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Light Armor Price AC AR Armor Check Penalty Weight1

Haramaki 3 gp 11+dex 1 -2 1 lb.

Padded 5 gp 11+dex 1 -1 10 lbs.
Quilted cloth 100 gp 11+dex 1 0 15 lbs.
Silken ceremonial 30 gp 11+dex 1 0 4 lbs.
Renforced Robes 100gp 11+dex 1 0 6 lbs.
Lamellar cuirass 15 gp 11+dex 1 0 8 lbs.
Leather 10 gp 12+dex 1 -1 15 lbs.
Leaf armor 500 gp 12+dex 3 0 20 lbs.
Parade 75 gp 13+dex 1 0 20 lbs.
Studded leather 100 gp 13+dex 2 0 20 lbs
Wooden 125 gp 13+dex 1 0 25 lbs.
Chain shirt 150 gp 14+dex 1 0 25 lbs.
Lamellar (leather) 250 gp 14+dex 2 -1 25 lbs.
Medium Armor Price AC AR Armor Check Penalty Weight1

Armored coat 20 gp 12+dex(2 max) 1 –1 20 lbs.

Chain coat 35 gp 12+dex(2 max) 1 -1 40 lbs.
Hide 15 gp 12+dex(2 max) 1 –1 25 lbs.
Do-maru 100 gp 13+dex(2 max) 1 –1 30 lbs.
Kikko 30 gp 13+dex(2 max) 1 –1 25 lbs.
Lamellar (horn) 100 gp 13+dex(2 max) 2 –1 30 lbs.
Scale mail 50 gp 14+dex(2 max) 1 –1 30 lbs.
Agile breastplate 400 gp 14+dex(2 max) 2 –1 25 lbs.
Breastplate 200 gp 14+dex(2 max) 1 –1 30 lbs.
Chainmail 350 gp 15+dex(2 max) 3 –2 40 lbs.
Four-mirror 325 gp 15+dex(2 max) 2 –2 45 lbs.
Lamellar (steel) 455 gp 15+dex(2 max) 3 –2 35 lbs.
Mountain pattern 950 gp 16+dex(2 max) 3 –3 40 lbs.
Heavy Armor6 Price AC AR Armor Check Penalty Weight1

Ring mail7(11) 30gp 13 1 -1 45 lbs.

Dendra armour7(11) 60 13 2 -1
Banded mail 7 (12) 110 gp 14 2 –1 35 lbs.
Kusari gusoku 7(13) 225 gp 14 3 –1 45 lbs.
Lamellar (iron) 7(13) 155 gp 15 2 –1 50 lbs.
Splint mail 7(13) 200 gp 15 3 –1 45 lbs.
Plated mail7(13) 200 gp 16 2 -2
Tatami-do 7(12) 800 gp 16 3 –2 45 lbs.
Savaran Armor 350 17 2 -2
Agile half-plate 7(14) 850 gp 17 3 –2 55 lbs.
Half-plate 7(14) 1,000 gp 18 3 -2 50 lbs.
Lamellar (stone) 7(14) 1,500 gp 18 4 –3 45 lbs.
Lorica Segmentata 2,000 gp 19 3 -3
O-yoroi 7(13) 2,700 gp 19 4 –4 45 lbs.
Plate 7(14) 3,500 gp 20 4 –3 50 lbs.
Hell Knight plate7(14) 7,000 gp 20 5 -4 50 lbs.
Stoneplate 7(15) 5,200 gp 21 4 –4 75 lbs.
Perfector armor 9,400 gp 21 5 -5 80 lbs.
Fortress plate 7,800 gp 22 4 -4 80 lbs.
Gray Maiden plate 15,500 gp 22 5 -5 85 lbs.
Full plate armor7 (15) 20,500 gp 23 6 -5 90 lbs.
Shields Price Armor/Shield Bonus AR Armor Check Penalty Grip Proprety Weight1
Buckler 5 gp +1 0 –1 Handle Parry 3 lbs.
Bladed buckler 75 gp +1 0 -1 Handle, strap 2d4 slashing, 4lbs.
Klar 12 gp +1 0 –1 Handle, strap — 6 lbs.
Light steel quickdraw 59 gp +1 0 –2 Handle Parry 7 lbs.
