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Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

DOI 10.1007/s10006-013-0397-2


Implants in bone: Part II. Research on implant osseointegration

Material testing, mechanical testing, imaging and histoanalytical methods

Cornelius von Wilmowsky & Tobias Moest &

Emeka Nkenke & Florian Stelzle & Karl Andreas Schlegel

Received: 29 January 2013 / Accepted: 4 February 2013 / Published online: 21 February 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Material testing

Purpose In order to determine whether a newly developed
implant material conforms to the requirements of biocom- In order to determine whether a newly developed implant
patibility, it must undergo rigorous testing. To correctly material conforms to the requirements of biocompatability,
interpret the results of studies on implant material osseoin- mechanical stability, and saftey, it must undergo rigorous
tegration, it is necessary to have a sound understanding of testing, both in vitro and in vivo. The evaluation of implant
all the testing methods. The aim of this overview is to materials is done by application and evaluation in an animal
elucidate the methods that are used for the experimental model, and then clinical trials in humans.
evaluation of the osseointegration of implant materials. The hemostasis of the immune response and repair func-
Discussion In recent decades, there has been a constant tions in the body are complex, and it is not adequate to
proliferation of new materials and surface modifications in describe the biocompability of a single material in relation
the field of dental implants. This continuous development of to a single cell type or tissue. In vitro tests are mostly used in
innovative biomaterials requires a precise and detailed eval- accordance with ISO 10993 to determine the biocompatibil-
uation in terms of biocompatibility and implant healing ity of a certain material.
before clinical use. The current gold standard is in vivo ISO 10993 is a standard series for the biological evaluation
animal testing on well validated animal models. However, of medical products. The aim is the evaluation of the biocom-
long-term outcome studies on patients have to follow to patibility of materials implanted in the human body. Thus, not
finally validate and show patient benefit. only medical implants are tested but also basic materials used
Conclusion No experimental set-up can provide answers for for the production of medical products. Along with biological
all possible research questions. However, a certain transfer- evaluation, this standard series additionally contains the phys-
ability of the results to humans might be possible if the icochemical examinations and analyses of materials and sub-
experimental set-up is carefully chosen for the aspects and stances under examination and prescribes the maximum
questions being investigated. To enhance the implant sur- permissible value of bio-active substances.
vival rate in the rising number of patients with chronic These tests do not determine the biocompability of a ma-
diseases which compromise wound healing and osseointe- terial, but they constitute an important step forward to animal
gration, dental implant research on compromised animal testing and, finally, clinical trials that will determine the bio-
models will further gain importance in future. compatibility of the material in a given application [1]. Be-
cause the results of in vitro studies do not reflect the
Keywords Implants . Biocompability . Osseointegration . complexity of the in vivo situation, animal studies remain
Bone . In vivo necessary. The use of animal models is normally an essential
step in testing dental implants prior to clinical use in humans.
C. von Wilmowsky (*) : T. Moest : E. Nkenke : F. Stelzle :
K. A. Schlegel In vivo testing
Mund-,Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgische Klinik
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Glückstrasse 11,
91054 Erlangen, Germany Animal experiments have always been a proven method for
e-mail: scientists to evaluate and examine hypotheses and clinical
356 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

findings in biomedical research [2]. Most findings in general the bony anatomy of humans and rabbits are essential. The
biochemistry, physiology, endocrinology and pharmacy as long bones of the rabbit have a different secondary bone
well as advances in surgical techniques, originate from structure compared to humans [14].
animal experiments [3]. Animals are used in biomedical However, the faster skeletal changes and bone turnover
research as living models to obtain results that cannot be of rabbits in comparison to humans makes it difficult to
gained for various reasons in humans. The importance of draw conclusions for humans [14].
these findings for the model, and thus for humans, is depen- Similar to the rabbit, rats and mice are also used for
dent on the standardization, reproducibility, and evaluation biomaterial research in implant dentistry. Due to the size
of the experimental results [4]. There must be a close anal- of the rodents, they have similar advantages and disadvan-
ogy between the animal model and the human organism. tages as rabbits, but a major drawback remains the very
The animal can only be an experimental model, and trans- brisk bone healing and the plexiform bone of these animal
ferability to the human organism is only possible with great models [6, 8, 15].
care [3, 5]. In biomedical research, animal models are es- Rodents, which were used for research in implant den-
sential for understanding biological pathways and regula- tistry, were mainly used as extraoral models to investigate
tion. The experimental animal species used, often differ healing and soft tissue integration of implants [16].
qualitatively and quantitatively in regards to morphology, The pig seems to be the best suited animal, especially for
physiology, or pathology. Nevertheless, a certain transfer- investigating vascular disease, bone formation, and the bio-
ability of the results to humans might be possible if the logical behavior of BSM and dental implants, due to its
animal model is chosen carefully for the aspects and ques- advantages in comparative experimental medicine [17].
tions being investigated [4]. Confirming the experimental The pig is said to be a valuable model in biomedical re-
findings in humans is then the task of clinical research. search because of its anatomical, physiological, and meta-
However, the findings and results of accuratly planned bolic similarities to humans [18–21]. The pig has become a
animal experiments for all biological questions is not repla- popular animal model to investigate the mechanisms under-
cable by any other method, such as isolated organs or cell lying bone formation [22]. Its rate of bone regeneration
culture. (1.2–1.5 mm/day) is comparable to that of humans (1.0–
1.5 mm/day), and it is better suited for human transferability
Animal models of results compared to all other animal models [18, 23]. The
domestic pig has already proven its suitability for testing
The use of animal testing is essential for the development of medical implants, BSM, and conventional and biologically
new implants in dentistry. The choice of the animal speci- active implant coatings [22, 24] (Figs. 2 and 3). The pig
men is a crucial factor for evaluating the biocompatibility represents an appropriate model to examine healing and
and integration properties of implants and bone substitution tissue integration of dental implants in the healthy and the
materials (BSM) [6]. The selection of an appropriate exper- compromised animal model. To investigate bone healing,
imental animal model analogous to human biology and bone consolidation of bone grafts and the progresses of osseoin-
repair is a prerequisite for the transferability of the experi- tegration of dental implants, the pig's forehead represents
mental results to clinical applications [7]. the preferred site [25–27]. For surgeons, the preparation of
The rabbit is a suitable animal model for basic research the forehead is easy to perform and the pig's forehead offers
[8]. An often used and standardized in vivo system to enough space to prepare several defects or to insert several
investigate osseointegration of dental implants, is the rabbit implants.
patellar groove model (Fig. 1) [9–11]. Preclinical studies compared bone regeneration in a por-
The suitability of this model has been shown in several cine experimental model with the clinical outcome in
industrial studies of bone implants, and it is accepted by the humans after the application of autogenous bone and two
US Food and Drug Administration for the approval of new different bone substitutes [28]. It was hypothesized that
bone implant materials [12]. The advantage of this animal there is no significant difference between the bone regener-
model is the ease of handling due to its size. Furthermore, ation after application in monocortical critical size defects
the rabbit reaches skeletal maturity shortly after sexual on the pig’s forehead and for sinus elevation in humans. The
maturity at around 6 months of age [13]. Skeletal maturity intention was to demonstrate that the porcine calvarian
represents a fundamental requirement to characterise bone defect model simulates bone regeneration in human jaws.
regeneration or osseointegration of dental implants reliably. The results of studies about the critical size defect showed
Nevertheless, minimal differences between human and that no significant microradiographic differences in the
rabbits bone composition and density exist. A drawback of quantity of newly formed bone after the application of
this animal model in the assessment of multiple implant autogenous bone or BSM, or in the degree of material
materials is its small size, and the size differences between degradation in the animal specimens compared to the human
Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372 357

