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1. Body Function

Examination Pemeriksaan nyeri menggunakan Visual Analog Scale

( VAS)
ICF Classification selected b2801- pain in body part
ICF Category – definition Sensation of unpleasant feeling indication potential or
actual damage to some body structure felt in a specific, or
part of the body
ICF category qualifier – b2801.0 – pain in body part, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – b2801.3 – pain in body part, moderate problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – b2801.0 – pain in body part, no problem
goal function
PT goal Nyeri berkurang - Flexibilitas otot-otot meningkat –
ROM meningkat

2. Activities and participation

a. Self care

Examination Kemampuan fungsional menggunakan ODI

ICF Classification selected d6600 – Assisting with self care
ICF Category – definition Assisting household members and others in performing self
care, including helping others with eating, bathing and
ICF category qualifier – d6600 – Assisting with self care, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – d6600.2 – Assisting with self care, moderate problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – d6600 – Assisting with self care, no problrm
goal function
PT goal Mampu melakukan aktivitas self –care tanpa keluhan

b. Lifting (mengangkat)

Examination Kemampuan fungsional menggunakan ODI

ICF Classification selected d430- lifting and carring objects
ICF Category - definition Raising up an object or taking something from one place to
another, such as when lifting a cup or toy carring a box, or a
child from one room to another
ICF category qualifier – d430.0- lifting and carring objects, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – d430.2- lifting and carring objects, moderate problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – d430.0- lifting and carring objects, no problem
goal function
PT goal Mampu mengangkat dan memindahkan barang tanpa keluhan

c. Walking (berjalan)

Examination Kemampuan fungsional menggunakan ODI

ICF Classification selected d4500- walking short distance
ICF Category - definition Walking for less than a kilometer, such as walking around
rooms or hallways, within building or for short distance
ICF category qualifier – d4500.0- walking short distance, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – d4500.3- walking short distance, serious problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – d4500.0- walking short distance, no problem
goal function
PT goal Mampu berjalan beberapa kilometer tanpa keluhan
d. Standing (Berdiri )

Examination Kemampuan fungsional menggunakan ODI

ICF Classification selected d410- changing basic body position
ICF Category - definition Getting into and out of a body position and moving from 0ne
location to another, such as getting up out of a chair to lie
down on a bed, and getting into and out of position ot sitting,
standing, kneeling or squatting
ICF category qualifier – d410.0- changing basic body position, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – d410.2- changing basic body position, moderate problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – d410.0- changing basic body position, no problem
goal function
PT goal Berpindah posisi, duduk-berdiri tanpa ada keluhan

e. Sitting (duduk)

Examination Kemampuan fungsional menggunakan ODI

ICF Classification selected d4103- sitting
ICF Category - definition Getting into and out of a seated position and changing body
position from sitting down to any other position, such as
standing up or lying down
ICF category qualifier – d4103.0- sitting, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – d4103.2- sitting, moderate problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – d4103.0- sitting, no problem
goal function
PT goal Mampu bertahan dusuk dalam semua posisi tanpa keluhan
f. Working ( bekerja)

Examination Kemampuan fungsional menggunakan ODI

ICF Classification selected e360- other professinals
ICF Category - definition All service provider working outsid of the health system,
including social worker, lawyer, teachers, and designer
ICF category qualifier – e360.0- other professinals, no problem
prior function
ICF category qualifier – e360.3- other professinals, serious problem
current function
ICF category qualifier – e360.0- other professinals, no problem
goal function
PT goal Mampu kembali menjalankan pekerjaanya

3. Environmental factors

e299 Natural environtment and human - made changes to

enviromental unspecific

4. Body structure

S7402 Muscle of pelvic region

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