B1+ Unit 1 Student Book

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A Communication simple present and present continuous; action and state verbs = communication 1A Connected 1 How do you keep in touch with people? Order the communication phrases from 1 (Ido this less often) tg 6 {1 do this most often). Compare your answers in pairs > |[ai | 47>] ea] 27 O getatext Ci givesomeonea ) repiytoane-mail [) check your message call phone Go to Vocabulary practice: communication, page 136 O share a photo CO comment ona post i) Think of three people in your lie, Tell your partner how you keep in touch with these people. A Are sentences 1-6 true (1) or false (F)? Discuss your answers in pales. 1 We speak to each other face-to-face more often nowadays. 2 Our phone calis are longer today compared to ten years ag0. 3 These days, it seems we prefer text messages to phone cals. 4 People in the US. send more letters and packages nowadays, 5 Weare sending a milion e-mails per second, now. 8 More than half ofthe Internet pages we visit are social media sites. B Read the text and check your answers in 3A, Correct the false sentences. aeons ‘Ten years ago, 80% of our communieation was faceto-face, Now, ‘only 60%. Even our phone calls are shorter ~on everage, each call ‘noW lasts one minute, compared to three minutes ten years ago. It ‘Seems that people prefer texting to calling, In the U.S., over 200 billion letters and packages were sent in 2008, ‘compared 0 150 billion last year, These days, we usually write to Deople by text, messaging app, or email n fac, right now, people are sending two million emails per second! (Aer Sixty percent ofthe pages we view on the Intemet are scclal media pages, and we share nearly two billon photos on them every dy. ‘The average person has five Social media eccounts ane spends about two hours a day looking st them, THE CHANGING FACE 0 COMMUNICATION ‘The way we communicate has never changed so much in such a short period of time. We look at the results of recent surveys that tell us about the changing face of communication. ina 18 a shame we HORREWAIE itters much, but the post office 0 slow nowadeys compared to communicating ontine! ‘11GB the internet to be in immediate contact with people, especialy right now because Rob | agree with Tina, but | stl try to send ftters end cards on Important occasions, and postcards when I'm an vacation. «don't know how people planned things with just snail mai) S]USUUILOg my wedding. simple present and present continuous; ation and state verbs m communication | LANGUAGE [Ex 4, Which piece of information in the text did you find most surprising? Do you agree with Tina and Rob? 5. A Look at the highlighted verbs in Tina’s comment and answer the questions. 1. Which four verbs are in the simple present? Which verb isin the present continuous? 2 Which two verbs describe actions? Which three verbs describe states? B Choose the correct options to complete the rules. 1 We use the simple present / present continuous to talk about things that happen regularly or things that are always true, 2 We use the simple present f present continuous to talk about actions that are happening now or actions that are temporary, 3. We can’tuse the present continuous for action J state verbs, 6 Read the Grammar box. Then look at the sentences in exercise 3A again. Do they contain action or state verbs? What tense are they? Simple present with action and state verbs: I'm calling you from New York! We're studying French this year. 1'm so thicsty right now Ineed some water. NOT Hm-needing-somewater imple present and present continuous; action and state verbs, page 112 Sentence stress Listen to the sentences. Do we stress the auxiliary verbs be and do? 1. Are you trying to access the Internet? 2. Doyouneed a new laptop? B_ @#B) uisten, check, and repeat. 3 The Internet doesnt seem slow right now. 4 Why are you using my tablet? 8 A Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in parentheses. 11 not check) my text messages when I'm having coffee with friends 2 The price of desktop computers. (go) down at the moment, 31 (like) looking at the selie photos that my friends post on social media 4 Im studying English online, rght now, 301 {need the Intemet on my phone. 51 {loold for anew phone because my phone is very old 1G Most people ____(havel friends on Facebook that they never talk to face-to-face. B in pats discuss the sentences in BA. Which sentences do you agree with or are true for you? Go to Communi “ion practice: Student A page 156, Student B page 166, 9 Complete the questionnaire and discuss your answers in pairs. How do you communicate? {GED when want to get together with friends, Inormally ... _ @@Z3)on my best friend's birthday, | usually send ... ‘message tham on Facebook. (_} text them.) ‘message on social media) atext.) acard.