Fig. 1 The rabbit patellar

groove model is often used
as a standardized in vivo
system to evaluate implant
osseointegration. Right: X-ray
photo of the joint with an
inserted metal implant

bone specimens exists. These results clearly demonstrate the mean turnover rate of bone taken by transilial biopsy
that the morphological and anatomical characteristics of from young adult female beagles varies from 16 % per year
porcine bone produce results that are comparable to humans. to over 300 % per year [31]. Remodelling of the total bone
In conclusion, the data demonstrate that the porcine model is mass per year for humans is given as 5–15 %, with estimates
a suitable model for evaluating BSM before clinical use in of the whole body trabecular bone turnover rate ranging
maxillofacial and orthopedic surgery. For investigations in from 10 % to 15 % per year to 40–55 % [31]. A literature
the field of implant dentistry also intra oral models were overview shows that the dog is a good animal model. The
applied. For the treatment of mucositis and peri-implantitis dog model is suitable for intraoral research models to inves-
the pig model is not commonly used [16]. tigate on healing/tissue integration, healing of compromised
The dog is one of the large animal species more frequent- sites and treatment of mucositis/peri-implantitis. For inves-
ly used for musculoskeletal and implant research. One of the tigations of tissue healing and integration the dog model is
favored dog species for in vivo investigations of implants rarely used [16].
and BSM are beagles [29]. The bone exhibits a secondary The sheep is an often used animal model and has proven
osteon structure that can also be found in humans [21]. to be suitable for experimental research on fracture healing
Furthermore, human and dog cortical and cancellous bone [32]. Primary bone healing and Haversian system remodel-
are similar in terms of the water, organic, volatile inorganic, ing in the sheep has already been described extensively [6].
and ash fractions [30]. In terms of bone density, the dog and For research on the long bones of the lower extremities, the
pig most closely represent humans [23]. Although there are sheep is a useful animal model because the tibia is in the
structural similarities between dogs and humans, however, same axial loading as that in humans [15]. The form and
in regards to trabecular bone turnover, it is difficult to make structure of the tibiae resemble each other, suggesting a
an exact comparison of bone turnover between these species similar load function as described by Wolff's law [15].
from the literature reports [31]. Studies show that the vari- Even though the extremities of sheep bear a relatively
ability of trabecular bone turnover is high and depends on close resemblance to human bones, differences have been
the bone site [31]. The lumbar vertebral body has a bone found regarding bone structure [33]. Sheep bone is signifi-
turnover rate of close to 200 % per year in young adult male cantly more dense and, subsequently, stronger than human
beagles, whereas the turnover of the talus is 12 % per year. bone [34]. The trabecular bone density was found to be 1.5–
Not only is trabecular bone turnover variable between bone 2 times greater than that of humans [35, 36]. On the other
sites within the one individual, there is also large variation in hand, the sheep seems to be a valuable animal model for
trabecular bone turnover between individuals, for example osteoporosis research because the bone volume, osteoid

Fig. 2 A monocortical critical

size defect (CSD) in the frontal
skull of the domestic pig to test
bone substitution materials
(BSM) (a). b The location of
the CSD in the frontal skull of
the pig (c). The right picture
shows an X-ray of the BSM in
the CSD after 7 days
358 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

