Business Plan 2008 50045907

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C 1115 Fano Road, Mpumalanga Township, Hammarsdale, 3699

P.O. Box 11882, Hammarsdale, 3700


CELL: 073 143 9385 / 078 512 1660 WEBSITE:

EMAIL: sunflowerwfc@gmail.comza TWITTER: @sunflowerwfc
INSTAGRAM : sunflowerwfc1

Sunflower Women Football Club is a registered Non Profit organization, established in

1996, located in Mpumalanga Township, in Hammarsdale.

Organization was formed with a motive of grooming, nurturing and developing skills of
young girls at grass root level both on and off the field, utilizing football as a vehicle. Also
to combat teenage pregnancy, substance abuse as well as to reverse the legacy left
behind by the violence.

1. Executive Summary

Based in the area of Hammarsdale (Mpumalanga Township) that is situated 60km west
of Durban a township that was previously engulfed with political violence prior to the
release of Dr. Nelson Mandela and South Africa’s democracy, Sunflower Women Football
Club became another beacon of hope for the community.

The Hammarsdale community received the first Africa Peace Award (APA) ever in 1993
for the significant contribution they made to peace, in the efforts of turning one of the most
violent areas in South Africa into a haven of relative peace. Hence, in effort to carry the
baton forward and capitalizing on that momentum, Sunflower Women Football Club was

Sunflower WFC was founded in 1996 in the Hammarsdale area of eThekwini Region. It
was formed by the members of the community under the leadership of Mr. S.V. Malinga
who donates and contributes the finances that keep the club operating.

2. Background

❖ The Club is registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
with registration number 2008/600459/07

❖ All divisions of the club (U10, 13s) are affiliated under Hammarsdale Local Football
Association which is affiliated to SAFA eThekwini and the senior team plays in the
SAFA Regional & Provincial Women’s League (SASOL League)
3. Main Objective
The motive behind the formation of this club was to utilize football as a vehicle to address
and combat teenage pregnancy, substance abuse as well as to reverse the legacy left
behind by the violent past which is of poverty, unemployment, lack of tertiary level
education, innovation and proactivity, lack of resource and opportunity that should
enhance a person’s life skills and talent.

4. Aims and Objectives of the club

❖ To groom, nurture and develop skills of young girls at grass root level.
❖ To promote, organize and generally encourage capacitation of coaches,
administrators and referees as well as assist and protect the interest of

5. Vision
❖ To have an EXCELLENCE CENTRE that will produce excellent athletes for the
❖ To create ‘’sport garden’’ that will embody all kinds of sport codes an individual
may enjoy to play competitively or recreationally.

6. Mission

❖ To provide professionalism to the players, administration and to the officials of the

❖ To create professional athletes that will play for national teams
❖ To be recognized as the best club/centre internationally
7. Sunflower WFC Programmes:

7.1. Football Programmes:



➢ COACHING CLINICS PROGRAM – This programme is designed to attract new

players within the community to the football sport especially young girls and
ultimately to Sunflower WFC.

➢ TEAM BUILDING CAMPS – This programme is focused on building patriotism and

team spirit off the field and outside the “normal” surroundings. Here we plan on
taking the team to campsites in a different environment and have skill teaching
facilitators over a period of a weekend or more. This is a proven tactic that
improves productivity in a cooperate environment and is guaranteed to do the
same for the club management and players.

7.2. Charity Programmes:

➢ QEDINDLALA PROJECT – at Sunflower WFC we believe in taking care of our

own, therefore try with the bit that we have to give back to our players, their families
and the community at large. Qedindlala is one of the projects whereby we display
our commitment, whereby the organisation collect food packs and give to players
and their families.

➢ QHAKAZA PROJECT –With this project the organisation attended to the sanitary
needs of our players because some parents or guardians cannot afford them the

➢ IMFUDUMALO PROJECT – will be centered on Nelson Mandela Day whereby we

spend our 67 minutes giving back with clothing, school uniforms or blankets to
keep warm during the cold winter days.

