Assembly Plan

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Good morning to madam principal, deputy principal my dear teachers and my dear friends,

today’s assembly is not only remarkable in our school calendar but also an important day in
Srilankan history, a day we all should be proud of, irrelevant to out religion,race or caste our
independence day. Tomorrow Sri Lanka celebrates its 75th year of independence and
experiencing a period of ecstasy when a new world is unfolding before us and another 25
years hoping springfield to embrace srilankans centenary.
. we should recall the past and the struggle we went through the past years to keep up with
the sovereignty of our country

To begin the day's proceedings I invite our madam principal Mrs.nelum senadira and our
deputy principal Mrs.mangala rupasinghe to hoist the national flag and the school flag.

Please rise up

Now I invite a few of the grade 8 girls to sing a virindu which explains the beauty of Sri Lanka

Thank you

Now aasiya and azman will give an introduction to today’s importance

Thank you aasiya and azman

Srilanka had to fight for independence and many battles were fought in order to keep the
sovereignty of our country

Now I invite some of my mates to explain the bad times of Sri Lanka during the battle

Great people from various nationalities fought for independence irrespective of their religion
or race
Pramodya preesha krthijan and tharuki will now present a documentary about 4 great
personalities of srilanka

Now the school choir will sing a patriotic song in gratitude for our motherland

Everyone please sing along with them

To end today’s programme let’s pay tribute to our mother lanka

Please rise up

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