Fig. 3 a The location of the CSD in the frontal skull of the pig. b Operative site of the CSD after preparation with a threpan drill. c,d The defects
are filled with BSM

volume, and mineral apposition rate of 9- to 10-year-old pathological effects of diabetes on implants and medical
ewes are comparable to those of men and post-menopausal device osseointegration [43] (Fig. 12). To understand the
women in their sixth to seventh decade of life [37]. Never- biological, pathological, and molecular mechanisms under-
theless the sheep model represents a common animal model lying the failure of implants and medical devices in patients
in the field of dental implant research. Therefore, sheep with compromised wound healing, a reliable animal model
were commonly used to investigate healing and tissue inte- would be beneficial. Thus, compromised animal models are
gration of implants in healthy and compromised wound gaining popularity [44–46]; however, these studies deal with
healing situations, and the extraoral models predominate. one fundamental problem — the choice of the animal mod-
For the treatment of mucositis and peri-implantitis, the el. In the case of evaluating the osseointegration of bioma-
sheep model is not suitable [16]. terials, the pig seems to be the best suited animal, especially
Summarizing the present knowledge, many different an- for investigating vascular diseases, bone formation, and the
imal models with several advantages and disadvantages biological behavior of implants due to its anatomical, phys-
were used in preclinical studies to understand bone regen- iological, and metabolic similarities with humans [19, 20,
eration and osseointegration of dental implants. Unfortu- 47]. Furthermore, the domestic pig has already proven its
nately, no animal model fulfills the ideal experimental suitability for testing medical implants, BSM, and conven-
model, which could be wholly applied (100 %) on humans. tional and biologically active implant coatings [24, 26, 48,
The choice of the respective model depends on the experi- 49]. Because of the good transferability of the results on
mental design of the in vivo study and the defined research humans and the growing demand of a compromised animal
question. model, the model of a diabetic domestic pig has been
established [47]. With the help of a β-cell toxic drug (e.g.,
Compromised animal models Streptozotocin), it is possible to induce an experimental
diabetes leading to significant pathological changes in the
Dental implants have a predictable and high survival rate hard and soft tissue. All clinical internal parameters, deter-
[38–40]. However, clinicians are confronted with an in- mined by the American Diabetes Association, for the defi-
creasing number of medically compromised patients who nition of a diabetes mellitus could be fulfilled [47]. Based on
require implant surgery for rehabilitation [41]. Diabetes this compromised animal model, the effect of the experi-
mellitus, osteoporosis, radiation therapy and bisphosphonate mental diabetes on the osseointegration of dental implants
(BP) medication are common clinical settings, which could has been investigated [49]. The results show a significantly
negatively influence bone regeneration capacity and implant reduced bone–implant contact (BIC) and bone mineral den-
success. For example, more than 150 million people world- sity (BMD) in the diabetic group. It can be concluded,that
wide have diabetes. In addition, the number of diabetic poorly controlled diabetes negatively affects peri-implant
patients is constantly rising and the prevalence of diabetes bone formation and bone mineralization [49]. However,
is expected to double by the year of 2030 [42]. Therefore, the probability of a successful implant osseointegration in
the amount of diabetic patients seeking any medical treat- diabetic patients can be improved by using dental implants
ment will grow steadily. Even though there has been inten- with chemical-modificated surfaces [48]. Due to the mod-
sive research analyzing the success and failure rates of ified surface, an accelerated osseointegration with signif-
implants in diabetic patients, only experimental animal stud- icantly higher BIC and peri-implant bone density could
ies allow for a systematic evaluation of the biological and be observed. In summary, it can be proposed that the use
Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372 359

