Lead Plans and Programs For 2023 For Review

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Intensify lease renewals Early renewal of leases that are Renewal/extension of 25%
and approach landowners expiring on 2025 (104.2513 expiring leases (or 35
of nearby areas for new hectares) and 2026 (38.1869 hectares)
leases hectares)
Come up with certain Timely conduct of due diligence Signing of new areas for lease
concession proposals to for new areas identified for and development
close a deal (renewal/new expansion
A. Provide support in
the documentation and areas)
processing of renewed If needed, extend legal Prompt referral to concerned SMLE/BMC/JAA
and newly leased areas assistance to departments in handling the
(expansion) LOs/ARBs/Cooperatives on assessment and evaluation of
Harmonious relationship with
their legal problems the prospective areas for new
LOs, ARBs and ARCs and
affecting their lands leases
peaceful occupation of
Ensure that MDAG is Standardization of lease and
leased and acquired areas
protected on its contractual easement contracts
dealings with the LOs,
ARBs, and ARCs
Ensure open Participation in LOs, ARBs, and No cases or arbitration issues
communications ARCs’ meetings with
B. Strong and cordial
business relationship Continuance of the Community out-reach programs Industrial peace in our farms
with LOs, ARBs, and established yearly get- and medical missions or areas of operations
ARCs together activities,
distribution of annual
5% .
giveaways, and community
reach out
Key Result Area II: ASSET MANAGEMENT OF MDAG (Farm Expansion/Replacement Program) (30%)
Research applicable laws Initiate processes for the 30%
A. Ownership and and processes and obtain acquisition of the accretion area Pursue miscellaneous sales
Registration of the pertinent documents from by MEPI application on the (old) 5% SMLE / MLTF
Accretion Area DENR and other surveyed and DENR approved
government agencies accretion area (24 hectares)
B. Ownership and Identify the properties that SMLE/MLTF/JPB/
Registration of can be processed for JREE/MZS
properties acquired by transfer
Transfer and registration of
MDAG and those under
newly acquired properties and
trustees Obtain or cause the
those that are under trustee
execution of necessary Titling of identified properties
documents for transfer for transfer for 2023.
Pursue the completion of the
Identify the deviations of
the uncompleted transfer
and address these
Payments of real property LRs to provide updated list of Updated Real Property Tax MLTF/BMC/JAA/
taxes ONLY of properties properties LEASED and Payment both leased and JPB/AAB/LRs
owned and leased by OWNED to make sure the owned (land and
payment of RPTs.
LRs to monitor the expired improvements)
leases for the cancellation of
LRs to issue certification to the Cancellation of tax declarations
Assessor for the expired leases. of properties and
LRs to submit UPDATED list of improvements no longer
properties both LEASED and leased/owned by MDAG
OWNED to MTO for billing to
avoid penalties of unpaid RPTs.

Re-sizing of vacant lots

Scout for possible

developers/contractors to
submit proposal for the
alteration of the
subdivision/development plan of
Puerto Azul

Scout and get in touch with

developers/contractors for the
construction of the houses, road  Annotation of lost 14 Titles
works and canals
 Secure a Drainage Right of
Regular coordination with Way Agreement
DHSUD for the possible
ways/processes of revising
 Home Association Board SMLE/MLTF/BMC/
Revive the development of subdivision plan
Puerto Azul Subdivision Resolution that they do not JJPB/JREE
Cause the consolidation and pose any objection to the
partition survey of the remaining intention of Nova Vista to
vacant lots alter the subdivision plan

Orientation with the prevailing

laws, guidelines, and
procedures on real estate

Explore how to obtain drainage

right of way for the canal outlet
of Puerto Azul

Reconstitution of the 14 lost

LRs identification and validation
of the listing of infrastructure,
facilities, and easements with
map in complete details: roads, Generate updated MDAG Map
easement, cableways, and with complete details including
structures listing of company roads,
easement, cableways,
LRs to update farm maps with buildings, and infrastructures.
Spearhead the
identification of the proper identification of
facilities, infrastructures, landowners.
and easements in all Basic knowledge as to the use
per Farm
MDAG farms Scout for geodetic engineer of GPS and be able to map out
(under board will do) to help us the farms, lands owned and
in relocating areas. leased by MDAG
Attend workshop regarding the
use of GPS gadget to plot and
locate the metes and bounds of
the properties owned/leased

