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Excel - A Macro to insert data in specific

June 2014

Excel - A Macro to insert data in

specific cells

I'm trying to write a macro in Excel for inserting input text to a specified cell. I have already an
InputBox specifying the text to be put in and an inputbox specifying which row to insert the data.
The data always needs to be inserted in the same column.

For instance:
First I would like to insert the text, Budget, into cell B5. Afterwards I need to insert the
text, Report, into cell B11 (in both cases the rows 5 and 11 are newly inserted. Thats
why I use the Inputbox).
So I need some code on how to select these different cells based on the inputboxes.

Try this code:

Sub test()
iText = InputBox("What text?")
iRow = InputBox("Which row?")

Cells(iRow, 2).Value = iText

End Sub
Thanks to TrowaD for this tip.
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