Light steel 9 gp +1 0 –1 Handle — 6 lbs.
Light wooden quickdraw 53 gp +1 0 –2 Handle Parry 6 lbs.
Light wooden 3 gp +1 0 –1 Handle — 5 lbs.
Madu (leather) 40 gp +1 0 –2 Handle,Strap — 5 lbs.
Madu (steel) 50 gp +1 0 –2 Strap — 6 lbs.
Duelling 75 gp +2 0 -1 Handle Versatile (1d8) 8 lbs.
Heavy steel 20 gp +2 0 –2 Strap — 15 lbs.
Heavy wooden 7 gp +2 0 –2 Strap Tripping 10 lbs.
Lantern 100 gp +2, 2d4 piercing 1 -3 Strap Light 25 lb
Pavise 25 gp +2 0 -2 Handle — 10 lb
Shield 10 gp +2 1 -1 Handle, strap — 10 lb
Tower, small 50 gp +3 1 -3 Strap Tripping 25 lbs.
Tower 30 gp +4 2 –5 Strap — 45 lbs.
Extras4 Price Armor/Shield Bonus Armor Check Penalty Weight1

3rd hand +20gp — - — — — -

Arm shield +300gp — - — — — +15lbs.
Arm weapon +30gp — - — — — Weapon’s
Armor spikes +50 gp — — — — — +10 lbs.
Buoy +50gp — — — — — +5lbs.
Deflecting +1000gp — — — — — + 10lbs.
Dodging armor +700 — — — — — -10 lbs.
Extra Reinforcment 200gp — — — — — +5lbs
Extra plate 200gp — — — — — +5lbs
Extra padding 200gp — — — — — +5lbs
Holo(magical) 200gp — — — — — -
Mask 15gp — — — — — -
Rogue trick +200gp — — — — — +5lbs.
Opaque helmet +40gp — — — — — -
Locked gauntlet +8 gp — — Special — — +5 lbs.
Lighter armour X1/2 — — — — — -5 lbs
Shield spikes +10 gp — — — — — +5 lbs.
Shoulder pad +100gp/upgrade — — — — — +5lbs.
Jarring +2000gp — — — — — + 20lbs.
Waterproofing +200gp — — — — — +10lbs.
Category Don Doff
Light Armor 1 minute 1 minute
Medium Armo 5 1 minute
r minutes
Heavy Armor 10 5
minutes minutes
Shield 1 action 1 action
 Weight figures are for armor sized to fit Medium characters. Armor fitted for Small characters weighs half as much, and armor fitted for Large characters weighs twice as much.
 When running in heavy armor, you move only triple your speed, not quadruple.
 When running in agile half-plate, you can still move quadruple your speed, instead of the normal triple speed for heavy armor.
In addition to increasing the armor’s base cost and weight as set out below, each individual upgrade reduces the wearer’s speed by 5 feet; The listed costs are for including these modifications on
nonmagical armor; increase the cost by 50% if adding them to a suit of magical armor.
 Hand not free to cast spells.
Heavy armor give you resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damages from Nonmagical Attacks
If you don’t have at least the number shown in parenthesis in strength, you lose 10 ft. of movements, in addition, every bludgeoning damage you take are instead non-lethal damage
Each of these upgrade reduces the wearer’s speed by 5 feet (to a minimum of 2/3 the wearer speed without armor)

ARMOR CHECK PENALTY : add the -x to your This small metal shield is worn strapped to your Also called a belly-warmer, a haramaki is a simple Lamellar is a type of armor in which small plates of
dex roll and roll that have something to do with forearm. You can use a bow or crossbow without silken sash lined with chainmail or articulated metal various types of materials are strung together in
somatic component ( for example, a spells scroll roll) penalty while carrying it. You can also use your plates and tied about the stomach to protect it. parallel rows using fine cord. Lamellar plates can be
if your armor check penalty is 2, reduce your EC by shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using HEAVY STEEL SHIELD constructed from lacquered leather, horn, or even
one, if your armor check penalty is 3 or 4, reduce it an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help Price 20 gp stone, though suits of iron and steel are the most
by 2 and if your armor check penalty is 5 or 6, reduce wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 Shield Bonus +2 common. Lamellar armor can be crafted into various
your EC by 3 , above 6, you have the same -3 to EC penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty You strap a heavy steel shield to your forearm and shapes, including partial pieces such as breastplates,
but still have the -X penalty. stacks with those that may apply for fighting with grip it with your hand. A heavy steel shield is so greaves, or even entire coats. The properties of
MASTERWORK : your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In heavy that you can't use your shield hand for specific suits and pieces of lamellar armor are
+200gp, +1 a max dex bonus any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you anything else. Whether wooden or steel, a heavy determined by their material.