of dental implants with chemical modified surfaces have the mechanism underlying jaw ORN and bone regeneration
a better prognosis for implant treatment of diabetic after radiotherapy animal models in the pig, rat and rabbit
patients [48]. have been established [66–69].
However, there are many more diseases that clinicians Fenner et al. determined the effect of high-dose irradia-
deal with that affect the osseointegration dental implants in tion on the rat mandible in order to establish a compromised
the body; for example, osteoporosis. Ovariectomy has been experimental animal model of radiogenic bone damage [68]
used as an experimental model for studying the pathogene- (Fig. 4).
sis of postmenopausal osteoporosis [50]. After estrogen External irradiation with a total reference dose of 60 Gy
withdrawal, the hematopoietic environment in the bone was shown in rats to produce all histological changes attrib-
marrow is altered, leading to the up-regulation of osteoclas- uted to ORN, after 6 weeks. This irradiation protocol is
togenesis. A well recognized animal model for osteoporosis suitable for the assessment of regenerative options in severe
is the sheep, which has been validated as a large animal radiogenic bone damage [68]. A recent clinical systematic
model for the study of vertebral osteoporosis. Reduced review showed similar failure rates for dental implants
mechanical competence in the lumbar spine confirmed the placed pre- radiography compared with those placed post-
suitability of this model for evaluating potential treatments radiotherapy — 3.2 % and 5.4 %, respectively [70]. It was
for osteoporosis [51, 52]. On the other hand, Egermann et al. observed that implant failure rate was significantly higher in
[53] reviewed osteoporosis animal models and found that the maxilla compared with the mandible. Furthermore, it
ovariectomy alone does not cause the bone loss seen in could be demonstrated that implant loss occures within
human patients with the disorder. The magnitude of bone 3 years after radiotherapy but most within 1 to 12 months.
loss by the attempt to induce osteoporosis by ovariectomy No implant failures were reported when radiation dose was
does not reach the WHO threshold level. To achieve a less than 45 Gy [70]. The survival rate after 8 years was
substantial bone loss, it is recommended to perfom ovariec- 95 % in non-irradiated residual bone, whereas in irradiated
tomies on geriatric sheeps, additional to a glucocorticoid residual bone 72 % of the implants were osseointegrated.
treatment and vitamin D/Ca2+ restricted feed [54, 55]. An All implants were placed post-radiotherapy and the patients
other possibility to induce osteoporosis is described by received 50 Gy of radiotherapy [71]. Based on the survival
performing a 7-month glucocorticoid treatment with malnu- data in literature no specific implant could be recommended
trition. Three months after glucocorticoid cessation, signif- for use in the irradiated upper or lower jaw [72].
icant impact on the cortical micro-architecture of the sheep As well as radiotherapy, osteonecrosis of the jaw has
femur midshaft can be observed [56]. Therefore, studies been described in patients taking BP after a surgical proce-
with the osteoporotic sheep confirm that in case of osteope- dure or dental implant placement. Oral and intravenous BP
nia, both bone formation and maturation are delayed. Thus, medication can be distinguished. Oral BP are used in the
a careful evaluation of the healing rate and bone maturation treatment of patients with osteoporosis or other bone dis-
degree around implanted biomaterials is recommended [57]. eases like Paget’s disease. Intravenous BP are administered
Furthermore, numerous pathological conditions, such as to patients with breast cancer, multiple myeloma, bone
reduced blood micro-circulation after, therapeutic irradiation metastasis to increase survival and quality of life. BP bond
therapy, can lead to dental implant failure [58, 59]. There- with bone and inhibit osteoclast activity and induce their
fore, several animal models have been established to inves- apoptosis. The main complication associated with the BP
tigate the effects of irradiation on bone and dental implant medication is osteonecrosis of the jaw, which depends on
outcomes. Thereby osseointegration of dental implants is the strength and the half life of the BP. Experimental studies
analysed in irradiated bone of beagle dogs, minipigs and in animal models treated with BP observed an improvement
rabbits [60–64]. Through these models, it was demonstrated of osseointegration of dental implants unlike the results
that radiation affects the mineralized bony substrate and, obtained in human were osteonecrosis were observed. Rea-
thereby, the outcome of implant treatment in humans. Also, sons for a lack of similarity with humans are thought to be
the risk of implant failure in irradiated bone is 2–3 times due to: a short medication and follow-up period after BP
greater than in non-irradiated bone [59]. medication, the fact that predominantly the dental implant
This is a serious complication following radiation thera- were not placed in oral cavity, the only location where BP
py, with or without surgical intervention, for malignancies associated necrosis are described and not a randomised
of the head and neck is osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the controlled trial, was with a large animal model which had
mandible [65]. Because the exact pathogenesis of ORN a good transferability to humans, but not yet published.
remains to be elucidated and is a prerequisite for an exact Each of the presented animal models has advantages and
determination of its pathogenesis, the regenerative potential disadvantages. All of these models have contributed to
and osseointegration of implant materials requires the avail- further improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of
ability of an experimental irradiation model. To understand diseases. The compilation of compromised animal models
360 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

Fig. 4 Identification of target

volume in the jaw of a rat, as
indicated in a, for stereotactic
radiosurgery in b CT scans
performed prior to the first
fraction. Target volume and
100 % isodose are marked pink.
c Mandibular bone of an
irradiated rat (60 Gy) after
12 weeks. The cancellous bone
architecture is irregular with a
higher amount of fibrous tissue
formation (*) compared to d the
healthy control group Staining
is elastica/van Giesson

of different species and with different experimental setups Secondary stability attains its stability from biological pro-
remains important for investigating the influence of these cesses and depends on peri-implant bone formation and bone
factors on results. Yet, there is no animal model which is remodeling processes [78]. These progresses can be observed a
ideal. few weeks after implant insertion. Bone remodeling is a the
process for secondary stability, whereas secondary implant sta-
bility dictates the functional loading time [79]. This stability also
Evaluation of implant osseointegration depends on the quality of the surrounding bone. Therefore, it is
important that implant stability is quantitatively measurable at
Successful osseointegration, as described in part I is a com- different time points. Thus, a long-term prognosis regarding
bination of direct structural and functional connections implant stability is based on stability measurements. Consecu-
existing between ordered, living bone and the surface of a tively, different measuring methods for defining primary and
load-carrying implant [73]. The histological appearance of secondary stability of implants have been described. The listed
the bone–implant interface resembles functional ankylosis methods are subdivided in measuring methods specialised on
with no intervening fibrous tissue between the bone and primary stability and measuring methods which are appropiate
implant [74]. Several tests have been established to evaluate to determine primary and secondary stability as well.
the degree of osseointegration of a dental implant.
Primary implant stability
Mechanical tests
Surgeon’s perception One method to evaluate primary sta-
Osseointegration is also a measure of implant stability, but bility is the perception of the surgeon [80]. This is based on
two types of stability have to be differentiated: primary the cutting resistance and seating torque of the implant
stability and secondary stability of the implant [75]. The during insertion. A perception of “good” stability may be
primary stability of an implant essentially depends on its heightened by the sensation of an abrupt stop when the
mechanical engagement with the cortical and cancellous implant is seated. The disadvantages of this method are that,
bone. Secure cortical stability leads to predictable cancel- on one hand, surgeon’s perception is invaluable and on the
lous stability, which increases after 4 weeks after implant other hand that the perception is not quantifiable. Most
insertion [76, 77]. At this point, the lowest implant stability important, this measuring method can only be made during
is expected, due to cortical bone resorption after implant implant insertion — it cannot be used before implant load-
insertion leading to a decreasing primary stability. ing, for example.
Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372 361

