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A social enterprise is a business with primarily social or environmental objectives whose

profits are reinvested for that purpose, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit
for shareholders and owners.

My business is a sole proprietorship where I just need to find a supplier of affordable and
long lasting use of flashlight and whistle. I also need to find a producer of kerosine lamp. The
aim of my business is to help people. People that can use the flashlight and whistle and people
in some places that has no electricity and can use the kerosine lamp. In every purchase of five
(5) flashlight and whistle, it is equivalent to one (1) kerosine lamp. The kerosine lamp is a help
for people and family that has no electricity. The plan of making the kerosine lamp that can
contribute to the environment is made out of oil not gas for it is not that smokey.

Flashlight and whistle is important, specially incase of emergency as well as the

importance of kerosine lamp for the places that has no electricity.


Basic details/name/address etc.

 Name of the Business

Flashle for a Purpose

 Location of the Business

Metro, Manila

Flashle for a purpose is a business which will be focusing on selling a flashlight and
whistle. The location of the said business will be on metro manila, which has a big population
and the target market will be in all ages. Aside from selling the flashlight and whistle, I will
deliver and supply stores that are not yet selling these kind of products. I will find a supplier who
can supply me an affordable and long lasting flashlight and whistles. In every purchase of five
(5) flashlight and whistle, it is equivalent to one (1) kerosine lamp. I will also find a producer of
kerosine lamp that can help to contribute in our environment by not using gas that produce
black smoke, I will use oil as a material. After having much of these, it will be given to the people
and family that has no electricity.

Business Idea

The idea of this business that I came up was because of the desire to help every people
and the need to diddeminate the said products living in the country. To help the increase of our
economy and lessen the problem in poverty. It is simple, affordable and well assured that it is
long lasting and has no limit for people who can avail these products and everyone can use it.

Social Purpose

The purpose of this social enterprise and business in our social industry is to help all the
people. Aside from the use of flashlight and whistle specially in an emergency situations, it is
handy and useful as well. Helping the people to have these products for their own selves, they
also help other people. If the buyers of flashlight and whistle that will be sold know where the
profit will go, it is a big cooperation for the goal of the social enterprise.

Legal Status and Stucture

Flashle for a purpose is a sole proprietorship business. Sole proprietorship is owned and
operated by single individual who has the final say about strategic, financial, planning and
marketing matters.


Background of the Organization

Flashle for a purpose is owned by Lyzette Joy A. Romero and the business is located in
metro manila. It is her goal to help every people in a simple way and it is not obligatory for the
buyers to avail the products. But it has no limit who can avail it. By the success of this business,
I aim to expand the availabilty of these products by supplying and delivering other stores in
different places.


To provide the need of people that has no electricity and the insight of other people in
helping their co-filipinos.


To contribute by lessening the poverty in some places that has no electricity and to give
every people a helpful and useful kind of products that we provide.
The Legal Structure and Management Structure


Sales person


Roles and Responsibilities


 Responsible in recruiting staffs, provide knowledge, and supervising the whole business.
 Responsible in meeting the supplier and producer.
 Responsible in promoting and to spread the business.
 Responsible in the complaints of the customers and mistakes of staffs.
 Responsible in reviewing the sales
 Responsible in maintaining the business financial report and preparing financial records
 Responsible in maintaining a good outlook of the business.

Sales Person

 To provide a nice approach to the buyers.

 Handles the buyer’s need and questions.
 Responsible in handling and receiving the payment of the buyers.


 To give and provide an affordable and long lasting flashlight and whistle.
 Must be consistent in supplying the said products.


 To make a long lasting kerosine lamp.

 To satisfy the people who will receive those kerosine lamp.


 Should have knowledge in handling a business and how it works.

 Should have the ability to be a leader and how to supervise people.
 Should have a good desicion making, making plans and solving a problem that may
 Should have a strong ability in organizing and handling a business.
 Should have a pleasing personality towards other people.

Sales Person

 Should have a communication skills.

 Should have knowledge in selling and approaching buyers.
 Should have a pleasing personality towards other people.


Product Price Description

Flashlight can be use for
safety measures. It is helpful
Php 50.00 in an emergency situations. It
has batteries that can be
recharge or dispose.
Whistle can be use for safety
measures too like alerting
Php 50.00 people or in an emergency
situations. It just need an air
from the mouth of the person
who will use it.
Kerosine lamp can be use as
an alternative if there is no
electricity. It just need oil to
fire it up.

The purchase of the buyers will be packed in a brown paper bag. It is an eco-
friendly bag.


Who will buy your goods?

