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October 10,2022- Along with those experience I’ve been through this day makes me feel
unsatisfied with my performance. We started having chart review at around 3:30pm and most of
my groupmates handed itself with each designated patient assignment While my patients chart
still pending on the nurse station because the doctor still scan and making lots of order at that
time. Time checks it’s almost a couple of hour I haven’t yet handed my patients chart However
since I’m still waiting itself we begin to rounds and taking all the vital signs, checking IV fluids,
oxygen, and gathering data to all patients which we assigned to get it’s vital sign until it’s now
my turn to get my patients chart as the doctor just wrote her order. When I saw itself and
scanning those important matter needed to render i rattled because almost an hour when some
of their medication due 1 hour before I notice itself yet I bear in mind that I don’t need to be
afraid for not making my medication to my patient given at the desired time because it’s almost
an hour before I handed itself still I asked for patience with those Nursing Attendant for not
meeting my patients need for the right time in medication. Otherwise, my other patient was in a
critical condition which I needed to monitor hourly specially the blood pressure and oxygen
saturation, my other patient also had so much attention when she also suffered from distress,
dopamine was given that time. With all those patients I handed before this was the time that
most of them are all simultaneously need so much attention of care. That’s why I was little
dissatisfaction with myself as I couldn’t be able to manage care with my patients simultaneously.
Especially when nurse on duty told me “Tulo pa sana an bi, naringawan mo na so ibang bulong
na dapat itao,inano pa daw kung maging license nurse ka na” With that statement I feel sad and
dissapointed with my self and yes, I admit that I was just started to learn gradually and I need to
develop time management so that I able to address that problem and should be prevented for
the future error. I also bear in mind to look for a coping mechanism that whom we are to learn
so fast when in fact there’s a nursing theory I’ve read recently about novice to expert nursing
theory by Benner wherein she told that the nurses develop skills and an understanding of
patient care over time from a combination of a strong educational foundation and personal
experiences.She also propose that a nurse could gain knowledge and skills without actually
learning a theory. She describes this as a nurse “knowing how” without “knowing that.” She
further explains that the development of knowledge in fields such as nursing is made up of the
extension of knowledge through research and understanding through clinical experience.
Probably i was the same with that statatement. Becoming corrected means being able to learn
and according to Sallie Krawcheck “If you’re not making some notable mistakes along the way,
you’re certainly not taking enough business and career chances.”
intelligence and skill are all started being in a NOVICE

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