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DPP MPs Love Letters to Bingu: How Economy Is Being Plundered Fearless Generation has intercepted a brochure being

flown on the internet alleg edly from DPP MPs who met secretely in the months of February and March. They ad dress their concerns to President Bingu wa Mutharika using valentine cards. The love cards ask Mutharika to explain a number of issues and they also inform him matters he did not know. We give you a summary of each slide. VOLUME 1 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 14/02/2011 This slide seeks from Mutharika: 1. Politics of sanity and national development. 2. Tribalism-free Malawi and we deplore politics of impunity. 3. Politics of transparency and accountability. 4. Equal political representation. 5. Equal distribution of national wealth. 6. Equal opportunities, that our young graduates be in employment without lookin g at the region of their origin. 7. An explanation on fuel crisis and the shortage of forex 8. Politics of consultations and listening to the voice of the voiceless 9. To stop any form of discrimination be it in education, jobs and any other nat ional opportunities. 10. To make the National Assembly a house of national debate and sense of direct ion 11. An explanation on MK6.8 million given to First Lady, Callista Mutharika. VOLUME 2 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 21/02/2011 1. The MPs want to continue from where they stopped in 1992-1993 The slide then seeks explation on: 2. the huge wealth he has accummulated in just 6 years of his leadership. 3. how he built Ndata amounting to K70 billion since he became president 4. Bank accounts in Singapore, Mauritius, Cuba, Portugal, Spain, Swaziland, Zimb abwe, Australia and Germany. 5. drawing K50 million from Malawi Savings Bank every two weeks. 6. how he bought K50 million kh35w diesel generator for Ndata Farm from South Af rica using Embassy money 7. acquisition of many farms in Malawi, the Mulli Brothers Consortium worth bill ions of kwachas, the money he has in First Merchant Bank in Blantyre and Lilongw e and Malawi Savings Bank. 8. how he rigged 2009 general election using Chinese rigging experts. 9. why he wants to ammend the electoral Law from presidential system to parliame ntary system. 10. how he got K300 million from Reserve Bank of Malawi to buy maize for Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. 11. personally ordering the sale of old presidential jet without the approval of parliament. 12. how 10% MRA revenue collections are to go for DPP 2014 campaign. VOLUME 3 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 02/03/2011 1. MPs remind Mutharika that they are pro-democracy and pro-people; and then the

y demand explanation on: 2. how MK120 million was taken out of ESCOM and given to Mulli Brothers to buy C hitakale Estate. 3. how he acquired K600billion just under 6 years of being president of Malawi 4. acquisition of USD15 million Presidential Villa and yacht. 5. huge number of unemployment of young people and young graduates 6. unreliable water and electricity supply 7. an increase in water, house rentals, city rates, electricity and cost of livi ng. 8. lack of drugs in government hospitals and clinics despite huge national budge ts 9. spending K200 million on his birthday celebration when the country has accute fuel and forex shortages. 10. Government contracts and international scholarships awarded to DPP political cronies only. 11. externalization of huge sums of forex by the Chinese. 12. legitimization of police brutality on citizens. 13. Is this the reason why you want to amend section 46 of the penal code? 14. (Private life) VOLUME 4 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 08/03/2011 Members of Parliament are: 1. for good governance and the rule of law 2. against harsh treatment of children and women forced to dance and line-up for party leadership in a democracy 3. against use of state resources for personal political interests such as K110 million for Kamuzu Stadium political rally. Members seek explanation on: 4. acquisition of USD60 million hotel in Portugal through Reserve Bank of Malawi 5. K400 million channeled to Mulli Brothers to buy Bestobell through Malawi Savi ngs Bank at Ginnery Corner in Blantyre 6. Academic freedom 7. Buying of K300 million Rhonlo House in Limbe and installing machines for vote rigging purposes 8. bringing in of Chinese experts to insall USD15 million machines for rigging 2 014 elections. 9. how he wanted his wife included in UN invitation to replace Treza Mwale, whic h the UN declined, replaced Malawi with South Africa. 10. why he is surety to Mulli Brothers overdraft facilities in Malawi Savings Ba nk K5 billion, National Bank 2.5 billion, NBS Bank 1.2 billion, First Merchant B ank K2billion and Standard Bank K800 million. 11. how he got 1.8 billion kwacha to build a mausolium for his late wife. VOLUME 5 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 15/03/2011 1. MPs demand political sanity when dealing with government and national interes ts. They then demand an explanation on: 2. how he personally transferred K5 billion from Treasury and deposited to Masan gwi Shipping Company. 3. why Press Coroporation and National Bank deposit 70 million kwacha to his per sonal account every month while there are no drugs in government hospitals and c linics. 4. 8 government vehicles and 4 tractors from Libya were sent to his farm in Zimb

