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Liquid Crystalline Systems of Phytantriol and Glyceryl

Monooleate Containing a Hydrophilic Protein:

Characterisation, Swelling and Release Kinetics
New Zealand’s National School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Bragg Institute, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Menai, NSW 2234, Australia
Drug Delivery, Disposition and Dynamics, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Monash University (Parkville Campus), 381 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia

Received 16 December 2008; accepted 22 January 2009

Published online 1 April 2009 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jps.21724

ABSTRACT: Swelling and phase behaviour of phytantriol and glyceryl monooleate

(GMO) matrices with varying water loadings were investigated. Release of a model
protein, FITC-Ova was subsequently examined. Polarised light microscopy and small
angle X-ray scattering analysis showed that the addition of FITC-Ova only altered the
liquid crystalline structure of phytantriol matrices at low water loadings, and that
postrelease study, the phase structure of matrices at both low and high loading reflected
that of the binary system. Addition of FITC-Ova to GMO matrices also altered the liquid
crystalline structure when compared to the respective binary system at low but not at
high loading. All samples analysed after the release study had transformed to the
reverse hexagonal phase (HII). Swelling studies revealed a faster and more extensive
swelling of GMO when compared to phytantriol. Release of FITC-Ova from phytantriol
matrices was faster and occurred to a greater extent most likely due to the conversion of
GMO matrices into the HII phase. No effect on release as a function of initial water
content was observed for either lipid. We have confirmed that phytantriol based liquid
crystalline matrices can sustain the release of a hydrophilic protein, suggesting its
suitability as a potential sustained antigen-delivery system. ß 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the
American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:4191–4204, 2009
Keywords: controlled release; diffusion; kinetics; lipids; protein delivery

INTRODUCTION other conditions, these liquid crystal forming

lipids (mesogens) may self-assemble into thermo-
Lyotropic liquid crystalline structures are often dynamically stable lyotropic phases such as the
formed by polar lipids in an aqueous environment. lamellar (La), the reverse hexagonal (HII), and the
These systems can display a rich array of bicontinuous or discrete micellar cubic phases.1
polymorphism in their lipidic self-assembly. Due to its unique microstructure the bicontin-
Depending on amphiphile structure, concentra- uous cubic phase (referred to hereafter as simply
tion of solvent or amphiphile, temperature or ‘cubic phase’ or Q) has received considerable
attention as a promising delivery system for
various actives ranging from low molecular weight
Correspondence to: S. Hook (Telephone: þ64-3-479-7877; drugs to proteins, peptides, amino acids and
Fax: þ64-3-479-7034;
E-mail: nucleic acids.2,3 The combination of hydrophilic
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 98, 4191–4204 (2009) and hydrophobic domains in the cubic mesophase
ß 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association provides an ideal environment to solubilise


materials of varying polarity.2–8 The potential of Several studies have investigated the swelling
the cubic phase to provide a slow release matrix behaviour of GMO-based liquid crystalline sys-
for drugs of varying size and polarity, including tems and the release of various actives from such
peptidic drugs has been reported.2–10 The release systems.6,11,14 However to the best of our knowl-
of the incorporated active is thought to be edge there have been no reports on the swelling
controlled partly by the unique microstructure, behaviour and release of protein bioactives from
where the active has to diffuse through the phytantriol based mesophases. It is pertinent to
structure to access the external solution. The understand the physicochemical properties of
pore size and tortuosity of the water channels and phytantriol such as swelling upon contact with
the stiffness and high viscosity of the cubic phase excess water and the mechanisms of release of
contributes to the sustained release of the entrapped actives if it is to be used as the basis of
entrapped active. a sustained release formulation. Consequently,
A number of different classes of polar lipids, the aim of this study was to investigate how the
including phospholipids, alkyl glycerates11,12 and swelling, initial water content, presence of actives
glycolipids13 have been investigated for their and the type of liquid crystalline phase formed
ability to form cubic phases. However the majority influence the release of entrapped active from
of work has focused primarily on the unsaturated phytantriol based liquid crystalline systems.
monoglycerides, in particular glyceryl monooleate GMO-based systems served as a comparison.
(GMO) and mixtures of GMO with other lipids or
structural derivatives based on GMO.3,5,6,14 Phy-
tantriol is a lipid of more recent interest that also MATERIALS AND METHODS
forms cubic liquid crystalline phases, and whose
phase diagram was first described by Barauskas Materials
and Landh in 2003.15 Phytantriol is commonly
Phytantriol (3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-1,2,3-hexade-
used as an ingredient in the cosmetics industry for
canetriol) was purchased from A & E Connock
improving moisture retention.15,16 Structurally it
(Hampshire, England) and glyceryl monooleate
is different to GMO (Fig. 1), however interestingly
(GMO) (RYLO MG 20 PHARMA), a distilled
it displays a very similar phase behaviour as a
monoglyceride (min. 95%) with a high GMO
function of water concentration and tempera-
content (90%) was a gift from Danisco (Brabrand,
ture.17,18 As fatty acid based materials such as
Denmark). Both lipids were used as received.
GMO are susceptible to esterase catalysed hydro-
RYLO MG 20 constitutes a similar composition
lysis, the phytanyl backbone of phytantriol has
to other GMO-based products published in the
been proposed as a structurally stable alterna-
literature with its phase behaviour shown to be
tive.11 Additionally most commercially produced
representative of GMO.20,21 Ovalbumin (Ova)
sources of GMO vary significantly in purity
(chicken egg derived, grade V, Sigma, St. Louis,
making this material difficult to characterise
Missouri) was conjugated to fluorescein isothio-
and control, whereas phytantriol is generally
cyanate (FITC) (Isomer I, Sigma) as described
available at 95% nominal purity.18 However
previously.22 Triton1 X-100 (octylphenol-poly-
variations in the phase behaviour of phytantriol
ethylene glycol ether) and phosphate buffered
sourced from different manufacturers has been
saline (PBS) sachets (pH 7.4, 0.01 M) were
recently reported.19
obtained from Sigma–Aldrich (Auckland, New
Zealand). All water was ion exchanged, distilled
and passed through a Milli-Q water purification
system (Millipore, Bedford, MA).