Helmet. While wearing a helmet, your Armor Class lose the buckler's AC bonus until your next turn. You shield offers the same basic protection and attack LAMELLAR CUIRASS
increases by 1, but you have disadvantage on ranged can cast a spell with somatic components using your benefits, though the two versions respond differently Price 15 gp
attack rolls, on spell attack roll and on shield arm, but you lose the buckler's AC bonus until to some spells and effects (such as rusting grasp). A Armor Bonus 12+dex
wisdom(perception) checks. Donning or doffing a your next turn. You can't make a shield bash with a druid can use a heavy wooden shield, but not a heavy This armor consists of a light breastplate and
helmet takes an action. Creatures proficient with buckler. You can parry with a buckler. steel shield. shoulder guards made from lacquered leather plates
medium armor are also proficient with helmets. CHAIN SHIRT Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with bound together and fitted over a silk shirt.
Every heavy armor have a helmets, light usually Price 100 gp a heavy shield. See "heavy shield" on the Martial LANTERN SHIELD
don’t, and medium armor have sometime helmets. Armor Bonus 14+dex Weapons table for the damage dealt by a shield bash Price 100 gp
Armor parts : sometime you will want to only put Covering the torso, this shirt is made up of thousands with a heavy shield. Used this way, a heavy shield is Shield Bonus +2
part of an armor, each part of an armor add one point of interlocking metal rings. a martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of This armor consists of a light breastplate and
to your AC and are the following : Helmet, Pauldron, CHAINMAIL penalties on attack rolls, treat a heavy shield as a shoulder guards made from lacquered leather plates
Gauntlets, Greaves and poleyn, Gorget, Rerebrace, Price 150 gp one-handed weapon. If you use your shield as a bound together and fitted over a silk shirt.
Vambrace and couter, Chain coif, Cuisses, Sabatons, Armor Bonus +6 weapon, you lose its AC bonus until your next turn. An apparatus combining a small shield, a lantern, a
Cuirass, Faulds and tuille, Plackart. You have a -1 to Unlike a chain shirt, which covers only the chest, An enhancement bonus on a shield does not improve gauntlet, and several blades. When wielded it adds
AC if your armor is made of more than 3 parts, and chainmail protects the wearer with a complete mesh the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but +2 to your Armor Class, can be used to make a melee
they come from different armour, the price for each of chain links that cover the torso and arms, and the shield can be made into a magic weapon in its weapon attack that deals 2d4 piercing damage, and
part is the price of the armor divided by the armor extends below the waist. Multiple interconnected own right. can store a lit bullseye lantern, which you wield
bonus. pieces offer additional protection over vital areas. HEAVY WOODEN SHIELD while holding this shield. If you are disarmed of this
When you take an injury in a location for which you The suit includes gauntlets. Price 7 gp shield or doff it, the lantern moves with it. A lantern
have armor, you can negate the hit, but the part of the DO-MARU Shield Bonus +2 can be added or removed as an action.
armor take the hit instead with 2 steps more deadly, Price 200 gp A heavy wooden shield is essentially the same as a LEATHER
this may result in the complete destruction of the part Armor Bonus +5 heavy steel shield, except that it responds differently Price 10 gp
of the armor, in any case, you reduce the bonus given The lightest of armors typically favored by samurai, to some spells and effects (such as rusting grasp). A Armor Bonus 12+dex
by this armor by one until you repair it, or buy/craft ado-maru wraps around the wearer's body like a short druid can use a heavy wooden shield, but not a heavy Leather armor is made up of multiple overlapping
new part. armored coat. It consists primarily of lamellar and steel shield. pieces of leather, boiled to increase their natural
Heat : lacks a solid breastplate or sleeves, leaving the HIDE toughness and then deliberately stitched together.
