5 - Failure Theories

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Failure Theories (Yield Criteria) All engineering materials are classified as ductile or brittle, Generally a ductile material is one in which gross plastic deformation is greater than 5%, while brittle material having plastic deformation less than 5%, Ductile materials show large plastic deformation and observed necking prior to fracture but brittle materials fails suddenly without proper indication, Both materials behave in different manner; hence they have different failure criteria. One single theory cannot be used to predict failure in both the materials. Permanent deformation in ductile material is observed. when load reaches the yield point. Any further load will strain hardened the material. In brittle materials yield point is not clear (determined by offset method) and fracture usually occurs near to ultimate tensile strength (UTS). Hence, for ductile material failure criteria is based on Yield Strength while for brittle material failure criteria is based on ultimate tensile strength, (1) Failure Theories for Ductile Material Many theories are present which gives failure criteria for ductile materials are discussed below: (a) Maximum Shear Stress Theory It is also known as Tresca criteria states that yielding begins when maximum shear stress at a point reaches the maximum shear stress at yield under uniaxial tension or compression, For multiaxial state of stress shear stress is obtained by: les-e2l \o2-05) yes Maximum shear stress is largest, if (0, > 0) > 3) then 1 los = ol max z Consider an element from uniaxial tension subjected to yield, hence, Gen = Cy Oyy = Oxe = Tay = Tyz = Tax = 0 Therefore, using Mobr’s circle equation prineipal stresses will be equal to:, Maximum shear stress gives, Tmax If the principal stresses are unordered, yielding under multiaxial state of stress occurs for any one of the following conditions: lo, — a2| = toy loz — 3| = toy lo, - 04] = toy For two dimensional system (let 03 = 0), above equations become loy — e2| = toy log] = toy loi] = toy Above results when plotted on two dimensional principal plane, it gives a hexagon as shown below: Figure-7: Tresca Yield Locus At point ‘A’ which makes -45° with x-axis the shear stress is found to be t, = (b) Maximum Distortion Energy Theory This theory is also known as Von-Mises theory or Octahedral shear stress theory. It states that yielding occurs when the distortional strain energy at a point equals to the distortional strain energy at yield under uniaxial tension or compression. Consider (1,02, 0) are principal stresses and (€,,£2,€) are principal strains, then total strain energy is given by: 1 Uy z (a,8; + o2€2 + 0383) From Hooke’s law, stress-strain relationships are given by: =F-Tate), 2 =F-tate), a= F-iata) 1 9 Ur = elo? + 03 + oF — 2v(o102 + 0203 + 0,03)] Total stress is the sum of hydrostatic and deviatoric states of stress as shown in figure-8, Figure-8: Total strain energy as su of hydrostatic and deviatoric state of stress Energy stated with hydrostatic state of stress (0, = 02 = a = p) gives: 9 =3(-=)@ Also, 0 + 02 + 03 = 3p, hence strain energy for hydrostatic stat of stress become: 1-2v Un = (GE) Gi toto Hence strain energy for deviatoric state of stress can be determine by Up = Ur — Un 1l+wv FE) f+ of +08 — 02 + 0205 + 0103) Consider an element from uniaxial tension subjected to yield, hence, yy = Osz = Tay = Tyz = Tax ‘Comparing deviatoric relations, we get Of + of + oF — 0,02 — 0203 — 0,03 = (G, ~ 02)? + (02 — 03)? + (a3 — 04)? = 2oy 03)? + (a3 ied to of + 0} — 010; = 0? For plane stress condition (o; = 0), above relation simy Above relation is an equation of ellipse, which gives for plane stress condition an elliptical shape yield surface as shown in figure-9. Von-Mises Yield Locus Figure- ‘AY 1 “ch wi 1 At point ‘A’ (a, = 0) and (2 = ~a), hence (¢ = ay), which gives t4 = ae Comparison of Tresca and Von-Mises failure criteria tells that Tresca criteria is more conservative and gave 15% less yield surface area (figure-10). Safe region Failure in max. shear stress theory ‘Safe in distortion energy theory Figure-10: Comparison of Von-Mises and Tresca Yield criteria (©) Strain Energy Density or Total Strain Energy Criteria The strain energy density criteria proposed by Beltrami states that yielding occurs when the strain energy density at a point equals the strain energy density at yield in uniaxial tension or compression. Total strain energy is given by: 1 Up = plot + of + 08 — 2v(oa + 0205 + 003)] For a uniaxial state of stress at yield principal stresses can be given by: %=0, 03=0 By comparing both expressions for U;, we get the following relationship: of + of + 03 — 2v(9,02 + 0203 + 0103) = oy? For plane stress condition (63 = 0), above equation simplified and gives following relation: 02 + 02 — 2va,0, = oy? Shape of yield surface for strain energy density criteria is an ellipse in principal stress space that depends on the Poisson’s ratio. Assume a special case where Poisson’s ratio is zero above equation represents the circle equation (a? + 07 = oy?) and yield surface will be a circular region. (2) Failure Theories for Brittle Material Failure of brittle materials is characterized by ultimate tensile strength. Failure criteria for brittle materials are discussed below. (a) Maximum Principal Stress Criteria This criteria is proposed by Rankine states that yielding occurs at a point when the maximum principal stress reaches the value equals to maximum principal stress at yield in uniaxial tension or