Characterisation of Liquid Crystalline Systems of

Phytantriol and GMO
Preparation of Liquid Crystalline Systems for
Phase Behaviour Studies
Figure 1. Chemical structures of phytantriol
(3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-1,2,3-hexadecanetriol) (A) and Binary mixtures were prepared by weighing
glyceryl monooleate (GMO) (B). phytantriol or GMO (approximately 300 mg) into


glass vials and adding water at appropriate background subtracted and normalised to sample
concentrations (0–35%, w/w). The samples were transmission and then integrated using Bruker
then heated briefly in a water bath at 958C to AXS software v4.1.18. The diffraction patterns
obtain a homogenous mixture (low-viscosity L2 obtained were converted to plots of intensity
phase), which was then vortexed. The heating and versus q-value, which enabled the identification of
vortex mixing was repeated for three cycles and peak positions, and their correlation with Miller
the samples were then centrifuged at 1500 g for indices, to identify the different liquid crystalline
1 h23 and allowed to equilibrate for 1 week at room structures and space groups for the dominant
temperature prior to further investigations. internal nanostructure of the sample.25

Polarizing Light Microscopy Swelling Studies of Phytantriol and

GMO-Based Liquid Crystalline Systems
The preparations of phytantriol and GMO were
examined at ambient temperature by polarizing Bulk liquid crystalline phases for swelling studies
light microscopy (PLM) using a Nikon Optiphot were prepared with varying initial water content.
PFX (Japan) fitted with crossed polarizing filter. Phytantriol and GMO were heated at 458C to
Images were captured with a digital camera lower their viscosity, weighed into 5 mL vials
(Nikon CoolPix 990, Japan) and classified accord- (approximately 300 mg) and allowed to cool to
ing to the visualised textures of lyotropic meso- 378C. Over each sample, water (0–35% w/w of
phases described by Rosevear.24 lipid) was gently layered onto the surface of the
lipids and vials were sealed and stored at room
Cryo-Field Emission Scanning Electron temperature for at least a week to equilibrate
Microscopy (Cryo-FESEM) prior to swelling study experiments.
The uptake of water from both phytantriol and
Samples were loaded into brass stubs and plunge GMO matrices was determined gravimetrically. A
frozen in liquid nitrogen or propane. The samples layer of water (4 mL, 378C) was gently placed over
were transferred into the cryo-chamber (Gatan, the equilibrated samples, while ensuring that the
Alto 2500, UK) of the microscope (JEOL, JSM- integrity of the surface was not compromised
6700F, Japan), which was held at a temperature of (visual inspection). The samples were placed in
1408C. The samples were then sublimed at a water bath with a horizontal shaker (378C,
908C for 2–5 min and then coated with platinum 60 strokes/min). At fixed time intervals all the
for 2 min. Once coated the samples were viewed at excess water from the samples was removed,
1408C, at an acceleration voltage of 3 kV and a the surface of the samples blotted with a fine
working distance of 6 mm. weave paper to remove any excess water and then
weighed. Once weighed, 4 mL of water was again
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) placed onto the surface of the samples and the
sample was placed back in the water bath. The
Measurements were performed on a Bruker
water uptake data was fitted to first-order kinetic
Nanostar SAXS camera with pin-hole collimation
(according to Eq. 1) and second order kinetic
for point focus geometry. The instrument source
(Eq. 2) equations below and as described else-
was a copper rotating anode (0.3 mm filament)
where in the literature6,14,26,27
operating at 45 kV and 110 mA, fitted with a cross
coupled Göbel mirror, resulting in Cu Ka radia- W1
ln ¼ kt (1)
tion wavelength of 1.54 Å. The SAXS camera was W1  W
fitted with a Hi-star 2D detector (effective pixel
size 100 mm). The sample to detector distance was t 1 t
chosen as 650 mm which provided a q-range ¼ 2
þ (2)
W kW1 W1
of 0.008–0.32 Å1. Samples were loaded into
a custom made stainless steel gel holder with where W1 is the maximum water uptake, W is the
Kapton windows and temperature was controlled water uptake at time t, (W1  W) is the unrealised
by a Peltier cooled sample stage within 0.18C. water uptake, and k is the rate constant. For
The samples were equilibrated at 258C for 30 min Eq. (2), the initial rate of swelling is the reciprocal
prior to collection of scattering pattern for 30 min. of the y-intercept of the plot of t/W versus t and
Optics and sample chamber were under vacuum maximum or equilibrium water uptake (W1) is
to minimise air scatter. Scattering files were described by the reciprocal of the slope.