(_) cau tiem] J usually share important photos ©) vrmen rm featin happy anc | want to share good news using a messaging ape.(_] by e-mail.) ‘wih people that ive far away, 1 ‘onstolal media) send atext ee ee ateter.() ©] when i want to keep in touch with old friends, | usually... TE eel contact them on social media.(] e-mail them.(—) (Ej when rm feeling sad, | preter to speak to people... give them a call.) ‘on the phone.(_] on Skype.(_) face-to-face. (_) Personal Best | Write four sentences with state verbs in the simple present, aL scus ] READING skimming a text m actually, in fact 1B Smart livi ing? 1 whatdo you use your smartphone (7? What do you thnk of people no constantiy check the phones? BATES Shimining o toxt Before yourresd a text in detail, get a general idea ofthe topic of the text and of each paragraph, + Read the title ofthe text and look t any mages. Can you predict hat the textis about? * Quickly read the ist paragraph. Ths wil confirm the tic and can Sie you an idea of the text content and organization, + Read the fst sentence of each paragraph Ths can give you Information about the main idee ofeach paragraph. Read the Skill box. Then took at the title of the text, the picture, and the first paragraph on page 7, Bo you think the writer had a positive or negative experience without his smartphone? Read the first sentences of paragraphs 2-6. What isthe main idea of each paragraph? Match the Paragraphs with ideas oe 2 With no smartphone, he felt less ted, d_ There were more advantages than disadvantages, b He worked better @ He found things to do to entertain himself © He communicated more often face-to-face. Read the complete text Are the sentences tre Mor false (F/? Correct the false sentences. 1 The writer stopped using his smartphone because of an article he read, 2 Normally his smartphone distracts him when he's working, 3 He has become a better listener when he's with friends, 4 He doesnt enjoy reading books and newspapers any more. 5 The light from smariphone screens helps us sleep, 6 The writer now uses his smartphone differently than before 5 Read this sentence from the text, Which word is used to e express surprise that something unexpected happened? “I actually talked to people more and felt more connected to them, alt contact online.” though we werent in constant To say that something is surprising or unexpected, we can use actually orin fact: ‘was worved that would be bored without my phone as entrtannient, but actually, |e ‘though ving without a smartohone would be hard, but infact. it was prey easy, We can use actually atthe stat of a phrase, before a main verb, or after be Wie usualy use ia fact atthe start ofa phrase G Read the Text builder. Match 1=4 with a-d. 1. My friends say Im addicted to my new smartphone. a but it was actually on 2 My teacher's surprised because b Actually, Idon'tuse it 4 3 Tim thought the movie was on at 8:30 this evening, e but, in fact, Im staying 4 thought | was going away this weekend, 4d Lactually passed the e| 7 Could you lve without your smartphone for 2 week? In pairs, discuss what you t would be lke, skimming a text m actually, in fact READING A WEEK WITHOUT MY. smartphone by David Sharpe BD orentieend ire eerend ieee ntrcvery aay, checking our smartphones, was surprised. What ‘was I missing in the real world when walking down the street, lost in a virtual world of social media myself I would use my smartphone less ... but it didn’t happen. But then my phone died, and I had to wait a week for a new one. Would I survive? 1 | updates and videos of dogs on bicycles? I promised | | thought it would be hard, but, in fact, it was pretty easy — and surprising, in a good way, for a number of reasons! BPD) The first result was pretty amazing - on the first day in the office without my phone, I was thinking more deeply and concentrating more. {had rediscovered my brain! Not having access to my favorite apps meant that I wasn’t interrupted every five minutes by social media alerts, soccer scores, and WhatsApp group messages. Without these distractions, I was more productive and felt satisfied that ’d done a berter job. ED Another result was that I actually talked to people more and felt more connected to them, although ‘we weren't in constant contact online. At lunch with friends one day, I realized I was being more responsive to their news and sympathetic to theic problems because I wasn’t constantly checking my phone. Another day I was in a new city and T asked people for directions instead of using an app. Their kkindness made me feel welcome, and I discovered my brain has a very good GPS! Iwas