abwe. 5. how he acquired 20 billion kwacha shares in Zimbabwe Commercial Bank. 6. how his brother bought an MHC house whose book value is 30 million kwacha but he bought it at 1 million kwacha only. 7. spending and stealing 12 billion kwacha 2006-2007 budget money meant for Nkha ta-Bay Hospital. 8. buying of K85 million Maybach Benz and sent it to his farm in Zimbabwe. 9. how USD30 million the Reserve Bank of Malawi loaned the government of Zimbabw e when there is accute shortage of forex in Malawi. 10. Instructing Treasury to deposit 60 million kwacha to Malawi Savings Bank to give NGOs to silence them. 11. Instructing Catholic ministers to poison Arch-Bishop Ziyaye on issues of the pastoral letter. 12. why all this is done when doctors, nurses, teachers are not paid their Febru ary salaries. VOLUME 6 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 23/03/2011 1. honesty and values 2. how his brother acquired 50 million kwacha Phearson House at Mapanga in Blant yre, when he had nothing two year ago. 3. how he poisoned Bob Khamisa 4. how he used the 2005-2006 Feed the Nation Fund. 5. how he transferred 2.5 billion kwacha from Treasury in 2008-2009 general elec tions through Mwanamvekha to buy 150 Toyota vehicles for DPP worth 400 million k wach each and deposited K1.6 billion to his personal account at FMB. 6. how he transferred K350 million from Reserve Bank of Malawi to Malawi Savings Bank and later Mulli Brothers withdrew for his wedding in April 2010. 7. how he milked Malawi Government funds K20 million each toime he had internal trips on government projects. RBM bein 8. how the Reserve Bank of Malawi loaned 160 million kwacha to First Lady g the central bank. 9. how Robert Mugabe and Bingu have a joint account of 7.8 billion kwacha with I nde Bank of Malawi. 10. how his wife gets K2 million allawance from government when his salary as pr esident is K560,000 per month. 11. how he personally bought a K38 million house in Nyambadwe on August 24 2010 from Shannil Muluzi. What is the connection between them? 12. how the governor of RBM Ligoya transferred USD6 million to his bank account in Zimbabwe. VOLUME 7 WEAKLY POLITICAL VIEWS MOVEMENTS FOR POLITICAL SANITY 29/03/2011 1. how he spent K3.8 billion MTL privatization proceeds which was meant for the construction of National Assembly. 2. how he used USD8 million he brought from Taiwan meant fro the Army and Police Marine in Monky-Bay. 3. how the national budgets were administered between 2005 and 2011. 4. how he spent USD50 million Taiwan loan authorized by National Assembly for th e construction of the National Assembly which they were told that the parliament was built by the Chinese Government. 5. how Chikangawa Forests could be given to Mulli Brothers as sole trader. 6. why Paladin Mining Company could be depositing USD5 million quartery to his b ank account in Australia without the knowledge of Malawian Government. 7. why Mota Engil should be giving him 50% of all contract proceeds and deposit it to his Portugal bank account. 8. why government shpould be spending K10 million on safe-motherhood functions e

ach time there is a function. 9. how he intends to rig the 2014 elections using the machines which the Chinese have delivered to Electoral Commission. The last slide just started as follows: 7. why government sponsored K100 million valentine celebrations, when he collect ed 70 million kwacha profits. 8. why his brother declared 2014 election victory with 180 seats in the National Assembly at Makhetha Rally in Blantyre. 9. why government awarded K6 billion statioanary order to Mulli Brothers without official government tender. 10. why K4 billion annual government fertilizer subsidy transport contracts are awarded to Mulli Brothers only. 11. why K11 billion for petrol and diesel tankers contract is awarded to Mulli B rothers where are other transporters in Malawi? 12. why Mulli Brothers is supplying K200 million foods to all prisons in Malawi without any government tender 13. On 24th February 2011, the governor of Reserve Bank of Malawi loaned USD8mil lion to Mulli Brothers central bank being a regulatory body

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