Release of FITC-Ova from Phytantriol and A and B. Cryo-FESEM revealed a tortuous

GMO-Based Liquid Crystalline Systems internal structure with the lipidic regions sepa-
rated from the network of water channels, which
Samples containing the model protein FITC-Ova
appear to open to the exterior of the structure.
were prepared in a similar manner to the swelling
The surface appeared rough with a nodule like
study samples. Phytantriol or GMO were heated
appearance, with ‘holes’ in the structure most
at 458C, to this a concentrated solution of FITC-
likely caused by the channels that are open to the
Ova (1 mg/10 mL) at 10% (w/w) with respect to the
exterior of the structure. The structure of the
lipid was added and the sample was mixed on
GMO cubic phase shown in the micrographs is
a magnetic stirrer (250–300 rpm) until it was
comparable to that of phytantriol, in Figure 2,
visually homogenous, forming a low viscosity
panels C and D reported previously.28
phase. The samples were then weighed into
5 mL vials as described above (300 mg) and water
was added to the samples (378C) such that the
Phase Determination by Polarizing Light Microscopy
final concentrations were 10%, 20%, 25%, 30% and
and Visual Appearance
35% (w/w) with respect to the lipid. The vials were
sealed and stored at room temperature for a week The appearance and consistency of the phases
to allow samples to equilibrate, prior to release formed at ambient temperature by binary systems
study experiments. of phytantriol and GMO at various water ratios,
Release studies were conducted under condi- with or without FITC-Ova, were investigated and
tions identical to the swelling study. Briefly, PBS are summarised in Table 1.
(4 mL and 378C) was gently layered on the surface Phytantriol and GMO binary systems showed
of samples and at fixed time intervals 100 mL similar phase sequences with increasing water
sample was removed, diluted with 5% (w/w) concentration. At 5% (w/w) water both GMO and
Triton1 X-100 in PBS (pH 7.4) and analysed by phytantriol show a low viscosity isotropic phase
spectrofluorimetry (Shimadzu Rf-540, Japan) at (most likely the L2 phase). Samples of phytantriol
lexcitation ¼ 490 nm and lemission ¼ 520 nm. Triton1 with 10 and 15% (w/w) water were soft, opaque
X-100 was added to the PBS to lyse any lipid gels with medium flow, however GMO samples at
fragments. The volume removed was replaced 15% (w/w) were stiff and did not flow. These
with fresh PBS. Absorbance values obtained were samples were optically anisotropic (PLM) with
analysed against standard curves prepared on the presence of oily streak textures and Maltese
each day of analysis from FITC-Ova solutions kept crosses (Fig. 3A and B) indicating the presence of
under the release study conditions. All experi- the La phase. Further increase in water content
ments were conducted in triplicate unless speci- (20%, w/w) transformed the samples into vis-
fied otherwise. The phases of selected samples cous, transparent and optically isotropic gels,
were studied postrelease using SAXS to determine generally indicative of the formation of the cubic
any changes to the liquid crystalline structure. phase.
Phytantriol matrices containing FITC-Ova
showed the same phase behaviour to their
Statistical Analysis
respective binary systems at all water loadings
Standard curves were constructed and assessed investigated. GMO matrices containing FITC-Ova
using regression analysis. A one-way analysis of were generally comparable to their corresponding
variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s pairwise binary systems except for samples at 20% and 25%
comparisons was used to assess statistical sig- (w/w) water loadings, which were anisotropic
nificances where required. All statistical analysis with the presence of fan like textures (Fig. 3C),
was performed using Minitab1 Statistical Soft- indicative of the formation of the HII phase rather
ware Release 12.1 (Minitab Inc., State College, than the cubic phase due to the presence of the
Pennsylvania). FITC-Ova.

Phase Determination by Small Angle
Cryo-FESEM X-Ray Scattering
The microstructure of a binary mixture of GMO Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to
and water (30%, w/w) is shown in Figure 2, panels determine the internal structure of the liquid


Figure 2. Cryo-FESEM micrographs of the bulk cubic phase formed by addition of

30% w/w water to GMO (A and B). Panels C and D show bulk cubic phase of phytantriol
formed by addition of excess water, for comparison from reference 28. All samples were
equilibrated for a minimum of 1 week prior to analysis. The bar represents 1 mm.