compression. According to this theory failure occurs when max|o1,2,03| = ours For plane stress condition (3 = 0), Rankine theory can be written as 6; = tours or 02 = tours Maximum principal stress criteria for plane stress condition gives failure surface that represents a square. jo, =¥ Figure-11: Yield Surface for Rankine criteria (Y = ours) (>) Maximum Principal Strain Criteria Itis also known as St, Venant’s criteria states that yielding occurs when maximum principal strain equals to the maximum principal strain at yield under uniaxial tension or compression. Principal strains (€, > €) > £3) in terms of principal stresses are given by: = 2-2, +03), 2 =2-TO%to;), &=F-F(o, +02) For uniaxial tension case at yield gives the following relation: == US E E For plane stress condition (a; = 0), above equations for ¢, becomes, 2 O1 — Von = Ours Also, 3 62 — VO; = Ours 6,-vo, Figure-12: Yield Surface for St. Venant’s criteria (Y = oyrs) (©) Mohr’s Failure Criteria ‘The Mohr Theory of Failure, also known as the Coulomb-Mohr criterion or internal-friction theory, is based on the famous Mohr's Circle. Mohr's theory is often used in predicting the failure of brittle materials. Mohr's theory suggests that failure occurs when Mohr's Circle at a point in the body exceeds the envelope created by the two Mohr's circles for uniaxial tensile strength and uniaxial compression strength. This envelope is shown in the figure below, It Uniaxial Tension Uniaxidl Compression Figure-13: Yield Surface (shaded) for Mohr’s criteria The left circle is for uniaxial compression at the limiting compression stress of the material. Likewise, the right circle is for uniaxial tension at the limiting tension stress. The middle Mohr's Circle on the figure-13 (dash line) represents the maximum allowable stress for an intermediate stress state, Equation for Mohr’s-Coulomb failure criteria for plane stress condition is given by, a a; Gurs, FuTse Graphically, Mohr's theory requires that the two principal stresses lie within the shaded zone depicted in Figure-14, Also shown on the figure is the maximum stress criterion (dashed line). This theory is less conservative than Mohr's theory since it lies outside Mohr's boundary. Maximum Stress | gy Mohs \ . Figure-14: Yield Surface (shaded) for Mohr’s criteria ‘There are some more yield criteria such as Drucker-Pager yield criteria, Hill’s criteria ete, that follows similar method of determination of yield surface with minor changes in their equations, used to develop yield criteria Problem-1 When the loads that act on the hub of a flywheel reach their working values, the nonzero stress components at the critical point in the hub where yield is initiated are 0, = 100 MPa, dyy =14 MPa and Tx = 50 MPa. The load stress-strain are linear so that the factor of safety can be applied to either the loads or stress components. The flywheel material has a yield stress equals 300 MPa. a) Assuming material follows Tresca yield criteria, determine factor of safety against yield, b) Assuming material follows Von-Mises yield criteria, determine factor of safety against yield. ©) Determine which criteria is more conservative Solution Principal stresses are determined using equation of two-dimensional Mohr’s circle, a) Tresea Criteria: lo, — | = oy Yield strength __¢; 300 Allowable jo,—o| 151.6 b) Von-Mises Criteria: HVC = 02) + 2) +O? = oy Yield strength oy ‘Allowable ~ 1 FOS = (oy — 02)? + (2)? + (0)? ©) Tresca criteria is more conservative as it predicts yielding at smaller loads. Answer Problem-2 A foundation of a machine is made by gray cast iron. The most critical stress condition at a point in the part is shown below. Find the factor of safety in the foundation, such that yrs, = 25 ksi, Ours, = 100 ksi. 10 kpsi t 20 kpsi —>} | — 20 kpsi 4 10 kpsi Solution: ‘The gray cost iron is brittle material. For solution we apply maximum principal stress theory. 0, = tours Maximum compressive stress in the part = 20 ksi So from compressive stress point of view, 6; = —yrs Yield strength 100 ‘Allowable ~ 20° 10 ksi Maximum tensile stress in the part So from compressive stress point of view, 6; = Oyrs Yield strength _ 2: “~Allowable 10 Thus the factor of safety of the part will be smaller value ie. FOS = 2.5 Answer =25 Problem-3 A thin-wall tube with closed ends is subjected to a maximum internal pressure of 35 MPa in service. The mean radius of the tube is 30 em. If the tensile yield strength is 700 MPa, what minimum thickness must be specified to prevent yielding? Consider failure based on Tresca criteria Hoop Stress Longitudinal C1 Stress Solution: Pr _ 35x30 Hoop stresses, OS = max Pr _ 35x30 Longitudinal stresses, at = Omin at 2 35x30 Yielding occurs when a, = 700 MPa, 700 1.5cm = Answer e Problem-4 A circular shaft of tensile strength 350 MPa is subjected to a combined state of loading defined by bending moment (M=8 KN.m) and torque (T=24kN.m). Calculate the required shaft diameter (d) in order to achieve a factor of safety of 2. Use Tresca criteria. M —s/ - v2 + () T \*6 Qi) 4 0 Solution: Since Oye =F & Tey =F (Bending and Torsion equations) Oxxt0, From Mohr’s circle equation, 01,2 = Gaxten) + ¢ + ty’ [2am , (ter (2M) (& (5) ( 2 *) w2=——st I(—G) +(— M+\M?+T" 8 ond? nd® 2nd? nd? 01-0, = 32 ( iM? +T? nd? 3 ond laa] Pe 32( (Mm? +7 relation, we get Putting all the valu d=0.113m Note: If Von-Mises failure criteria is used we have following relationship, Vy = 02)? + (02)? + ()? 1 yz Hence, we can easily derive the following expression oynd? 16( (ant + ar? Fos =

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