Armor that have an AC bonus equal or superior to shoulders and upper body somewhat exposed, but Price 15 gp Although not as sturdy as metal armor, the flexibility
+6(without dex) accumulate heat, unless you are in permitting the wearer greater flexibility than do the Armor Bonus +4 it allows wearers makes it among the most widely
cold environments, you can wear those armor for majority of heavier armors. Hide armor is made from the tanned skin of used types of armor.
only (9- half the armor bonus) hours before having to DENDRA ARMOUR particularly thick-hided beasts, stitched with either LEAF ARMOR
take a long rest or wait 12 hours, add 2 hour for cold Price 60 gp multiple overlapping layers of crude leather or Price 500 gp
environment, if you wear the armor for more, you Armor Bonus +3 exterior pieces of leather stuffed with padding or fur. Armor bonus : +5+dex (5max)
must succeed on a DC 10 constitution saving throw The Dendra panoply or Dendra armour is an Damage to the armor is typically repaired by This armor made of leaf allow the wearer a gret
or take a level of exhaustion each hour, and the DC example of Mycenaean-era panoply (full-body restitching gashes or adding new pieces of hide, liberty of movement, but is expensive.
increase by 3 each hour. armor) made of bronze plates uncovered in the giving the most heavily used suits a distinctively LIGHT STEEL QUICKDRAW SHIELD
AGILE BREASTPLATE village of Dendra in the Argolid, Greece. patchwork quality. Price 59 gp
Price 400 gp DUELLING HELL KNIGHT PLATE Shield Bonus +1
Armor Bonus +6 Price 75 gp Price 2,000 gp This light steel shield is specially crafted with a
This breastplate is specially crafted in a manner that Armor Bonus +2 Armor Bonus 19 series of straps to allow a character proficient in
allows extra maneuverability for some physical These large shields have a large triangular boss and These distinctive suits of armor are a special type of shields to ready or stow it on her back quickly and
activities. The armor check penalty for Climb checks hooks and blades built into the rim. A dueling shield masterwork full plate that grant additional effects easily. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or
and jump checks is only –1 (masterwork and mithral adds a +2 bonus to AC when wielded in one hand, as when worn by a character with levels in the Hell higher, you may don or put away a quickdraw shield
versions of this armor reduce this penalty as well as normal. When wielded in both hands, it acts as a Knight prestige class. Apart from its distinctive look as a swift action combined with a regular move. If
the normal penalty). melee weapon that deals 1d8 piercing damage with (each order of Hell Knights has its own style of you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can
AGILE HALF-PLATE the ensnaring, heavy, and parry properties in addition armor), a suit of Hell Knight plate functions the same draw a light or one-handed weapon with one hand
Price 850 gp to its AC bonus. as a suit of masterwork full plate. and a quickdraw shield with the other in the time it
Armor Bonus +8 FOUR-MIRROR KIKKO would normally take you to draw one weapon.
This style of half-plate is specially crafted in a Price 45 gp Price 30 gp LIGHT STEEL SHIELD
manner that allows extra maneuverability for some Armor Bonus +6 Armor Bonus +5 Price 9 gp
physical activities. The armor check penalty This armor consists of four plates harnessed together Kikko armor consists of a clever arrangement of Shield Bonus +1
for Climb checks and jump checks is only –4 with leather shoulder straps. Two round plates hexagonal plates made from iron and sewn to cloth, You strap a light steel shield to your forearm and
(masterwork and mithral versions of this armor protect your front and back, while two smaller granting the wearer greater flexibility than that grip it with your hand. A light steel shield's weight
reduce this penalty by 2 ). In addition, unlike with rectangular plates cover the sides of the torso. Four- provided by many armors that afford similar defense. lets you carry other items in that hand, although you
most heavy armors, the wearer can still run at mirror armor is worn over chainmail to provide The plates may be left exposed or hidden by a layer cannot use weapons with it. Whether wooden or
quadruple speed instead of triple speed. added protection, and comes with a spiked helmet of cloth. steel, a light shield offers the same basic protection
ARMORED COAT with a chainmail hood. KLAR and attack benefits, though the two varieties respond
Price 50 gp FULL PLATE Price 12 gp differently to some spells and effects (such as rusting
Armor Bonus +4 Price 13,500 gp Shield Bonus +1 grasp). A druid can use a light wooden shield, but not
This sturdy leather coat is reinforced with metal Armor Bonus +10 The traditional form of this tribal weapon is a short a light steel shield.