Table 1. Summary of Physical and Optical Properties of the Liquid Crystalline Phases of Phytantriol (PHYT) and
GMO/Water Systems With or Without FITC-Ova (1 mg:100 mg lipid, Indicated by Italics and Shaded) Determined
Visually and by Polarizing Light Microscopy

Physical Optical Phase

Water Content
0 C, FF C, FF þ S Iso Iso þ crystals L2 L2 þ crystals
5 C, FF C, FF Iso Iso L2 L2
10 O, MF O, MF Aniso Aniso La La
10 O, MF O, MF Aniso Aniso La La
15 O, MF C, NF Aniso Aniso La La
20 C, NF C, NF Iso Iso Q Q
20 C, NF C, NF Iso Aniso Q H
25 C, NF C, NF Iso Iso Q Q
25 C, NF C, NF Iso Aniso Q H
30 C, NF C, NF Iso Iso Q Q
30 C, NF C, NF Iso Iso Q Q
35 C, NF C, NF Iso Iso Q Q
35 C, NF C, NF Iso Iso Q Q
Physical properties: C, clear; O, opaque; S, solid; FF, free flow; MF, medium flow and NF, no flow.
Optical properties: Iso, isotropic; Aniso, anisotropic.
Phase identification: L2, reversed micellar; La, lamellar; H, reverse hexagonal; Q, cubic.


for both lipids at 10% (w/w) initial water loading

is indicative of the La phase, although the
underlying diffuse hump may indicate some co-
existing L2 phase. The lattice parameters for
the La phase formed by phytantriol and GMO at
10% (w/w) water were 30 and 38.1 Å, respectively
(Tab. 2). Samples of both lipids at 35% (w/w) water
exhibited multiple peaks with relative positions at
ratios of H2:H3:H4:H6:H8:H9 indicative of a
diamond type cubic phase (Pn3m space group)25
with lattice parameters of 67.2 and 86.8 Å,
respectively (Tab. 2).
The phase behaviour of representative samples
of phytantriol (Fig. 5A) and GMO (Fig. 5B) at
10 and 35% w/w initial water content, containing
the model protein FITC-Ova, were also analysed
using SAXS before (‘pre’) and after (‘post’) the
release study. Comparing the ‘pre’ release sam-
Figure 3. Representative polarizing light micro- ples with the binary samples enables an initial
graphs (magnification 100) showing maltese crosses assessment of the nature of any interaction of
(panel A) and a combination of maltese crosses and oily
FITC-Ova with liquid crystalline structure. Addi-
streaks (panel B) observed in binary mixtures of phy-
tion of FITC-Ova to phytantriol samples had no
tantriol and GMO with initial water loadings of 10%
and 15% (w/w) and in pseudo-ternary systems of phy- effect on the liquid crystalline structure (‘pre-
tantriol and GMO containing 10% (w/w) water and release’) at 35% (w/w) water. However at 10% (w/
FITC-Ova. A representative micrograph of GMO w) water, the La phase structure observed in the
matrices containing 20% and 25% (w/w) water and absence of FITC-Ova (Fig. 4) was replaced by
FITC-Ova showing fan like textures is shown in the L2 phase in the presence of FITC-Ova
panel C. (Fig. 5A), with a reduction in the lattice parameter

crystalline systems. Figure 4 shows plots of Table 2. Lattice Parameters of the Binary and
intensity versus the scattering vector, q obtained Pseudoternary Mixtures (Containing FITC-Ova) of
for representative binary samples of phytantriol Phytantriol and GMO Analysed Pre- and Post-release
and GMO with water, containing either 10% or Study
35% (w/w) initial water loading. Diffraction peaks
Phase Structure

Lattice Parameter (Å)

Composition L2 La Pn3m HII

10% w/w binary mixture 30
35% w/w binary mixture 67.2
10% FITC-Ova ‘pre-release’ 27.8
35% FITC-Ova ‘pre-release’ 67.2
10% FITC-Ova ‘post-release’ 67.9
35% FITC-Ova ‘post-release’ 67.0
10% w/w binary mixture 38.1
35% w/w binary mixture 86.8
Figure 4. Intensity versus q plots obtained from 10% FITC-Ova ‘pre-release’ 31.2a 50.2a
SAXS measurements of selected binary mixtures of 35% FITC-Ova ‘pre-release’ 86.8
phytantriol (PHYT) and GMO matrices containing 10% FITC-Ova ‘post-release’ 55.4
initial water loadings of 10% and 35% (w/w). Samples 35% FITC-Ova ‘post-release’ 57.3
were equilibrated at room temperature for a minimum
of 1 week prior to analysis. Denotes detection of co-existing phases.


both lipids at low water content in a similar

manner, but at high water content no significant
interaction was apparent.
Postrelease, the phytantriol formulation with
10% (w/w) initial water content had converted to
the Pn3m cubic phase by the end of the release
study (Fig. 5A), as expected under excess water
conditions in which the structure is free to absorb
water from the release medium to reach its full
swelling capacity at 37% (w/w) water (determined
in swelling data in Tab. 3). Both GMO samples
(initially containing 35% or 10% w/w water),
showed a transition from the cubic Pn3m to
the HII mesophase (Fig. 5B) under the release
study conditions and in the presence of FITC-Ova.

