6 Tensors

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Tensor and Tensor Algebra by Dr. Tariq Jamil References + Ottosen, N.S. and Ristinmaa, M., 2005. The aii FI li Mechanics of Constitutive Modeling. Elsevier. Pelee ing hI + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor Tensor + Tensors, defined mathematically, are simply arrays of numbers, or functions, that transform according to certain rules under a change of coordinates. + Zeroth-Order Tensors (Scalars) e.g. pressure of gas =P + Asealar is a single function (e., one component) which is invariant under changes of the coordinate systems. ‘Such quaity needs only one number to define, that has no particular arrangement to write. Thus no suffix is needed to locate that single number. These quantity are called as zero order tensor or zero dimensional array. f, + First-Order Tensor (Vectors)e.g. Force F= (FF, F.] + Second-Order Tensor e.g. Stress Oy, 1213) [Fxx Oxy xz] [Oxx Oxy xz Oj =|F21 F22 F2al=|Pyx yy Syz] =| %yx Syy yz 31 932 833) LPzx F2y Fez. Tye zy Ozz Index Notation Rules and Coordinate Rotation 2 oan yo lA Vv igre 81 Rotation of cota anes + Key to classifying scalars, vectors, or tensors is how their components change if the coordinate axes are rotated to point in new directions + Ascalar (temperature, density, etc.) is unchanged by rotation ~ it has the same value in any coordinate system, which is @ defining characteristic of a scalar + Vectors and tensors change with rotating coordinate system Tensor + Index notation, also commonly known as subscript notation or tensor notation, is an extremely useful tool for performing vector algebra. + Tensors were conceived in 1900 by Tullio Levi-Civita and Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, + Tensor is the mathematical tool used to express physical quantities + In mathematics, a tensor is an algebraic object that describes a (multilinear) relationship between sets of algebraic objects related to a vector space. + Tensors are important in physics because they provide a concise mathematical framework for formulating and solving physics problems in areas such as mechanics (stress, elasticity, fluid mechanics, moment of inertia, ...), electrodynamics (electromagnetic tensor, Maxwell tensor, permittivity, magnetic susceptibility, ..), or general relativity (stress-energy tensor, curvature tensor, and others. ) Continue... * Order/rank of tensor depends on how many separate entities are necessary to describe the matrix and varies according to 3°. +3054 scalar +3153 vector (F =F,i + Fy + Fk) + This terminology is suggestive. Why stop at rank 1? Why not go onto rank 2, rank 3, and so on. + Dyad: Tensor of rank 2. (magnitude and two directions — 3? = 9 components) e.g. Stress + Triad: Tensor of rank 3. (magnitude and three directions — 3° = 27 components) + Etcetera... Continue... + Tensors are the notations which are used to represent a scalar, vector or matrixes. (may have columns, rows and tubes; 3-way tensors have 3 modes NxMxK dimensions) + Equations governing 3D mechanics problems can be quite lengthy, short hand notation called index notations. # DG EK, xt x + Algebric expression > Pi tsisn + In tensors above expression can be written as simply > ax, 1sisn + (if the limits of index is not defined, than by default it would be considered as n=1,2,3 G4, Xj =AYXy HANSA, TENSOR + Tensors are often displayed as a matrix + The transpose of a tensor is obtained by interchanging the two indicies, so the transpose of T, is T, + Tensor Q; is symmetric if Q; = Q; + Tensor is antisymmetric if it is equal to the negative of its transpose, Rj = -Ry + Any arbitrary tensor T, may be decomposed into sum of a symmetric tensor and antisymmetric tensor Index notation + There are two types of index + Free + Dummy + A free index occurs once and only once in each and every term in an equation + A dummy or summation index occurs twice in a term ie ajx, > ‘iis