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Report 1,2,3 Johnson 1

Report 1, 2, and 3: Successfully Using Destiny

D. Renee Johnson

Georgia Southern University

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 2

1. Problem Analysis

System of Interest

I am currently a media clerk at Statham Elementary School in Barrow County, GA and I

have the goal of becoming a media specialist. I would like for all of my students grades

3-5 to be able to use our online catalog Destiny.


Logging into Destiny- Students need to know the website to reach Destiny, their login

information, and be able to type successfully.

Navigating Destiny- Students need to know how to search Destiny to find the books they

are interested in reading. They also need to know how to place books on hold if they are

already checked out, or if they cannot come to the media center at that time.

Locating Books in the Media Center- Students need to be able to successfully read a call

number, know which section of the library to look in, and navigate the Dewey Decimal

System/ alphabetical order system to find the book they are looking for.

Symptoms of Interest

In my position as media clerk, I have discovered that many students are unable to

successfully navigate Destiny and locate books in the media center. They often stand in

line for several minutes waiting for myself or the media specialist to be available to help

them locate books when Destiny is readily available to them. Students who are unable to

find books of interest to them are going to read fewer books. I want students to feel

comfortable in the library and be able to feel confident finding and using the materials in

the media center.

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 3

2. Front End Analysis

Mager and Pipe Performance Gap Analysis

Is there a performance gap? Yes, many students are unable to successfully use the

online catalog Destiny to locate books.

If their life depended on it, could they do it?

For those students for whom the answer is no:


Students will be shown how to log in and locate a book using Destiny on a large screen

so that everyone can see. Example books will be chosen from each section of the library

so that each kind of call number can be explained. Students will be shown where each

section is and how it is organized (for example, nonfiction by Dewey Decimal numbers

and fiction alphabetically by author).


Students who use Destiny and locate books on their own will be praised.


Students who have trouble using Destiny will be encouraged by myself and the media

specialist to keep trying with Destiny and given tips to help with whatever particular

problem they are experiencing. Students who are proficient at using Destiny can also help

students who are struggling.

Job Aids

The website for Destiny will be prominently displayed near each computer. Each section

of the library will be clearly labeled.

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 4

For those students for whom the answer is yes, they could use Destiny if they so


Is the performance punishing?

No, a student who successfully uses Destiny on their own finds a book of their own


Is non-performance rewarding?

Some students desire teacher attention. Perhaps for those students it is rewarding to say

they are unable to use Destiny so that they can get one-on-one attention. I will make more

of an effort to praise students who use Destiny and find books on their own and ask them

about the book they have chosen so they still receive attention.

Is it motivational?

Perhaps some students are unmotivated to find a book they would like to read. However,

most students would like to make their own choices about what they read.

Is it environmental?

Occasionally I have not set up the computers for the students ahead of time and so it

might seem easier to them to just ask me for help instead of turning on a computer. In the

future, I should make sure the computers are available and in a convenient place for

student use.

3. Needs Assessment


Ideally, I would observe each student attempting to use Destiny to locate books and see

where they were having difficulties. I would combine the data to show which steps the
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 5

students were having the most difficulty with. Then I could teach those particular

concepts to every class.


Since I cannot observe every student using Destiny, I would design a survey to give to

students about which part of using Destiny they find the most difficult. I would then

combine this data to know which concepts to focus on in my instruction.


If I were able to actually watch every student, I would know what the real problems are

with using Destiny. By giving a survey, I will only know the students’ perceptions of

what their problems are. They may not understand, for example, that the reason they

cannot find a book on a particular subject is because they are misspelling a word.


To make up for the discrepancies in the survey data, I could make an effort to observe

students using Destiny so that I can check if my survey data seems correct.

See the following page for the Learning Goal Worksheet

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 6


Performance Conditi Criterion

(tasks to perform goal) on (restrictions, tools)
Intellectual Cognitiv Verbal Motor Attitude
Skills e Information Skills
Compute Students Ability to Desire to Website for Destiny
Successfully log in r in need to type use and
to Destiny Media recall Destiny username/password
Center website and format provided for
personal students
Compute Knowledge Using a Desire to Mouse, trackpad, or
Navigating r in of how to mouse, use touchscreen
Destiny Media navigate trackpad, Destiny
Center websites or
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 7

Media Understandi Rehears Desire to Sections of library
Locating Books in Center ng how to al of locate clearly labeled
Media Center read a call sections book
number in the
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 8

4. Instructional Analysis

Goal Analysis

Successfully using Destiny to retrieve a library book is primarily an intellectual skill.

