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21323, 524M ‘Aska Question Write a Blog Post Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. 8 Like BV RSS Feed Michal Krawczyk March 29,2005 | 1minute read Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step 25 gh? @ 41,285 This weblog is a response to a few question about the basic configuration of the RFC sender adapter that were posted on the XI forum (and also on my e-mail) [+ @ So here we go, basically we have to configure 2 things: a) RFC destination b) RFC channel in the X! directory RFC destination: 1 To create the RFC go to TCODE: SM59 2. Create new destination of type T (TCP/IP) 3. Make sure you select Registered Server Program option before writing your program ID 4, Write you program ID (remember it's case-sensitive) 5. In the gateway host and gateway service write the values of your “Application system” ~ business system (not the XI server) htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! ana 2113123, 524M. Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — stop by stop | SAP Blogs PY ano a oe Activation Type” (Start on Application Server @Registered Server Progran (OStart on Fyplicit Host Svart on Foon? End Werk Station Registered gerver Program” Program ID sdaweblogs javeway Options ~ ourhost] Gavevay servic= sapgu00 Gateway host. 7.No configuration in the J2EE administrator nessecary Now we can proceed to RFC channel configuration: 1 Enter your Application Server 2. Your Application Server Service 3. Enter your Program ID from the RFC destination Ientifers | Module Adapter Tyae™ RFC htipisap.ccriparsystern @ Sender © Recetver Transport Protocal* [RFC Message Protecol™ RFC (RFC XML) Adapter Engine* integration Server Adapter Status Adapter Status Active RFC Server Parameter Application Server (Gateway) * ‘ourhast Annicaion Serer Sewvice Gateway capgweo Program = ‘sanweriogs ‘And we're done:) Now you can test the RFC destination in SMBS to see if it works, Further Reading: htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! 23 21323, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. L RFC Processing with the RFC Adapter 2. Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — Alert Moderator Assigned Tags Cloud Integration sap process integration (pi) Similar Blog Posts ~ PI/XI: PI 7.3 New Java based IDOC adapter's configuration (sender, receiver) - teaser By Michal Krawezyk Oct 21, 2010 IDOC_AAE To File with all Configurations By Former Member Sep 06,2012 IDOC _AEE Receiver Configuration with PO7.3 JAVA Only Stack By Former Member Feb 13, 2013 Related Questions ~ CPI: ECC to CPI ByPrabhuS Oct 24,2019 ‘S4Hana to CPI connection issue By satishb Jul 26,2022 Dynamic address in Sender Process direct Adapter By Niladri Deb Sekhar Jan19, 2023 htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! 33 2113723, 524 PM Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. 25 Comments You must be Logged on to comment or reply to a post. Former Member Hi Michal I'm trying to build up your little example, but when I try to create a channel configuration the field for Sender is, grey. llooked up the adapter metadata in the Integration Repository in namespace and there is nothing under the node Inbound. imported a new RFC metadata, but this one is without values. Any idea what | can do and what went wrong with my XL Thanks, Frank Like © | Share Former Member Hello, don’t know if this simple idea helps with your problem with the greyed sender button. At first you need to choose the adapter type (here: RFC) directly above the two buttons for sender and receiver, Then you are able to define if the comm,channel is sender! regards Dirk Like | Share Aida J. Hilton January 21, 2007 at 5:23 pm Hi Frank, Did you ever get this problem solved. | have the same issue and would appreciate your help. Regards, Jill Like © | Share htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! ana 21323, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. Former Member September 1, 2005 at 2:11 am Hi, | am trying to send some rows of data from a custom zeust_table using RFC to SAP XI and then moving all records to SQLServer database. RFC destination : ok configuration in RFC sender adapter : ok in sxmb_moni: iam not able to see the desired message in inbound payload. can you guide me in this regard. Like © | Share Former Member November 3, 2005 at 2:41 pm | did follow every step of this webBlog and cannot have success. Help me plz, Like © | Share Elias Marin November 9, 2005 at 9:23 am Hi, I've already configured a destination called XI in SMS9 the test runs successfully. But when I try to run the RFC STFC_CONNECTION using the X! destination a dunp is displayed with the error message: "Server repository could not create function template for 'STFC_CONNECTION Is it necesary to configure something else in the R3 System or perhaps in XI? Thanks for your answer Like © | Share htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! 513 2113723, 524 PM Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. Michal Krawczyk | Blog Post Author November 9, 2005 at 11:32 pm did you create alll routing rulles inside Integration directory? if no you have to do this please post questions on the XI forum Regards, michal Like O | Share Elias Marin November 10, 2008 at 7:53 am Ok | found the problem. The password in the RFC Metadata Repository was not correct. Like © | Share Former Member February 28, 2006 at 1:15 pm How do you determine your program ID? Can you please explain the process for defining this or locating where it is? Like © | Share Former Member May 23,2006 at 1:45 pm Michal, I'm trying to configure a R/3 > XI -> SOAP scenario. In the first part, I'll need to configure a RFC Sender Adapter in XI to receive data from a RFC in R/3. | had read on SDN Forums that the RFC Destination had to be created in the R/3 environment, not in XI. But your weblog seems to imply the contrary. Which is correct? Like © | Share Durairaj Athavan Raja May 23, 2006 at 8:11pm You need to create the RFC destination in R/3 system htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! a3 211373, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter step by step | SAP Blogs Regards Raja Like © | Share Former Member May 24, 2006 at 5:07 am Thanks alot! >@ Like € | Share Michal Krawczyk | Blog Post Author May 23, 2006 at 8:24 pm hi Henrique, you need to read my weblogs a not watch them [>@ | ust use a new gui colours Regards, michal Like © | Share Former Member May 24, 2006 at 5:04 am Sorry Michal, but I'm still missing the part where you say it's on R/3. Afterall, TX SM59 is also available at XI, isn'tit? Thanks for the quick reply! Like € | Share Michal Krawezyk | Blog Post Author May 24, 2006 at 5:10 am doitinther3 > @ bbw please post on the XI forum Regards, michal Like C | Share htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! m3 21323, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. Former Member March 6,2007 at 8:56 pm Hi Michal, Ihave confirmed RFC Sender Adaptor as per the your sdn forum. Itis very good, have couple of question 1. How to get the data from R/3 whether we have write some programe and schedule it? 2. Xi will pull down the data from r/3, Regards Ravichandran K Like O | Share Former Member March 6,2007 at 8:58 pm Hi Michal, Ihave confirmed RFC Sender Adaptor as per the your sdn forum. Itis very good. have couple of question. 