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ABAP Platform
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ABAP Platform

Technology Platform Information

Technology Platform Version ABAP platform

Basis of SAP S/4HANA

Release 2022 FPS00

BI Content Release BI Content is not supported . See 2289424 .

Documentation Published October 2022

ABAP platform is the foundation for ABAP-based SAP solutions that build on top of the database and data management
platform of SAP HANA. ABAP platform takes full advantage of the underlying innovations offered by SAP HANA and is fully
optimized for SAP HANA.

Foundation for SAP Solutions

ABAP platform is the basis of the SAP S/4HANA product line including SAP S/4HANA foundation and add-ons based on SAP
S/4HANA foundation.

The ABAP platform library provides the following information:

Point of Entry Provided Information

What's New in ABAP Platform Overview of the most important new features.

Securing the ABAP Platform Guidelines, concepts, and tools to securely con gure, develop, and operate on the ABAP platform.

Con guring the ABAP Platform Concepts and tools to con gure the ABAP platform.

Administrating the ABAP Platform Concepts and tools to operate the ABAP platform.

Developing on the ABAP Platform Concepts and tools to develop on the ABAP Platform.

The following sections include information that is relevant for several target groups:

Section Content

UI Technologies SAP provides a wide set of user interface (UI) technologies for different purposes. The UI frameworks
provide capabilities for developing applications that are tightly integrated into the respective

SAP Fiori Apps for Administrative, Documentation on the SAP Fiori apps that provide general functions for all products based on ABAP
Con guration, and Extensibility platform.

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Section Content

SAP Business Warehouse Documentation that includes information on embedded Business Warehouse, which supports certain
business processes in SAP S/4HANA.

 Note
SAP Business Warehouse is not supported.

Application Server ABAP Features, architecture, and components of the Application Server ABAP.

Accessibility Information about accessibility in an SAP environment.

More Information
For more information about release restrictions for ABAP platform 2021, see SAP Note 3075238 .

For information about corrections made to the documentation after shipment, see SAP Note 2807472 .

What's New in ABAP Platform

We list the most important new features in What's New in ABAP Platform.

Securing the ABAP Platform

SAP provides guidelines to help you securely con gure, develop, and operate on the ABAP platform. Armed with these
guidelines, use the security concepts and tools of the ABAP platform to implement your security policies.

Related Information
ABAP Platform Security Guide
Secure Programming - ABAP
Identity and Access Management
Security Concepts and Tools

Security Concepts and Tools

The infrastructure of ABAP platform supports you by delivering comprehensive security features.

In today's world of collaborative business processes and open system environments, security no longer means just adding a
rewall and using passwords to log on. It requires a complete approach that not only applies to your own IT landscape, but also
to issues that arise beyond your own borders, in which even simple organizational measures can have a signi cant impact. This
section describes the security functions and features available with the ABAP platform.

For information about our security recommendations, see ABAP Platform Security Guide, Secure Programming, and Identity
and Access Management .

Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP)

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Time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) is an authentication mechanism de ned in the Internet Engineering Task Force
standard RFC 6238. Both parties in a communication use the current time and a seed to generate a token that is valid for just
one use.

The two parties in a communication arrangement must share a secret key, a seed. Both parties combine this seed with the
current time, such as Unix time, to generate tokens. When one party presents a token to the other party, the other party
compares the token they’ve created to determine if the tokens match. Matching tokens indicate that the parties share a secret
and have a trust relationship. These computations depend on both parties having clocks that aren’t too far out of synch.

TOTP isn’t considered strong enough to be used as an authentication method on its own. Use TOTP as an additional security
measure for two-factor authentication or in credential validation scenarios.

 Note
SAP provides an API to validate TOTPs, but did not integrate it into the FORM-based password logon, for example (in order
to achieve Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)).

Related Information
RFC 6238: TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm
Time-Based One-Time Passcodes (TOTP) for Credential Validation Work ows
Registering Devices for Time-Based One-Time Passcode (TOTP) Generation

Uninstalling SAP Fiori Apps for Administrative, Con guration,

and Extensibility Tasks
Get information about how to uninstall the SAP Fiori UI component UIBAS001 <xxx> using the Add-On Installation Tool (SAINT).


 Note
The variable <xxx> represents your version of the component and can be, for example, 600.

To uninstall the SAP Fiori UI component UIBAS001 <xxx>, proceed as follows:

Follow the steps described in SAP Note 2256000 .

You have uninstalled the SAP Fiori apps included in the SAP Fiori UI component UIBAS001 <xxx>.

SAP Fiori Apps for Administrative, Con guration, and

Extensibility Tasks
This is an overview of the structure of this guide with links to the individual sections.

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User Description
These SAP Fiori apps help users such as Key Users streamline their administrative tasks and work processes. The user of these
apps is usually an experienced employee of a company running the system. This employee knows the processes in a speci c
department or for the whole company in detail, and is involved in taking decisions, for example, on how a process should be
implemented. Usually, Key Users have assigned the role of an administrator and/or business process con guration expert for
being able to set up the system accordingly.

For more general information regarding SAP Fiori apps, see:

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