Students must know how to do several things, including logging in, navigating the
website, reading the call number, and locating the book in the media center.

See the following page for Subordinate Skills Analysis

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 9

Subordinate Skills Analysis



Report 1,2,3 Johnson 10

Entry Level Skills

In order to successfully use Destiny to find library books, my students will need to already have

the following skills:

● Typing

● Using a mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen

● Be familiar with alphabetical and numerical order

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 11

5. Learner Context and Analysis

1. My target population consists of students at Statham Elementary School, located in Statham

Georgia, grades 3 to 5.

2. In order to determine the characteristics of the target population, I would observe them as I

work with them in my capacity as media clerk. For those with special needs or disabilities, I have

access to their IEPs which also gives me information about the characteristics of the group. I

would test their abilities to use Destiny by giving them a topic and requesting that they find a

book on that topic. Additionally, I would conduct Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Test to

understand how each student learns, after which I would have a conversation with each student

to talk about the results. Finally, I would have students fill out a questionnaire to know how

students like to receive feedback.


Sample 5th Grade Class

Student Gender Race Grade Student’s Self Gardner’s Questionnaire

Described Test on Feedback
Learning Style Request

Josie F White 5 Repeated Practice Musical Feedback from


Jose M Hispani 5 Watching Bodily- Feedback from

c demonstrations Kinesthetic teacher

Genesis F Black 5 Hands on Linguistic Written

Activities feedback

Alyce F Asian 5 Listening Spatial- Observation

Visual with feedback
in group setting

Brody M White 5 Hand on Activities Musical One on one

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 12

feedback from

Claude M White 5 Watching Spatial- Written

demonstrations Visual feedback from

Victoria F Black 5 Listening to Linguistic Feedback from

lectures teacher

3. Physical and Organizational Environment

I will differentiate my instruction because based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Test, the

students have a wide variety of learning styles and preferences. In the media center, we have

tables for students to sit at and a chromebook for each student to use. Each section of the media

center (fiction, everybody section, and non-fiction) will be clearly labeled.

I will use a large smart screen to demonstrate to students how to use Destiny. I will then monitor

students as they attempt to find books using Destiny.

3.1 Technical Analysis

Technology Integration Assessment 1: Technology Planning and Policies

• Are there technology policies? Yes

• Is there a technology plan? Yes

• Is the plan being evaluated? Yes

2: Finance
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 13

• How does your school district compare in technology expenditures with others in your

region/state? The Barrow County school district is slightly above average in technology

expenditures. It is sufficient to provide needed technology for students.

3: Equipment and Infrastructure

• Does your school use media labs, mobile labs, or in-class computers? Our school has at least 10

chromebooks in every classroom, and mobile labs can be checked out from the media center

when more are needed.

• Does your school have high-speed internet? Yes

• Does the infrastructure have the capacity to support the school’s technology needs? Yes

• What is the ratio in your classroom of computers to students? Our school is just shy of 1 to 1.

• List below any additional technical equipment available in your classroom or to your class?

Document Camera

Smart Screen

4: Technology Applications

• Do the school or district’s instructional applications support teaching and learning across the

curriculum? Yes

• Are the applications in use evaluated for effectiveness? Yes

5: Maintenance and Support:

• Are resources and processes in place to maintain school technology? Yes

• Are personnel available to provide technical support? Yes, although the technology department

is not currently fully staffed.

6: Professional Development
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 14

• What technology-related training and/or professional development do staff receive?

Throughout the year trainings are offered to staff at no cost.

• How many technical professional development hours per year are available for faculty/staff? 5

7: Technology Integration

• Are teachers proficient in the use of technology in the teaching/learning environment? Some

are more proficient than others, but all are somewhat proficient.

• Are students proficient in the use of technology in the teaching/learning environment? Some

students have less access to technology than others in their home environments, so they come to

school with fewer skills. Efforts are made to bring all students up to proficiency.