➢ MBOKODO PRIDE – This will be another project focused on empowering young

girls to love and appreciate themselves as well as accepting who they are but strive
to be the best in whatever they do. This project is more educational.

➢ ZIBAMBELE PROJECT – With this project Sunflower WFC aims at teaching our
people and children not to always be ready for handouts but be able to use their
skills and time to make a living for themselves and families. This project /
programme will encompass various Skills Developing Programmes e.g.
Agricultural, Creative, Entrepreneurial etc.
➢ QOQULWAZI PROJECT – with this project Sunflower WFC aims to go the extra
mile in educating our youth, this programme will involve a reading club, homework
assistance afternoon classes, and speech & drama lessons and hopefully will
extend to more educational features as it grows and enlists more facilitators with
other skills to share with our youth.

➢ MASIDLALE PROJECT – Masidlale will see Sunflower WFC giving away toys to
the little ones in the community, preferably educational toys.

8. SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

• Dedicated and • Transport • To build soccer • Crime and poverty

professional • Financial academy for our • Lack of equipment
coaches Assistance community players • Lack of training
• Director has • Lack of capacity in • Contribution towards facilities in the
leadership skills the leadership and early childhood community
• Good reputation management team development • Pregnancy
• Strong networking • To develop players • HIV/ AIDS
skills both in public
and private
• Best players

9. Marketing Objectives:

➢ Continue to build relationships with Health Professionals to conduct psychometric

assessment, physical training, pre-screening tests of new recruited players.
➢ Forge stable partnership with auxiliary social workers in identifying players who
require Social Relief of Distress so that they perform to their best at training session
and at match days.
➢ Strengthen the existing relationships with various government departments involved
in sport and recreation.
➢ Make use of / maintain the credibility of Sunflower Women Football Club at grassroots
level, NGO and appraisals in promoting and developing sport and recreation
10. Sports Development Centre
The much credible reputation earned by Sunflower Women’s Football Club over the past
24 years has created large client base and recognition of our services and programmes
we envisage to establish a Sports Development Centre so that we can share knowledge,
skills and experience obtained in the past two decades in managing the club and we wish
to transfer such knowledge to impoverished community.
The establishment of the Sport Development Centre will cater for both males and females
with our major key focus being women empowerment through sporting activities that will
enable our players to compete at the global stage. The best suitable place that we as the
Management Team of Sunflower have identified is KwaNjobokazi as it has acres of
space, but is not utilized to its full capacity and efficiently for the benefit of the community.
The establishment of a Sports Centre will be of mutual benefit to both Sunflower WFC
and the community that the organization serves.

11. Staff Salaries

Allied with basic norms and standards of Sport and Recreation, the following professional
staff and their salaries have been taken to consideration, to compensate each and
everyone involved within the club so that they are in a good financial position to perform
duties assigned to them with due diligence for the growth and sustainability of SWFC so
that our primary objectives are met timeously.


Project Manager 1 R25 000.00
Head Coach 1 R20 000.00
Assistant Coach 1 R17 500.00
Team Manager 1 R19 000.00
Branding & Marketing Manager 1 R17 500.00
Skills Development Manager 1 R23 000.00
Physiotherapist (part time) 1 R6 050.00 per session
Part time Professional Nurse 1 R15 000.00
Caretaker 1 R11 000.00
Admin Clerk 1 R13 000.00
Driver 1 R13 000.00
Players 25 R15 000.00 each
Book Keeper 1 R20 000.00
Social Worker 1 R22 000.00
Psychologist (part time ) 1 R6 050.00 per session

Total staff 39
12. Sustainability Plan:

Sunflower Women Football Club Executive Management Team have designed a

sustainability plan that will enable the Executive Committee Members, Players , Technical
Staff and Support team explore their natural knowledge and skills to the best of their ability
for the growth and sustainability of the club at the same time making sure that each and
everyone involved in the activities and programmes of SWFC do add value to the club.