plates sewn into the lining. The advantage of it is thatThis metal suit comprises multiple pieces of blade bound to the skull of a large horned lizard, but Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with
a person can don it or remove it as a move action If interconnected and overlaying metal plates, a skilled smith can craft one entirely out of metal. A a light shield. See "light shield" in the Martial
worn over other armor, use the better AC bonus and incorporating the benefits of numerous types of traditional klar counts as a light wooden shield with Weapons table for the damage dealt by a shield bash
worse value in all other categories; lesser armor. A complete suit of full plate (or armor spikes; a metal klar counts as a light steel with a light shield. Used this way, a light shield is a
BANDED MAIL platemail, as it is often called) includes gauntlets, shield with armor spikes. martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of
Price 250 gp heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and a thick KUSARI GUSOKU penalties on attack rolls, treat a light shield as a light
layer of padding that is worn underneath the armor. Price 350 gp weapon. If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose
Armor Bonus +7 Each suit of full plate must be individually fitted to Armor Bonus +7 its AC bonus until your next turn. An enhancement
Banded mail is made up of overlapping strips of its owner by a master armorsmith, although a Kusari gusoku is similar to tatami-do armor; bonus on a shield does not improve the effectiveness
metal, fastened to a sturdy backing of leather and captured suit can be resized to fit a new owner at a however, a katabira—a type of chain jacket—is worn of a shield bash made with it, but the shield can be
chain. The size of the metal plates, interconnected cost of 200 to 800 (2d4 × 100) gold pieces. in place of the chest armor. made into a magic weapon in its own right.
metal bands, and layers of underlying armor make it HALF-PLATE LAMELLAR LIGHT WOODEN QUICKDRAW SHIELD
a more significant defense than similar armors, like Price 600 gp Price 53 gp
scale mail or splint mail. Materia
Armor Bonus +8 Shield Bonus +1
BREASTPLATE l Price Armor Bonus
Half-plate armor combines elements of full plate and A wooden quickdraw shield is essentially the same
Price 200 gp chainmail, incorporating several sizable plates of as a steel quickdraw shield, except it responds
Armor Bonus +6 sculpted metal with an underlying mesh of chain Leather 60 gp 14+dex differently to some spells and effects (such as rusting
A breastplate protects a wearer's torso with a single links. While this suit protects vital areas with several grasp). A druid can use a heavy wooden quickdraw
piece of sculpted metal, similar to the core piece of a layers of armor, it is not sculpted to a single Horn 100 gp +5 shield, but not a steel quickdraw shield.
suit of full plate. Despite its sturdiness, its individual's frame, reducing its wearer's mobility LIGHT WOODEN SHIELD
inflexibility and open back make it inferior to even more than a suit of full plate. Half-plate armor Steel 150 gp +6 Price 3 gp
complete suits of metal armor, but still an includes gauntlets and a helm. Shield Bonus +1
improvement over most non-metal armors. HARAMAKI Iron 200 gp +7 A light wooden shield is essentially the same as a
BUCKLER Price 3 gp light steel shield, except it responds differently to
Price 5 gp Armor Bonus 11+dex Stone 500 gp +8 some spells and effects (such as rusting grasp). A
Shield Bonus +1
druid can use a light wooden shield, but not a light More than simple clothing, padded armor combines RENFORCED ROBES TOWER SHIELD, SMALL
steel shield. heavy, quilted cloth and layers of densely packed Price 100 gp Price 50 gp
MADU stuffing to create a cheap and basic protection. It is Armor Bonus 12+dex Shield Bonus +3
typically worn by those not intending to face lethal Made for spellcaster proficient in light armour to get  To wield a tower shield, you must have at least 15
combat or those who wish their maneuverability to the maximum protection without interfering with Strength. You can use your reaction to gain three-
l Price Shield Bonus
be impacted as little as possible. their spellcasting abilities, those are ample robes but quarters cover against harmful attack ( ranged and
PARADE renforced with high quality leather melee ) and area-of-effects such as breath weapons or
Leather 40 gp +1 Price 25 gp Price 50 gp spells when targeted by such effects, provided that
Armor Bonus 13+dex Armor Bonus +5 this is the side you placed your shield, unless the
Steel 50 gp +1 Most wealthy countries with standing armies have a Scale mail is made up of dozens of small, effect travels around corners. If you are directly
The madu is a round, light leather shield with two different uniform for use in showy noncombat overlapping metal plates. Similar to both splint mail between another creature of your size or smaller and
animal horns—usually from an antelope—extending situations such as parades, coronation ceremonies, and banded mail, scalemail has a flexible the effect's origin, that creature gains half cover
from opposite edges of the shield. If you are and so on. The appearance of this armor varies by the arrangement of scales in an attempt to avoid against the effect.