1 How to get the data from R/3 whether we have write some programe and schedule it? 2. XI will pull down the data from 1/3, Regards Ravichandran K Like O | Share Former Member January 11,2007 at 3:26 am Hi Michal! | understood the concept - what we did is, we registered in JCO a unique program id of XI server for our backend system serving as sender RFC gateway. On the backend we call the RFC with destination pinting to the JCO htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! ana 2113723, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter -step by step | SAP Blogs In the sender adapter | configured the application server gateway correspondingly and when activating the CC | get the following exception - do you have an idea? ( we already did the full CPACache refresh ) Could not load class guid. GUID with classloader com sap engine.core.service630.container ComponentClassL.oade ObjectStreamClass forClass() instead. [EXCEPTION] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: guid. GUID Sflace@service:jms_provider, will try Found in negative cache Loader Info ClassLoader name: [service:ims_provider] Parent loader name: [Frame ClassLoader] References: library:te~jmx library:jms: library:core_lib monitor jarm service:timeout common:servicesiiop:service:naming:service:p4:service:ts commontlibrary:com security core.sdatlibrary:security class: library:webs ervices_libiservice:adminadapter:service:basicadmin' guration:service:connector:service:dbpool:service:deploy:servicesimx:service:imx_notification:service:keystor exservice:security:service:userstore service:memory interface:security interface:shell interface:visual_administration interface:log htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! ona 2113723, 524 PM Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter — step by step | SAP Blogs. Resources: E:\usr\sap\XDS\DVEBMGS00)\2ee\cluster\serverO\bin\services\ms_provider\sapjms.jar Loading model: {parent,local,references} Like © | Share Former Member September 27, 2007 at 11:17 pm Hi friends, In my scenario CRM-XI using RFC .| am facing a probem when I trigger the RFC from CRM it gives an error System Failure, Can someone provide me some inputs on that.Why Its happening. InXi In design part imported the rfc as source structure 2. In out bound interface In my scenario CRM-X1 using RFC .| am facing a probem when I trigger the RFC from CRM it gives an error System Failure. Can someone provide me some inputs on that Why Its happening. InXt. 1. In design part | imported the rfc as source structure 2. In out bound interface iam taking RFC response, while triggring the RFC in CRM se37 it gives me an error that System Failure Could you please provide me some inputs on that | hacve already gone through you blog on RFCdestination Thanks & Regards, Vinay Yadav Like © | Share Former Member July 30, 2008 at 7:11 am Error in processing caused by: alternativeServiceldentifier: party/service from channel configuration are not equal to party/service from lookup of alternativeServiceldentifier (CPA party/service/channel htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! son 2119283, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter step by step | SAP Blogs ‘/'os_xm|_file_sender'/‘ce_sender_distance’, lookup of alternativeServiceldentifier for party", schema "TechnicalSyster’ with 'ID1#800' returned party/service of "/'BS_IDES') Like © | Share Former Member ‘August 22, 2008 at 2:20 pm Once I get the tx. SMS9, just how the blog says, I’m getting the error: Program XXXX Not Registered, I’m using in the program ID field this anything 'CNT_SAP_XIPI I thing there is an step before, to register this program or Do | have to use anything SAP standar that I can get in service | also reading something similar for LDAP connector about to register at the local gateway, how do | get to do that for XIPI, some body knows? Like © | Share Michal Krawczyk | Blog Post Author ‘August 22, 2008 at 9:53 pm Hi Marcela, the blog does not mention testing once you're in sm59 step. finish the blog and test at the end as it says:) Regards, michal Like © | Share Former Member May 15, 2009 at 12:27 am Hi ‘thanks for this nice explanation! In our environment however we face the situation, that we have a business system with load balancing, Le muttiple application servers/gateways. How can we configure for this situation, without relying on a specific htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! wns 211373, 524M Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter step by step | SAP Blogs gateway (the configured one) to be up? Many thanks in advance for any hints Jochen Maller Like | Share Former Member ly 14, 2009 at 12:59 am Hi, has there ever been an answer to the load balancing question ? regards Claus Mayer Like © | Share Former Member March 15, 2013 at 5:54 am “write the values cf your ‘Application system” - business system’ Just to be sure. That would be the system where the RFC call is comming from, isn't it? |s it a must that the Application system is a business system, maintained in the SLD? cheers, Stefan Like © | Share Find us on Privacy Terms of Use htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! vane 2113123, 524M CConguring the Sender RFC Adapter — stop by stop | SAP Blogs Legal Disclosure Copyright Trademark Cookie Preferences Newsletter Support htpsublogs sap.com2005/03/28/coniguring she-sender-fe-adapter-step-by-step! sana

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