Cutting torque resistance analysis The essential condition used in experiments and research [82]. In animal experiments
of implant insertion is the preparation of a bone socket the animals are sacrificed after a predetermined healing period.
appropriate to the implant shape. During the process of After that, the implants can be removed by applying a counter-
preparation a cutting analysis can be drawn up. During clockwise (reverse) force with a computerized torque driver for
cutting resistance analysis, the energy (J/mm3), required measurement. The reverse torque test was reported to range
for a current fed electric motor to cut off the volume of from 45 to 48 Ncm. However, it has been speculated that any
bone, is measured. Thereby the energy correlates with the reverse torque test greater than 20 Ncm may be acceptable as a
bone density, and the bone density represents a crucial factor criterion for a successful osseointegration [88].
that considerably affects implant stability [81]. In clinical
use, cutting resistance analysis has been shown to objective- Resonance frequency analysis The resonance frequency
ly estimate bone density. Therefore, cutting resistance anal- analysis (RFA) represents a non-invasive diagnostic method
ysis can be used to measure the primary stability of an to measure implant stability and bone density at various time
implant. However, it is not possible to make a statement points using vibration and a principle of structural analysis.
about the bone quality and evaluate changes in the peri- RFA utilizes a small L-shaped transducer that is tightened to
implant bone quality after implant placement [82]. Howev- the implant or abutment by a screw. The transducer com-
er, cutting torque resistance analysis cannot identify the prises of two ceramic elements, one of which is vibrated by
lower "critical" limit of cutting torque value [81]. a sinusoidal signal (5–15 kHz), while the other serves as a
receptor. The transducer is screwed directly to the implant
Insertion torque Measuring insertion torque during installa- body and shakes the implant at a constant input and ampli-
tion of the implant is an attempt to quantify the surgeon’s tude, starting at a low frequency and increasing in pitch until
tactile perception. The maximum value can be used to the implant resonates. Resonance peaks in the received
predict the initial BIC; with help of this information the signal indicate the first flexural resonance frequency of the
clinician may provide the optimal loading time [83]. A implant being measured. Some studies have suggested that
disadvantage of this method is that the insertion torque this resonance peak can be used to quantitatively determine
varies depending on the cutting properties of the implant implant stability [75, 89, 90]. The implant possesses suffi-
and the presence of fluid in the preparation. In this process, cient stability is all that can be determined by this method; a
the implant shape has no influence on the insertion torque statement regarding the success of a particular implant treat-
[84]. However, the method does yield some information ment or the survival rate cannot be made. The implant
about the energy used when installing the implant. Higher stability quotient established by Osstell defines higher im-
energy needed for insertion, represents higher bone density, plant stability with higher values, and lower values suggest
which correlates with higher primary stability and the clin- implant instability [91]. The implant stability quotient can
ical outcome [85]. The main disadvantages are, like the be fairly reliable if an implant is osseointegrated and if the
surgeon’s perception, that insertion torque measurements implant interface is rigid [92]. In the case of rigid, doubtful
can only be used when the implant is inserted and not at osseointegration, the implant stability quotient tends to fluc-
later stage of the treatment process. To obtain a favourable tuate [93]. The evaluation of implant stability using RFA
clinical outcome, the recommended torque levels differ in still has some uncertain qualities. The method is used clin-
the literature. To achieve osseointegration, studies found out ically without much informative data regarding the bone–
that an insertion torque above 25 and 32 Ncm, respectively, implant interface and resonance frequency values [91].
is necessary [85, 86]. Therefore, further studies are necessary to increase the reli-
ability of this diagnostic method.
Secondary implant stability A study about the resonance frequency data and histolog-
ical investigations showed that the resonance frequency data
Reverse torque test The reverse torque test measures the crit- and histomorphometry did not corellate. Even though a rela-
ical torque threshold in which the BIC is destroyed [87]. Thus, tive degree of biomechanical fixation was obtained, the RFA
the critical torque threshold indirectly provides information failed to provide detailed information about the inherent me-
about the degree of osseointegration, and it has been suggested chanical properties of the bone–biomaterial interface [9].
that the reverse torque test is a reliable diagnostic method for
measuring osseointegration [88]. On the other hand, this meth- Bone–implant contact
od has been criticized as destructive and may possibly irrevers-
ibly damage the bony connection between the implant and the Osseointegration is considered to be the crucial criterion for
surrounding bone, leading to implant loss [89]. Because the test long-term implant success. The prosthetic denture must form a
only provides information as to an “all or none” outcome, it functional and firm unit with the osseointegrated implants to
cannot quantify the degree of osseointegration and is mainly provide resistance to functional and parafunctional loads [94].
362 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

Fig. 5 Example of the evaluation of the bone–implant contact (BIC) surface without bone contact. In “Calculations” (red ellipse), the rela-
with the help of Bioquant Osteo® Software. The green line marks the tive bone implant contact rate is indicated in percentage (%) (bar:
implant surface with bone contact, and the red line marks the implant 5 mm)

