuss 2 cash 8 expenses
6 had been considering 3 salary 9 afforded
4 short of 10 suit
4 1 If people hadn t complained about the food, the
5 make the best of it
new Chinese restaurant wouldn t have closed. /
The new Chinese restaurant wouldn't have closed 6 odd jobs
if people hadn't complained about the food
Page 46
2 They should have called us, but they didn t.
3 Mr Brown, whose son has gone missing, is going Grammar
through a very difficult time.
1 1 was given
4 Dylan and I have been playing tennis together for
2 will be paid
two months.
3 has been closed
5 Sebastian won t propose to Alicia until he buys the
engagement ring. 4 hasn t been confirmed
6 You don t have to tell me all the details. 5 must be done
7 I ve been living in London, where I met my 6 was being painted
girlfriend, for five years. 7 had been cancelled
8 can be collected
9 mustn t be eaten

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