American Big Picture B1

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Topic: Present simple for general truths Unit # 1 Level: B1
Form: (Positive, Negative, Question form, and Wh Question Form)
Subject + verb infinitive + complement.
The sun rises in the east.
Subject + don´t/doesn´t + verb infinitive + complement.
The sun doesn't rise in the east.
Do/does + Subject + verb infinitive + complement.
Does the sun rise in the east?

To talk about things that are generally true at the moment of speaking or writing. It is
used to express facts that are always true or events that always happen.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
Ss will write a letter to their grandparents
talking about general truths.
• To share their daily routine, in a
scenario where they are in a new
school a someone ask (what is
your daily routine) Ss will complete sentences that miss words.
• To share general true facts about
the world in a scenario where ss
are giving a speech in their BEAR
More Activities (Remember activities)
Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Topic: Unit # 1 Level:
Present continuous for time expressions "Now, right now, at
present, presently, for the time being, currently, at the
moment, at the present, nowadays, this year "
Subject + verb to be + verb + ing + complement + time expressions.
Time expressions + Subject + verb to be + verb + ing + complement.
We are learning English now.
Subject + verb to be + not + verb + ing + complement + time expressions.
We are not learning English now.
verb to be + subject + verb + ing + complement + time expressions +?
Are you learning English now?

To share real actions that are happening in the moment.
Usage: Teaching Activity:

T will present sentences, Ss need

to find the mistake and write the
• To share with their brother/sister what things
sentence correctly, then Ss will
they do since they live alone. In a scenario
compare their answers in .
where s1 and s2 are in a call and s1 is asking
what s2 is doing because s1 wants to go visit.
• To share actions ss are doing that year, as ´´I´m
taking a course this year´´, in a scenario where s1
and s2 are talking years after and are sharing their
More Activities (Remember activities)

Match picture with meanings

Complete words that miss letters

Topic: Unit # 2 Level: B1

Past continuous

Pronoun + was/were + verb + ing
I was traveling around Guatemala.
Pronoun + was/were + not + verb + ing
I was not traveling around Guatemala.
Was/were + pronoun + verb + ing +?
Was I traveling around Guatemala?

Past continuous are used to talk about an action that was in progress at a
Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To share a trip on the vacations - Match pictures with sentences.

- To share what you did yesterday - Ss will match questions with answers
- To share what you were doing - SS will write 3 sentences in
whilesomeone call you pastcontinuous
- To remember what you did - Ss will complete words that miss letters.
yesterdayat a specific time

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with
Topic: - Wh questions for past continuous Unit # 2 Level: B1

Wh question + Was/were + Pronoun + verb + ing + complement + ?
Was you playing in the garden?
To ask what a person was doing at a specific time in the past

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To ask what you do yesterday in the
school - Match pictures with sentences.
- To ask why you are busy - Ss will match questions with answers
- To ask why someone didn’t attend a - SS will write 3 questions to make them
meeting in breakout rooms.
- To ask why someone is not in the - Ss will write 3 questions about
class. yesterday
- To ask why someone was not in the - Ss will complete words that miss
class yesterday letters.
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: 5 - Relative Clauses Unit # 3 Level: B1

Subject + complement +relative clauses +complement.

who/that: refers to people.

which/that: refers to things.
whose: refers to possessions.
where: refers to places.
when: refers to time.
who/that: they caught the man who/that spied for china.
which/that: I lost the map that she gave me.
whose: she complained to the man whose dog bit her.
where: we visited the country where my mother was borned.
when: my birthday is the day when my family comes.

They are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when.
They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To share in a conversation where s1
and s2 are sharing their memories - Match pictures with sentences.
when they were young. - Ss will complete sentences with play
- To share gossip about an accident that cards where they have the sentence and
happened to another person where s1 some pictures that replace the words, so
is going to share the event to s2. they have to use the
- To share events that happened in a - SS will write 3 sentences using 3
party where s1 wasn't able to go but relative clauses.
s2 share to it what happened. - Ss will complete words that miss
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Relative Clauses Unit # 3 Level: B1

Subject + complement +relative clauses +complement.

who/that: refers to people.

which/that: refers to things.
whose: refers to possessions.
where: refers to places.
when: refers to time.
who/that: they caught the man who/that spied for china.
which/that: I lost the map that she gave me.
whose: she complained to the man whose dog bit her.
where: we visited the country where my mother was borned.
when: my birthday is the day when my family comes.