Swelling Study
The swelling rate and resulting mesophase
formed by swelling amphiphiles can impact the
kinetics of release of incorporated actives.14
Therefore the swelling behaviour of GMO and
phytantriol over time was examined. Figure 6, left
Figure 5. Intensity versus q plots obtained from hand panels show plots of increase in weight of
SAXS measurements of phytantriol (A) and GMO (B) phytantriol (Fig. 6A) or GMO (Fig. 6B)/water
matrices at initial water loadings of 10% and 35% (w/w), matrices with differing initial water contents
containing 1 mg FITC-Ova per 100 mg of lipid analysed over the duration of the swelling study, whilst
pre- (solid lines) and postrelease (dashed lines) study. Figure 6, right hand panels show the data within
the first 6 h. Both lipids quickly absorbed water
until they approached their respective equili-
from 30 to 27.8 Å. Addition of FITC-Ova also brium water content. As expected, samples with
altered the phase structure for GMO at 10% (w/w) lower initial water content (0% and 15%, w/w)
water, shifting the peak for the La phase from hydrated rapidly whilst those with higher initial
q  0.17 (Fig. 4), to q  0.12 (Fig. 5B), represent- water loading hydrated more slowly. Maximum
ing a change in lattice parameter from 38.1 to swelling was achieved within 24 h for GMO
50.2 Å (Tab. 2), and the L2 diffuse peak at q  0.20 matrices and within approximately 48 h for
was more pronounced (Fig. 5B). Taken together phytantriol matrices.
these results indicate that FITC-Ova did interact Fits to Eq. (1) [ln(W1/(W1  W)) vs. t] for
with the liquid crystalline structures formed by swelling by a first order mechanism for either

Table 3. Swelling Kinetic Parameters of Binary Mixtures of Phytantriol and GMO at 378C Calculated from
Swelling Data Using a Second Order Rate Equation (Eq. 2)

Sample Swellingrate (g/g h) Swellingmax (g/g) Correlation Coefficient

0% (w/w) 0.07 0.37 0.998
15% (w/w) 0.02 0.21 0.995
25% (w/w) 0.01 0.11 0.987
0% (w/w) 0.12 0.39 0.995
20% (w/w) 0.07 0.17 0.995
25% (w/w) 0.05 0.12 0.991
30% (w/w) 0.04 0.07 0.997


In Vitro Release Study

In vitro release of FITC-Ova from phytantriol and

GMO matrices containing different initial water
contents (therefore different starting liquid crys-
talline phase) were investigated (Fig. 8). In pilot
experiments, the matrices were prepared by
mixing powdered FITC-Ova into molten lipids;
however this resulted in heterogeneous mixtures
of lipid and FITC-Ova evident from the presence
of large FITC-Ova aggregates (data not shown).
Therefore FITC-Ova was incorporated as a solu-
tion in the low viscosity L2 phase to which water
was added at required concentrations to obtain
the various liquid crystalline phases with differ-
ing initial water contents.
Release of FITC-Ova was faster and the extent
of release was greater from phytantriol than from
GMO matrices, with approximately 30% and 10%
released respectively over 3 weeks ( p < 0.05).
Release from both lipid systems was independent
of initial water content ( p < 0.05) and thus the
initial liquid crystalline phase formed. Release
from both liquid crystalline systems plateaued
after 3 weeks.
Matrices were examined visually and under the
PLM to investigate any changes to the liquid
Figure 6. Water uptake as a function of time for
crystalline structure under release study condi-
selected binary samples of phytantriol (A) and GMO
tions. There was no evidence of erosion of the
(B) with initial water loading of 0% (^), 15% (*), 20%
(&), 25% (~) and 30 (*) (w/w) (right hand panels) over matrices upon visual examination. PLM investi-
the swelling study period. Inserts in the left hand panels gation of postrelease matrices at 10% and 35% (w/
show water uptake by either lipid over the first 6 h. w) water content (initial water) revealed presence
of birefringence for GMO matrices whilst phytan-
triol matrices at 10% and 35% were isotropic
postrelease (data not shown), which is consistent
lipid were poor (Fig. 7A and B), with typical with the SAXS findings in Table 2 and Figure 5.
correlation coefficient values of around 0.80. When plotted against the square root of time,
However, the swelling of both lipids to form a the release was linear for at least the first 48 h for
cubic phase could be described well using second both phytantriol and GMO-based systems (Fig. 9).
order kinetics, as a linear relationship was The linear fit (r2  0.99) demonstrates that the
obtained when swelling data were plotted as t/W release kinetics can be explained by Higuchi’s
versus t, according to Eq. (2) (Fig. 7C and D). equation29 thus release of hydrophilic FITC-Ova
Important kinetic parameters calculated from from both phytantriol and GMO matrices was
plots of t/W vs. t are summarised in Table 3. under diffusion control at the early time points.
Correlation coefficients from plots of t/W versus Extrapolation of the curves in Figure 9 down to 0%
t were 0.99 at all initial water contents release reveals that for phytantriol there was a 6 h
investigated. The maximum swelling capacities delay in release, which was not evident in the case
for phytantriol and GMO obtained experimentally of GMO.
were 0.36 and 0.37 g/g, respectively. Maxi- The diffusion coefficient of FITC-Ova from
mum swelling capacity calculated using Eq. (2) phytantriol and GMO matrices at 35% (w/w) were
(Swellingmax, Tab. 3) for phytantriol and GMO calculated according to5,29,30 and were 0.0088 
were 0.37 and 0.39 g/g, respectively. Generally the 108 and 0.0011  108 cm2 s1, respectively.
initial rate of swelling for both lipids increased as Diffusion of FITC-Ova was therefore greater from
the water loadings decreased. phytantriol compared to GMO-based matrices.