free index and ‘j’ is a dummy index Summation Convention + An important convention is index notation is the so-called summation convention, which states that if an index is repeated twice then a summation over this index is implied. An example, the produce bja; , where the index i is repeated twice means b,aj= b,a,+b2a,+b303 Another way to write a vector is in Cartesian form K=xi+yj+zk = (x,y,z) The coordinates x, y and z can also be written as x,, x2, Xs. Thus the vector can be written as X= (X,XqXa) oras X =(x),i=1.3 or in index notation, simply as where i is understood to be a dummy variable running from 1 to 3 Thus x, x, and x, all refer to the same vector (x,, Xp and Xs) , as the index (subscript) always runs from 1 to 3 ay a, ‘+ In matrix notations we are restricted to work with one- and two-dimensional arrays. This is not the case in index notation, for instance , @, = 3x3x3 = 27 components (3 order tensor) y= 81 Components (4 order tensor) By By Bis B=[Byl= |B21 Bz2 Bos Bay Baz Bas Example Expand yi = aix, Ya = By1X1 + AyaXot ay3X3 Ya = GaiXy + AgaXgt Az3X3 Ya = @giX1 + @gaXgt Ag3X3 Examples Expand ax, BIR FAX HAN FAN Expand ajx, (1sj <3) Scalar multiplication: let« be ascalarand A =A, bea vector. Then 7 oA = aA, = (a.A,,0:A,,0A5) is a vector. Dot or scalar productof two vectors results in a scalar: AeB=AB,+A,B, +A,B, = scalar In index notation, the dot product takes the form BoB AB-TAB,-DAB, - Einstein summation convention: if the same index occurs twice, always sum over that index. So we abbreviate to AeB=AB,=A,B, = AB, There is no free index in the above expressions. Instead the indices are paired (e.g. two i's), implying summation. The result of the dot product is thus a scalar. Magnitude of a vector: Atensor can be constructed by multiplying two vectors (not scalar product): AB, A,B, A.B, AB, A,B, A,B, AB, AB, A,B, Two free indices (i, j) means the result is a second-order tensor Now consider the expression AAB, This is a first-order tensor, or vector because there is only one free index, i (the j's are paired, implying summation). AAB; = (A.B, + A,B, + 3B, )(A,,A2,As) That is, scalar times vector = vector. AB, =(AB,),i Kronecker delta 5, (1 0 0) { # i=i_|y 4 9 — ; Of 14] |) g 4) 827 8a =Bar a= Br + Since there are two free indices, the result is a second-order tensor, or matrix. The Kronecker delta corresponds to the identity matrix. + Itis used in tensor calculus to annihilate-non-diagonal terms. Example: Expand xx GK = Bap # ya iXy + DyaMiXa + OaiKaXy + OarKoXp + OzaXoXs + Oy iXaX + OaaXaXp + OyaXaXa 5 (1) x24 (1) x2 (1) xe? CPt Kt A = HK OF KK, A.useful manipulation in tensor notation can be used to change an index in an expression: Su, =u, This manipulation works because the Kronecker delta 6, = 0 except when i=j, in which case it equals 1 Example + Expand and approximate 5,a, ya, = Syaq+ Bi2aq + Gysas + B21 + 52a + By33 + 5514) + O3242 + Os3as dyaj= ai tay +as Problem 1.6: Solve the following equations: 1) 5,6y Solution: 548 y = (6. + 8xy +533 Ny, + 6m, +533) =3X3=9 2) baibar5n Solution: — Sab 51 = 651 = 5 =1 NOTE: Note that the following algebraic operation is incorrect 5,5, #6,, =3 #54 =1, since what must be replaced is the repeated index, not the number a Expand i= 511 + 5 a0 + Bag= 3 (= 1,2, 3) Practice Problem Expand and proof By, = Bx Expand 6) +Fi=0 Example Recall the strain-splacement relations, Eqns. 1.2.19, which in fll ead Practice Problems ‘Simply he expressions 5,5,5,,5,. Solution: {iD)KBkpopi = BIOKBKi = 6 B= Oi = 9. Write Equetion for directional cosines n tensor notations, costa + costa + costy Solution: Let cosa=axscose Hence a,0;+ azasray Solve the equations, a, = C,), b = oD, Solution: Let =k 6D, > 4, = Cy4.De Practice Problems ‘Problem It: Rewrite the fllonring eqtions sing india notation: Dag sane rats, Suto: az, i=123) er) b », fs ays=b, Sabo founsecseeeueh ae (ash Vig segntenn

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