Furthermore, it has been shown that successful osseointegra- 24 % after a healing period of 3, 7, 14, 30, and 90 days
tion is directly related to clinically successful long-term [100]. Further preclinical studies investigated implant
results. However, up until now, the amount of an implant osseointegration in combination with a BSM and platelet-
surface that has to be in direct contact with the vital bone rich plasma (PRP) in the porcine frontal skull bone; BIC
(BIC) in order for it to be considered as osseointegrated has ranged from 31 % to 73 % after 2, 4, and 8 weeks [101].
not been determined. It is obvious from the studies above that in vivo studies of
It is assumed that light microscope analysis demonstrates BIC are difficult to compare because of differences in sev-
direct bone contact with the implant and presents the best eral parameters, including the choice of the animal model,
way to quantify BIC and to differentiate between a poten- the anatomical part of the skeleton where the implant is
tially successful osseointegrated device and potentially un- placed, and the age of the animals also has to be taken into
successful osseointegrated implant mainly surrounded by consideration as both bone location and age influence bone
fibrous tissue (Fig. 5). composition [102]. Furthermore, the observed healing peri-
A search of the literature showed that there are more than od differed from 3 days up to 18 months in theses studies, as
800 studies when searching for appropriate in vivo results well as the type, shape, and surface of the implants used.
regarding the amount of BIC needed to define the term Moreover, implant loading influences the amount of bone
“successful osseointegration.” adjacent to the implant surface. Therefore, it remains unclear
For examle, in a preclinical study hollow-cylinder what percentage of BIC is necessary to call an implant
implants with six different surfaces in the metaphyses of successfully integrated, and it remains difficult to transfer
the tibia and femur in miniature pigs were examined [95]. this data to humans. Albrektsson [103] analyzed more than
The BIC was analyzed after a healing period of 3 and 700 consecutively oral implants retrieved from patients and
6 weeks. Depending on the healing period and implant
surface, the BIC ranged from 25 % up to 58 % [95].
Furthermore, the effect of titanium plasma-sprayed implants
with different degrees of roughness on peri-implant bone
formation was investigated [96]. The BIC of implants
placed in the tibial cortical bone of adult goats was 10–
11 % after 3 months. Studies in the mandible of five beagles
showed that the BIC of two different surfaces ranged from
52 % to 78 % after 3 and 6 months [97]. In a histological
and histomorphometric study of human bone specimens,
examinations [98] showed that the addition of autogenous
bone to the BSM Bio-Oss® can produce a high-quality
implant site; 36 implants were uncovered, and the BIC
ranged from 56 % to 72 % after 6 months. Another research
group analyzed the osseointegration of three types of dental
implants in the posterior jaw of adult baboons; the average
BIC for the three different implant surfaces was 64 %, 67 %,
and 70 % following an 18-month evaluation period [99]. Fig. 6 Microfocus computed tomography (micro-CT) image of a
dental implant in the frontal skull of a domestic pig after a healing
Further studies in the frontal skull of the adult domestic pig, period of 30 days. The bone-to-implant contact cannot be measured
comparing a nanotubular implant surface to an untreated around the implant as a consequence of metal artifacts caused by this
microrough surface, showed BIC data ranging from 5 % to investigation method
Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372 363

Fig. 7 SEM pictures of the histological specimen. a The interface Magnification of the boxed area in a reveals that the anodic TiO2
between the anodic TiO2 nanotube implant and the bone. A partial nanotubes retain their structure and are not damaged by shearing forces
breakage of the interface is due to the histological preparation. b during the implantation process

found that implants placed in the maxilla had an average procedures offer the possibility of evaluating the bone struc-
BIC of more than 50 % compared to an average BIC of ture in vivo.
greater than 75 % in the mandible. Albrektsson suggested The use of computed tomography (CT) continues to
that there has to be more than 50 % hard tissue attachment grow, although its systematic use in clinical practice has
for there to be evidence of successful osseointegration of a been limited by concerns about high radiation doses and
dental implant. An interesting observation was that relatively high cost [106]. However, CT allows the clinician
unloaded implants had a lower BIC, with an average of to evaluate bone density and other bone tissue parameters on
10 %, compared to loaded implants [103]. Because of the sectional images. Regeneration and remodeling of the bone
wide variety of BIC measured in several studies compared at the implant–tissue interface (secondary stability) can be
to Albrektsson investigations, Albrektsson’s defination of determined by this method [107]. According to a clinical
successful osseointegration could not be confirmed. To state study, CT is an important objective tool for the evaluation of
a BIC grade that would guarantee a successful osseointegra- bone tissue because it enables the clinician to categorize
tion and clinical outcome, further studies are necessary. bone quality as a diagnostic predictor to determine when
to load an implant: immediatelyor later [108].
Imaging Besides CT, a new CT method devoted to the imaging of
maxillofacial structures based on the cone beam CT (CBCT)
The common procedure for the representation and morpho- technique was developed. CBCT allows the implantologist
logic evaluation of bone is conventional X-ray examination, to acquire 3D volume data in one rotation at reasonably low
whereby the picture is determined by the bone structure and levels of radiation dosage. Recently, CT and CBCT tech-
the rate of bone mineralization. Based on the X-ray technique, nique were compared to assess which was more reliable.
numerous methods have been developed that accurately and The superiority of cone beam CT to spiral CT in terms of
automatically measure bone density by measuring X-ray ab- spatial resolution on cross-sectional images was confirmed
sorption: X-ray absorptiometry and dual energy X-ray absorp- [109]. Routinely, CBCT data are used for planning of dental
tiometry, enable the quantification of BMD [104, 105]. The implant insertions or augmentation procedures. Studies rec-
difference between these methods is that in dual energy X-ray ommend the use of CBCT data for intraforaminal implant
absorptiometry, two energetically different X-ray sources are insertions in immediate proximity the mental foramen or the
used simultaneously. Accordingly, different materials can be anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve if an adequate
differentiated more exactly by using this method in compari- safe distance cannot be maintained, due to clinical reasons
son to conventional X-ray absorptiometry. Nevertheless, both [110]. In the absence of a CBCT scan, safety margin would

Fig. 8 SEM picture of a a

titanium surface and b a
polymer surface
(polyetheretherketone) with
attached osteoblasts after 3 days
of culture. This investigation
method is used to examine the
arrangement, morphology, and
spreading of cells in order to
evaluate material cytotoxicity
364 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