worried that I would be bored without my phone as entertainment, but, actually, I enjoyed it~ I'd forgotten how much I love books and newspapers. I'd also forgotten how much I enjoyed doing Sudoku puzzles. Thad an app for that on my smartphone, but never used it, Doing one every day in the newspaper felea lot more special, and it became part of my morning routine. My brain felt a lor sharper and much more ready for the day ahead as a result. One completely unexpected result of not having a smartphone was that I slept so much better and felt more awake in the morning. At night, I relaxed with a book before going to sleep, instead of watching Netflix or reading, the news on my phone. Apparently, the blue fight from smartphone screens makes our brain think it’s morning, so it’s releasing chemicals to wake us up, just when we're trying to get to sleep. That's not very smart! Of course, at times, it was extremely inconvenient to have no cell-phone Internet connection, bur, ail in all, there were a lot of benefits to not being connected 24/7. Although I was jumping for joy when my new smartphone arrived, I'm a lot more careful about how much I use it now. So, if you think you use your smartphone too much, put it away for a few days and sce what happens. ‘You never know, you may become smarter! nal Best | Have you ever ved without something fora period of time? Write two or three sentences about the experience. [1 JEL eancunce | question forms m say, tel, speak, and talk 1C Liar, liar 1 In pairs, answer the questions, 1 What are the people in the pictures lying about? 2 What other things do people often tell les about? Make alist. GREAT! Go to Vocabulary practice: say, tell, speak, and talk, page 136 2 A in pairs take the quiz “The truth about tying” How often do people tel ies? twice @ month b twice a week © twice a day | BY What do people lis about most frequently? a work b money © unimportant things E) iow do peopte usually answor the question, “When did you last tal a ia2" a “I never ie." b "icant remember" © "Some time today 8 Ois 3 cover the quiz. Complete the questions from memon 1 ee cum —_ most frequent? a last alle? 4 When people are lying? 5 Us less honest? LA Look at questions 1-5 in exercise 3, How do we for structure, aor b 2 Gisioiwoee) + TD . Gee . & (Cquestion wera/S) + (FrainwerB) B Look at question in exercise 3. isthe prepostion before thea How can you know when people re ying? ‘a They don't look directly at you, b They move their hands a lot © They ave unnecessary Information, 's communication technology | ~ making us less honest? ayes b no Do men lie more atten than women? ayes no ‘Oo men and women lie about the same things? ayes b no Listen and check your answers, Which answer surprised you most? ry Then check your answers in the quiz, TM most questions? Choose the correct luestion Word of after the main verb? Personal Best | Write four questions to ask your partner about his or her life, 9 Askand answer the questions in pairs, question forms m say, tell, speak, and talk 5 A ©i6 Listen to people tenga ie in three conversations, Whatis each person lying about? White the conversation number (1-3) « king someone's food 4 receiving text messages ___ beating chocolate B 16° tisten again and complete the questions. 1 Who_____altaf my chocolate? 3 Who_____ more banana and potato sandwiches? 2 What toyou lastnight? © Look at the questions in exercise 58. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. Then read the Grammar box about the different question forms 1 In these questions, we know / don’t now the subject of the verb. 2 We use the affirmative / question form of the verb, PERE aienioniomney Object questions Subject questions: Where do you work? Who calted me? NOT Who ctcaltane? What are you doing right now? Who wants coffee? NOT Who does want cottee? Where did you go to college? Wiho invented the telephone? NOT Who-didwent Have you finished? tietelephone? Questions with prepositions: Where do they come from? Who did you ply tennis with? Go to Grammar practice: question forms, page 113 7 @i8) Pronunciation: question intonation Listen to four of the questions from this lesson. Does the intonation go up (4) or down ("¥) at the end of the questions? 1 Have you finished? 3. What happened to you last night? 2 How often do people tell lies? 4 Domen lie mare often than women? ‘8 A Complete the questions with an auxiliary verb from the box if necessary. Which question doesn't need an auxiliary? do k2) did 65) have 1 you usually tel little white les to protect people's feetings? 2 When_____you last tela little white lie? What __you lie about? 3. When you were younger, you tell your parents les?___you tel the truth later? 4 Who tells the best jokes in your family? 