They are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when.
They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To share in a conversation where s1
and s2 are sharing their memories - Match pictures with sentences.
when they were young. - Ss will complete sentences with play
- To share gossip about an accident that cards where they have the sentence and
happened to another person where s1 some pictures that replace the words, so
is going to share the event to s2. they have to use the
- To share events that happened in a - SS will write 3 sentences using 3
party where s1 wasn't able to go but relative clauses.
s2 share to it what happened. - Ss will complete words that miss
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: 7 - Present perfect with time expressions Unit # 4 Level: B1
yet, just, already, still, ever, never, for, since
Present perfect
Subject + Have / Has + Past Participle.
Where we place the time expressions:
yet: at the end.
just: between have/has + the main verb.
already: between have/has + the main verb.
still: before have/has.
ever: between have/has + the main verb.
never: between have/has + the main verb.
for: before the period of time.
since: before the specific moment in time.

Example: We have just finished the film.

To share actions that people have done in a specific/no specific time.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To share in a video call what things
were ss doing before the call. - Match pictures with sentences.
- to share which places have you - Ss will match questions with answers
visited. - SS will write 3 sentences using time
- to share which family members, have expressions in present perfect.
or have not visited this year. - Ss will complete words that miss
- To share what activities have you letters.
done during the pandemic.
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: 8 - Present perfect with for and since Unit # 4 Level: B1

For = period of time
Since = the date something started.
We use present perfect to talk about a situation that started in the past and continues in the
present, we use how long + time expressions with for and since.
We use ´´for´´ to talk about a period of time.
We use since to talk about when something started.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To talk about a friend in common and
how long they have known that - Match pictures with sentences.
friend. - Ss will match questions with answers
- To talk when an important company - SS will write 3 sentences using for.
started - Ss will write 3 sentences using snce
- To talk how much time, you - Ss will complete words that miss
havedone an activity letters.
- To talk in the school about the date
the T gave the homework

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Present continuous and going to Unit # 5 Level: B1

+ = Subject + be + verb + ing + complement
- = Subject + be + not + verb + ing + complement.
? = be + Subject + verb + ing + complement + ?
Going to:
+ = Subject + be + going to + verb + complement.
- = Subject + be + not + going to + verb + complement
? = Be + subject + going to + complement + ?

We use Present continuous to talk about what we are doing know or around now. We use the
present continuous to talk about plans and arrangements for the future. We use the present
continuous to talk about fixed plans and arrangements.

We use Going to to talk about future plans and intentions in general.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- To talk about what you are doing in a
call with your friends. - Match pictures with sentences.
- To talk about what you will do on the - Ss will match questions with answers
same day with your mom in a fixed - SS will write 3 sentences about what
time. they are doing using present continuous
- To talk when the soccer game is. - ss will share in breakout rooms what
- To talk where are you going to study they will study next year.
next year in the class, - ss will talk when is the soccer game (
- T talk about what classes you will fixed arrangement )
receive in the next week. - Ss will complete words that miss
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Must/mustn't and have to / don't Unit # 5 Level: B1
have to for obligation

+ = subject + must + verb + complement.
- = subject + mustn’t + verb + complement.
Have/has to
+ = subject + have + verb + complement.
- = subject + don’t + have/has to + verb + complement.

We use must/have/has to to talk about rules and obligations.
We use mustn’t to talk about prohibitions
We use ´´don’t have´´ to explain that there is no rule or obligation.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
- To talk about rules in the airport
- To talk about rules in a zoo - Match pictures with sentences.
To talk about what can you do in the - Ss will match questions with answers
zoo - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
- To talk about what are the - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL in a
rules in the university personal environment.
- To talk about where you can - Ss will complete words that miss
go in a market letters.
- To talk where is the area of

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Modal verbs: can/can't, Unit # 6 Level: B1

+ = subject + can + verb + complement
- = subject + can’t + verb + complement
? = Can + subject + verb + complement + ?
I can run fast
I can’t run fast
Can I run fast?
+ = subject + should + verb + complement
- = subject + shouldn’t + verb + complement
? = Should + subject + verb + complement + ?
I should run fast
I shouldn’t run fast
Should I run fast?