Regular follow up with the

PPDO on the approval of Acquisition of the required Reclassification of the
the comprehensive land documents/clearances from identified areas for estate
use plan of the Municipality government agencies for the development
of Sto. Tomas preparation of the application for
Facilitate the completion of exclusion/exemption/conversion
the Feasibility Study of MEPI areas for estate Submission/completion of the
Proper on identified priority development feasibility study proper
for development SMLE/JPB
DAR Certification of Retention
and obtain the required
Process the retention and Land conversion of C-5 and C-6 documents and concerned
conversion of MEPI’s 5-ha from agricultural to non- government certifications in
area agricultural land use. preparation to the filing of the
C. Retention, Exclusion,
Exemption, and application for conversion of C-
Conversion of MEPI 5 and C-6 15%
properties Representation with the DAR exclusion/exemption of Certification from LGU to attest
LGU for the issuance of MEPI Compound area is never utilized for
Certification of Land Use of agricultural purposes
the areas within MEPI Conversion of the MEPI
Compound area prior to compound (in preparation for
CARP in June 1988 the construction of the MDAG Completion of the
Admin Building) requirements for the
Seek guidance from DAR application for DAR SMLE/JPB
for the land exclusion exclusion/exemption
processes, requirements,
Development of the newly
A. Prompt development
Due diligence and Submission of due diligence leased areas based on the
and utilization of newly
timeline set by the expansion
10% SMLE
leased areas preparation of report with recommendation and
documentation, shall be timely preparation of the needed group
considered and treated as documents to finalize
priority/urgent transaction
Regular update of expiring Timely retrieval /withdrawal of
leases MDAG wide equipment, improvement and
B. Improved planning Information dissemination infrastructure prior to
over leased areas to be on the expiration dates of expiration of leases SMLE/MLTF/BMC/
turned over or returned leases for year 2025 and
Regular information Maximized the remaining JAA/LRs
to LOs 2026 dissemination and coordination productivity period of the
with operations, RDC, Engg, lease
HRD, and QMM
Create a Database of all
leases, sales, commercial, Scanning of all signed 100% completion of the
C. Uploading LEAD service agreements, and contracts and other pertinent database of legal documents
database of all other related documents for documents MDAG-wide
electronic copies of electronic safekeeping
leases, sales, Coordinate with IT and MLTF/JPB/LEAD
commercial, service Privacy Management group
Submission of duplicate MEPI Staff
agreements, and other of Toby on how to create
Store scanned/e-files into a database of legal documents
related documents to and manage the database
large safekeeping drive to MDG privacy management
HO data center Acquire appropriate data
storage device for
Cases and MDAG’s legal
concerns will be referred
and handled by in-house
D. Minimize legal counsel
Maximization of in-house legal
referrals, other legal Preparation and notarization
costs, expenses, and will be handled by in-house
services and maintain minimal Less cost on legal services 5% SMLE/MLTF
referral to external counsel
litigations counsel
Negotiate possible
compromises to avoid
E. Cost efficient Implement cost efficiency Recycle all Office Materials that 3% LEAD OFFICERS &
Awareness within the department can be re-used such as Used STAFF
Bond Papers Reduction of consumption of
Promote paperless paper and other office
communications and supplies
transactions as much as
Close Monitoring of Staff daily Utilize 8 Working Hours to
responsibilities avoid unnecessary overtime.
Justifiable and aligned with the Aligned Cost Management
proposed yearly budget and and all expenses to the
CAPEX. declared Budget Template for
Reduction of power
Time-specific use of electricity
Added services/assistance to Less land rental advances
the hospitalization needs of intended for hospitalization
landowners/ARBs by referral to needs of landowners/ARBs.
the hospital-based Social
1. Conduct regular department Regular Quarterly
meetings Coordination Meeting
2. Conduct special To be coordinated with the .
trainings/seminars/team Human Resource program for
Competent and efficient buildings to develop work trainings and seminars.
support staff that can assist ethics.
the company in general, 3. Assessment of job functions To be integrated during
Human Resource
and different departments, coordination and special 5% SMLE/MLTF
in particular, in their meeting.
respective legal and 4. Training on government To be held on 1st Quarter of
external concerns coordination and business the Year.
5. Conduct values formation To be integrated during
activities for the growth coordination and special
development of the team meeting.

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