Figure 7. Swelling kinetics of selected binary samples of phytantriol and GMO with
initial water loading of 0% (^), 15% (*), 20% (&), 25% (~) and 30% (*) (w/w). Data
fitted to the first order equation (Eq. 1) are shown in panel A for phytantriol and in panel
B for GMO. Data fitted to the second order equation (Eq. 2) are shown in panels C
(phytantriol) and D (GMO).

DISCUSSION systems can be viewed clearly in three dimensions

and the benefits of cryo-FESEM as a technique
Phase Behaviour and Structure in describing the structures becomes apparent.
Descriptions of the internal microstructure of
Several techniques are described in the literature cubic liquid crystals to date are based largely on
to characterise the nanostructure of the various minimal surfaces, where a single continuous lipid
liquid crystalline phases.31 Cryo-FESEM, PLM bilayer is contorted such that it divides space into
and SAXS were used in this work to characterise two congruent and nonintersecting water chan-
the phase behaviour of phytantriol and GMO in nels. Previous cryo-FESEM micrographs have
binary and pseudo ternary mixtures containing supported this model demonstrating two distinct
the model protein FITC-Ova. regions, one most likely the water channels, that
We have previously shown the advantages of appear to open to the exterior of the surface,
using cryo-FESEM as a technique for describing whilst the other appears to be the lipid regions
the three dimensional structure of both the bulk of the cubic phase. The description in the
and dispersed liquid crystalline phases.28,32 literature of a highly tortuous structure, made
Figure 2 shows the cryo-FESEM micrographs of evident by cryo-FESEM, describe a highly twisted
the cubic liquid crystalline phases of phytantriol internal structure. This has major implications for
and GMO. The features of the liquid crystalline the release of entrapped actives.


observed for samples at higher water levels. The

fan textures indicate the presence of the HII phase
and may be due to incomplete phase transition or
inhomogeneity of the samples analysed. Problems
in metastability of cubic phases, particularly of
monoacylglycerides-water systems have been
reported in literature.33 Problems reported
included difficulties in the preparation of homo-
genous samples when the water content of the
systems was less than that required for complete
hydration. This can be minimised by repeated
cycles of heating and vortex mixing followed by
centrifugation.23 Inhomogeneity may be preva-
lent for formulations of GMO at 20% and 25% (w/
w) as full hydration occurs at around 36% (w/w).
Figure 8. Release of FITC-Ova from phytantriol Additionally samples containing FITC-Ova were
(open symbols) and GMO (closed symbols) matrices prepared without repeated cycles of heating
with initial water loadings of 10% (&), 20% (&), 25% and centrifugation, due to the labile nature of
(~), 30% (*) and 35 () (w/w) at 378C in PBS, pH 7.4 ovalbumin, increasing the likelihood of small
( p > 0.05, p < 0.05 (ANOVA), n ¼ 3). inhomogeneous areas even though samples were
equilibrated for at least a week prior to analysis.
The effect of FITC-Ova on the liquid crystalline However, the strong correlation of the release
behaviour of phytantriol and GMO was addition- data with square root of time indicates that
ally investigated. Selected samples analysed by release is from a homogeneous matrix.
PLM show that in general the phase behaviour SAXS data on selected binary and pseudo
after addition of FITC-Ova in phytantriol ternary mixtures confirmed the results obtained
matrices at all water loadings was comparable from PLM. Binary mixtures of phytantriol and
to that of the binary mixtures. However surpris- GMO (Fig. 4) at 10% and 35% (w/w) water content
ingly for GMO samples containing FITC-Ova at correspond to the La and the diamond cubic phase
20% and 25% (w/w) there was a conversion from as described elsewhere in the literature.15,25
isotropic (in binary mixtures) to fan textures Addition of FITC-Ova to samples of phytantriol
(in the presence of FITC-Ova), which was not and GMO at 10% and 35% (w/w) water content
examined prior to the release study show phase
behaviour comparable to the binary mixtures,
indicating the presence of FITC-Ova did not alter
the liquid crystalline structures of either lipid at
35% (w/w) water, however significant differences
were observed at the lower 10% water content,
indicating a greater sensitivity of the structure to
interaction with FITC-Ova when in a relatively
dehydrated state. Interestingly, GMO samples
containing FITC-Ova postrelease had converted
from the isotropic cubic to the birefringent
HII phase, whilst no changes were observed for
phytantriol matrices containing FITC-Ova. These
results are in agreement with the obtained lattice
Figure 9. Release of FITC-Ova from phytantriol parameters shown in Table 1.
(open symbols, dotted line) and GMO (closed symbols,
Several authors have found that addition of
solid line) matrices with initial water loading of 10%
drugs or solvents to GMO/water system have lead
(&), 20% (&), 25% (~), 30% (*) and 35 () (w/w) as a
function of the square route of time for the first 48 h of to modifications of the liquid crystalline struc-
the release study (378C in PBS at pH 7.4). The correla- ture,34–37 whilst others have shown no effect.38,39
tion coefficient for both curves were at least 0.99. The Caboi et al. have investigated the effects of adding
linear fit is indicative of diffusion controlled release for various hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds to
at least the first 48 h. the GMO/water system. They showed that most of