• Is technology integrated into the teaching/learning environment? Yes

• At what ISTE Level of Technology Implementation (LOTI) Framework (0-6) would you

describe your school in the use of technology? 4

• Based on the LOTI Scale , what level would you describe your level of integration? Level 4b


6.Performance Objectives

Terminal Objective: Upon completion of this unit, 90% of students grades 3-5 will be able to

successfully navigate the online catalog Destiny and locate a book in the media center.

1.1 Upon completion of this unit, given a call number, 90% of students grades 3-5 will be able

to locate a book in the media center.

● Given a chromebook, students will be able to successfully login to Destiny.

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 15

○ (Verbal) While in the media center and provided with the proper format,

students will be able to recall the website for Destiny and their personal

login information.

○ (Motor Skill) Given a chromebook, students will be able to successfully

type the website for Destiny and their personal login information.

○ (Attitude) When in the media center, students will desire to find a book

using Destiny.

● Given a chromebook, students will be able to successfully navigate Destiny

including the search function and find call numbers of books they would like to


○ (Intellectual Skills) Students will have knowledge of how to navigate the

website for the online catalog Destiny.

○ (Motor Skills) When given a chromebook, students will be able to

successfully use a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen to navigate Destiny.

○ (Attitude) When in the media center, students will desire to use Destiny.

● When in the media center and given a call number, students will be able to locate

a book using that call number.

○ (Intellectual Skills) Given a call number, students will understand how to

read it.

○ (Cognitive Strategies) While in the media center with the sections clearly

labeled, students will be able to rehearse the sections of the library in order

to find a library book.

Report 1,2,3 Johnson 16

○ (Attitude) When in the media center, students will desire to find a library


7. Assessments

1. In order to assess if students are able to locate a book using a call number, I would give each

student a call number of a particular book and ask them to find that book.

2. I will use the practical assessment of having students locate a book in the library because it

can easily demonstrate the students’ ability to perform the learning goal objective. This

assessment will meet the needs of all of my students even though they have different learning


3. Please locate the book DogMan with this call number: 741.5 Pil

Answer: Although this book is fiction, it is located in the section named Non-fiction because it is

found by its Dewey Decimal call number. It can be found by first locating the number 741.5,

then the letters Pil alphabetically, and finally alphabetically by the title.

3.1. Cognitive Domain

Please list the sections of the library.

Answer: Fiction, Nonfiction, and Everybody

3.2 Attitude

List a book you would like to read or a topic you are interested in reading about.

Answer: Any answer demonstrates the student’s desire to choose their own reading material.

3.3. Verbal and Motor

Please type the website for Destiny listed below, your username, and password.
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 17

Hint: your username and password are both your 5 digit student ID number.

Answer: 55555, 55555

8. Planning the Instructional Strategy: Theoretical Bases

1 Pre-instructional activity

TO: Upon completion of this unit, 90% of students grades 3-5 will be able to successfully

navigate the online catalog Destiny and locate a book in the media center.

I will pull 10 library books from different sections of the media center. One book at a time, I will

read the call numbers to the students, and in groups they will discuss which section of the library

that book would be found. After discussing together, on the count of three, everyone will point to

the section the book should be found in. Students will work in groups so that they can get

feedback from their peers and by working together, everyone will be more likely to be


2. SO: Given a chromebook, students will be able to successfully navigate Destiny including the

search function and find call numbers of books they would like to read.

To present to students how to navigate Destiny, I will use my large smart board and demonstrate

typing in the website for Destiny, logging in and choosing books. In order to keep students

interested, I will ask them for which books we should look for in Destiny. When I think students

will be able to be successful, I will allow volunteers to come forward and demonstrate to the

class how to find their favorite book in Destiny.

3. Each student will be given a Chromebook and allowed to search for books on their own.
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 18

4. A natural follow through activity for the terminal objective is allowing each student to get on a

Chromebook, look up a book on Destiny, locate it in the library, pull it off the shelf, and check it


9. Planning Logistics and Management for Instructional Materials

1. The media center ultimately belongs to the students and I want them to feel comfortable

in the space. They need to know how to find the books they would like to read on their

own. In order to do this, they must be able to use Destiny. I want to make learning to

navigate the media center fun and engaging. I will plan my lessons around popular books

that students will be interested in, and I will give them small tasks at a time so that

everyone can be successful.