proficient with the madu, you may use it to fight country of origin and the branch of the military, but hindering the wearer's mobility, but at the expense of TOWER SHIELD
defensively with a –2 penalty instead of the normal – still provides some protection in case the soldier omitting additional protective layers of armor. A suit Price 30 gp
4, and your attack penalty for using Combat needs to fight while in parade dress. For example, of scale mail includes gauntlets. Shield Bonus +4
Expertise improves by +1 (minimum –1 penalty). one country's parade armor may be a chain shirt, SHIELD This massive wooden shield is nearly as tall as its
You cannot hold anything else in the hand that bears tabard, leather greaves, and a winged helm. If you're Price 10 gp user. In most situations, it provides the indicated
a madu. If you are not proficient with the madu, treat wearing a country's parade armor, you gain a +2 Shield Bonus +2 shield bonus to your AC. As a standard action,
it as a light spiked shield. A madu can't be disarmed. circumstance bonus A normal shield, made of wood and iron however, you can use a tower shield to grant you
While traditional madus are crafted from leather and on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to influence a SILKEN CEREMONIAL total cover until the beginning of your next turn.
animal horn, they can be made entirely out of metal. person from that country. Depending on the country, Price 30 gp When using a tower shield in this way, you must
Whether leather or steel, a madu offers the same parade armor may be crafted from leather, metal, or a Armor Bonus 11+dex choose one edge of your space. That edge is treated
basic protection and attack benefits, though the two mixture of both. Used for ceremonial displays or occasionally worn as a solid wall for attacks targeting you only. You
varieties respond differently to some spells and PAVISE (albeit with no additional benefit) over heavier gain total cover for attacks that pass through this
effects (such as rusting grasp). A druid can use a Price 25 gp armor, these robes consist of several layers of cloth edge and no cover for attacks that do not pass
leather madu, but not a steel madu. Armor Bonus +2 and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold through this edge (see cover). The shield does not,
MOUNTAIN PATTERN A pavise is a tall, oblong shield used to provide brocade designs and covered with metal studs. however, provide cover against targeted spells; a
Price 250 gp portable cover. You can use your action to plant a SPLINT MAIL spellcaster can cast a spell on you by targeting the
Armor Bonus +6 pavise in the ground, doffing it as part of the same Price 200 gp shield you are holding. You cannot bash with a tower
This medium armor consists of hundreds of small, action. In this state it is no longer wielded and stands Armor Bonus +7 shield, nor can you use your shield hand for anything
interlocking pieces of steel shaped to resemble an on its own to act as 1/2 cover for an upright creature, Splint mail is made up of overlapping layers of metal else.
ancient symbol for the word "mountain." The mail is or total cover for a prone one. strips attached to a backing of leather or sturdy When employing a tower shield in combat, you take
then riveted to a cloth or leather backing. It is worn PERFECTOR ARMOR fabric. These splints are of greater size and durability a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield's
like a mail coat and covers your torso, shoulders, and Price 8,700 gp than those that compose a suit of scale mail, encumbrance.
thighs. Armor Bonus : 19 improving the protection they afford the wearer, but WOODEN
O-YOROI This armor is made of steel, leather,stone and other at the cost of flexibility. A suit of splint mail includes Price 20 gp
Price 1,700 gp material perfectly builded into this armor similar to a gauntlets. Armor Bonus 13+dex
Armor Bonus +8 full plate STONEPLATE This suit of leather armor has plates of fire-treated
Worn almost exclusively by high-ranking samurai, o- PLATE Price 1,800 gp wood sewn over vital areas. Though not as effective
yoroi—or "great armor"—is a heavy combat armor Price 1,500 gp Armor Bonus +9 as metal armor, it offers better protection than leather
that consists of various supplementary components Armor Bonus +9 This armor is crafted by dwarven stonesmiths from alone. Unlike metal armor, the wood is slightly
that include both plate and lamellar elements. Each This metal suit comprises multiple pieces of alchemically strengthened plates of basalt. Stoneplate buoyant, and the armor check penalty for swimming
suit is crafted for a specific individual and displays interconnected and overlaying metal plates, is heavy and unwieldy, but offers incredible in this armor is 0.