the additives examined retained a stable La or experimentally was in close agreement to the
cubic liquid crystalline structure for a few months calculated value of 0.37 g/g using Eq. (2). However
but then transformed to the HII phase.20 In a values obtained experimentally (0.36 g/g) for
subsequent publication they demonstrated by GMO were slightly lower then the calculated
C NMR that the mechanism of this conversion value (0.39 g/g) and those reported in the
was due to the presence of glycerol and oleic acid literature.6,14,26 The maximum swelling capaci-
from hydrolysis of the GMO.40 The mechanism of ties obtained experimentally and calculated at the
conversion of pseudoternary mixtures of GMO other water loadings for both lipids were overall
into the HII phase under the release study identical. The initial rate of swelling was also
conditions can be explained similarly. Free oleic calculated and it was found that the initial rate
acid in the system can increase the apparent of swelling increased as the water loadings
hydrophobic volume of the lipid leading to an decreased. Maximum swelling capacity for phy-
increase in the packing parameter ( P) and favour tantriol, where a transition from the cubic (Pn3m)
a transition from the cubic to the HII phase. The to cubic þ excess water (Pn3m þ excess water)
location of the additive(s) within the liquid occurs was reported by Barauskas and Landh15
crystalline mesophase is determined by factors to occur at around 29% (w/w) water. Interestingly
such as polarity and molecular structure. The our results show that a higher water content
active may preferentially locate within the aqu- is necessary to access the Pn3m þ excess water
eous water channels, the hydrocarbon chain boundary thereby resulting in a maximum swel-
region or the interfacial head group region, ling capacity of around 36% (w/w). This is
affecting P differently and having a variable consistent with a recent finding reported by Dong
impact on the liquid crystalline structure.6,20 In et al., where 34% (w/w) was required to access the
this study it is likely that both the instability of Pn3m þ excess water boundary. However differ-
the GMO and the presence of the active contribute ences could be due to the different sources of
to the transition, which does not occur with phytantriol utilised in the studies.15,19
phytantriol. The release of actives as a function of initial
There are at least two possible types of water content from GMO/water systems has been
interaction of FITC-Ova with system components described elsewhere in the literature.6,7,14,41 The
that might lead to changes in liquid crystal results of the various studies are conflicting,
structure; one for which the hydrophobic portions where some investigators found that the greater
of the protein interact with the lipids, and one the initial water content, the greater the degree of
where the protein is acting as a competitor to hydration of the matrices, and therefore the faster
solvation of the lipid headgroups, reducing the the release of the entrapped active. Others have
water activity. Based on the fact that only the low found that there was no difference in the release
water content samples showed an influence of rates as a function of the initial water content of
FITC-Ova on phase structure, and that FITC-Ova the liquid crystalline phases due to the rapid
is a soluble globular protein rather than a formation of the cubic phase.6,14,42 Chang and
transmembrane protein, the latter is most likely Bodmeier14 found increased release of chlorphe-
the mechanism at play. niramine maleate with increasing initial water
content, with similar results observed for release
of salicylic acid6 and the peptide D-Ala2,D-Leu5]
enkephalin (DADLE)42 by other groups. These
Matrix Swelling and Release of Bioactives
findings were attributed to an increase in hydro-
Swelling for most polymer based matrices has philic channels available for the release of the
been shown to follow first order kinetics,27 active as the water content increased. Therefore
however swelling kinetics for both phytantriol more swollen matrices would provide more rapid
and GMO could be described more accurately in diffusion and faster release than less swollen
this study using second order kinetics. This matrices with reduced channel diameter.
finding is consistent with the literature, where Statistical analysis using one-way ANOVA on
several authors have shown that monoglycerides release of model hydrophilic protein FITC-Ova
like GMO swell according to second order from both lipids showed no difference ( p > 0.05) in
kinetics6,14 and the present work demonstrates release as a function of initial water content. This
that the same holds true for phytantriol. Max- is perhaps not surprising in consideration of the
imum swelling capacity of phytantriol obtained different time scales for swelling and release in


