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Interview Protocol on the Roles of Stakeholders

Name of the interviewee: Nenneth A. Ombos interviewer: Melmart Tigon

Name of School: Philippine Advent College
Category: ( check only )
Student: / Teacher: School Head: Parent:
Community: LGU: Govt Agency: Non-Govt Agency:

Lead Questions:
1. what do you know about the curriculum that is taught in this school?
Ans: the term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a
specific course or program. And also curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a
school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools.

2. Are you involved in the activities in the school? How?

Ans: yes, getting involved in school can lead you to a leadership or any other type of position.
You can develop better communication, teamwork, organizational, management, or other skills.
Build on these, and put them to use in your everyday life, as well as your resume.

3. Why do you get involved in the school activities?

Ans: highly engaged students such as student leaders demonstrate enhanced development in
interpersonal competence, practical competence, cognitive complexity, civic involvement and
humanitarianism. Most importantly, getting involved had a positive impact in clarifying,
developing and establishing in ones life.

4. Do the activities contribute to the learning achievement of the students?

Ans: extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the
classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and
are thus considered part of a well-rounded education.
5. What is your most important involvement that contributed to the learning of the students?
Give specific example.
Ans: the iterate process involvement of students during the development of new technological
learning material will enhance the identification of important learning needs of students. The use
of student and teacher knowledge through an adapted co-design process is the most optimal level
of that involvement. Examples, set high expectations, establish a classroom routine, help students
climb blooms taxonomy pyramid, and show that you care about every students.

6. Would you like to continue what you are doing for the school curriculum? why?
Ans: yes, it’s because I want to help my students to increase their learning skills and to
improve their knowledge.

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