Privacy Policy en - US

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We at Kenoby have a strong commitment to the protection of privacy and personal data.
That's why we present this Privacy Notice, which will tell you how we handle your personal
data and keep it safe when you use the Kenoby Platform, and it applies to certain jobs
posted through the Platform.

Who we are?

under n. 22.054.024/0001-66) is the owner of the Recruitment and Selection Platform called
Kenoby (the “Kenoby Platform” or “Platform”) and acts as operator when processing your
personal data from the Platform, Jobs Kenoby or Portal Kenoby.

What data is collected? It is like?

a) Profile information (identification, registration and professionals) such as name, official

identification document, email, contact information, professional experience, education and
domain of other languages). In addition, the company may request additional data. You also
have the option of providing additional information to help Kenoby's customer(s) learn more
about you. b) Data arising from the ordinary use of the site such as cookies and other
trackers, in addition to logs with details of how you interacted with our interface, such as
your search queries and your navigation; (ii) information about events related to electronic
devices, such as system activity and system outages; and (iii) the URL of the website you
came from and the website you go to when you leave Kenoby.

Kenoby collects personal data across systems, platforms, applications and networks. In
particular, there are four ways in which your personal data can be obtained:

1. Enrollment in the job vacancies of Kenoby's client companies 2. Internal indication

for job vacancies of Kenoby's client companies 3. Manual inclusion of recruiters
(hunting) in job vacancies of Kenoby's client companies 4. Through the ordinary
use of the website: this collection takes place, through cookies and other similar
technologies. If you want to know how we use cookies, see our Cookie Notice;

Kenoby will process your data for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice as a result of
a contract it has with Kenoby's client company and in accordance with the instructions given
to Kenoby by this company. As Kenoby acts as an Operator, we recommend that you visit
the recruiting Company's Notice or Privacy Policy.
What is the personal data collected used for?

We use the personal data collected to:

● Enable their participation in selection processes carried out by companies that use
the Kenoby platform;

● To contact you through communications about your selection processes, to inform

you of new vacancies or if you have requested any information or the exercise of
your rights;

● Enable the qualification and analysis of your resume within the scope of the
respective selection process of Kenoby's client(s), in addition to facilitating the tasks
of contact and admission by Kenoby's client(s), in the event of approval for the

● Troubleshooting and providing support upon request made by you or by Kenoby's

client company;

● Inviting you to participate in our surveys and to carry out qualitative analyzes to
facilitate the completion of registration on the site;

● Monitor our service and our interactions with you in order to provide you with a better
experience using the platform.

With whom do we share the collected data?

We share your data only with Kenoby's client companies that are the Controllers of the
vacancies posted by the Platform, which will be responsible for processing your data, thus
enabling you to be inserted into the company's database and participate in selection

We also hire service providers who help us to carry out our activities and who, given the
nature of the service provided, may receive your personal information, strictly for the
purposes of providing the services for which they were contracted. Such providers have
been carefully selected, have strict confidentiality agreements and obligations related to the
protection of your data, and may process your data solely for the purpose of providing the
service contracted by Kenoby.

We may also share information, including personal data of holders and customers, with
companies of the same economic group (Grupo Gupy) and with non-governmental
authorities / bodies, whenever such sharing is important for the operation of our Platform,
provision of our services, compliance of legal or regulatory obligations or even in the interest
of the holder himself.

Other specific legal demands may lead to the sharing of personal data, including for the
eventual defense of our rights and interests in any type of conflict or to comply with
determinations of competent authorities.
Information security measures

We care a lot about the privacy and protection of your personal data, therefore, we adopt
security measures that protect our systems and databases with the best technologies
available in the market.

Among the security measures we have adopted are:

Use of antivirus, data encryption, anonymization of personal data, information access

control, use of firewalls and implementation of internal information security policy,
architecture of the software solution with intrusion prevention and use of HTTPS ,
institutional measures (Program and governance structure), protection against unauthorized

However, despite our efforts, considering the nature and architecture of the internet, which
includes elements that are not under our control, it is impossible to guarantee that malicious
actors will not be able to access or misuse personal data, as it is of a risk inherent in the use
of computerized systems.


Kenoby, as a result of the provision of services, will transfer your personal data outside
Brazil, more specifically to the United States or European Union countries, if the recruiting
company or any of the operating companies have servers in these countries.

In addition, your data is stored in the cloud by the company Amazon Web Services, whose
server is located in the state of Virginia, in the United States, which will require transfer
and/or processing of this data outside Brazil.

We observe all requirements established by current legislation and adopt the best security
and privacy practices to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your personal data
throughout the procedure.

How long will we keep your data?

Kenoby only stores personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for
which it was collected. After this period, your data will be deleted from our database or
anonymized, as requested by Kenoby's customers, if there is no legal impediment.

As the recruiting company acts as Data Controller, you can check the retention and disposal
period directly with the Company or in its privacy policy - if made available in the application

What are your rights regarding the privacy of your data?

You can exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Law, such as confirmation of
the existence of treatment, right of access, correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated
data, right of portability, revocation of consent, right of opposition or request to delete the
account or your data, through:

(a) an editable menu in the User's restricted area, for the privacy settings of each User;

(b) specific conversation tools (chat), made available to you; and

(c) direct contact with Kenoby at

If you have any questions about your rights, or how to exercise them, please contact our
Personal Data Officer Alex Camargo via email: Kenoby will make every effort to respond to you within a
reasonable time after verifying your identity.

This Privacy Notice may be updated. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically visit
this page so that you are aware of the changes.

If material changes are made that require further authorization on your part, we will post a
new privacy notice.

Last updated on April 28, 2022

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