We use can or can’t to talk about ability and possibility or skills we have. Also, can be used with
We use should or shouldn’t to talk when something is a good or bad idea - Mostly to give advice.
We don’t use “to” with modal verbs
Usage: Teaching Activity:
- To talk about what talents you have in
a competition in the school - Match pictures with sentences.
- To talk about the languages you can - Ss will match questions with answers
speak in a job interview - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
- To talk when you have to let someone - Ss will write 3 questions using TL
know that you can attend an activity - Ss will complete words that miss
- To talk when you can’t talk because letters.
you have many things to do.

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Predictions: will, may, might Unit # 6 Level: B1

+ = subject + prediction word + verb + complement
- = subject + prediction word + not + verb + complement

We use will. may, might + infinitive to make predictions about the future.
we don’t use “to” with these modal verbs.
We don’t use contractions with may not.
we can use mightn’t but is not very common
We use contractions with will not
We use to use “I think”, and I don’t think” with will in predictions
Usage: Teaching Activity:
- To talk in the school about a new
teacher that will join. - Match pictures with sentences.
- To talk in a conference or meeting - Ss will match questions with answers
about reading a book about what will - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
be the book about it. - Ss will write 3 questions using TL
- To talk in the house with your family - Ss will complete words that miss
about what will be the next chapter letters.
about a series.
- To give advice to your classmates
when you are in school and that
person has a new couple.

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Unit # 7 Level: B1
The use of gerunds vs. to+
Form: (Positive, Negative, Question form, and Wh Question Form)
1. After prepositions of place and time.
Example: I made dinner before getting home.
2. To replace the subject or object of a sentence Example:
Jumping off a cliff is dangerous, but a real thrill.

To infinitive
1. After many adjectives
Example: It is hard to make dinner this late.
2. To show purpose
Example: I left for Russia to study Russian
- Gerunds can be used after certain verbs including enjoy, fancy, discuss,dislike,
finish, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, and avoid.
- To infinitive can be used after certain verbs including agree, ask, decide,help,
plan, hope, learn, want, would like, and promise.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
In a scenario where students In a - Fill the blank spaces
scenario where they use verbs enjoy, - Correct the mistake
finish, dislike, and fancy to tell 3 - Create sentences
sentences to replace the subject. - Notice words in a text

In a scenario where Ss are using the

verbs: ask, decide, plan, hope, and learn
to talk about activities that theydo in that
More Activities (Remember activities)
Role play
Color Code sentences
Play Kahoot
Memory game
Topic: Countable and uncountable nouns, some Unit # 7 Level: B1
and any

Countable: Subject + verb + some + complement.

For positive sentences we can use some for plurals.
I have some friends in New York.

Subject + do not + verb + + any + complement

there is/there are + any + complement
For negatives we can use any for plurals.
There aren't any seats.
Uncountable: There + to be + some + complement
We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences and any with

There + to be + not + any + complement

There's some milk in the fridge.
There isn't any coffee.

Questions: to be + there + any + complement.

And we use any or how much with uncountable nouns.
Is there any sugar

But when we are offering something or asking for something, we normally use
Do you want some chocolate?
Can we have some more chairs, please?

We also use some in a question when we think the answer will be 'yes'.
Have you got some new glasses?
Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted, e.g. an apple, two
apples, three apples, etc. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted, e.g. air, rice, water, etc.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

● In a scenario where s1 visited
s2, and s2 is offering snacks - Match pictures with sentences.
to s1. - Ss will match questions with answers
● In a scenario where ss are best - Ss will write 4 sentences using some
friends and are sharing what and any.
they bought in the mall. - Ss will complete words that miss
● In a scenario where s1 is the letters.
child and is sharing with s2,
her/his mother the food that is
More Activities (remember activities)

Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Topic: Unit # 7 Level: B1

Form: (Positive, Negative, Question form, and Wh Question Form)

To talk about quantity in general terms.To
refer to small quantity.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
In a scenario where they are in his-her Create sentences
house and they will use the countable Fill blank spaces
and uncountable quantifiers. Memory game

Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: if + present simple Unit # 8 Level: B1

- If + conditional + present simple +, + present simple.
- If I drink coffee in the morning, I can not sleep at night.

