Articles To Be Delivered From BO

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Articles to be Delivered From BO or Other linked Office Invoicing Articles to be delivered at Other Office to Other Office Articles (Including

BO) Option in SpeedNet: Operator->Delivery->Invoicing->Speed Post Articles or Express Parcels-> Articles or Parcels to Other Office.

Invoice the Articles in the following option:

The Offices Combo Box is shown open to see the Offices therein.

Return Remarks entry for Articles sent out for Delivery to Other Offices / BOs. Operator ->Delivery->Remarks from Other Offices option.

The following screen appears for Remarks from Other Office:

Here you may fetch the Articles for the offices by selecting the invoice date Give the Delivery Remarks Select the Delivery Date as remarks Date. This date can be the actual Date at which the Article is delivered at BO or other office.

And save it. Delivery Remarks Message will be created for that Article and sent to Central Server.

(Please note that the date selected in the Remark Date field shown above for the article would be taken as the date of delivery once the communication is sent to the central server.)

Frequently Asked Question: Will the BOs or non-computerized offices appear in the drop-down menu? If a particular office does not appear, what do we do?

Normally, a linked BO or non-computerized office should be visible in the drop-down menu at the delivery PO (HO/SO) and the desired office can be selected. However, if a particular office does not appear in the drop-down menu, it means such an Office is not linked. There may be following reasons for the same:

1. Latest Circle Data file for Offices has not been updated into local DB. Update the same and then check the status. 2. Or else, such office might not be appearing due to the fact that:

Such an Office exists in the Office Master but it is not having the Linked To Office information, or Other Office, or

b) Such an Office exists in the Office Master but it is Linked to some

c) Such an office does not exist

In this case, the System Administrator can send a list of such Offices which are not appearing even after updating the Circle Data of Offices under the Other Office Invoice option to

The status of a particular office may be known through the following:

System Administrator can know the status of the Office at SPC Site under the option -Linked Office -> Modify OfficeName. He should type the pin code of the office which is not appearing and fetch to get the details of the Office. If the Office Name exists there, then please copy the OfficeID, Office Name , Linked Office Name into an Excel Sheet. This excel sheet may be sent to ptcdesk@gmail through Division Head/RO/Circle Office . Excel Sheet may have the following columns: OfficeID / Name / SPC to which linked / SPC to which it is to be Linked Office

Note: If the Office name does not exist in the SPC site, then give the Office name with status of the Article as Does not Exist in the Excel Sheet. On checking the data received through Excel File, PTC helpdesk will update the Office data and will advise the office to down load the circle data for update at local DB.

FAQ 2: Under the new network, all booking offices are required to send Speed Post articles to the concerned Sorting hub. However, an exemption was given in case of articles booked in an office and to be delivered from the same office (generally known as Station Articles). Does Speed Net have a provision for intercepting such articles?

Answer: Yes, the provision exists in Speed Net to intercept such articles. Please follow the steps given below: Articles to be Delivered Locally (From same office and BO) 1. Invoicing Station Articles to be delivered locally: Articles would have been collected through BNPL Booking / POS Booking which are station Articles meant for Local Delivery. There is a provision to directly invoice those articles into Delivery Invoicing option. Note: There is no change in the process of Invoice / Returns to Station Articles is same as those other office articles received through Bag for delivery at the office.

Operator->Delivery->Invoicing->SpeedPost Articles or Express Parcels->Articles for Delivery.

The following invoice Screen appears. Scan the Article to the concerned beat of your office.

To take the Returns use the following option.

2. Invoicing Articles to be delivered at Other Office to Other Office Articles ( Including BO) Option in Speed Net:

Operator->Delivery->Invoicing->SpeedPost Articles or Express Parcels-> Articles or Parcels to Other Office.

Invoice the Articles in the following option:

The Offices Combo Box is shown open to see the Offices therein. Return Remarks entry for Articles sent out for Delivery to Other Offices / BOs. Operator ->Delivery->Remarks from Other Offices option.

The following screen appears for Remarks from Other Office:

Here you may fetch the Articles for the offices by selecting the invoice date Give the Delivery Remarks Select the Delivery Date as remarks Date. This date can be the actual Date at which the Article is delivered at BO or other office. And save it. Delivery Remarks Message will be created for that Article and sent to Central Server.

FAQ 2 (a): Do prescribed number of scans for TD Full Scan Compliance KPI also apply for such articles which are booked and delivered from the same office and which do not travel to the Sorting Hub? Are these excluded from TD full scan compliance scores shown in the VC?

Answer: As these articles do not travel to the Sorting hub, 8 scans are not mandatory for these articles. However, they are not excluded from the TD scan compliance scores as of now. This is because the system has to check every article whether it is a station article in order to exclude such article from TD scan compliance which puts a lot of strain on the system and the process becomes too lengthy to be manageable. To overcome this, the maximum target for TD scan compliance for a city would be 90% assuming that not more than 10% article would fall under this category.

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