the owner's aesthetic. Upon completion, the suit is incorporating the benefits of numerous types of protection to its wearer. It is primarily used by Table: Size Modifiers
colored and sealed with a final lacquer finish. The lesser armor. A complete suit of full plate (or dwarven druids who cannot wear metal armor. Size AC Modifier
centerpiece of o-yoroi is a cuirass consisting of two platemail, as it is often called) includes gauntlets, STUDDED LEATHER
heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and a thick Price 25 gp Colossal –8
parts—a separate reinforcement for the right side
called a waidate, and a kikko cuirass. The upper part layer of padding that is worn underneath the armor. Armor Bonus 13+dex
Each suit of full plate must be individually fitted to An improved form of leather armor, studded leather Gargantuan –4
of the waidate consists of a leather-covered iron
plate. The cuirass's leather shoulder straps—called its owner by a master armorsmith, although a armor is covered with dozens of metal protuberances.
watagami—are likewise armored with metal plates. captured suit can be resized to fit a new owner at a While these rounded studs offer little defense Huge –2
Affixed to the cuirass are a number of supplementary cost of 200 to 800 (2d4 × 100) gold pieces. individually, in the numbers they are arrayed in upon
pieces, including wide lamellar shoulder guards, a such armor, they help catch lethal edges and channel Large –1
kikko sleeve for the shield arm, lacquered iron them away from vital spots. The rigidity caused by
greaves worn over padded silk leggings, and a groin QUILTED CLOTH the additional metal does, however, result in less Medium +0
protector. The signature component of each suit of Price 100 gp mobility than is afforded by a suit of normal leather
armor is the tiered kabuto helmet and its Armor Bonus 11+dex armor. Small +1
accompanying ho-ate mask. Ho-ate masks can be This enhanced form of padded armor has internal TATAMI-DO
made of hardened leather or metal and are fashioned layers specifically designed to trap arrows, bolts, Price 1,000 gp Tiny +2
into fearsome visages such as oni, dragons, or other darts, shuriken, thrown daggers, and other small Armor Bonus +7
mythical beings. ranged piercing weapons. When these kinds of Worn by samurai as a lighter-weight alternative to o- Diminutive +4
PADDED weapons strike you, they tend to become snagged in yoroi, tatami-do is a full-body field armor that
Price 5 gp these layers and fail to harm you. Wearing quilted combines both metal lamellar and kikko components
cloth armor gives you resistance against attacks of Fine +8
Armor Bonus 11+dex into a suit of mail with a cloth backing. It typically
this kind. The special layers of the armor have no includes a collapsible kabuto helmet or an armored
effect on other kinds of weapons. hood, as well as arm, shoulder, and thigh guards.
or you can spend 1d6 hour gathering appropriate material, wich case, you have disadvantage on ability checks, LOCKED GAUNTLET
DEFLECTING or 1d4 is you have an herbalism kit and proficiency with attack roll, and saving throws Price +8 gp
The artistry of armor design lies in how widely or it Cost : 300gp weight : +15 lbs. Armor Bonus —
unexpectedly its angles can deflect an opponent’s blows. Cost : +200 gp weight +10 lbs ARM WEAPON This armored gauntlet has small chains and braces that
Whenever an opponent strikes at the wearer with a DODGING ARMOR You grief a one-handed weapon (or portable ram, allow the wearer to attach a weapon to the gauntlet so that
bludgeoning or slashing melee weapon and misses by 5 This armor was made to dodge, to graciously avoid being hammer …) on your forearm, you can don or doff it with it cannot be dropped easily.
or fewer, the wearer gains a +2 bonus on his next melee hit thanks to well-thinked protection.,you decrease your 1 minute and can’t be disarmed, you can hold an item in The price given is for a single locked gauntlet. The
attack roll against that opponent. This attack must be AC by 3 and increase you EC by 2 this hand or use it for other purpose, exepto for wielding weight given applies only if you're wearing a breastplate,
made in the next round or the bonus is lost. Cost : +700 gp weight : -10 lbs. a shield light armor, or no armor. Otherwise, the locked gauntlet
Cost: +1,000 gp; Weight: +10 lbs. EXTRA REINFORCMENT/PLATE/PADDING Cost : weapon +30gp weight: weapon weight replaces a gauntlet you already have as part of the armor.
