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Hot Gas Reheat: Hot gas reheat relies on a piping configuration such that the hot
refrigerant piping is in contact with the supply air. In this manner, a portion of the
refrigerant cycle’s rejected heat is reclaimed as reheat. This is yet another method
by which the reheat energy requirements can be greatly reduced or eliminated.

It is noted that hot gas reheat is only available on certain packaged systems. For
some OEMs, it is a standard feature on all of their packaged units. The employment
of this feature seems to be an up-and-coming trend in HVAC technology. So, check
with your OEM representative on its availability.

3. Hot Gas Bypass: Hot Gas Bypass (HGBP) is one method to maintain efficient
operation of an air conditioning system under less than peak load conditions. In the
off-season, for example, the full cooling capacity of the refrigerant cycle is not
required. Hot-gas bypass is a practical means by which to match cooling capacity to
the heat load. The savings is seen in life cycle costs (i.e.: operations and
maintenance) as compressor cycling is minimized allowing for optimum compressor
performance. With the full cooling capacity scaled back, the reheat requirement is
greatly reduced, if not eliminated. And, the evaporative coil is protected against risk
of freeze-up.

How does it work? Hot gas bypass utilizes a control valve permitting some of the
refrigerant vapor to bypass the condenser. In this way, excess refrigerant is sent into
the evaporator and back to the compressor. One should be aware that lubricating oil
is entrained in the refrigerant, and hot gas bypass includes oil equalization lines to
preserve the life of the compressor(s) by sustaining proper oil distribution.

Hot gas bypass is a common option offered on most DX systems. However, the
hardware related to this feature is typically provided as an accessory, often offered
as a kit. Therefore, one should be explicit when requesting quotes and issuing
purchase specifications.

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