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cmca quiz - infancy

1.wala daw tanong pero (true sagot)

2. The nurse expects to observe the baby transferring an object from one hand to another at
what age?
A. 3 months
B.5 months
● C.7 months
D. 9 months

3. The baby just turned 8 months old. Which of the following is a normal developmental task for
an infant at this age?
● A. Sitting without support
B. Saying two words
C. Feeding himself with a spoon
D. Playing pat-a-cake
4. How many teeth would you expect on the baby at 8 months?
● D. 4

5. Which of the following will you teach the first time parents the reason why infants are at high
risk for dehydration?
1. The rate of metabolism in infancy is significantly higher than in adult
2. The kidneys of infants are functionally immature at birth and are inefficient in excreting waste
products of metabolism
3. Infants ingest and excrete a greater amount of fluid per kilogram of body weight than do older
4. Infants have greater body surface area allows larger quantities of fluid to be lost in insensible
perspiration through the skin

● A. 1, 2, 3, 4.
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 3,4
D. 1,4

6. Mother Faye is concerned that she might be spoiling her 2-month old daughter by picking her
up every time she cries. Which suggestion should nurse Nika offer?
A. "If the baby's diaper is dry when she's crying, leave her alone and she'll fall asleep"
● B. "Continue to pick her up when she cries because young infants needs cuddling &
holding to meet their needs"
C. "Leave your baby alone for 10 minutes. If she hasn't stopped crying by then; pick her up"
D. "Crying at their age indicates hunger. Try feeding her every time the baby cries"

7. Which action would show an infant has developed object permanence?

A. He cries when he is either hungry or lonely
B.He prefers a large yellow ball to a small red one
● C. He enjoys playing peek-a-boo
D. He smile when the mobile on his crib jingles

8. A mother asked the nurse why her child cries whenever her baby sees an unfamiliar face.
The nurse told her that this is fear of strangers since the child has now the ability to identify
known from unknown people. The peak of this fear is at what age?
A. 4 months
B. 5 months
● C. 8 months
D. 11 months

9. Ability to make social smile is also a major milestone in infant development. This must be
observed to assessed vision, motor control and intelligence. Social smile is evident during what
age of infancy?
● A. 2 months
B. 4 months
C. 6 months
D. 8 months
E. 11 months

10. The baby just turned 10-months-old. The nurse counsels a mother about being sure that the
floors are free of small objects when the baby is crawling. Which of the following statement is its
● A. A 10-month-old infant can easily pick up small objects
B. Sharp objects can injure the fragile skin of a 10-month-old
C. So that the infant will not get too dirty as it is tasking to bathe him too often
D. The infant could hide small objects, making them difficult to locate

11. At 10 months of age, an infant discovers that an object out of sight still exists and they know
that their parents still exist even when they are hiding in a blanket or behind a hand. Which of
the following concepts are we referring to?

A. Object of existence
B. Object of presence
● C.Object of permanence
D. Object of reality
12.________ involves the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. This skills are
essential to complete tasks such as writing, cutting, using a fork or spoon, moving puzzles,
zipping, buttoning, tying shoe laces.
● Fine Motor Skills

13. The nurse assesses the communication patterns of a five (5)-month-old infant. The nurse
determines that the infant is demonstrating the HIGHEST level of developmental achievement
expected if the infant performs which of the following?
● A. Uses monosyllabic babbling
B. Uses simple words such as "mama"
C. Links syllables together
D. Coos when confronted

14. At what age group does the infant start getting "Stranger Anxiety"?
A. 9 months
● B. 6 months
C. 3 months
D. 12 months

15. You're developing a plan of care for an infant and you include activities for play. The play
activities include hiding a toy and letting the infant look for it along with playing peek-a-boo.
Which infant below would best benefit from this type of play?
● A. 9 months
B. 6 months
C. 2 months
D. 4 months


C.16. Palmar Grasp A. 6 weeks

F. 17. Early Pincer Grasp (uses 3 fingers) B. 9 months
D 18. Neat pincer grasp (uses 2 fingers). C. 3 months
C 19. Object held at midline D. 12 months
A 20. Grasp reflex E. 6 months
F. 5 months

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