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Running Head: GROWTH 1

Growth and Collaboration

Rita Lee

Arizona State University

OGL 320- Module 6

April 25, 2022


Growth and Collaboration

After reading the list provided, I identified a lack of willingness to change and grow and

change. In an earlier module, we were reminded of a Machiavellian quote regarding a common

reluctance to change especially from those that benefit from the old systems. I also think that the

company allowed the issue to get out of hand to the point where it will be more difficult to reverse

or subdue the effects of their prior decisions. I think that the list provided for Luxor demonstrates

the likelihood of the impact of a risk event. The list was essentially created to offer solutions for

them to maintain their technical leadership position which seems like more of an impact of taking a

risk. The key takeaway that I got from this case study, was to be mindful of where your company

is in relation to its goals and mission and to ensure to take calculated risks proactively instead of

reactively. Do not be afraid to take risks and find ways to evolve as times evolve.

In Margaret Heffernan’s TED talk, the message she highlights the benefits and impact of

collaborating in an unconventional way. She presented the story of Alice, a woman who research

the cause of child deaths and found the cause of death to be from x-rays in the womb. She leaned

on the skills of a statistician, George, and gave him the task of proving her wrong with his own

research. His inability to prove her wrong gave her the confluence she needed to conclude that she

was correct in her assessment. I think that this applies to project management because it gives

project managers and team members the opportunity to engage in conflict and work creatively to

achieve the goals of the project. People with different backgrounds and different ways of thinking

can provide different points of view to help solve problems and manage risks. The key takeaway

from this video was to welcome differing viewpoints. I think to do this, minimizing ego in the

workplace, becoming more self-aware, and putting the end goal at the forefront of all projects will

be important in the future. If our focus is on achieving the goal and not ensuring that our pride is

not damaged, removes the fear of being honest and creates the space for others to be honest and

contribute while creating and upholding a collaborative environment.

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