the current study. Burrows et al.7 investigated the proteins from GMO-based systems and showed
release of several actives varying in polarity from that only 12% of entrapped ovalbumin released
the GMO/water system and showed no significant over a period of 3 weeks. They hypothesised that
differences in release as a function of initial water this was due to the size of the molecules and no
content. In the presence of excess solvent, such evidence was provided about the liquid crystalline
as upon addition of release media, the matrices structure type from which release of ovalbumin
absorb the solvent rapidly (supported by the occurred. The diffusion coefficient calculated for
swelling studies) to form the cubic phase. The FITC-Ova in the GMO-based matrices in the
incorporated active will therefore be released current study was 0.0011  108 cm2 s1, which
primarily from the water channels of the cubic is in excellent agreement with the value of
phase, resulting in similar release profiles across 0.0015  108 cm2 s1 for ovalbumin determined
all initial water contents.7,43 For the systems by Clogston and Caffrey.5
investigated in this study, the rate of release Plots of release versus square root of time
of FITC-Ova was independent of initial water particularly within the first 48 h, show diffusion
content which allows for increased flexibility as the dominant mechanism of release, consistent
when formulating, particularly when using them with other reports of release from liquid crystal-
as starting materials for dispersion into cubo- line systems.6,7,11,14 Interestingly there was a lag
somes.44 time before release occurred from phytantriol
Release of FITC-Ova from phytantriol matrices matrices. This may be explained by the lower rate
was significantly greater as compared to GMO. of swelling (Tab. 3) for phytantriol matrices
Postrelease samples examined by PLM and SAXS (0.07 g/g h) compared to GMO. A plateau in the
showed no changes in the liquid crystalline release of FITC-Ova from GMO and phytantriol
structure of selected phytantriol based samples, based matrices was observed after 3 weeks. This
however a conversion of the GMO matrices from could not be due to saturation of the release media
the cubic to the HII phase was observed. Boyd as the study was conducted under sink conditions.
et al.11 have investigated the release of drugs Incomplete release was reported for chlorphenir-
with varying polarity from liquid crystalline amine maleate from GMO-based matrices and
systems based on lipids with glycerate head- was attributed to interactions between GMO and
groups. Release of both hydrophobic and hydro- the drug.14 While possible interactions between
philic was significantly greater from the cubic FITC-Ova and GMO/phytantriol matrices were
phase when compared to the HII phase. The not specifically investigated in this study, it is
observed differences were attributed to differ- more likely that the plateau is due to very slow,
ences in the aqueous domains of the cubic phase rather than incomplete release which is difficult
and the HII phase. to quantify in a practical time frame. In vitro
The release of FITC-Ova, a hydrophilic protein ‘incomplete’ release, in this case may not be reflec-
would occur primarily through the aqueous tive of what will happen in vivo where biodegra-
domains therefore access of the water channels dation of the matrix would most likely occur.
to the external aqueous environment is a crucial
factor in controlling release. Release of actives
from the cubic phase would occur from the two CONCLUSION
nonintersecting water channels, which are shown
by cryo-FESEM to open to the exterior. However The swelling kinetics and release of hydrophilic
the HII phase, thought to be composed of closed ovalbumin incorporated into liquid crystalline
infinitely long rod-like micelles,45 would trap systems of both phytantriol and GMO was
hydrophilic actives such as FITC-Ova efficiently investigated. Swelling of GMO-based liquid crys-
within their aqueous channels. The only mechan- talline systems was generally faster compared to
ism for release out of the matrix is postulated to phytantriol based matrices and in all cases the
occur either by diffusion through the hydrophobic rate of swelling was higher with lower initial
regions to the exterior aqueous environment or water content. Release of FITC-Ova from both
through random formation/destruction events of systems was sustained but was faster and
the reversed micelles.11 occurred to a greater extent from phytantriol
Results observed in this study are similar to matrices than from GMO matrices due to the
those reported by Clogston and Caffrey5 who conversion of GMO matrices from the cubic to
described the release of amino acids, peptides and the HII phase. The initial water content of the


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studies in this manuscript under grant AIN- dispersion of cubic gel particles based on phytane-
GRA07016. Additionally the School of Pharmacy, triol and containing a surface-active agent which
University of Otago is acknowledged for providing has a fatty chain, as dispersing and stabilizing
financial assistance to S.R. agent. L’Oreal, Paris, United States.
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