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In Company in action: Scenario A

Before you watch
1 Write down five items you need if you are travelling overseas.

2 Work with a partner. Look at your lists. How many items are the same?

3 Match the question beginnings (a–f) to the endings (1–6).

a Can I 1 your passport, please?
b Is this your 2 to have dinner in the hotel this evening?
c Can you spell that 3
take your name, please?
d Your stay is for 4 for me, please?
e Are you planning 5 three nights, is that right?
f Can I see 6 first visit to this hotel?

While you watch

Video A1
4 Watch the video. Tick (✓) the questions in 3 the Receptionist asks.

5 Watch the video again. Match the questions from 4 with Antonio’s answers.
1 Yes, three nights, that’s right. d
2 Antonio Dias.
3 Sure. It’s D – I – A – S.
4 Sure. Here you are.

Video A2
6 Watch the video. Number the times in the order you hear them.
a 10 am  b
11.30  c
7 pm  d
7.30  e
9.00 pm 

7 Watch the video again. Complete Antonio’s questions. You do not need three of the words.
breakfast   ​café   ​dinner   ​gym   ​lunch   ​
sauna   ​
steam room   ​swimming pool

a When is ?
b Is breakfast in the ?
c Is the open now?
d Is there a ?
e What time is this evening?

In Company 3.0 Starter © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 scenario A 1


After you watch

8 Imagine you are a hotel guest. Complete the information.

Guest Information
Number of nights:
Passport number:

9 Imagine you are a hotel Receptionist. Complete the information.

Hotel Information
Which floor? Time?
Which floor? Time?
Swimming pool:
Which floor?

10 Work with a partner. Use the information from 8 and 9 and roleplay two conversations.
Take turns being the Receptionist and the guest. Use the questions in 3 and 7 to help you.

Name of guest:
Number of nights:
Passport number:
First visit? Yes / No
Dinner tonight? Yes / No

Room number:
Breakfast times:
Dinner times:
Swimming pool? Yes / No

In Company 3.0 Starter © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 scenario a 2

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