Is used for things that are generally true.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
- To share with your best
friend consequences if they - Match pictures with sentences.
do not follow your advice. - Ss will match questions with answers
- In a scenario where s1 is a - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
patient and shares with s2, - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL in a
the doctor what is happening. personal environment.
- In a conversation where ss - Ss will complete words that miss
are sharing convenient letters.

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Modal verbs: Must, can't, May, might Unit # 8 Level: B1

+ = subject + modal verb + verb + complement
- = Subject + modal verb + not + verb + complement.
It is not common to ask questions with modal verbs, just with can and should.

We use modal verbs to make deductions
We use must when we are sure
We use can’t when something is not true
We use may or might when something is possible,
we use may or might when we are not sure about it,
Usage: Teaching Activity:
- To talk about the end of a serie with
your friends in the school - Match pictures with sentences.
- To talk about the new song of your - Ss will match questions with answers
favorite singer in the school with your - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
friends - Ss will write 3 questions using TL
- To talk with your family about what - Ss will complete words that miss
will be your grades at the end of the letters.
- To talk with your mom in your house
about what is the end of the tv series.
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: if + past simple Unit # 9 Level: B1

If + subject + past simple + , + subject + would + verb.
- If I ran a lot, I would feel tired.
- subject + would + verb If + subject + past simple.
- I would feel tired If I ran a lot.

If + subject + past simple/(didn't + verb) + , + subject + would + verb.
- If I did not run a lot, I would not feel tired.
- subject + would + not + verb If + subject + past simple.
- I would feel tired If I didn't run a lot.

To talk about situations in the present that are impossible.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
- To share with your best
friend consequences that they - Match pictures with sentences.
had, because they didn't - Ss will match questions with answers
follow their advice. - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL
- In a scenario where s1 is based on pictures.
sharing with her mom how - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL with
the things would have been their own experience.
different if s1 would have - Ss will complete words that miss
taken a different decision in letters.
the past about his/her career. - Ss will create questions to ask in break
- In a scenario where s1 won out rooms.
the lottery and is sharing to
s2 the things that s/he would

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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: PRACTICES so and such Unit # 9 Level: B1

- So + adjective/adverb
It's so cold!
- So + many/few + plural countable noun
I never knew you had so many brothers!

- Such a/an + (adjective) + countable noun

They´re such nice kids.
- Such + (adjective) + uncountable noun
She always uses such fresh food.

To show extreme situations and is often used in an exclamation.
To show extremes in amount.
To show emphasis and is often used in an exclamation.
Usage: Teaching Activity:
● To describe people in a scenario
where s1 is describing any person to - Match pictures with sentences.
present it to s2. - Ss will match questions with answers
● To gossip about the house of your - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL
rich friend, in a scenario where s1 is based on pictures.
sharing with his best friend s2. - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL with
● To describe the new job that you just their own experience.
got to your mom. - Ss will complete words that miss
- Ss will create questions to ask in break
out rooms.
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Unit # 9 Level: B1
Indefinite Pronouns
Form: (Positive, Negative, Question form, and Wh Question Form)

1. To talk about people or things in general
2. Use one/body to refer to a person
3. Use thing to refer to an object
Usage: Teaching Activity:
In a scenario where they are talking - Create sentences
about people in the street. - Fill blank spaces
- Memory game
- Match conversation with situations
- Color code sentences

More Activities (Remember activities)

Order the sentences.
Write the correct word
Correct the mistake
Classify the sentences
Kahoot game.
Topic: Passive + Present simple Unit # 10 Level: B1

Subject + to be + past participle complement.
Cookies are made here
Subject + to be + not + past participle + complement.
Sandwiches aren't made here.
Wh- word + to be + subject + past participle + complement + ?
How are the cookies made?