Fig. 9 Microradiography of
hydroxyapatite BSM in a
monocortical critical size defect
after 2 weeks. a Newly formed
bone from the bottom and sides
of the surrounding bone is
visible. b Bone formation is
partly visible, but complete
osseous integration or any signs
of degradation are not visible

only be achieved with a distance of 6 mm between the three-dimensional architecture of the trabecular bone [118]. A
anterior border of the mental foramen and the most distal high-resolution image of the bone structures can be achieved
interforaminal implant [110]. Several studies showed that using this investigation method [119, 120]. Micro-CT is also
CBCT scans are suitable to detect anatomic variations and used in vivo as a tool for monitoring bone adaptation around
lesions of the maxillary sinus, which are required for dental titanium implants [121]. In vivo micro-CT scanning method-
implant planning [111, 112]. It could be demonstrated that ology makes it possible to perform longitudinal studies in
using CBCT images, bucco-lingual bone surrounding of small animals, following bone changes over time, while re-
dental implant with a thickness 0.6 mm or more are visually ducing the number of animals needed to assess different time
detectable [113]. It can be stated that CBCT scan represents points using conventional histology [122]. On the other hand,
a reliable method to detect thin bone plates [113]. However, micro-CT does have drawbacks, such as metal artifacts caused
an assessment of the accuracy and precision of the CBCT by a combination of beam hardening, scatter, and nonlinear
technique with periapical radiographs (PA) as a reference partial volume effect [123] (Fig. 6).
showed that PA radiographs should be used as standard As a consequence, bone contact cannot be measured around
technique to assess interproximal bone level [114]. Using a implants with metallic surfaces on micro-CT slices [124].
standardized PA, crestal bone levels around the implants Another limitation is a maximum local dissolution (reso-
could be measured with an accuracy of within 0.2 mm lution) of 2–30 μm and an acquisition time of several hours
[115]. Further improvements of hardware and/or software per sample. Therefore, this method is only useful for ana-
are required, particularly the artefact problems limits the lyzing the microstructure of research samples [125]. A clin-
accuracy [114]. ical use on the patient is not possible due to the
Also, CT and CBCT offer three-dimensional pictures overestimation of bone volume and is influenced by the
and enable statements regarding the structural architecture amount of osteoid. However, in a direct comparison with
of the bone, whereas its small resolving power does not histomorphometrically evaluated bone specimens, the de-
permit histomorphometric characterization of the individ- scription of trabecular and marrow space provided by
ual trabecula [116, 117]. micro-CT was more accurate [126].
Therefore, microfocus computed tomography (micro-CT) Unfortunately, the micro-CT technique depends on the
has evolved into an interesting tool for the assessment of the mineralisation rate of the bone tissue. Thereby, newly

Fig. 10 Histological cross-

section from an implant with a
Bonitex ® coating after a
healing period of 30 days. a
Toludine blue staining; b
microradiography; c
immunohistological staining of
BMP-2 and d osteocalcin
Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372 365

Fig. 11 Toluidine blue staining of histological cross-sections from with a synthetically produced amino acid sequence (P-15); and c
three different bone substitution materials. a BioOss, a natural bovine Ostim, a synthetic hydroxyapatite at 12 weeks in a critical size defect
hydroxyapatite; b PepGen P-15, a calcium phosphate matrix combined in the frontal skull of an adult domestic pig

formed bone, which is not mineralised in the early phases of commonly used to measure mineral distribution in bone and
bone formation, cannot be quantified through this method. bone regeneration, providing high-resolution radiographs of
Quantification assesement of newly formed bone, histolog- bone growth in a bony defect [128, 129]. Microradiography
ical sections remain the gold standard due to better resolu- was first used to histomorphometrically investigate bone
tion compared to the micro-CT technique. samples in the 1950s [130]. This method also enables the
For the morphological characterization of sample surfa- quantitative evaluation of bone growth and bone formation
ces in vivo, field emission scanning electron microscopy can on implant surfaces and the biological behavior of BSM in
also be used. With this technique, the surface of the implant vivo [131] (Figs. 9 and 10b).
as well the surrounding bone and bone–implant interface For microradiographic examination, embedded bone sec-
can be qualitatively analyzed (Fig. 7), and it users offers the tions, 150–180 μm thick, are produced by the saw and
opportunity to evaluate the condition of an implant coating grinding technique [132]. The equipment consists of an X-
after implant insertion. ray generator and a lensless camera. Depending on the
Using a gold–palladium target for the sputter coating, sample material, a special film is exposed to different energy
even structures in the nanometer range can be detected and levels for different exposure times, producing a micro ra-
evaluated [127]. Yet, the complexity of sample preparation diograph. The contrast of the picture is determined by the
does not make field emission scanning electron microscopy mineralization rate of the investigated samples [133]. The
a routinely used method in experimental in vivo research following histomorphometric parameters based on the plate-
compared to in vitro studies (Fig. 8). like trabecular model can be evaluated: the bone minerali-
zation rate of the newly formed bone; the trabecular bone
Microradiography volume (BV/TV; %); the trabecular bone pattern factor
(TBPf), which describes the extent of intertrabecular con-
An important quantitative imaging method for the histomor- nectivity. The intertrabecular connectivity increases with
phometric evaluation of bone is microradiography, which is decreasing TBPf [134].

Fig. 12 Paraffin cross-sections of bone samples stained using Mas- animals. Wider and irregularly shaped trabecular bones are visible.
son's trichrome stain. This staining method allows for qualitative The mineralization zones are visualized as red-stained bone areas and
examination of pathological changes in the bone structure. a The bone are expanded compared to the mineralization zones the healthy control
of the healthy control animal. A regular structure with areas of phys- animal`s bone, indicating a higher rate of bone remodeling
iological bone remodeling is visble. b Bone samples from diabetic
366 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

Fig. 13 Alizarin Red S staining

is used to quantification bone
formation and mineralized
bone. The pictures show dental
implants and the surrounding
connetive tissue. The
mineralized regions containing
Calcium, form an Alizarin Red–
S calcium complex in a
chelation process. The calcium
deposits are stained orange-red

