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Definition  :
If we wish to define the technology, in simple terms one may
consider it as the knowledge and usage of tools, crafts, systems,
methods and techniques of the organization to resolve the
problem. Throughout history, different types of technologies
have developed that helped man to simplify and better his
lifestyle. Over the centuries, rudimentary technologies gave rise
to new ones and in some cases replaced earlier technologies
came to meet current needs. Ever since the dependence on
technology has considerably increased and the consequences
on society, countries and individuals are enormous.
Technological dependence undoubtedly has a unique course
that we cannot alter, nor stop; It has come to redefine our lives.
Technology is a
phenomenon that surrounds
us all with artefacts on a
daily basis. An element that
helps us keep the changing
dynamics of society.

Thus, we can say

technological dependence is
now an essential part of our lives as everyone is reliant on it for
some reason or the other. An example of this would be the use
of technology at the workplace, educational centers and even at
home to simplify work. Dependence on technology is a
condition wherein individuals cannot perform their daily
activities without the use of some device.

Technology’s advantages:
1. Ease of Access to Information
The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www has made the world
a social village. This is because information from all around the
globe is widely available on the internet. While most of the
news you get to see on social media is purely factual, one may
also see image results for particular news. Not only more news
is available, but all such information is also straightforward to
access.All thanks to modern technology (and computer giants
like Dell, IBM, Apple, etc.).One can get to read a book in the
comfort of their bed and a cup of coffee. EBooks are available
on the internet for this purpose. The modern technology has
replaced radios with televisions, and now even televisions have
been digitized to “LCD’s” and “LED’s”.Efforts are underway to
create more reliable sources of information. All this is possible
only because of technology.

2. Saves Time :
Have you ever faced navigation problems in an unfamiliar
town? Yes, we all have faced such issues when we move to a
new place. Be it a business trip or a vacation; modern
technology allows you to enjoy your outings by helping you
navigate to anywhere. One can search for a particular place and
then even pinpoint their specific destination. The application
itself does rest.
3. Ease of Mobility
Ever imagined your life without a car or a bike? Surely not
because technology has placed these things under our foot.The
importance of a vehicle can easily be judged from the fact that
the distance between the United States of America and
Australia is nearly 15,187 kilometres but you can travel just in
16-17 hours.Even less than in a day and believe me, you won’t
be ever regretting these 16-17 hours of your life. Airplanes,
electric trains and cars that are being improvised every single
day have made all this possible.

4. Cost Efficiency
One of the main goals of technology includes making things
cheaper and more affordable for people. Therefore, people see
cost efficiency these days due to technology.The machinery of
great benefit is available for so less price that we cannot

Technology’s inconvenient (cons ):

Now that we have discussed the pros, let’s have a look at the
cons. Technology dependence is also linked to anxiety and
depression. Factors like social withdrawal from others, the
pressures from social media, the rise of cyberbullying, or the
bright phone screen that is detrimental to our sleep have taken
a toll on the mental health of people who are heavily
dependent on technology.In spite of the numerous
disadvantages, one could say that without sustainable
development of technology, humans would merely be ordinary
living being on the planet. The inventions of man act as
indicators of the cognitive revolution of the same and shows
their eagerness to learn.

causes many
mental illness
such as
anxiety and ADHD .

How can technology make

Humans less intelligent?
Let us see what Brett Frishmman thinks about this
topic .
“We still haven’t grappled with the deep questions Nicholas
Carr brought to public attention in his seminal book, The
Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (2010). Is
the internet making us dumb? Is the technology causing us
cognitive loss or debilitation? Carr focused on the internet,
which is, by design, a dumb technology—a general-purpose
digital communication infrastructure that pushed “intelligence”
to the ends of the network.

Since my own book Re-Engineering Humanity, co-authored by

Evan Sellinger, was published, I’m often asked: Is smart
technology making us dumb? My first reaction is to bounce a
few questions back. Can technology really be smart? Is your
question whether our use of certain technologies is making us
dumb? Or is your question about technology companies?
Eventually, I return to the original question and respond like a
lawyer: It depends. It’s yes, in some ways and no in others.
Before addressing it, we must acknowledge the conceptual
mistake of boiling intelligence down to a binary—smart versus
dumb—as if it exists on a single dimension. There are many
different types of intelligence that matter, and how technology
affects different types also varies considerably. Once I’m done
meandering, however I answer yes. I believe we may be making
ourselves dumber when we outsource thinking and rely on
supposedly smart tech to micromanage our daily lives for the
sake of cheap convenience.The internet provides us with
seemingly limitless data, prose, images, video and other raw
materials that could in theory enhance our intelligence and
enable us to become more knowledgeable, to be more skillful or
to otherwise use actionable intelligence. Maybe we could
improve our decision-making, reflect on our beliefs, interrogate
our own biases, and so on.”

Conclusion :
We’re easily led to believe that we’re extending our minds and
becoming more intelligent with a little help from the digital
tech tools, when in reality, those are often just illusions, sales
pitches optimized to pave the path of least resistance. Every time
someone suggests they’ve extended their mind with their
smartphone, that they are thinking through and with their
phones, I respond by asking them about who’s doing what

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