5 ‘you usually say helo to people you don't know on the street? 6 you ever told someone that he or she can't cook well? What. the person say? B in pairs, decide ifthe intonation goes up (4) or down ("1 at the end of the questions in 84. Then ask and answer the questions, Go to Communication practice: Student A page 156, Student 8 page 166 1. Who helped you with your homework as.a child? 2 Who taught you how to ride a bike? 3. What happened on your first day of school? 4 Who taught you how to drive? 5 Which author wrote your favorite book? 6 What happened on your first day at work? 1 EY sus] SPEAKING making small talk m keeping a conversation going 1D Small talk 1A Read the definition of smatt tt and look at the topics. Which topics do people typically ‘discuss when they make small talk? ‘small tale noun polte and informal | conversation about ight topes, ctten between [People who don't know each other well. B in pairs, discuss the questions, 1. When cid you last make small tall? 2 Where were your 3 Who did you talk to? 4 What did you talk about? the situation (party, trip, etc) —a 2 ©i9) watch ortisten to the fist part of awebshow called {teaming Curve. Ethan catches atrain, and a passenger makes smal talk with Fim. Who are sentences 1-6 about? Check (7) a Ethan or passenger. aS Ethan passenger 1 He starts the conversation. Qa Q ‘2 He asks where the other person's going, CO) Q 3 He's going to City Island o oO 4 He asks where the other personistrom OO 5. He's from Pennsyvania o o 6 He asks about the other person's job. o oO 1 3 ©19) complete the sentences from the conversation with the words in the box. Watch orlsten again and check 36 rice mind ahead have excuse sounds. Iving | 1 ‘me, Does this ain goto the baseball stacium? § Whatdoyoudofora____? 2 Would you if sehere? 8 Well that interesting 3. Uh, no, Goright___. 7 Hey, wes, talking to you! ly 4 __. where are you going? 8 __funatthe game! ng small talk Staring the conversation Excuse me Isanyone siting here? Would you mind if sit here? Beautiful day, isn't 2 ‘re you from around here? Ans hat does that involve? Hove yourphone.Isitnew? 4. ead the Conversation builder, Make smal tac wth your partner. masine ts your frst English class and youve never met ‘Asking about the personisituation ‘re you having a goad timertiplday? So, what do youdo foratving? Ending the conversation Nice talking to you: Great to meet you Have @ nice evening making small talk = keeping a conversation going SPEAKING 5 ©iBO werch or listen to the second part ofthe show. errr goed Saas ace eels Cry tite acta ‘Cheek (7) the toples that Cindy andl Ethan nk about Py eri arene, Perera 2 ther nes their jobs 6 iio Put sentences (2-iin order. Watch or listen again and check indy Ethan cindy Ethan indy Ethan cindy Ethan indy Bite »O ©O «oO eO ‘Oo 00 4 a o 1 how they know Penny and Taylor (1) the food at the party a] the weather: So, what do you do on your webshow? ‘Oh, you met at work! So, are you having a good time? Sorry, | don't know Penny that well. By the way, 'm Cindy. | work with Taylor at the gym. Well, 'm a presenter, a co-host, like Penny. How do you know Penny and Taylor? Mmm! Welt | love carrot cake. Its. great party. I got here early so | could bring my famous carrot cake I'm Ethan, work with Penny on Learning Curve. It's a webshow. We're presenters. Hmmm, @ presenter, that's interesting, And what does that involve? ‘When we talk to someone we don't know well, we Keep the conversation going so we don't run out of things to say. + Give extra information when you answer a question, e.g. ‘Are you from around here?” “No. I moved here from Breall six months ago” + Respond toa statement with a positive comment. £9 “Thats interesting! | fove Brazil. ve been there twice + Ask open questions to ind out more information eg, “Really? What were you doing there?” 7 Read the Skill box. Answer the questions about the conversation in exercise 6, 1. What exira information does than give when he explains how he knows Penny? 2 What positive comments do Ethan and Cindy make? 3. What open questions does Cindy ask? 8 inpairs, practice the conversation in exercise 6: Go to Communication practice: Student A page 156, Student 8 page 166 9A In pars, choose one ofthe suations below and think about how you could start a conversation with someone you don't know well. B “ake turns stating a conversation, Make small tak and keep the conversation going c ‘was it easy to start the conversation and keep it going? What could you do diferenty next tiene? Choose another situation and have anther conversation, Personal Best | You meet someone new at Penny and Taylors party. Write the conversation.

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