Flashle for a purpose has no limit in the target market. Anyone in all ages can avail
flashlight and whistle and they can use it as well. Will make sure that it is affordable for all the

Why will customers buy from you? What is your selling proposition (USP)?

Flashle for a purpose is not just selling flashlight and whistle. It also a way to help other
people. It is not an obligation to the buyers to purchase the said products, but if they knew the
idea of the goal of this business which is to produce kerosine lamp and give it to the people that
has no electricity, I surely know that they will purchase these products by their hearts.


Flashle for a purpose products is a simple yet affordable that make sure it is long lasting
use by people.The flashlight and whistle is handy and will not concume a problem to the buyer.
The kerosine lamp is eco-friendly because of its material like oil.


Flashle for a purpose is located in Metro Manila, that has a big population and aims to
sell more of these products.


The flashlight and whistle will cost Php 100.00.


The workers that has skills in selling and knowledge about business can apply and be
part of it.


Flashle for a purpose will use the social media and small tarpaulins to promote the
business and the goal of the business.


The possible competitors of this business will be the stores who also sell these kind of
products especially near schools and markets.

Market Testing

Survey Questionnaire

1. Do you use flashlight and whistle?

o Yes
o No
2. Are you willing to buy a flashlight and whistle?
o Yes
o No
3. Do you think flashlight and whistle that cost 100 pesos is reasonable?
o Yes
o No
4. Would you contribute to the idea that the income from flashlight and whistle will produce
kerosine lamp which will be given to the people and family that has no electricity?
o Yes
o No
5. Do you think it is possible?
o Yes
o No
Survey Result

Respondents who says they use flashlight and whistle




Base on the chart above, 90% of the respondents use flashlight and whistle while the
10% do not use flashlight and whistle.

Respondents who says the are willing to buy a flashlight and





Base on the above chart, 90% of the respondents are willing to buy a flashlight and
whistle while the 10% is not willing to buy a flashlight and whistle.
Respondents who says 100 pesos of flashlight and whistle is



Base on the chart above, 60% of the resondents says that the cost of flaslight and
whistle that is 100 pesos is reasonable enough, while the 40% do not think it is reasonable.

Respondents who says they will contribute to the idea of the




Base on the chart above, 100% of the respondents will contribute to the idea of the
Respondents who says that the idea of the business is possible



Base on the above chart, 100% of the respondents says that the business idea is


Who will benefit?

The target market of the business will benefit the product which is all ages of people.
The people and family that has no electricity will also benefit by receiving kerosine lamp by the
people who bought flashlight and whistle.

Why is there a need for a social enterprise?

Social enterprise do not just make business, they fulfill and make purpose of people. It
provides the needs and has impacted the lives of people.

That is why Flashle for a Purpose contibutes as one of the social enterprise. Flashlight
and whistle is useful for safety and emergenicies. Kerosine lamp is useful with the people who
do not experience having an electricity.

How will running a social enterprise meet the need?

The goal of the business is to help the people from places that has no electricity.
Basically, if people will buy the products that the business is selling, which is the flashlight and
whistle, they can help to achieve the said goal of the business. So this social enterprise is for
the people and family that has no experience when it comes to electricity.

What type of social enterprise is it?

Flashle for a Purpose is a social firm. A social firm is an organization that applies
commercial strategies to maximize improvements in financial, social and environmental well-
being. This may include maximizing social impact alongside profits for external shareholders.

What are your external stakeholders’ view?

Flashle for a Purpose will be selling flashlights and whistles which by the external
stakeholders’ view, they will avail and it is reasonable by its price. They also think that the goal
of the business is possible to happen which is producing kerosine lamps and giving it to the
people and family that do not experience having electricity.


Description and proposed costs of euipment/vehicles to be purchased

Equipment Cost Description

Php 25.00

Php 25.00

Php 350.00

Key milestones/timelines and associatedactivities

January The business will find a supplier of flaslight

and whistle and will also find a producer of
kerosine lamp
February The business will find and hire sales person
March The business will start organizing the store
April The business will start to train the hired staff
May The business wil start operating

Costs and Personnel Requirements

Sales Person Php 6,650


Source of Capital

Flashle for a Purpose capital will come from the savings of the owner. The overall money
that is needed to operate the business will cost 200,000.00 pesos. The 100,000.00 pesos will be
for the supplies of flashlight and whistle. The 50,000.00 pesos will be for the first kerosine lamps
that will be produced. The other 50,000.00 pesos will be for the place/rent/down payment where
the business will be located.

Budgeted Capital

Rent/Down Payment/Place

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