Light microscopy Masson's trichrome stain This staining method represents

today's standard coloring in histomorphometry. In addition
Although information concerning the relative degree of to good cell staining, mineralized and non-mineralized bone
biomechanical fixation is provided by mechanical tests, matrix can also be well differentiated. Mineralized bone ma-
and the bone formation can be estimated by X-ray analysis, trix and collagen are stained a bright green, calcified cartilage
these tests do not provide detailed microscopic information matrix I light green, osteoid red, cell cores blue, cytoplasm
about the inherent mechanical properties of the bone–bio- reddish-brown, and erythrocytes orange. This stain is com-
material interface. Light microscopy allows for a qualitative monly used to qualitatively evaluate bone (Fig. 12).
statement concerning tissue reactions and regeneration char-
acteristics by different staining methods. Alizarin Red-S stain Osteoblasts build bone-matrix proteins,
For bonesthe following parameters are commonly evaluat- which are able to incorporate calciumphosphate. Alizarin Red-
ed in biomaterial and implant research: the trabecular bone
volume (BV/TV; %); the buccal and oral cortical bone volume
(¼ cortical bone volume per tissue volume; %); the TBPf; and
the BIC, which determines the percentage of direct contact
between mineralized bone and the implant surface.
Four of the most common stainings used for the micro-
scopic evaluation of bone–implant interactions, bone forma-
tion and bone quality are Toluidine blue, Masson's
trichrome, Alizarin Red-S and von Kossa staining.

Toluidine blue In this specific staining, mineralized lami-

nated tissue presents as uncolored to pale blue; cells, cell
cores, osteoid fringes, cement lines, collagen fibers, and soft
Fig. 14 In this picture, von Kossa staining is used to quantify miner-
tissue colors are notably blue; cartilage matrix and early alized areas of collagenous matrix. During staining procedures, silver/
wound healing areas are metachromatic red-violet; and cal- calcium complexes ocurre in the mineralized areas. Using light illumi-
cified matrix is dark blue [132] (Figs. 1, 10a and 11). nation, the stained areas have a black color
Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372 367


Immunohistochemistry refers to the process of localizing

proteins in the cells of a tissue section, exploiting the prin-
ciple of specific antibody binding to antigens in biological
tissues. Specific molecular markers are characteristic of
particular cellular events, such as proliferation or apoptosis.
Immunohistochemistry is also widely used in basic research
to understand the distribution and localization of biomarkers
and differentially expressed proteins in different parts of a
biological tissue. Due to immunohistochemistry, it is possi-
ble to identify multiple cytokines that affect all stages of de
novo bone formation (Fig. 2). Knowing the cytokine ex-
pression makes it possible to evaluate the time sequence of
the bone regeneration process [140, 141]. The bone mor-
phogenetic proteins (BMPs) are a family of cytokines that
stimulate the proliferation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts.
These proteins are morphogenic and induce MSC differen-
tiation into osteoblasts [142] (Fig. 10c). Collagen type I is
considered to be a basic initial bone matrix protein in bone
formation [143]. The collagen forms a scaffold for cell
Fig. 15 Regions of interest (ROI) for the histological evaluation of the
bone–implant contact (BIC) and quantitative immunohistochemical
attachment and migration in tissues and modulates cell
analysis of Osteocalcin. The dashed line shows the dimensions of the differentiation and morphogenesis by mediating the flux of
removed implant chemical and mechanical stimuli [144]. During skeletal
structure remodeling, reparative cells migrate on this matrix
S is used to quantitatively determine the presence of calcific and subsequently organize and remodel the matrix through
depositions in extracellular matrix of tissue sections and oste- cytoskeleton and matrix synthesis and degradation [145].
oblastic cell lines [135, 136]. Calcium forms an Alizarin Red The expression of collagen type I is described as an early
S–calcium complex in a chelation process. The reaction is indicator of de novo bone formation and can be identified
birefringent. Thus, Alizarin Red-S stain is qualified to describe and quantified by immunohistochemistry in order to show
cells of an osteogenic lineage and represents a marker of matrix new bone formation around the implants.
mineralization which is associated with bone formation. The A late marker of bone development that is often investi-
calcium deposits are stained orange-red (Fig. 13). gated due to its delayed appearance in bone formation and
development is osteocalcin [146] (Fig. 10d). This molecule
von Kossa stain von Kossa staining is used to quantify min- is a small non-collagenous protein with a molecular weight
eralization in cell culture and tissue sections [137–139]. The of 5,800 kDa. Osteocalcin is synthesized and secreted dur-
staining principle is a precipitation reaction. Thereby silver ing osteoblast differentiation, and mineralization is a unique
ions react with phosphate in the presence of acidic material product of osteoblasts and odontoblasts [147, 148]. Osteo-
and build complexes in the mineralized areas. Photochemical calcin is the most abundant non-collagenous protein in bone
degradation of silver phosphate to silver occurs under light and can identified by immunhistochemical methods. Most
illumination. The stained areas have a black color (Fig. 14). of the protein is incorporated into the bone matrix, where it

Fig. 16 a Toluidine blue

staining and b fluorescence
microscopic image of bovine
hydroxyapatite (BioOss®)
4 weeks afer implantation.
Osseointegration of the BSM is
complete and the sequence of
bone growth is after the
application of intravital
368 Oral Maxillofac Surg (2014) 18:355–372

injections in 2 % NaHCO3 solution. After sacrifice of the

animal, the specimens are grounded to about 20–30 μm for
fluorescence microscopy by utilizing the “sawing and grind-
ing” technique, which allows the quantification of bone
formation during the period of dye application. [154].

Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr. Jochen Zwerina,

Department of Internal Medicine 3 and Institute for Clinical Immunol-
ogy, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, for the von Kossa bone

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