Passive + present simple is used when we focus on the object of the sentence.
That song is sung by my mom.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- In a scenario where they are
at a new restaurant, and - Match pictures with sentences.
theyask where the - Ss will match questions with answers
restaurant bought the - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
things. - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL to
- In a scenario where ss are talk about who bought their school
offering some sandwiches supplies.
and people ask them how the - Ss will complete words that miss
preparation is. letters.
- in a scenario where ss are in a
TV show because they are
presenting their new products
(clothes), and people ask how
the company works.
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Passive + Past simple Unit # 10 Level: B1

Subject + Was/were + past simple + complement.
The clothes were made in local factories.
Subject + Was/were + not + past simple + complement.
The clothes were not made in local factories.
Wh- word + Was/were + subject + complement +?
Where were the clothes made?

We use the passive + past simple to talk about things in a passive voice but in the past tense.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- In a scenario where they are
at home and they did a - Match pictures with sentences.
handcraft in the school, so - Ss will match questions with answers
they are explaining who - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
brings the materials for the - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL to
handcraft talk about who bought their school
- In a scenario where you supplies.
bought a new shirt, and - Ss will complete words that miss
youare telling your letters.
classmateswhere the shirt
was made..
- When you retell a story that a
relative told you before in a
- In a scenario where they are
telling a horror story and they
are using passive voice to
describe the plot.
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Reported speeches: say Unit # 11 Level: B1

Present simple = Past simple
I like people = he said that he liked people
Present continuous = Past continuous
I am watching TV= She said that she was watching TV
Will + verb = would + verb
We will help you = They said that they would help me
Can + verb = could + verb
She can go home = I said that she could go home.

Note: Today = that day

Tomorrow = next day

We use say (that) to report what someone said.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- In a scenario where ss is in a
campfire and they are telling - Match pictures with sentences.
a horror story to their friends - Ss will match questions with answers
- In a scenario where ss are in - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
their home talking with their - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL to
parents and they are telling talk about who their classmates told
what the T. said to them them when they were in breakout
about the homework... rooms.
- When ss are in the school and - Ss will complete words that miss
they are gossiping about the letters.
teachers with their
- In a scenario where ss are in
the swimming pool and they
are talking about what their
classmates are saying about
them. They are guessing the
gossip. .
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Reported speeches: tell Unit # 11 Level: B1

Form:( similar to say in reported speech)

When we use to tell, we always include information about who the person is talking to. We can
use a name, noun, or object pronoun.

The information always comes after the verb tell

Tell + person or thing + (that) ++ reported speech.
He told her that he was very sorry

We use tell (that) to report what someone said.

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- In a scenario where ss is in a
campfire and they are telling - Match pictures with sentences.
a horror story to their friends - Ss will match questions with answers
- In a scenario where ss are in - SS will write 3 sentences using the TL.
their home talking with their - Ss will write 3 sentences using TL to
parents and they are telling talk about who their classmates told
what the T. said to them them when they were in breakout
about the homework... rooms.
- When ss are in the school and - Ss will complete words that miss
they are gossiping about the letters.
teachers with their Examples
classmates... He told me that he was very angry
- In a scenario where ss are in She told them that she was busy that night
the swimming pool and they
are talking about what their
classmates are saying about
them. They are guessing the
gossip. .
More Activities (remember activities)

Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings
Topic: Used to Unit # 12 Level: B1

+: Used + infinitive
I used to sleep at 8 p.m.
- : Did not + use + infinitive
I didn’t use to go outside when I was 7 years old
? : Did you use + infinitive + ?
Did you used to go to the cinema when you were 10 years old?

We use “used to” to talk about past habits, routines, actions and beliefs

Usage: Teaching Activity:

- In a scenario where ss are old
friends and they share all the - Match pictures with sentences.
things they used to do - Ss will match questions with answers
together when they were at - SS will write 3 sentences using the
high school structure
- In a scenario where ss A is a - Ss will write 3 sentences using the
grandpa and ss B is a structure to share their old hobbies.
grandson and ss B is listening - Ss will complete words that miss
how was the life of his/her letters.
- In a scenario where students
are doing a biography about
their lives, and they are
sayingthe things they used to
- In a scenario where student A
wants to give a teachable
moment to his/her students
and say the activities she/he
used to do in his/her
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Fill in the blank.

Scramble sentences
Find the mistake
Match pictures with meanings

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