2. Materials, technology, and resources

Smart board for demonstrating Destiny

Chromebooks for each student

Internet access

Labels for each section of the media center

Student ID numbers for username and password


Performance Learning activity Time Sequenc Materials

Objectives Required e of Required

Given a Students practice typing in 15 min 1st Chromebooks,

chromebook, the website for Destiny, their List of student
students will be username, and password ID numbers
able to successfully
login to Destiny.
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 19

Given a Students are given 10 book 30 2nd Chromebooks,

chromebook, titles or subjects to find book minutes List of 10 titles
students will be titles for. Using Destiny, they or subject areas
write down the call numbers
able to successfully
for each of the books.
navigate Destiny
including the search
function and find
call numbers of
books they would
like to read.

When in the media Working in groups of 4, 30 3rd 10 library books

center and given a students are given 10 library minutes for every 4
call number, books with the call number students
sticker on them. They must
students will be
place the book back on the
able to locate a shelf where it belongs by
book using that call reading the call number and
number. finding the appropriate

10. Developing Instructional Materials

1. Terminal Objective: Upon completion of this unit, 90% of students grades 3-5 will be

able to successfully navigate the online catalog Destiny and locate a book in the media


Preinstructional Materials: I will not need any specific preinstructional materials, but I

will organize the library in an attractive manner in order to follow Keller’s ARCS model.

By having popular books displayed and facing out, I will gain the Attention of the

learners. This will also help them see the Relevance of learning how to find books in the

library, because they can clearly see books that they would be interested in reading. The

organization of the library, including clear signage, will encourage them to be Confident
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 20

that they can use Destiny on their own with a little instruction. Finally, they will gain

Satisfaction when they find that just-right book that they would really like to read.

2. Subordinate Objective: Given a chromebook, students will be able to successfully

navigate Destiny including the search function and find call numbers of books they

would like to read.

I will use a smartboard to demonstrate to students where the search button is and how to

use it. This will help students be successful by modeling for them exactly what they need

to do.

3. Next, students will be given chromebooks that they are already familiar with using and be

allowed to search for books they are interested in. They will then be asked to write down

the call number and book title on an index card. By giving them chromebooks they are

already familiar with using, they will be comfortable with them, and can focus on using

Destiny. By having them write the call number on an index card, I can be sure they know

what the call number is.

4. To follow through on the Terminal Objective, students will be given access to

chromebooks throughout the school year so that they can find their own library books by

using Destiny. I will provide help if needed, but the expectation of students will be that

they can find books on their own and they should not come and ask me where a specific

book is without having first looked for it on their own.

11. Formative Evaluation

In order to be sure my instruction is the most effective, I will select a few learners to do a

one to one evaluation who represent the range of ability in my group. I will ask them if

the lesson was clear, if they feel that I chose examples that are interesting, and if they feel
Report 1,2,3 Johnson 21

the library is adequately organized to meet their needs. (For example, are there signs they

can not see from their seats or books they cannot reach or see adequately because of their

height). I will also ask them about how the lesson made them feel, assessing if they are

truly confident about being able to use the library on their own.

12. Revision

Through the formative evaluation, I will know how effective my instructional strategies

have been and can take appropriate steps to revise where necessary. If I see that students

are generally struggling with one aspect or another, I can take more time to focus on that.

For example, if students can find the call number of a book and go to the appropriate

section of the library, but then struggle with finding the book because of lack of

knowledge of alphabetical order, I will design lessons and activities to review that skill.

I will also use the feedback gathered from the one to one evaluation with students to

revise if necessary. For example, if I learn that many students found my choice of books

to be unappealing during the demonstration, I would ask for book suggestions that might

keep them more engaged and use those in the future.

Summative Evaluation

The ultimate evaluation is students finding books on their own in Destiny and then

locating them on the shelves in the media center. I will give each student a chromebook,

have them open Destiny, search for a book, write down the call number and title (so that I

can be sure they are looking for a particular book and not randomly choosing one off of

the shelf), and then getting that book off of the shelf. When 90% of my students grades

3-5 can accomplish this task, I will know I have met the terminal objective.

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