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ENTRANCE TEST 2011i Duration: 45 minutes Marks: 25 Answer ALL Questions Use tick () mark to answer multiple choice questions 1. Commerce consists of Trade and _____________to trade. 2. In___________ market, the price of a commodity is determined by the interaction of demand and supply forces. 3. When production increases, cost per unit comes down. This is called____________ of scale in the world of economics. 4. When authority flows from top to bottom in an organization, such structures are called__________ organizations. 5. The marketing mix consists of product, price, promotion and _________________ distribution. 6. If one trader rules the market by determining the prices and supply size, the market is said to be ____________ market. 7. The ownership is separated from management in any organization. This is based on _________ _ ___________concept. 8. When two aspects of a transaction are recorded in a book, it is based on ____________ aspect concept in accounting discipline. 9. If cash transactions are alone recorded in the books, the system is said to be ____________ entry system. 10. The median in statistics is perceived to be; a. Mathematical Average b. A value occurred most frequently c. The most central point of the data d. None of the above 11. The Skewness is called so, because a. The average of the data is very high b. The standard deviation is Zero

2 c. The distribution leans either towards left or right d. The mean, median and mode are Zero 12. The cost of living index is based on a. Simple average b. Weighted average c. Special average without weights d. None of the above 13. The objective of financial management is to maximize a. Profit b. Income c. Wealth of the owners d. Wealth of the Debtors 14. The corporate tax rate in India (2011) now is a. 40 per cent b. 50 percent c. 30 per cent d. None of the above 15. The cost of capital is said to be _______________ rate in the world of business. 16. Financial market, in general, is being governed by a. RBI b. TRAI c. Controller of capital issues d. SEBI 17. Corporate bond does not consist of the following feature a. Coupon Rate b. Dividend rate c. Par value d. Redemption period 18. RBI is believed to be the___________ of last resort by all nationalized banks and customers. 19. __________________ big banks were nationalized in 1969 by then Prime Minister, Srimati Indira Gandhi. 20. ____________ are called plastic money.

3 21. When inflation rate is worked out with unemployment rate, the curve arrived out of it is called __________ curve. 22. The null matrix consists of all elements within braces_______. 23. The financial leverage estimates_____________ risk. 24. The Operational leverage measures __________ risk. 25. The Finance Minister of India is ______________ now.

Prepared by Dr. D. Joseph Anbarasu, Head and Associate Professor in Commerce

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