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Madison Middle School – 7th Grade

November - December 2022 Madison, SD

During the fall semester of 2022, I completed my Level 3 field experience at Madison middle school in
the 7th grade classroom. I spent a total of 40 hours and completed to two observed lessons that took
approximately an hour each. I planned both the lessons, and both the lessons had a technology component
involved. A majority of the hours were observation of the classroom teacher presenting lessons. I also
observed teacher prep periods, where the classroom teacher would discuss with other teachers how to
plan around each other and discuss student conduct. I would work with students when they were working
independently or in small groups. I kept a reflection log to record what was done in the class, as well as
things that the classroom teacher did that I wanted to remember. One of my key takeaways was that the
classroom teacher had a very structured plan and the same routine was implemented every day, and this
resulted in very well behaved class that was ready to work each day.

Madison Middle School – 6th & 7th Grade

November 2021 Madison, SD
During the fall semester of 2021, I completed my level 2 field experience at Madison middle school. I
observed for a full two days and observed four different teachers each day. During this field experience I
did not interact as much with students because I was only in their class for two days, but I observed
multiple math and English lessons. During this opportunity I was also supervised lunch and recess. After
the observations, I wrote a one-page reflection on the experience. I felt this experience was beneficial
because it gave me a greater sense of comfort in the classroom, as well as being in a K – 12 classroom
with a different perspective.

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