These programmes will enable us to sustain even in difficult financial instability of the
country and the global market. Programmes formulated are as follows:
➢ Training and Development -through provision of critical scarce skills within the sporting
➢ Developing of players academically, so that when they retire in playing football they
have something to fall back on so that they can be absorbed by the job market
➢ Align all our training programmes with all SETAs with a key focus on CATHSSETA
programs as it is the mother of all sport and recreation programmes and skills
➢ Source Discretionary and Mandatory grant funds from all SETAS so that we only
provide SETA Credit bearing qualification as this will enable us to offer SAQA
Qualification only
➢ Engage CATHSSETA and SAFA to forge a partnership in the provision of sport and
recreation development programmes especially Women
➢ Conduct awareness programmes on Gender Based violence to empower women
about self defense against gender- based violence posed to them.
➢ Capacitate and empower women with programmes that will enable to be absorbed
by the job market especially the previously male dominated jobs
➢ Empower and capacitate women and youth with sports programmes for the promotion
of healthy life style living
➢ Coaches of SWFC to be registered on the list of coaches to be trained by the
professional body of coaches which started in 19 November 2019

The reality of it all is, because of the history of our township, there is little development.
Our violent history has left a legacy of poverty, lack of further education or education at
all, leading to a high rate of HIV/AIDS fatalities. These factors have left our youth today
in trouble and danger of repeating history by abusing alcohol and other substances
increasing the risk of dropping out of school, falling pregnant thus having an unsuccessful

Sunflower WFC wants to take its players under a wing that gives off comfort of a home.
These children are talented (proven by the results) but after winning games they still have
to go back to their disadvantaged home lifestyle. These issues are a threat to the club
because players may lose focus and drop out of the team. Our goal as a club is to confront
these issues head on by ensuring that being affiliated to the club brings / comes with

Short – Term:
➢ Meals before training
➢ Cosmetic benefits
➢ Food parcels for home preparation
➢ Clothing & School Uniform
Medium – Long Term: (for players & family members)
➢ Skills Development Programmes
➢ Volunteering / Job experience opportunities
➢ Employment

We believe this will take some burden off the parents or guardians of players which in
future will bring benefits such as
➢ Raising the standard of our players through dedication that will result from comfort
and pride
➢ Seeing most of our players play nationally and internationally
➢ Raising the standard of ladies football in our country
➢ Having groomed ladies who take pride in self
➢ Having motivated scholars who will go on to tertiary level to further their studies
➢ Having responsible women who will give back to their community because of
knowing the value of being a recipient of a donation towards their future
➢ Growing the club into a model Centre of Excellence that will be internationally


ESTIMATION ESTIMATION 2021 / 2022 2022 / 2023
2020 / 2021
Office Rental R5 000.00 R60 000.00 R66 000.00 R72 000.00 R198 600.00
Gym Space Rental R20 000.00 R240 000.00 R264 000.00 R290 400.00 R794 400.00
Office Equipment & R15 700.00 R18 840.00 R34 540.00
Vehicle Hire x3 R25 000.0 R300 000.00 R330 000.00 R363 000.00 R993 000.00
Vehicle Purchase x3 R300 000.00 R300 000.00
Marketing R20 000.00 R240 000.00 R264 000.00 R290 400.00 R794 400.00
Skills R30 000.00 R360 000.00 R395 000.00 R435 600.00 R1 191 600.00
Development Programmes
Stipend R50 000.00 R600 000.00 R660 000.00 R726 000.00 R1 986 000.00
Charity Programmes / Events R50 000.00 R600 000.00 R660 000.00 R726 000.00 R1 986 000.00
TOTAL R51 570.00 R2 400 000.00 R2 658 840.00 R2 904 000.00 R8 278 540.00


Mr Siyabonga Malinga Project Manager / Head Coach 073 143 9385
Ms Mana Nhlema General Manager 078 513 1660
Ms Lungi Ngaleka Team Administrator 078 435 0191
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Twitter : @sunflowerwfc
Instagram : sunflowerwfc1
Website : (under construction)
Facebook : Sunflower Women Football Club
Email Address:

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