JARRING Cost g : +200gp; weight : +5lbs SHOULDER PAD While the gauntlet is locked, you can't use the hand
Opponents who swing too hard at this armor soon learn to You can select this feature up to four time, you increase You add or improve your shoulder pad, when a flying wearing it for casting spells or employing skills. (You can
regret it. The jarring shock that runs up the attacker’s arm your DR against either : Slashing/piercing /Bludgeoning creature attack you with a ranged attack, your AC count still cast spells with somatic components, provided that
as their weapon connects makes it feel as though they damage by covering the weaknesses of your armor. as 1-2-3 point higher your other hand is free.)
have just struck a wall. MASK Cost : +100/ point Weight: +5 lbs Like a normal gauntlet, a locked gauntlet lets you deal
Whenever an opponent with a melee weapon strikes at This upgrade insert a filter hood in you helmet HOLO lethal damage rather than nonlethal damage with an
the wearer using bludgeoning weapons and misses by 5 Cost +15 gp Choose a place on your armor and a symbol, or drawing unarmed strike.
or fewer, he must make a DC13+ your proficiency bonus 3rd HAND to be magically shown, then choose 1 color for the SHIELD SPIKES
Constitution save or be stunned until the end of his next With this upgrade, you have a compartent in one drawing, this could be wing from your helmet or your Price +10 gp
turn. forearm, you can at any moment with a interaction action clan symbol on you chestplate for example, it last until Shield Bonus —
Cost: +2,000 gp; Weight: +20 lbs. swap the object you hold in the opposite hand with the you die or stay away from the armor for more than 100ft Deadly spikes and bladed projections extend from some
VITAL GUARD object inside, provided they are small enough for more than 3 day. shields, transforming such pieces of armor into weapon in
A truly well-designed armor reinforces its defense in the Cost : +20gp Cost 200 gp weight : their own right. Shield spikes turn a shield into a martial
most vulnerable locations. ROGUE TRICK OPAQUE HELMET piercing weapon and increase the damage dealt by a
Whenever an opponent scores a critical threat against the You can choose to, in 2 actions, retract the bulky part of Your helmet is opaque when seen from the exterior but shield or make the shield able to damage ( +1d4).
wearer, treat the hit as a normal hit your armor, which decrease your AC by 2 but every this does not change your view from a normal helmet Otherwise, attacking with a spiked shield is like making a
Cost: +500 gp; Weight: +15 lbs. armor penalty is nullified Cost : 40 gp Weight. melee attack.
BUOY Cost : 200 gp Weight : +5 lbs ARMOR SPIKES An enhancement bonus on a spiked shield does not
you can’t drown with this armor ARM SHIELD Price +50 gp improve the effectiveness of an attack made with it, but a
Cost +50 gp weight : +5 lbs. You have a shield on your armor (this don’t count as one You can have spikes added to your armor, which allow spiked shield can be made into a magic weapon in its own
WATER PROOFING ), located on the start of your arm, and it is the center of you to deal extra piercing damage on a successful grapple right.
Every pieces of you armor is bound to a waterproof suit, it, while you wear it, ( 4 actions to doff or don) you get a attack The spikes count as a martial weapon. If you are
you don’t becom wet, nor what you wear below the suit disadvantage to perception and a +2 bonus to your AC, not proficient with them, you take a –2 penalty on grapple
when exposed to water, you need to spend 5 gp per week you can choose to put the shield up, using an interaction check. You can also make a regular melee attack (or off-
to maintain the suit, otherwise it cease to be waterproof, action, to be blind and get a +2 bonus to you AC until the hand attack) with the spikes.(you can’t make an attack If
end of the round. Or until the start of your next turn, in you already make an attack with an other weapon)

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