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Jabao, Uriel Marie Date: November 29, 2022

GE211: General Surveying 1 Narrative Report 5

Laboratory Activity 5: Total Station Set Up

Last November 15, 2022 we conduct our individual activity which is the total
station set up, First sir Plaza discuss how to use the instrument and how to do the
proper set up the instrument. And after that sir Plaza allow us to do the set up to
the instrument, he give us 10 minutes to familiarize all the equipment and how to
use it, So after we familiarize all we need to do in individual performance. I am
the last member of group 1 to perform the total set up station I have a little bit
struggle how to set up because of the bubble that we need to be in the center not
only the bubbles but all the set up you need to do it without asking help for
others and sir Plaza ask mi to some parts of the instrument like the where’s the
monitor, laser plummet and other parts of the instrument.

This activity is not so easy for me because I can’t even memories and familiarize
all the parts of the equipment but If u want to learn do what as told because in
the future all of these is very useful to your work in the future.
Total Station Set up:

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